WithMaxWidthOffsetBy() публичный Метод

Answer an otherwise identical LayoutTransform with the specified maximum layout width, adjusted appropriately for a child box of a box with Left = dx, Top = dy. Should be consistent with LayoutTransform.OffsetBy.
public WithMaxWidthOffsetBy ( int maxWidth, int dx, int dy ) : LayoutInfo
maxWidth int
dx int
dy int
Результат LayoutInfo
Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// This routine and its overrides are used to make sure that the part of the root box between
        /// yTop and yBottom (measured from the top of the root) can be painted successfully. To facilitate
        /// the process of replacing a lazy box with real boxes, it is passed the previous box in its
        /// container (or null if there is none) and returns the next box which the container should
        /// check is prepared to paint. By default this is simply the next box, but if a lazy box expands
        /// (part of) itself, it should answer the replacement box.
        /// Most box classes are always prepared to paint and do nothing. Lazy boxes convert all or part of
        /// themselves to real boxes if they intersect the specified vertical range (relative to the root as
        /// a whole). Boxes (currently DivBoxes only) which might contain lazy boxes pass the message on
        /// to their children, making the appropriate adjustment to the layout transform, just as when
        /// asking their children to Layout.
        /// </summary>
        internal override Box PrepareToPaint(LayoutInfo transform, Box myPrevBox, int dysTop, int dysBottom)
            var childMaxWidth  = transform.MaxWidth - GapLeading(transform) - GapTrailing(transform);
            var childTransform = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(childMaxWidth, Left, Top);
            Box prevBox        = null;

            for (Box box = FirstBox; box != null;)
                if (transform.YOffset + box.Top > dysBottom)
                    // nothing further down in this can be visible. Possibly we should return null,
                    // since presumably nothing further down in the container is visible, either.
                    // However, it feels more robust to answer in the usual way and let the container decide
                    // for itself.
                if (transform.YOffset + box.Bottom < dysTop)
                    box = box.Next;                     // this box is not visible, but a later one might be
                    box = box.PrepareToPaint(childTransform, prevBox, dysTop, dysBottom);
Пример #2
		private Box ChildSetup(Box box, LayoutInfo transform, int maxBoxWidth, int left, int top)
			var childTransform = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(maxBoxWidth, Left, Top); // todo: test
			box.Left = left;
			box.Top = top;
			return box;
Пример #3
        private Box ChildSetup(Box box, LayoutInfo transform, int maxBoxWidth, int left, int top)
            var childTransform = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(maxBoxWidth, Left, Top);             // todo: test

            box.Left = left;
            box.Top  = top;
Пример #4
        public override void Layout(LayoutInfo transform)
            var left      = GapLeading(transform);
            var top       = GapTop(transform);
            var rightGap  = GapTrailing(transform);
            var maxHeight = 0;
            var maxWidth  = transform.MaxWidth;
            Box prevBox   = null;

            int[] columnWidths = m_ColumnWidths.ColumnWidths(NumBoxes,
                                                             new LayoutInfo(transform.XOffset, transform.YOffset, transform.DpiX,
                                                                            transform.DpiY, transform.MaxWidth - left - rightGap,
                                                                            transform.VwGraphics, transform.RendererFactory));
            int i = 0;

