y() публичный Метод

Returns the y-coordinate of this two-dimensional vector. *
public y ( ) : float
Результат float
Пример #1
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        group_b     = group.isOn;
        avoidance_b = avoidance.isOn;
        Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
        agents = new List <Transform>();
        /* Set up the scenario. */
        Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(0, 12.5f, 40.5f), Quaternion.identity);
        Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(0, 12.5f, -39.5f), Quaternion.identity);

        /* Perform (and manipulate) the simulation. */
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
            RVO.Vector2 position = getPosition(i);
            int         mid      = (group_b ? getNumAgents() / 2 : 1);

            if (i < mid)
                addAgent(agent_rose, new Vector3(position.x(), 0f, position.y()), sim_.getDefaultRadius());
                addAgent(agent_vert, new Vector3(position.x(), 0f, position.y()), sim_.getDefaultRadius());
Пример #2
    public static Vector3 SafeNormalized(this RVO.Vector2 _this)
        float magSqrd = _this.x() * _this.x() + _this.y() * _this.y();

        if (magSqrd > 0.0001f)
            var mag = Mathf.Sqrt(magSqrd);
            return(new Vector3(_this.x() / mag, 0, _this.y() / mag));
Пример #3
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!reachedGoal())

            /* Output the current global time. */
            for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                RVO.Vector2 position = getPosition(i);
                if (position.x() >= 80.0f)
                    if (RVO.Vector2.abs(sim_.getAgentVelocity(i)) > sim_.getAgentMaxSpeed() * 3 / 5)
                        setVelocity(i, sim_.getAgentVelocity(i) / 2);
                    position           = getPosition(i);
                    agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), 0f, position.y());

                    /* RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                     * agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));*/
                if (position.x() >= 90.0f)
                    setPosition(i, new RVO.Vector2(-140, position.y()));
                    position           = getPosition(i);
                    agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), 0f, position.y());

                    /*  RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                     * agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));*/
                    agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), 0f, position.y());

                    /*  RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                     * agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));*/
            for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                agents[i].GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
Пример #4
         *  @brief      Computes the intersection point of two circles
         *  @param      c1		The center of the first circle
         *  @param      r1		The radius of the first circle
         *  @param      c2		The center of the second circle
         *  @param      r2		The radius of the second circle
         *  @returns    The intersection point
        public static Pair <Vector2, Vector2> intersectOf2Circles(Vector2 c1, float r1, Vector2 c2, float r2)
            Pair <Vector2, Vector2> toReturn = new Pair <Vector2, Vector2>();

            toReturn.First  = new Vector2(Single.PositiveInfinity, Single.PositiveInfinity);
            toReturn.Second = new Vector2(Single.PositiveInfinity, Single.PositiveInfinity);
            if (absSq(c1 - c2) < sqr(r1 - r2) - RVOMath.RVO_EPSILON || absSq(c1 - c2) > sqr(r1 + r2) + RVOMath.RVO_EPSILON)
                // ERROR_ case, no intersection
                if (Math.Abs(c1.y() - c2.y()) < RVOMath.RVO_EPSILON)
                    float x = (sqr(r1) - sqr(r2) - sqr(c1.x()) + sqr(c2.x())) / (2 * (c2.x() - c1.x()));

                    // a = 1
                    float b     = -2 * c2.y();
                    float c     = absSq(c2) - sqr(r2) + sqr(x) - 2 * x * c2.x();
                    float delta = sqr(b) - 4 * c;
                    float y1    = (float)(-b + Math.Sqrt(delta)) / 2;
                    float y2    = (float)(-b - Math.Sqrt(delta)) / 2;

                    toReturn.First  = new Vector2(x, y1);
                    toReturn.Second = new Vector2(x, y2);
                    float M = (c2.x() - c1.x()) / (c2.y() - c1.y());
                    float N = (sqr(r1) - sqr(r2) - absSq(c1) + absSq(c2)) / (2 * (c2.y() - c1.y()));

                    float a = 1 + sqr(M);
                    float b = 2 * (M * (c2.y() - N) - c2.x());
                    float c = absSq(c2) + sqr(N) - 2 * N * c2.y() - sqr(r2);

                    float delta = sqr(b) - 4 * a * c;
                    float x1    = (float)(-b + Math.Sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
                    float x2    = (float)(-b - Math.Sqrt(delta)) / (2 * a);
                    float y1    = N - x1 * M;
                    float y2    = N - x2 * M;

                    toReturn.First  = new Vector2(x1, y1);
                    toReturn.Second = new Vector2(x2, y2);
Пример #5
    void move()
        if (interactScript.isSit)
        RVO.Vector2         agentVelRVO = Simulator.Instance.getAgentVelocity(agentId);
        RVO.Vector2         agentPosRVO = Simulator.Instance.getAgentPosition(agentId);
        UnityEngine.Vector2 agentVel    = toUnityVector2(agentVelRVO);
        Vector3             agentPos    = toUnityVector(agentPosRVO);
        float remDist = Vector3.Distance(agentPos, agent.destination);

        shouldMove = agentVel.magnitude * velFactor > 0.01f && remDist > agent.radius;

        float velx = Mathf.Lerp(-0.5f, 0.5f, agentVelRVO.x());

        velx *= transform.forward.x;

        float vely = Mathf.Lerp(-0.5f, 0.5f, agentVelRVO.y());

        vely *= transform.forward.z;

        // Update animation parameters
        anim.SetBool("move", shouldMove);
        anim.SetFloat("velx", velx);
        anim.SetFloat("vely", vely);

        checkPeople(); // look at near people
Пример #6
    void OnDrawGizmos()
        if (!Debug)
        Gizmos.color = Color.red;

