public ReadyRoomScreen (Mpq mpq, string scenario_prefix, int start_element_index, int cancel_element_index, int skiptutorial_element_index, int replay_element_index, int transmission_element_index, int objectives_element_index, int first_portrait_element_index) : base (mpq, String.Format ("glue\\Ready{0}", Util.RaceChar[(int)Game.Instance.Race]), String.Format (Builtins.rez_GluRdyBin, Util.RaceCharLower[(int)Game.Instance.Race])) { background_path = String.Format ("glue\\PalR{0}\\Backgnd.pcx", Util.RaceCharLower[(int)Game.Instance.Race]); fontpal_path = String.Format ("glue\\PalR{0}\\tFont.pcx", Util.RaceCharLower[(int)Game.Instance.Race]); effectpal_path = String.Format ("glue\\PalR{0}\\tEffect.pcx", Util.RaceCharLower[(int)Game.Instance.Race]); arrowgrp_path = String.Format ("glue\\PalR{0}\\arrow.grp", Util.RaceCharLower[(int)Game.Instance.Race]); this.start_element_index = start_element_index; this.cancel_element_index = cancel_element_index; this.skiptutorial_element_index = skiptutorial_element_index; this.replay_element_index = replay_element_index; this.transmission_element_index = transmission_element_index; this.objectives_element_index = objectives_element_index; this.first_portrait_element_index = first_portrait_element_index; this.scenario = (Chk)mpq.GetResource (scenario_prefix + "\\staredit\\scenario.chk"); this.scenario_prefix = scenario_prefix; }
public GameModeDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_GluGameModeBin) { background_path = "glue\\Palmm\\retail_ex.pcx"; background_translucent = 42; background_transparent = 0; }
public RaceSelectionScreen (Mpq mpq) : base (mpq, "glue\\PalCs", Game.Instance.PlayingBroodWar ? Builtins.rez_GluExpcmpgnBin : Builtins.rez_GluCmpgnBin) { background_translucent = 254; background_transparent = 0; }
public void Remove(Mpq mpq) { if (mpq == null) { return; } mpqs.Remove(mpq); }
public void Add(Mpq mpq) { if (mpq == null) { return; } mpqs.Add(mpq); }
public GlobalResources (Mpq stardatMpq, Mpq broodatMpq) { if (instance != null) throw new Exception ("There can only be one GlobalResources"); this.stardatMpq = stardatMpq; this.broodatMpq = broodatMpq; starcraftResources = new Resources(); broodwarResources = new Resources(); instance = this; }
public static Fnt[] GetFonts (Mpq mpq) { if (fonts == null) { string[] font_list; font_list = BroodwarFonts; fonts = new Fnt[font_list.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < fonts.Length; i ++) { fonts[i] = (Fnt)mpq.GetResource (font_list[i]); Console.WriteLine ("fonts[{0}] = {1}", i, fonts[i] == null ? "null" : "not null"); } } return fonts; }
protected UIDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq, string prefix, string binFile) : base (mpq, prefix, binFile) { this.parent = parent; background_translucent = 254; background_transparent = 0; dimScreen = true; dimLayer = CALayer.Create (); dimLayer.Bounds = parent.Bounds; dimLayer.AnchorPoint = new PointF (0, 0); dimLayer.BackgroundColor = new CGColor (0, 0, 0, .7f); }
public RunAnimation (Mpq mpq) { this.mpq = mpq; GlobalResources globals = new GlobalResources (mpq); // globals.Ready += GlobalsReady; globals.Load (); CreateWindow (); Timer.DelaySeconds (5); GlobalsReady (); }
protected UIDialog dialog; /* the currently popped up dialog */ protected UIScreen (Mpq mpq, string prefix, string binFile) { this.mpq = mpq; this.prefix = prefix; this.binFile = binFile; if (prefix != null) { background_path = prefix + "\\Backgnd.pcx"; fontpal_path = prefix + "\\tFont.pcx"; effectpal_path = prefix + "\\tEffect.pcx"; arrowgrp_path = prefix + "\\arrow.grp"; } background_transparent = -1; background_translucent = -1; Bounds = new RectangleF (0, 0, 640, 480); AnchorPoint = new PointF (0, 0); }
