public static void Shop_AddProductVariant(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long ProductID, string JsonString, out SqlInt64 VariantID) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); VariantID = sp.AddProductVariant(ProductID, JsonString); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sp.ErrMsg)) RaiseErr(sp.ErrMsg); }
public static void Shop_CalculateRefund(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long OrderID, string JsonString) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); SqlPipe p = SqlContext.Pipe; // Create a new record with the column metadata. The constructor is // able to accept a variable number of parameters. SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord( new SqlMetaData[] { new SqlMetaData("ShippingAmount", SqlDbType.NVarChar,18), new SqlMetaData("ShippingTax", SqlDbType.NVarChar,18), new SqlMetaData("MaximumRefundable", SqlDbType.NVarChar,18), new SqlMetaData("RefundLineItems", SqlDbType.Int,4), new SqlMetaData("Transactions", SqlDbType.Int,4)} ); Refund r = sp.CalculateRefund(OrderID, JsonString); // Mark the begining of the result-set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(record); // Set the record fields. record.SetString(0,r.shipping.amount); record.SetString(1,; record.SetString(2, r.shipping.maximum_refundable); record.SetInt32(3, r.refund_line_items.Count); record.SetInt32(4, r.transactions.Count); //record.SetInt32(1, 42); //record.SetDateTime(2, DateTime.Now); // Send the row back to the client. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsRow(record); // Mark the end of the result-set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsEnd(); // Send the record to the calling program. SqlContext.Pipe.Send(record); }
private void GetRefunds(long OrderID) { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); List<Refund> vars = sp.GetRefunds(OrderID); txtRawData_Copy.Clear(); foreach (Refund r in vars) { txtRawData_Copy.Text += String.Format("ID: {0}| created at: {1}\n",, r.created_at); } }
public static IEnumerable Shop_GetVariantMetafields(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long VariantID) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); return sp.GetVariantMetafields(VariantID); }
public static IEnumerable Shop_GetStoreMetafields(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); return sp.GetStoreMetafields(); }
public static IEnumerable Shop_GetProducts(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, string PublishedStatus = null, string ProductType = null, int Page = 1) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); ePublishedStatus _ps = ePublishedStatus.any; if (PublishedStatus != null) { if (Enum.TryParse(PublishedStatus, out _ps)) _ps = (ePublishedStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(ePublishedStatus), PublishedStatus); } string _pt = ProductType != null ? ProductType : ""; ArrayList prods = new ArrayList(); foreach(SIProduct pr in sp.GetProducts(_ps, _pt, Page)) { SIOption op1 = pr.options[0]; foreach(SIVariant vr in pr.variants) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); al.Add(; al.Add(pr.title); al.Add(pr.product_type); al.Add(vr.price); al.Add(vr.compare_at_price); al.Add(vr.sku); al.Add(vr.inventory_quantity); al.Add(; al.Add(; al.Add(pr.tags); prods.Add(al); } } return prods; }
public static IEnumerable Shop_GetOrders(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, string OrderStatus = null, string FulfillmentStatus = null, string FinancialStatus = null, int Page = 1) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); eOrderStatus _os = eOrderStatus.any; eFulfillmentStatus _fus = eFulfillmentStatus.any; eOrderFinancialStatus _fis = eOrderFinancialStatus.any; if (OrderStatus != null) { if (Enum.TryParse(OrderStatus, out _os)) _os = (eOrderStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(eOrderStatus), OrderStatus); } if (FulfillmentStatus != null) { if (Enum.TryParse(FulfillmentStatus, out _fus)) _fus = (eFulfillmentStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(eFulfillmentStatus), FulfillmentStatus); } if (FinancialStatus != null) { if (Enum.TryParse(FinancialStatus, out _fis)) _fis = (eOrderFinancialStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(eOrderFinancialStatus), FinancialStatus); } return sp.GetOrders(_os, _fus, _fis, Page); }
public static SqlInt32 Shop_UpdateStoreMetafield(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long MetafieldID, string Value, string ValueType) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); int success = sp.UpdateStoreMetafield(MetafieldID, Value, ValueType); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sp.ErrMsg)) RaiseErr(sp.ErrMsg); return success; }
private void UpdatePrice(int VariantID) { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); int success = sp.UpdateVariant(VariantID, eSIVariantAttribute.price, 888); txtRawData_Copy.Text = success.ToString(); }
private void AddProduct() { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); long success = sp.AddProduct(txtRawData_Copy.Text); txtRawData_Copy.Text += "\n" + sp.RawData + "|| ProductID: " + success; }
private void SP_UpdateProduct() { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); int success = sp.UpdateProduct(Convert.ToInt32(txtInput_Copy.Text), txtRawData_Copy.Text); txtRawData_Copy.Clear(); txtRawData_Copy.Text += success.ToString(); }
private void PostFulfillment() { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); long fID = sp.PostFulfillment(Convert.ToInt64(txtInput_Copy.Text), txtRawData_Copy.Text); txtRawData_Copy.Clear(); txtRawData_Copy.Text = fID.ToString(); }
private void GetVariantMetafields(int VariantID) { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); List<Metafield> vars = sp.GetVariantMetafields(VariantID); txtRawData_Copy.Clear(); foreach (Metafield m in vars) { txtRawData_Copy.Text += String.Format("ID: {0}| Key: {1}| value: {2}| valuetype: {3}\n",, m.key, m.value, m.value_type); } }