        // ORCA
        Vector3 from;
        Vector3 to;

        foreach (Line msGizmosLine in msGizmosLines)
            RVO.Vector2 from_ = msGizmosLine.point - msGizmosLine.direction * 100;
            RVO.Vector2 to_   = msGizmosLine.point + msGizmosLine.direction * 100;

            from = transform.position + new Vector3(from_.x(), 0, from_.y());
            to   = transform.position + new Vector3(to_.x(), 0, to_.y());

            Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to);
        // velocity
        Gizmos.color = Color.green;

        from = transform.position;
        to   = transform.position + new Vector3(msVelocity.x(), 0, msVelocity.y());

        Gizmos.DrawLine(from, to);
Пример #7
        public void updateVelo()
            //Debug.Log("Agent " + agentId + " - " + RVOMath.abs(agentReference.velocity_) + " with path length" + path);

            //If the agent doesnt have a path but it needs to move to avoid collision
            if (pathStatus == -1 && RVOMath.abs(AgentReference.velocity_) >= 0.01f && !forced)
                forced         = true;
                stableLocation = transform.position;

            goalDirection = new Vector2(AgentReference.velocity_.x() / RVOMagnify.Magnify,
                                        AgentReference.velocity_.y() / RVOMagnify.Magnify);
            transform.position = new Vector3(AgentReference.position_.x_ / RVOMagnify.Magnify,
                                             transform.position.y, AgentReference.position_.y_ / RVOMagnify.Magnify);

            if (new Vector3(goalDirection.x(), 0f, goalDirection.y()).magnitude != 0)
                Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(goalDirection.x(), 0f, goalDirection.y()));
                rotation.x         = 0;
                rotation.z         = 0;
                transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime * RVOMagnify.Magnify);

            //   }
            //    Debug.Log("goal direction:" + goalDirection + "with length" + RVOMath.abs(goalDirection)+" Velocity is:" + new Vector3(agentReference.velocity_.x(), 0, agentReference.velocity_.y()));
            //Debug.Log("Pos" + transform.position + "with RVO" + agentReference.position_ );
Пример #8
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (!reachedGoal())

            /* Output the current global time. */
            for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                RVO.Vector2 position = getPosition(i);
                agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), 0f, position.y());

                /*  RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                 * agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));*/
                //setColor(i); To go further
            for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                agents[i].GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
Пример #9
         * <summary>Select the Leader of the agent</summary>
        void selectLeader()
            leader_ = null;
            for (int neighbor_id = 0; neighbor_id < agentNeighbors_.Count; ++neighbor_id)
                Agent   neighbor           = agentNeighbors_[neighbor_id].Value;
                Vector2 relative_pos       = neighbor.position_ - position_;
                float   alpha              = Vector2.angle(velocity_);
                Vector2 local_relative_pos = Vector2.rotation(relative_pos, -alpha);
                Vector2 local_velocity     = Vector2.rotation(neighbor.velocity_, -alpha);
                float   alpha_v            = Vector2.angle(local_velocity);

                if (local_relative_pos.x() > 0 &&
                    local_relative_pos.x() < 1.5 &&
                    Math.Abs(local_relative_pos.y()) < this.radius_ + neighbor.radius_ &&
                    Math.Abs(alpha_v) < Math.PI / 6 &&
                    local_velocity.x() >= 0
                    if (leader_ == null)
                        leader_ = neighbor;
                        Vector2 leader_relative_pos       = leader_.position_ - position_;
                        Vector2 leader_local_relative_pos = Vector2.rotation(leader_relative_pos, -alpha);
                        if (leader_local_relative_pos.x() > local_relative_pos.x())
                            leader_ = neighbor;
Пример #10
        void calculateVandS()
            Vector2 pos_new = Simulator.Instance.getAgentPosition(0);

            double car_direction = mainCar.transform.eulerAngles.y / 180.0 * Math.PI;

            double dx = pos_new.x() - mainCar.transform.position.x;
            double dz = pos_new.y() - mainCar.transform.position.z;
            double target_direction = -Math.Atan2(dz, dx) + Math.PI / 2;

            double delta_direction = target_direction - car_direction;

            while (delta_direction > Math.PI)
                delta_direction -= Math.PI * 2;
            while (delta_direction < -Math.PI)
                delta_direction += Math.PI * 2;

            SteeringAngle = (float)(delta_direction / Math.PI * 180.0 / m_Car.MaxSteerAngleInDegree);

//             double dt_direction = car_direction - pre_direction;
//             pre_direction = car_direction;
//             Debug.Log("dt_direction " + (dt_direction * 50 / Math.PI * 180.0).ToString());
//             Debug.Log("delta_direction " + delta_direction.ToString());
//             Debug.Log("SteeringAngle " + (SteeringAngle * m_Car.MaxSteerAngleInDegree).ToString());
            SteeringAngle = Mathf.Clamp(SteeringAngle, -1, 1);

            float   current_speed    = m_Car.CurrentSpeed;
            var     desired_velocity = Simulator.Instance.getAgentVelocity(0);
            Vector3 des_v            = new Vector3(desired_velocity.x(), 0, desired_velocity.y());
            float   desired_speed    = des_v.magnitude;

            //             Debug.Log("pos_new " + pos_new.ToString());
            //             Debug.Log("current_speed " + current_speed.ToString());
            //             Debug.Log("desired_speed " + desired_speed.ToString());
            //             double zz = Math.Sqrt( dx * dx + dz * dz) * 50;
            //             Debug.Log("zz " + zz.ToString());

            Acceleration = (desired_speed - current_speed) / 0.02f;
            if (Acceleration > 1)
                Acceleration = 1;
            if (Acceleration < 0)
                if (desired_speed - current_speed > -1)
                    Acceleration = 0;
            //Debug.Log("frameIdx " + frameIdx.ToString() + " Acceleration " + Acceleration.ToString());