public MapRenderer (Mpq mpq, Chk chk) { this.mpq = mpq; this.chk = chk; pixel_width = (ushort)(chk.Width * 32); pixel_height = (ushort)(chk.Height * 32); Stream cv5_fs = (Stream)mpq.GetResource (String.Format ("tileset\\{0}.cv5", Util.TilesetNames[(int)chk.Tileset])); cv5 = new byte [cv5_fs.Length]; cv5_fs.Read (cv5, 0, (int)cv5_fs.Length); cv5_fs.Close (); Stream vx4_fs = (Stream)mpq.GetResource (String.Format ("tileset\\{0}.vx4", Util.TilesetNames[(int)chk.Tileset])); vx4 = new byte [vx4_fs.Length]; vx4_fs.Read (vx4, 0, (int)vx4_fs.Length); vx4_fs.Close (); Stream vr4_fs = (Stream)mpq.GetResource (String.Format ("tileset\\{0}.vr4", Util.TilesetNames[(int)chk.Tileset])); vr4 = new byte [vr4_fs.Length]; vr4_fs.Read (vr4, 0, (int)vr4_fs.Length); vr4_fs.Close (); Stream vf4_fs = (Stream)mpq.GetResource (String.Format ("tileset\\{0}.vf4", Util.TilesetNames[(int)chk.Tileset])); vf4 = new byte [vf4_fs.Length]; vf4_fs.Read (vf4, 0, (int)vf4_fs.Length); vf4_fs.Close (); Stream wpe_fs = (Stream)mpq.GetResource (String.Format ("tileset\\{0}.wpe", Util.TilesetNames[(int)chk.Tileset])); wpe = new byte [wpe_fs.Length]; wpe_fs.Read (wpe, 0, (int)wpe_fs.Length); wpe_fs.Close (); mapLayer = (CATiledLayer)CATiledLayer.Create (); mapLayer.TileSize = new SizeF (32, 32); mapLayer.Bounds = new RectangleF (0, 0, pixel_width, pixel_height); mapLayer.AnchorPoint = new PointF (0, 0); mapLayerDelegate = new MapLayerDelegate (this); mapLayer.Delegate = mapLayerDelegate; mapLayer.SetNeedsDisplay (); }
public Sprite (Sprite parentSprite, ushort images_entry, byte[] palette) { this.parent_sprite = parentSprite; this.mpq = parentSprite.mpq; this.palette = palette; this.images_entry = images_entry; uint grp_index = GlobalResources.Instance.ImagesDat.GrpIndexes [images_entry]; grp_path = GlobalResources.Instance.ImagesTbl[(int)grp_index-1]; grp = (Grp)mpq.GetResource ("unit\\" + grp_path); this.buf = GlobalResources.Instance.IScriptBin.Contents; iscript_entry = GlobalResources.Instance.ImagesDat.IScriptIndexes [images_entry]; script_entry_offset = GlobalResources.Instance.IScriptBin.GetScriptEntryOffset (iscript_entry); Console.WriteLine ("new dependent sprite: unit\\{0} (image {1}, iscript id {2}, script_entry_offset {3:X})", grp_path, images_entry, iscript_entry, script_entry_offset); /* make sure the offset points to "SCEP" */ if (Util.ReadDWord (buf, script_entry_offset) != 0x45504353) Console.WriteLine ("invalid script_entry_offset"); int x, y; parentSprite.GetPosition (out x, out y); SetPosition (x,y); }
public EstablishingShot (string markup_resource, string scenario_prefix, Mpq mpq) : base (mpq) { this.markup_resource = markup_resource; this.scenario_prefix = scenario_prefix; }
public static ReadyRoomScreen Create (Mpq mpq, string scenario_prefix) { switch (Game.Instance.Race) { case Race.Terran: return new TerranReadyRoomScreen (mpq, scenario_prefix); case Race.Protoss: return new ProtossReadyRoomScreen (mpq, scenario_prefix); case Race.Zerg: return new ZergReadyRoomScreen (mpq, scenario_prefix); default: return null; } }
public static void PlayMusic (Mpq mpq, string resourcePath, int numLoops) { Stream stream = (Stream)mpq.GetResource (resourcePath); if (stream == null) return; NSSound s = GuiUtil.SoundFromStream (stream); s.Loops = true;; s.Play (); }
public VideoDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_VideoBin) { background_path = null; }
public NetworkDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_NetDlgBin) { background_path = null; }
public void Remove(Mpq mpq) { if (mpq == null) return; mpqs.Remove (mpq); }
public ObjectivesDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_ObjctDlgBin) { background_path = null; }
public EntryDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq, string title) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\PalNl", Builtins.rez_GluPEditBin) { background_path = "glue\\PalNl\\pEPopup.pcx"; this.title = title; }
public static Sprite CreateSprite (Mpq mpq, int sprite_number, byte[] palette, int x, int y) { our_mpq = mpq; return CreateSprite (sprite_number, palette, x, y); }
public SpeedDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_SpdDlgBin) { background_path = null; }
public OptionsDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_OptionsBin) { background_path = null; }
public void Add(Mpq mpq) { if (mpq == null) return; mpqs.Add (mpq); }
public KeystrokeDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_HelpBin) { background_path = null; }
public static void PlaySound (Mpq mpq, string resourcePath) { Stream stream = (Stream)mpq.GetResource (resourcePath); if (stream == null) return; NSSound s = GuiUtil.SoundFromStream (stream); s.Play(); }
public GameMenuDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_GameMenuBin) { background_path = null; }
public QuitMissionDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_Quit2MnuBin) { background_path = null; }
public Game (string starcraftDir, string scCDDir, string bwCDDir) { instance = this; Layer = CALayer.Create(); Layer.BackgroundColor = new CGColor (0, 0, 0, 1); #if USE_TRACKING_RECTS AddTrackingRect (new Rectangle (0, 0, 640, 480), this, IntPtr.Zero, false); #endif WantsLayer = true; starcraftDir = starcraftDir.Replace ('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) .Replace ('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); scCDDir = scCDDir.Replace ('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) .Replace ('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); bwCDDir = bwCDDir.Replace ('\\', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar) .Replace ('/', Path.DirectorySeparatorChar); screens = new UIScreen[(int)UIScreenType.ScreenCount]; installedMpq = new MpqContainer (); playingMpq = new MpqContainer (); Mpq scMpq = null, bwMpq = null; if (starcraftDir != null) { foreach (string path in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (starcraftDir)) { if (Path.GetFileName (path).ToLower() == "broodat.mpq" || Path.GetFileName (path).Equals ("Brood War Data")) { if (broodatMpq != null) throw new Exception ("You have multiple broodat.mpq files in your starcraft directory."); try { bwMpq = GetMpq (path); Console.WriteLine ("found BrooDat.mpq"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception (String.Format ("Could not read mpq archive {0}", path), e); } } else if (Path.GetFileName (path).ToLower() == "stardat.mpq" || Path.GetFileName (path).Equals ("Starcraft Data")) { if (stardatMpq != null) throw new Exception ("You have multiple stardat.mpq files in your starcraft directory."); try { scMpq = GetMpq (path); Console.WriteLine ("found StarDat.mpq"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception (String.Format ("could not read mpq archive {0}", path), e); } } else if (Path.GetFileName (path).ToLower() == "patch_rt.mpq" || Path.GetFileName (path).Equals ("Starcraft Mac Patch")) { if (patchRtMpq != null) throw new Exception ("You have multiple patch_rt.mpq files in your starcraft directory."); try { patchRtMpq = GetMpq (path); Console.WriteLine ("found patch_rt.mpq"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception (String.Format ("could not read mpq archive {0}", path), e); } } else if (Path.GetFileName (path).ToLower() == "starcraft.mpq") { try { scInstallExe = GetMpq (path); Console.WriteLine ("found starcraft.mpq"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception (String.Format ("could not read mpq archive {0}", path), e); } } else if (Path.GetFileName (path).ToLower() == "broodwar.mpq") { try { bwInstallExe = GetMpq (path); Console.WriteLine ("found broodwar.mpq"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception (String.Format ("could not read mpq archive {0}", path), e); } } } } if (scMpq == null) { throw new Exception ("unable to locate stardat.mpq, please check your StarcraftDirectory configuration setting"); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (scCDDir)) { foreach (string path in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (scCDDir)) { if (Path.GetFileName (path).ToLower() == "install.exe" || Path.GetFileName (path).Equals ("Starcraft Archive")) { try { scInstallExe = GetMpq (path); Console.WriteLine ("found SC install.exe"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception (String.Format ("could not read mpq archive {0}", path), e); } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (bwCDDir)) { foreach (string path in Directory.GetFileSystemEntries (bwCDDir)) { if (Path.GetFileName (path).ToLower() == "install.exe" || Path.GetFileName (path).Equals ("Brood War Archive")) { try { bwInstallExe = GetMpq (path); Console.WriteLine ("found BW install.exe"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception (String.Format ("could not read mpq archive {0}", path), e); } } } } if (bwInstallExe == null) throw new Exception ("unable to locate broodwar cd's install.exe, please check your BroodwarCDDirectory configuration setting"); if (bwMpq != null) { if (patchRtMpq != null) { broodatMpq = new MpqContainer (); ((MpqContainer)broodatMpq).Add (patchRtMpq); ((MpqContainer)broodatMpq).Add (bwMpq); } else broodatMpq = bwMpq; } if (scMpq != null) { if (patchRtMpq != null) { stardatMpq = new MpqContainer (); ((MpqContainer)stardatMpq).Add (patchRtMpq); ((MpqContainer)stardatMpq).Add (scMpq); } else stardatMpq = bwMpq; } if (broodatMpq != null) installedMpq.Add (broodatMpq); if (bwInstallExe != null) installedMpq.Add (bwInstallExe); if (stardatMpq != null) installedMpq.Add (stardatMpq); if (scInstallExe != null) installedMpq.Add (scInstallExe); PlayingBroodWar = isBroodWar = (broodatMpq != null); this.rootDir = starcraftDir; }
public Sprite (Mpq mpq, int sprite_entry, byte[] palette, int x, int y) { this.mpq = mpq; this.palette = palette; images_entry = GlobalResources.Instance.SpritesDat.ImagesDatEntries [sprite_entry]; // Console.WriteLine ("image_dat_entry == {0}", images_entry); uint grp_index = GlobalResources.Instance.ImagesDat.GrpIndexes [images_entry]; // Console.WriteLine ("grp_index = {0}", grp_index); grp_path = GlobalResources.Instance.ImagesTbl[(int)grp_index-1]; // Console.WriteLine ("grp_path = {0}", grp_path); grp = (Grp)mpq.GetResource ("unit\\" + grp_path); iscript_entry = GlobalResources.Instance.ImagesDat.IScriptIndexes [images_entry]; script_entry_offset = GlobalResources.Instance.IScriptBin.GetScriptEntryOffset (iscript_entry); Console.WriteLine ("new sprite: unit\\{0} @ {1}x{2} (image {3}, iscript id {4}, script_entry_offset {5:X})", grp_path, x, y, images_entry, iscript_entry, script_entry_offset); this.buf = GlobalResources.Instance.IScriptBin.Contents; /* make sure the offset points to "SCPE" */ if (Util.ReadDWord (buf, script_entry_offset) != 0x45504353) Console.WriteLine ("invalid script_entry_offset"); SetPosition (x,y); }
public ExitConfirmationDialog (UIScreen parent, Mpq mpq) : base (parent, mpq, "glue\\Palmm", Builtins.rez_QuitBin) { background_path = null; }