            if (m_WrapRow)
                var leftGap = GapLeading(transform);
                for (var box = FirstBox; box != null; box = box.Next)
                    box = ChildSetup(box, transform, columnWidths[i], leftGap, top);
                    if (leftGap + Math.Min(box.Width, columnWidths[i]) >= maxWidth && prevBox != null)
                        top        = maxHeight + GapTop(transform);
                        leftGap    = GapLeading(transform);
                        box        = ChildSetup(box, transform, columnWidths[i], leftGap, top);
                        maxHeight += box.Height;
                        box       = ChildSetup(box, transform, columnWidths[i], leftGap, top);
                        maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, box.Height + box.Top - GapTop(transform));
                    leftGap += box.Width;
                    left     = Math.Max(left, leftGap);
                    prevBox  = box;
                for (var box = FirstBox; box != null; box = box.Next)
                    var childTransform = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(columnWidths[i], Left, Top);                     // todo: test
                    box.Left  = left;
                    box.Top   = top;
                    left     += box.Width;
                    maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, box.Height);
            Height = maxHeight + GapTop(transform) + GapBottom(transform);
            Width  = left + rightGap;
Пример #5
		public override void Layout(LayoutInfo transform)
			var left = GapLeading(transform);
			var top = GapTop(transform);
			var rightGap = GapTrailing(transform);
			var maxHeight = 0;
			var maxWidth = transform.MaxWidth;
			Box prevBox = null;
			int[] columnWidths = m_ColumnWidths.ColumnWidths(NumBoxes,
															 new LayoutInfo(transform.XOffset, transform.YOffset, transform.DpiX,
																			transform.DpiY, transform.MaxWidth - left - rightGap,
																			transform.VwGraphics, transform.RendererFactory));
			int i = 0;

			if (m_WrapRow)
				var leftGap = GapLeading(transform);
				for (var box = FirstBox; box != null; box = box.Next)
					box = ChildSetup(box, transform, columnWidths[i], leftGap, top);
					if (leftGap + Math.Min(box.Width, columnWidths[i]) >= maxWidth && prevBox != null)
						top = maxHeight + GapTop(transform);
						leftGap = GapLeading(transform);
						box = ChildSetup(box, transform, columnWidths[i], leftGap, top);
						maxHeight += box.Height;
						box = ChildSetup(box, transform, columnWidths[i], leftGap, top);
						maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, box.Height + box.Top - GapTop(transform));
					leftGap += box.Width;
					left = Math.Max(left, leftGap);
					prevBox = box;
				for (var box = FirstBox; box != null; box = box.Next)
					var childTransform = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(columnWidths[i], Left, Top); // todo: test
					box.Left = left;
					box.Top = top;
					left += box.Width;
					maxHeight = Math.Max(maxHeight, box.Height);
			Height = maxHeight + GapTop(transform) + GapBottom(transform);
			Width = left + rightGap;
Пример #6
		public override void Layout(LayoutInfo transform)
			var left = GapLeading(transform);
			var top = GapTop(transform);
			var rightGap = GapTrailing(transform);
			var maxWidth = transform.MaxWidth;
			Box prevBox = null;
			var childTransform = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(maxWidth - left - rightGap, Left, Top);
			for (var box = FirstBox; box != null; box = box.Next)
				box.Left = left;
				top = AdjustTopForMargins(top, transform, prevBox, box);
				box.Top = top;
				top += box.Height;
				prevBox = box;
			Height = top + GapBottom(transform);
			Width = maxWidth;
Пример #7
        public override void Layout(LayoutInfo transform)
            var left           = GapLeading(transform);
            var top            = GapTop(transform);
            var rightGap       = GapTrailing(transform);
            var maxWidth       = transform.MaxWidth;
            Box prevBox        = null;
            var childTransform = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(maxWidth - left - rightGap, Left, Top);

            for (var box = FirstBox; box != null; box = box.Next)
                box.Left = left;
                top      = AdjustTopForMargins(top, transform, prevBox, box);
                box.Top  = top;
                top     += box.Height;
                prevBox  = box;
            Height = top + GapBottom(transform);
            Width  = maxWidth;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Keep in sync with PileBox.Layout.
        /// It's important to optimize relayout of DivBox, because they can be very large, and often the height
        /// of a child does not actually change. Also, this is currently the implementation inherited by root box,
        /// and the boolean returned from Relayout on the root is ignored; this routine must accomplish all needed
        /// layout itself.
        /// We override here rather than on PileBox because non-div piles are typically small and laying out the whole
        /// thing is not too expensive, while it is harder to predict how changes (e.g., in width) might affect parents.
        /// The parents of Divs can only be divs.
        /// </summary>
        internal override bool Relayout(LayoutInfo transform, Dictionary <Box, Rectangle> fixupMap, LayoutCallbacks lcb)
            if (Height == 0)
                // brand new box, needs full layout but not invalidate, since it never has been visible.
            Rectangle oldLocation;