            //if (frameIdx > 100) Acceleration = 0;
Пример #11
  *  @brief      Computes the angle to the x axis of the specified
  *				 two-dimensional vector
  *  @param      vector          The two-dimensional vector whose angle
  *								 is to be computed
  *  @returns    The angle of the two-dimensional vector.
 public static float angle(Vector2 vector)
     /*if (vector.x() == 0)
      * return (float)M_PI/2 * (-1 + 2*(vector.y()>0));
      * else{*/
     return((float)Math.Atan2(vector.y(), vector.x()));
Пример #12
  * <summary>Unity function. Called once at the beginning of each frame. Used to perform the simulation</summary>
 void Update()
     if (!reachedGoal())
         // Set the preffered velocities of agents in order to assume they are in the good direction
         for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
             RVO.Vector2 position = getPosition(i);
             // This condition ensure that agents stay at a limited speed in the end of the corridor
             if (position.x() >= 80.0f)
                 if (RVO.Vector2.abs(sim_.getAgentVelocity(i)) > sim_.getAgentMaxSpeed() * 3 / 5)
                     setVelocity(i, sim_.getAgentVelocity(i) / 2);
                 position           = getPosition(i);
                 agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), 0f, position.y());
             //This one is to replace agents at the beginning of the corridor if they are at the end
             if (position.x() >= 90.0f)
                 setPosition(i, new RVO.Vector2(0, position.y()));
                 position           = getPosition(i);
                 agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), sim_.getAgentRadius(i) / 2, position.y());
                 RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                 agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));
             else // Else Juste perform the simulation and change the position if the unity agent to be the same at the RVOAgent
                 agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), sim_.getAgentRadius(i) / 2, position.y());
                 RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                 agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));
     else //If every agent reach their goals, block everybody
     {    // Might want to do
         for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
             agents[i].GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
Пример #13
    public void Start_Click()
        if (numAgent.text.ToString() != "")
            agents_number = Int32.Parse(numAgent.text.ToString());
            Debug.Log("Agents oui ");
            agents_number = 40;
            Debug.Log("Agents non ");
        if (width.text.ToString() != "")
            corridor_width = Int32.Parse(width.text.ToString());
            Debug.Log("Width oui ");
            corridor_width = 10;
            Debug.Log("Width non ");
        if (length.text.ToString() != "")
            corridor_lenght = Int32.Parse(length.text.ToString());
            Debug.Log("Length oui ");
            corridor_lenght = 30;
            Debug.Log("Length non ");

        Application.targetFrameRate = 60;
        agents = new List <Transform>();

        colors.Add(new Color(0.000f, 0.000f, 0.804f));
        colors.Add(new Color(0.118f, 0.565f, 1.000f));
        colors.Add(new Color(0.251f, 0.878f, 0.816f));
        colors.Add(new Color(0.400f, 0.804f, 0.667f));
        colors.Add(new Color(0.604f, 0.804f, 0.196f));

        for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); i++)
            RVO.Vector2 position = getPosition(i);
            agents.Add(Instantiate(agent, new Vector3(position.x(), 1.5f, position.y()), Quaternion.identity));
            agents[i].GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = colors[0];
            agents[i].localScale = new Vector3(sim_.getAgentRadius(i), sim_.getAgentRadius(i), sim_.getAgentRadius(i));
Пример #14
         * <summary>Apply the behaviour of following to the agent</summary>
        void applyFollowingBehavior(float following_acc)
            float alpha = Vector2.angle(velocity_);
            // If the result lowers the tangential component of the acceleration,
            // apply this tangential acceleration to compute the new velocity
            Vector2 local_acceleration = Vector2.rotation(acceleration_, -alpha);

            if (following_acc < local_acceleration.x())
                Vector2 local_new_acceleration = new Vector2(following_acc, local_acceleration.y());
                acceleration_ = Vector2.rotation(local_new_acceleration, alpha);
                newVelocity_  = velocity_ + acceleration_ * sim_.getTimeStep();
Пример #15
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (sid >= 0)
            Vector2 pos = Simulator.Instance.getAgentPosition(sid);
            Vector2 vel = Simulator.Instance.getAgentPrefVelocity(sid);
            transform.position = new Vector3(pos.x(), transform.position.y, pos.y());
            if (Math.Abs(vel.x()) > 0.01f && Math.Abs(vel.y()) > 0.01f)
                transform.forward = new Vector3(vel.x(), 0, vel.y()).normalized;

        if (!Input.GetMouseButton(1))
            Simulator.Instance.setAgentPrefVelocity(sid, new Vector2(0, 0));

        Vector2 goalVector = GameMainManager.Instance.mousePosition - Simulator.Instance.getAgentPosition(sid);

        if (RVOMath.absSq(goalVector) > 1.0f)
            goalVector = RVOMath.normalize(goalVector);
        Simulator.Instance.setAgentPrefVelocity(sid, goalVector);

        /* Perturb a little to avoid deadlocks due to perfect symmetry. */
        float angle = (float)m_random.NextDouble() * 2.0f * (float)Math.PI;
        float dist  = (float)m_random.NextDouble() * 0.0001f;

        Simulator.Instance.setAgentPrefVelocity(sid, Simulator.Instance.getAgentPrefVelocity(sid) +
                                                dist *
                                                new Vector2((float)Math.Cos(angle), (float)Math.Sin(angle)));
Пример #16
// Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        agents = new List <Transform>();                                                                                //Initializing the list of Unity Agents
        setupScenario();                                                                                                //Calling setupScenario
        this.gameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(7, 1, 7);                                                    // The script is attached to a plane, so this will change the size of the plane
        this.gameObject.transform.position   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);                                                    //This will change the position of this plane
        Application.targetFrameRate          = 30;                                                                      // This will fix the maximum framerate of the scene

        for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); i++)                                                                        // loop -> For each agent
            RVO.Vector2 position = getPosition(i);                                                                      // Getting the position of the agent in the simulator
            addAgent(agent, new Vector3(position.x(), 1.5f, position.y()));                                             //Instantiating  the Unity Agent at the correct position
            agents[i].localScale = new Vector3(sim_.getAgentRadius(i), sim_.getAgentRadius(i), sim_.getAgentRadius(i)); //Adapting the size of the agent to the radius we set in the simulator
Пример #17
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            if (!reachedGoal())