private void GetSPPRoducts() { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); List<SIProduct> prods = sp.GetProducts(ePublishedStatus.unpublished); txtRawData_Copy.Clear(); foreach(SIProduct sip in prods) { txtRawData_Copy.Text += String.Format("productID: {0}| sku: {1}| variantID: {2}| Qty: {3}| price: {4}\n",, sip.title, sip.variants[0].id, sip.variants[0].inventory_quantity, sip.variants[0].price); } }
private void GetSPOrders() { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); List<SIOrder> prods = sp.GetOrders(eOrderStatus.cancelled, eFulfillmentStatus.any, eOrderFinancialStatus.any, 1); txtRawData_Copy.Clear(); foreach (SIOrder sip in prods) { txtRawData_Copy.Text += String.Format("orderID: {0}| number: {1}| checkoutid: {2}\n",, sip.order_number, sip.checkout_id); } }
public static void Shop_UpdateFulfillment(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long OrderID, long FulfillmentID, string JsonString, out SqlString Status ) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); Status = sp.UpdateFulfillment(OrderID, FulfillmentID, JsonString); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sp.ErrMsg)) RaiseErr(sp.ErrMsg); }
public static SqlInt32 Shop_UpdatePrice(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long VariantID, double Price) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); int success = sp.UpdateVariant(VariantID, eSIVariantAttribute.price, Price); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sp.ErrMsg)) RaiseErr(sp.ErrMsg); return success; }
private void UpdateStoreMetafield(long MetafieldID) { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); int success = sp.UpdateStoreMetafield(MetafieldID, txtRawData_Copy.Text, "integer"); txtRawData_Copy.Text += "\n" + sp.RawData + "\n" + success.ToString(); }
public static SqlInt32 Shop_UpdateVariant(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long VariantID, string JsonString) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); int success = sp.UpdateVariant(VariantID, JsonString); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sp.ErrMsg)) RaiseErr(sp.ErrMsg); return success; }
private void UpdateVariant(int VariantID) { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); int success = sp.UpdateVariant(VariantID, txtRawData_Copy.Text); txtRawData_Copy.Text += success.ToString(); }
private void AddProductVariant() { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); long success = sp.AddProductVariant(Convert.ToInt64(txtInput_Copy.Text), txtRawData_Copy.Text); txtRawData_Copy.Text += "\n" + sp.RawData + "|| VariantID: " + success; }
public static SqlInt32 Shop_DeleteProductVariant(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long ProductID, long VariantID) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); int success = sp.DeleteProductVariant(ProductID, VariantID); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sp.ErrMsg)) RaiseErr(sp.ErrMsg); return success; }
public static IEnumerable Shop_GetProduct(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long ProductID) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); List<SIProduct> prods = new List<SIProduct>(); SIProduct p = sp.GetProduct(ProductID); prods.Add(p); return prods; }
public static void Shop_GetOrderCount(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); SqlPipe p = SqlContext.Pipe; // Create the record and specify the metadata for the columns. SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord(new SqlMetaData("OrderCount", SqlDbType.Int)); // Mark the begining of the result-set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(record); record.SetInt32(0,sp.GetOrderCount()); // Send the row back to the client. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsRow(record); // Mark the end of the result-set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsEnd(); }
public static IEnumerable Shop_GetProductVariants(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long ProductID) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); return sp.GetProductVariants(ProductID); }
public static void Shop_GetProductCount(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, string Vendor = null, string ProductType = null, string PublishedStatus = null) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); SqlPipe p = SqlContext.Pipe; // Create the record and specify the metadata for the columns. SqlDataRecord record = new SqlDataRecord(new SqlMetaData("ProductCount", SqlDbType.Int)); string _v = Vendor != null ? Vendor : ""; string _pt = ProductType != null ? ProductType : ""; string _ps = PublishedStatus != null ? PublishedStatus : ""; // Mark the begining of the result-set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsStart(record); record.SetInt32(0, sp.GetProductCount(_v, _pt, _ps)); // Send the row back to the client. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsRow(record); // Mark the end of the result-set. SqlContext.Pipe.SendResultsEnd(); }
public static IEnumerable Shop_GetTransactions(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long OrderID, long SinceID) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); return sp.GetTransactions(OrderID, SinceID); }
public static void Shop_PostTransaction(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long OrderID, string JsonString, out SqlInt64 TransactionID) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); TransactionID = sp.PostTransaction(OrderID, JsonString); if (TransactionID < 0 || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(sp.ErrMsg)) RaiseErr(sp.ErrMsg); }
public static IEnumerable Shop_GetOrderLineItems(string StoreName, string APIKey, string Password, long OrderID) { ShopifyClient sp = new ShopifyClient(StoreName, APIKey, Password); return sp.GetOrderLineItems(OrderID); }
private void GetProductVariants(int ProductID) { sp = new ShopifyClient(_storename, _apikey, _password); List<SIVariant> vars = sp.GetProductVariants(ProductID); txtRawData_Copy.Clear(); foreach(SIVariant v in vars) { txtRawData_Copy.Text = String.Format("ID: {0}| Price: {1:C}| Qty: {2}",, v.price, v.inventory_quantity); } }