            if (!fixupMap.TryGetValue(this, out oldLocation))
                return(false);                // unchanged, this box does not need to be re-laid out or invalidated.
            var left             = GapLeading(transform);
            var top              = GapTop(transform);
            var rightGap         = GapTrailing(transform);
            var maxWidth         = 0;
            int oldHeight        = Height;
            int oldWidth         = Width;
            var topInvalidate    = int.MaxValue;
            int prevBoxOldBottom = 0;
            var childTransform   = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(transform.MaxWidth - left - rightGap, Left, Top);
            Box prevBox          = null;

            for (var box = FirstBox; box != null; box = box.Next)
                int  oldBottom       = box.Bottom;          // before it is moved or resized (but may be spuriously 0 for new box)
                bool needsInvalidate = box.Relayout(childTransform, fixupMap, lcb);
                top = AdjustTopForMargins(top, transform, prevBox, box);
                // Now figure whether we need to start invalidating based on moved boxes.
                // If this box moved, we need to invalidate from its top down...or even from its old
                // top, since the preceding box may have shrunk, without this one changing internally.
                if (box.Top != top)                 // test this before we add height to top.
                    topInvalidate = Math.Min(topInvalidate, Math.Min(top, prevBoxOldBottom));
                    box.Top       = top;
                box.Left = left;
                top     += box.Height;
                maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, box.Width);
                // assumes our top will not move; if it does, everything gets invalidated, so this is only wasted.
                if (needsInvalidate)
                // The Math.Max prevents us adjusting it downwards for a new box, which originally had zero top
                // and height.
                prevBoxOldBottom = Math.Max(prevBoxOldBottom, oldBottom);
                prevBox          = box;
            Height = top + GapBottom(transform);
            Width  = maxWidth + left + rightGap;
            if (oldWidth != Width)
                // The new invalidate rect may not be strictly right, but in the unlikley event that this
                // box moves, its parent will invalidate its new location again.
            // Even if none of the tops moved, if our height changed, we need to invalidate the difference area.
            if (Height != oldHeight)
                topInvalidate = Math.Min(topInvalidate, Math.Min(Height, oldHeight));
            if (topInvalidate != int.MaxValue)
                var bottomInvalidate = Math.Max(Height, oldHeight);
                // if our top moves, the whole box will get invalidated. Assuming it doesn't,
                // oldLocation needs it, adjusted for the bit that didn't move at the top, and possibly
                // to account for getting bigger at the bottom.
                var invalidate = new Rectangle(oldLocation.Left, oldLocation.Top + topInvalidate, oldLocation.Width,
                                               bottomInvalidate - topInvalidate + Box.InvalidateMargin * 2);