                for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); i++)
                    RVO.Vector2 agent_position = sim_.getAgentPosition(i);
                    RVO.Vector2 p1             = agent_position + new RVO.Vector2(corridor_length_, 0);
                    RVO.Vector2 p2             = agent_position - new RVO.Vector2(corridor_length_, 0);
                    sim_.addVirtualAgent(0, p1);
                    sim_.addVirtualAgent(0, p2);

                int totot = getNumAgents();
                for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                    RVO.Vector2 position = sim_.getAgentPosition(i);
                    agents[i].transform.position = new Vector3(position.x(), 0f, position.y());
                    RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                    agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));
                    if (human_prefab)
                        if (RVO.Vector2.absSq(sim_.getAgentVelocity(i) * 4) > 1.5f)
                            agents[i].GetComponent <Animator>().CrossFade("mixamo.com", 10, 1);

                        agents[i].GetComponent <Animator>().speed = RVO.Vector2.absSq(sim_.getAgentVelocity(i) * 4);
                for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                    agents[i].transform.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
Пример #18
    void Update()
        fpsTimer += Time.deltaTime;
        if (fpsTimer >= 1.0f)
            fps        = fpsCounter / fpsTimer;
            fpsTimer   = 0;
            fpsCounter = 0;

        if (!isRunning)

        int numAgents = RVO.Simulator.Instance.getNumAgents();

        for (int i = 0; i < numAgents; ++i)
            RVO.Vector2 curPos = RVO.Simulator.Instance.getAgentPosition(robotAgentIds[i]);
            robots[i].position = new Vector3(curPos.x(), 0, curPos.y());

            RVO.Vector2 goalVector = goals[i] - curPos;
            if (RVO.RVOMath.absSq(goalVector) > 1.0f)
                goalVector = RVO.RVOMath.normalize(goalVector) * speed;
            RVO.Simulator.Instance.setAgentPrefVelocity(robotAgentIds[i], goalVector);

            /* Perturb a little to avoid deadlocks due to perfect symmetry. */
            float angle = (float)random.NextDouble() * 2.0f * (float)Mathf.PI;
            float dist  = (float)random.NextDouble() * 0.1f;

                                                        RVO.Simulator.Instance.getAgentPrefVelocity(robotAgentIds[i]) +
                                                        dist * new RVO.Vector2((float)Mathf.Cos(angle), (float)Mathf.Sin(angle)));

Пример #19
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        agents = new List <Transform>();
        /* Set up the scenario. */
        Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(-25, 12.5f, 35.5f), Quaternion.identity);
        Instantiate(wall, new Vector3(-25, 12.5f, -35.5f), Quaternion.identity);
        colors.Add(new Color(0.000f, 0.000f, 0.804f));
        colors.Add(new Color(0.118f, 0.565f, 1.000f));
        colors.Add(new Color(0.251f, 0.878f, 0.816f));
        colors.Add(new Color(0.400f, 0.804f, 0.667f));
        colors.Add(new Color(0.604f, 0.804f, 0.196f));

        /* Perform (and manipulate) the simulation. */
        for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); i++)
            RVO.Vector2 position = getPosition(i);
            addAgent(agent, new Vector3(position.x(), 1.5f, position.y()));
            agents[i].localScale = new Vector3(sim_.getAgentRadius(i), sim_.getAgentRadius(i), sim_.getAgentRadius(i));
Пример #20
    void Update()
        if (!reachedGoal())

            /* if(sim_.agents_.Count < agents_number) {
             *   int j = new System.Random().Next(1,3);
             *   int k = new System.Random().Next(1, 8);
             *   RVO.Vector2 position2 = new RVO.Vector2(0,k* corridor_width/8);
             *   sim_.addAgent(position2, 0, true, true,15.0f, 10, 5.0f, 5.0f, j, 1.0f, new RVO.Vector2(0, 0));
             *   goals.Add(new RVO.Vector2(corridor_lenght * 4, corridor_width / 2));
             *   RVO.Vector2 position = getPosition(sim_.agents_.Count - 1);
             *   agents.Add(Instantiate(agent, new Vector3(position.x(), sim_.getAgentRadius(agents.Count - 1)/2, position.y()), Quaternion.identity));
             *   agents[agents.Count-1].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = colors[0];
             *   agents[agents.Count - 1].localScale = new Vector3(sim_.getAgentRadius(agents.Count - 1), sim_.getAgentRadius(agents.Count - 1), sim_.getAgentRadius(agents.Count - 1));
             * }*/

            for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                RVO.Vector2 position = getPosition(i);
                if (position.x() >= corridor_lenght / 8 * 7)
                    if (RVO.Vector2.abs(sim_.getAgentVelocity(i)) > sim_.getAgentMaxSpeed() * 3 / 5)
                        setVelocity(i, sim_.getAgentVelocity(i) * 7 / 8);
                    position           = getPosition(i);
                    agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), sim_.getAgentRadius(i) / 2, position.y());

                    /* RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                     * agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));*/

                if (position.x() >= corridor_lenght)
                    Collider[] et = Physics.OverlapSphere(new Vector3(-140, sim_.getDefaultRadius() * 2.1f, position.y_), sim_.getDefaultRadius() * 2);
                    if (et.Length > 0)
                        setPosition(i, new RVO.Vector2(position.x(), position.y()));
                        setPosition(i, new RVO.Vector2(0, position.y()));

                        /* sim_.addAgent(new RVO.Vector2(-140, position.y() + 1), 0, true, true);
                         * goals.Add(new RVO.Vector2(100.0f, 0f));
                         * agents.Add(Instantiate(agent, new Vector3(-140, 1.5f, position.y() + 1), Quaternion.identity));
                         * agents[agents.Count - 1].GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color = colors[0];
                         * sim_.getAgent(getNumAgents() - 1).leader_ = sim_.getAgent(i);*/
                    position           = getPosition(i);
                    agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), sim_.getAgentRadius(i) / 2, position.y());
                    //RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                    //agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));
                    agents[i].position = new Vector3(position.x(), sim_.getAgentRadius(i) / 2, position.y());
                    //RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                    //agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));
            for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                agents[i].GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
Пример #21
         * <summary>Computes the new velocity of this agent.</summary>
        internal void computeNewVelocity()

            float invTimeHorizonObst = 1.0f / timeHorizonObst_;

            /* Create obstacle ORCA lines. */
            for (int i = 0; i < obstacleNeighbors_.Count; ++i)
                Obstacle obstacle1 = obstacleNeighbors_[i].Value;
                Obstacle obstacle2 = obstacle1.next_;

                Vector2 relativePosition1 = obstacle1.point_ - position_;
                Vector2 relativePosition2 = obstacle2.point_ - position_;

                 * Check if velocity obstacle of obstacle is already taken care
                 * of by previously constructed obstacle ORCA lines.
                bool alreadyCovered = false;

                for (int j = 0; j < orcaLines_.Count; ++j)
                    if (RVOMath.det(invTimeHorizonObst * relativePosition1 - orcaLines_[j].point, orcaLines_[j].direction) - invTimeHorizonObst * radius_ >= -RVOMath.RVO_EPSILON && RVOMath.det(invTimeHorizonObst * relativePosition2 - orcaLines_[j].point, orcaLines_[j].direction) - invTimeHorizonObst * radius_ >= -RVOMath.RVO_EPSILON)
                        alreadyCovered = true;


                if (alreadyCovered)

                /* Not yet covered. Check for collisions. */
                float distSq1 = RVOMath.absSq(relativePosition1);
                float distSq2 = RVOMath.absSq(relativePosition2);

                float radiusSq = RVOMath.sqr(radius_);

                Vector2 obstacleVector = obstacle2.point_ - obstacle1.point_;
                float   s          = (-relativePosition1 * obstacleVector) / RVOMath.absSq(obstacleVector);
                float   distSqLine = RVOMath.absSq(-relativePosition1 - s * obstacleVector);

                Line line;

                if (s < 0.0f && distSq1 <= radiusSq)
                    /* Collision with left vertex. Ignore if non-convex. */
                    if (obstacle1.convex_)
                        line.point     = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
                        line.direction = RVOMath.normalize(new Vector2(-relativePosition1.y(), relativePosition1.x()));

                else if (s > 1.0f && distSq2 <= radiusSq)
                     * Collision with right vertex. Ignore if non-convex or if
                     * it will be taken care of by neighboring obstacle.
                    if (obstacle2.convex_ && RVOMath.det(relativePosition2, obstacle2.direction_) >= 0.0f)
                        line.point     = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
                        line.direction = RVOMath.normalize(new Vector2(-relativePosition2.y(), relativePosition2.x()));

                else if (s >= 0.0f && s < 1.0f && distSqLine <= radiusSq)
                    /* Collision with obstacle segment. */
                    line.point     = new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f);
                    line.direction = -obstacle1.direction_;


                 * No collision. Compute legs. When obliquely viewed, both legs
                 * can come from a single vertex. Legs extend cut-off line when
                 * non-convex vertex.

                Vector2 leftLegDirection, rightLegDirection;

                if (s < 0.0f && distSqLine <= radiusSq)
                     * Obstacle viewed obliquely so that left vertex
                     * defines velocity obstacle.
                    if (!obstacle1.convex_)
                        /* Ignore obstacle. */

                    obstacle2 = obstacle1;

                    float leg1 = RVOMath.sqrt(distSq1 - radiusSq);
                    leftLegDirection  = new Vector2(relativePosition1.x() * leg1 - relativePosition1.y() * radius_, relativePosition1.x() * radius_ + relativePosition1.y() * leg1) / distSq1;
                    rightLegDirection = new Vector2(relativePosition1.x() * leg1 + relativePosition1.y() * radius_, -relativePosition1.x() * radius_ + relativePosition1.y() * leg1) / distSq1;
                else if (s > 1.0f && distSqLine <= radiusSq)
                     * Obstacle viewed obliquely so that
                     * right vertex defines velocity obstacle.
                    if (!obstacle2.convex_)
                        /* Ignore obstacle. */

                    obstacle1 = obstacle2;

                    float leg2 = RVOMath.sqrt(distSq2 - radiusSq);
                    leftLegDirection  = new Vector2(relativePosition2.x() * leg2 - relativePosition2.y() * radius_, relativePosition2.x() * radius_ + relativePosition2.y() * leg2) / distSq2;
                    rightLegDirection = new Vector2(relativePosition2.x() * leg2 + relativePosition2.y() * radius_, -relativePosition2.x() * radius_ + relativePosition2.y() * leg2) / distSq2;
                    /* Usual situation. */
                    if (obstacle1.convex_)
                        float leg1 = RVOMath.sqrt(distSq1 - radiusSq);
                        leftLegDirection = new Vector2(relativePosition1.x() * leg1 - relativePosition1.y() * radius_, relativePosition1.x() * radius_ + relativePosition1.y() * leg1) / distSq1;
                        /* Left vertex non-convex; left leg extends cut-off line. */
                        leftLegDirection = -obstacle1.direction_;

                    if (obstacle2.convex_)
                        float leg2 = RVOMath.sqrt(distSq2 - radiusSq);
                        rightLegDirection = new Vector2(relativePosition2.x() * leg2 + relativePosition2.y() * radius_, -relativePosition2.x() * radius_ + relativePosition2.y() * leg2) / distSq2;
                        /* Right vertex non-convex; right leg extends cut-off line. */
                        rightLegDirection = obstacle1.direction_;

                 * Legs can never point into neighboring edge when convex
                 * vertex, take cutoff-line of neighboring edge instead. If
                 * velocity projected on "foreign" leg, no constraint is added.