Пример #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Keep in sync with PileBox.Layout.
		/// It's important to optimize relayout of DivBox, because they can be very large, and often the height
		/// of a child does not actually change. Also, this is currently the implementation inherited by root box,
		/// and the boolean returned from Relayout on the root is ignored; this routine must accomplish all needed
		/// layout itself.
		/// We override here rather than on PileBox because non-div piles are typically small and laying out the whole
		/// thing is not too expensive, while it is harder to predict how changes (e.g., in width) might affect parents.
		/// The parents of Divs can only be divs.
		/// </summary>
		internal override bool Relayout(LayoutInfo transform, Dictionary<Box, Rectangle> fixupMap, LayoutCallbacks lcb)
			if (Height == 0)
				// brand new box, needs full layout but not invalidate, since it never has been visible.
				return false;
			Rectangle oldLocation;
			if (!fixupMap.TryGetValue(this, out oldLocation))
				return false; // unchanged, this box does not need to be re-laid out or invalidated.
			var left = GapLeading(transform);
			var top = GapTop(transform);
			var rightGap = GapTrailing(transform);
			var maxWidth = 0;
			int oldHeight = Height;
			int oldWidth = Width;
			var topInvalidate = int.MaxValue;
			int prevBoxOldBottom = 0;
			var childTransform = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(transform.MaxWidth - left - rightGap, Left, Top);
			Box prevBox = null;
			for (var box = FirstBox; box != null; box = box.Next)
				int oldBottom = box.Bottom; // before it is moved or resized (but may be spuriously 0 for new box)
				bool needsInvalidate = box.Relayout(childTransform, fixupMap, lcb);
				top = AdjustTopForMargins(top, transform, prevBox, box);
				// Now figure whether we need to start invalidating based on moved boxes.
				// If this box moved, we need to invalidate from its top down...or even from its old
				// top, since the preceding box may have shrunk, without this one changing internally.
				if (box.Top != top) // test this before we add height to top.
					topInvalidate = Math.Min(topInvalidate, Math.Min(top, prevBoxOldBottom));
					box.Top = top;
				box.Left = left;
				top += box.Height;
				maxWidth = Math.Max(maxWidth, box.Width);
				// assumes our top will not move; if it does, everything gets invalidated, so this is only wasted.
				if (needsInvalidate)
				// The Math.Max prevents us adjusting it downwards for a new box, which originally had zero top
				// and height.
				prevBoxOldBottom = Math.Max(prevBoxOldBottom, oldBottom);
				prevBox = box;
			Height = top + GapBottom(transform);
			Width = maxWidth + left + rightGap;
			if (oldWidth != Width)
				// The new invalidate rect may not be strictly right, but in the unlikley event that this
				// box moves, its parent will invalidate its new location again.
				return false;
			// Even if none of the tops moved, if our height changed, we need to invalidate the difference area.
			if (Height != oldHeight)
				topInvalidate = Math.Min(topInvalidate, Math.Min(Height, oldHeight));
			if (topInvalidate != int.MaxValue)
				var bottomInvalidate = Math.Max(Height, oldHeight);
				// if our top moves, the whole box will get invalidated. Assuming it doesn't,
				// oldLocation needs it, adjusted for the bit that didn't move at the top, and possibly
				// to account for getting bigger at the bottom.
				var invalidate = new Rectangle(oldLocation.Left, oldLocation.Top + topInvalidate, oldLocation.Width,
											   bottomInvalidate - topInvalidate + Box.InvalidateMargin*2);

			return false;
Пример #10
		/// <summary>
		/// This routine and its overrides are used to make sure that the part of the root box between
		/// yTop and yBottom (measured from the top of the root) can be painted successfully. To facilitate
		/// the process of replacing a lazy box with real boxes, it is passed the previous box in its
		/// container (or null if there is none) and returns the next box which the container should
		/// check is prepared to paint. By default this is simply the next box, but if a lazy box expands
		/// (part of) itself, it should answer the replacement box.
		/// Most box classes are always prepared to paint and do nothing. Lazy boxes convert all or part of
		/// themselves to real boxes if they intersect the specified vertical range (relative to the root as
		/// a whole). Boxes (currently DivBoxes only) which might contain lazy boxes pass the message on
		/// to their children, making the appropriate adjustment to the layout transform, just as when
		/// asking their children to Layout.
		/// </summary>
		internal override Box PrepareToPaint(LayoutInfo transform, Box myPrevBox, int dysTop, int dysBottom)
			var childMaxWidth = transform.MaxWidth - GapLeading(transform) - GapTrailing(transform);
			var childTransform = transform.WithMaxWidthOffsetBy(childMaxWidth, Left, Top);
			Box prevBox = null;
			for (Box box = FirstBox; box != null; )
				if (transform.YOffset + box.Top > dysBottom)
					// nothing further down in this can be visible. Possibly we should return null,
					// since presumably nothing further down in the container is visible, either.
					// However, it feels more robust to answer in the usual way and let the container decide
					// for itself.
					return Next;
				if (transform.YOffset + box.Bottom < dysTop)
					box = box.Next; // this box is not visible, but a later one might be
					box = box.PrepareToPaint(childTransform, prevBox, dysTop, dysBottom);
			return Next;