                Obstacle leftNeighbor = obstacle1.previous_;

                bool isLeftLegForeign  = false;
                bool isRightLegForeign = false;

                if (obstacle1.convex_ && RVOMath.det(leftLegDirection, -leftNeighbor.direction_) >= 0.0f)
                    /* Left leg points into obstacle. */
                    leftLegDirection = -leftNeighbor.direction_;
                    isLeftLegForeign = true;

                if (obstacle2.convex_ && RVOMath.det(rightLegDirection, obstacle2.direction_) <= 0.0f)
                    /* Right leg points into obstacle. */
                    rightLegDirection = obstacle2.direction_;
                    isRightLegForeign = true;

                /* Compute cut-off centers. */
                Vector2 leftCutOff   = invTimeHorizonObst * (obstacle1.point_ - position_);
                Vector2 rightCutOff  = invTimeHorizonObst * (obstacle2.point_ - position_);
                Vector2 cutOffVector = rightCutOff - leftCutOff;

                /* Project current velocity on velocity obstacle. */

                /* Check if current velocity is projected on cutoff circles. */
                float t      = obstacle1 == obstacle2 ? 0.5f : ((velocity_ - leftCutOff) * cutOffVector) / RVOMath.absSq(cutOffVector);
                float tLeft  = (velocity_ - leftCutOff) * leftLegDirection;
                float tRight = (velocity_ - rightCutOff) * rightLegDirection;

                if ((t < 0.0f && tLeft < 0.0f) || (obstacle1 == obstacle2 && tLeft < 0.0f && tRight < 0.0f))
                    /* Project on left cut-off circle. */
                    Vector2 unitW = RVOMath.normalize(velocity_ - leftCutOff);

                    line.direction = new Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x());
                    line.point     = leftCutOff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * unitW;

                else if (t > 1.0f && tRight < 0.0f)
                    /* Project on right cut-off circle. */
                    Vector2 unitW = RVOMath.normalize(velocity_ - rightCutOff);

                    line.direction = new Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x());
                    line.point     = rightCutOff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * unitW;


                 * Project on left leg, right leg, or cut-off line, whichever is
                 * closest to velocity.
                float distSqCutoff = (t <0.0f || t> 1.0f || obstacle1 == obstacle2) ? float.PositiveInfinity : RVOMath.absSq(velocity_ - (leftCutOff + t * cutOffVector));
                float distSqLeft   = tLeft < 0.0f ? float.PositiveInfinity : RVOMath.absSq(velocity_ - (leftCutOff + tLeft * leftLegDirection));
                float distSqRight  = tRight < 0.0f ? float.PositiveInfinity : RVOMath.absSq(velocity_ - (rightCutOff + tRight * rightLegDirection));

                if (distSqCutoff <= distSqLeft && distSqCutoff <= distSqRight)
                    /* Project on cut-off line. */
                    line.direction = -obstacle1.direction_;
                    line.point     = leftCutOff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * new Vector2(-line.direction.y(), line.direction.x());


                if (distSqLeft <= distSqRight)
                    /* Project on left leg. */
                    if (isLeftLegForeign)

                    line.direction = leftLegDirection;
                    line.point     = leftCutOff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * new Vector2(-line.direction.y(), line.direction.x());


                /* Project on right leg. */
                if (isRightLegForeign)

                line.direction = -rightLegDirection;
                line.point     = rightCutOff + radius_ * invTimeHorizonObst * new Vector2(-line.direction.y(), line.direction.x());

            int numObstLines = orcaLines_.Count;

            float invTimeHorizon = 1.0f / timeHorizon_;

            /* Create agent ORCA lines. */
            for (int i = 0; i < agentNeighbors_.Count; ++i)
                Agent other = agentNeighbors_[i].Value;

                Vector2 relativePosition = other.position_ - position_;
                Vector2 relativeVelocity = velocity_ - other.velocity_;
                float   distSq           = RVOMath.absSq(relativePosition);
                float   combinedRadius   = radius_ + other.radius_;
                float   combinedRadiusSq = RVOMath.sqr(combinedRadius);

                Line    line;
                Vector2 u;

                if (distSq > combinedRadiusSq)
                    /* No collision. */
                    Vector2 w = relativeVelocity - invTimeHorizon * relativePosition;

                    /* Vector from cutoff center to relative velocity. */
                    float wLengthSq   = RVOMath.absSq(w);
                    float dotProduct1 = w * relativePosition;

                    if (dotProduct1 < 0.0f && RVOMath.sqr(dotProduct1) > combinedRadiusSq * wLengthSq)
                        /* Project on cut-off circle. */
                        float   wLength = RVOMath.sqrt(wLengthSq);
                        Vector2 unitW   = w / wLength;

                        line.direction = new Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x());
                        u = (combinedRadius * invTimeHorizon - wLength) * unitW;
                        /* Project on legs. */
                        float leg = RVOMath.sqrt(distSq - combinedRadiusSq);

                        if (RVOMath.det(relativePosition, w) > 0.0f)
                            /* Project on left leg. */
                            line.direction = new Vector2(relativePosition.x() * leg - relativePosition.y() * combinedRadius, relativePosition.x() * combinedRadius + relativePosition.y() * leg) / distSq;
                            /* Project on right leg. */
                            line.direction = -new Vector2(relativePosition.x() * leg + relativePosition.y() * combinedRadius, -relativePosition.x() * combinedRadius + relativePosition.y() * leg) / distSq;

                        float dotProduct2 = relativeVelocity * line.direction;
                        u = dotProduct2 * line.direction - relativeVelocity;
                    /* Collision. Project on cut-off circle of time timeStep. */
                    float invTimeStep = 1.0f / Simulator.Instance.timeStep_;

                    /* Vector from cutoff center to relative velocity. */
                    Vector2 w = relativeVelocity - invTimeStep * relativePosition;

                    float   wLength = RVOMath.abs(w);
                    Vector2 unitW   = w / wLength;

                    line.direction = new Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x());
                    u = (combinedRadius * invTimeStep - wLength) * unitW;

                line.point = velocity_ + 0.5f * u;

            int lineFail = linearProgram2(orcaLines_, maxSpeed_, prefVelocity_, false, ref newVelocity_);

            if (lineFail < orcaLines_.Count)
                linearProgram3(orcaLines_, numObstLines, lineFail, maxSpeed_, ref newVelocity_);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void FixedUpdate()
        rallyIsReady = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Manager").GetComponent <UI_ButtonControl>().SpawnIsDone;
        //UseAStar = true;

        if (!rallyIsReady)
            //Debug.Log("Is there new unit created? "+ GameObject.Find("AI").GetComponent<CreateAgent>().IsAdded.ToString());
        if (rallyIsReady)
            if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
                //Debug.Log("New click activated! Current target at click: " + Input.mousePosition.ToString());

                Ray        ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit hit;

                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    target = hit.point;
                    Debug.Log("current target AFTER update: " + target.ToString());

                    //depending on the estimated length of path, decide if A* or potential field is used

                    // A* algorithm time complexity is O(b^d) ~ O((3)^PathLength)
                    float pathLengthEstimated = (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, new Vector3(target.x, transform.position.y, target.z)) / AstarPath.active.data.gridGraph.nodeSize);
                    long  complexityEstimated = (int)Mathf.Pow(3, (int)pathLengthEstimated);

                    //Debug.Log("Log of Total number of nodes:" + (Mathf.Log(AstarPath.active.data.gridGraph.Depth * AstarPath.active.data.gridGraph.Width)).ToString());
                    //Debug.Log("Complexity of A* : " + (Mathf.Log(simulator.agentPositions.Count) + 3 * Mathf.Log(pathLengthEstimated)).ToString());

                    if (Mathf.Log(simulator.agentPositions.Count) + 3 * Mathf.Log(pathLengthEstimated) > Mathf.Log(AstarPath.active.data.gridGraph.Depth * AstarPath.active.data.gridGraph.Width))
                        Debug.Log("A* is not efficient due to long path or large number of agents...");
                        //update the pathnodes based on potential field method.
                        //generate the potential map based on destination target and gridgraph

                        var gridgraph = AstarPath.active.data.gridGraph;
                        int[,] potentialmap = new int[gridgraph.Depth, gridgraph.Width];

                        //generate potential map
                        potentialmap = GameObject.Find("PotentialMap").GetComponent <PotentialMapSet>().GetPotentialMap(target, gridgraph);

                        //check the potentialmap
                        //Debug.Log("potential map is obtained. Above origin, the potential is like : " + potentialmap[48, 49].ToString());
                        //Debug.Log("potential Map is obtained. Below origin, the potential is like : " + potentialmap[51, 49].ToString());

                        int[,] padded_potentialmap = GameObject.Find("PotentialMap").GetComponent <PotentialMapSet>().PadMap(potentialmap);

                        // visualize the potential map real-time(TODO)

                        // generate the field map by doing the gradient of padded potential map
                        UnityEngine.Vector2[,] fieldmap = GameObject.Find("PotentialMap").GetComponent <PotentialMapSet>().GetFieldMap(padded_potentialmap);

                        //Debug.Log("FieldMap is obtained. Above origin, the vector is like : " + fieldmap[49, 49].ToString());
                        //Debug.Log("FieldMap is obtained. Below origin, the vector is like : " + fieldmap[50, 49].ToString());

                        pathNodes        = GameObject.Find("PotentialMap").GetComponent <PotentialMapSet>().GetPathFromFieldMap(transform.position, new Vector3(target.x, transform.position.y, target.z), fieldmap);
                        currentNodeIndex = 0;
                        seeker.StartPath(transform.position, new Vector3(target.x, transform.position.y, target.z), OnPathComplete);
                        //Debug.Log("new path AFTER update has waypoint list length: " + path.vectorPath.Count.ToString());

            if (path == null || pathNodes == null)
                Debug.Log("No available path found!");
            if (currentNodeIndex >= (pathNodes.Count - 1))
                //Debug.Log("Path Finding ended!");
            if (agentIndex != -1)
                RVO.Vector2 agent_update = simulator.getAgentPosition(agentIndex);
                Vector3     moveTowards  = new Vector3(agent_update.x(), transform.position.y, agent_update.y());
                //Vector3 velocity = (moveTowards - transform.position).normalized * speed;
                transform.position = moveTowards;
                // Slow down smoothly upon approaching the end of the path
                // This value will smoothly go from 1 to 0 as the agent approaches the last waypoint in the path.
                //var speedFactor = reachedEndOfPath ? Mathf.Sqrt(distanceToWaypoint / nextWaypointDistance) : 1f;

Пример #23
    void doStep()
        /* Create agent ORCA lines. */
        for (int i = 0; i < 1; ++i)
            Vector2 relativePosition = otherPosition_ - position_;
            Vector2 relativeVelocity = velocity_ - otherVelocity_;
            float   distSq           = RVOMath.absSq(relativePosition);
            float   combinedRadius   = radius_ + otherRadius_;
            float   combinedRadiusSq = RVOMath.sqr(combinedRadius);

            Line    line;
            Vector2 u;

            if (distSq > combinedRadiusSq)
                /* No collision. */
                Vector2 w = relativeVelocity - invTimeHorizon * relativePosition;

                /* Vector from cutoff center to relative velocity. */
                float wLengthSq   = RVOMath.absSq(w);
                float dotProduct1 = w * relativePosition;
                //Debug.Log("w:" + w.ToString() + " dotProduct1:" + dotProduct1.ToString());
                if (dotProduct1 < 0.0f && RVOMath.sqr(dotProduct1) > combinedRadiusSq * wLengthSq)
                    /* Project on cut-off circle. */
                    float   wLength = RVOMath.sqrt(wLengthSq);
                    Vector2 unitW   = w / wLength;

                    line.direction = new Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x());
                    u = (combinedRadius * invTimeHorizon - wLength) * unitW;
                    /* Project on legs. */
                    float leg = RVOMath.sqrt(distSq - combinedRadiusSq);

                    if (RVOMath.det(relativePosition, w) > 0.0f)
                        /* Project on left leg. */
                        line.direction = new Vector2(relativePosition.x() * leg - relativePosition.y() * combinedRadius, relativePosition.x() * combinedRadius + relativePosition.y() * leg) / distSq;
                        /* Project on right leg. */
                        line.direction = -new Vector2(relativePosition.x() * leg + relativePosition.y() * combinedRadius, -relativePosition.x() * combinedRadius + relativePosition.y() * leg) / distSq;

                    float dotProduct2 = relativeVelocity * line.direction;
                    u = dotProduct2 * line.direction - relativeVelocity;
                /* Collision. Project on cut-off circle of time timeStep. */
                float invTimeStep = 1.0f / Simulator.Instance.timeStep_;

                /* Vector from cutoff center to relative velocity. */
                Vector2 w = relativeVelocity - invTimeStep * relativePosition;

                float   wLength = RVOMath.abs(w);
                Vector2 unitW   = w / wLength;

                line.direction = new Vector2(unitW.y(), -unitW.x());
                u = (combinedRadius * invTimeStep - wLength) * unitW;
            line.point = velocity_ + 0.5f * u;
            Debug.Log("u:" + u.ToString() + " Point:" + line.point.ToString() + " Direction:" + line.direction.ToString());
        float   maxSpeed     = 2.0f;
        Vector2 prefVelocity = new Vector2(1, 1);
        Vector2 newVelocity  = new Vector2(0, 0);

        linearProgram1(orcaLines_, 0, maxSpeed, prefVelocity, false, ref newVelocity);
        //Debug.Log("prefVelocity:" + prefVelocity.ToString() + " newVelocity:" + newVelocity.ToString());

         * int lineFail = linearProgram2(orcaLines_, maxSpeed_, prefVelocity_, false, ref newVelocity_);
         * if (lineFail < orcaLines_.Count)
         * {
         *  linearProgram3(orcaLines_, numObstLines, lineFail, maxSpeed_, ref newVelocity_);
         * }
Пример #24
        private void placeAgents()
            NormalDistribution normal = new NormalDistribution();

            normal.Mu    = 1.2;
            normal.Sigma = Math.Sqrt(0.3);

            MT19937Generator  generator = new MT19937Generator();
            StandardGenerator sg        = new StandardGenerator();

            ContinuousUniformDistribution x_distribution = new ContinuousUniformDistribution(generator);
            NormalDistribution            y_distribution = new NormalDistribution(generator);

            y_distribution.Mu    = corridor_width_ / 2;
            y_distribution.Sigma = sim_.getDefaultRadius();
            for (int ped = 0; ped < ped_num_; ped++)
            {  // Place Agent
                float x = (float)x_distribution.NextDouble() * corridor_length_ % corridor_length_;
                float y = (float)((y_distribution.NextDouble() * corridor_width_) - 9) % corridor_width_;

                Vector2 position = new Vector2(x, Math.Abs(y));
                position = Vector2.rotation(position, corridor_angle_);

                sim_.addAgent(position, model_type_, follow_, group_);

                addAgent(prefab, new Vector3(position.x(), 0, position.y()), sim_.getDefaultRadius());


                // Set agent max speeds
                sim_.setAgentMaxSpeed(ped, (float)normal.NextDouble());
                if (sim_.getAgentMaxSpeed(ped) > 2.0f)
                    sim_.setAgentMaxSpeed(ped, 2.0f);
                if (sim_.getAgentMaxSpeed(ped) < 0.3f)
                    sim_.setAgentMaxSpeed(ped, 0.3f);

                // Set agent's goal

                /* Change the switch in case 2 like :
                 * Instantiate 2 Agents (one at each side) in a geometric way
                 * Add color and goals.
                switch (fluxes_)
                case 1:
                    Vector2 corridor_end = new Vector2(corridor_length_ + 100, y);
                    //Vector2 corridor_end = new Vector2(corridor_length_ + 12, y);
                    corridor_end = Vector2.rotation(corridor_end, corridor_angle_);
                    sim_.setAgentGoal(ped, corridor_end);

                case 2:
                    if (ped < ped_num_ / 2)
                        Vector2 corridor_end = new Vector2(corridor_length_ + 1, y);
                        corridor_end = Vector2.rotation(corridor_end, corridor_angle_);
                        agents[ped].transform.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = new Color(1, 0, 0);
                        sim_.setAgentGoal(ped, corridor_end);
                        Vector2 corridor_start = new Vector2(-100, y);
                        corridor_start = Vector2.rotation(corridor_start, corridor_angle_);
                        agents[ped].transform.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material.color = new Color(0, 0, 1);
                        sim_.setAgentGoal(ped, corridor_start);

Пример #25
        private void setAgentsProperties()
            for (int i = 0; i < sim_.getNumAgents(); ++i)
            {  // Set Agent Goal
                RVO.Vector2 pos  = sim_.getAgentPosition(i);
                RVO.Vector2 goal = sim_.getAgentGoal(i);
                // Position in the corridor referential
                RVO.Vector2 local_pos  = RVO.Vector2.rotation(pos, -corridor_angle_);
                RVO.Vector2 local_goal = RVO.Vector2.rotation(goal, -corridor_angle_);
                // Set agent goal
                RVO.Vector2 new_goal = new RVO.Vector2(local_goal.x(), local_pos.y());
                // Back to world's referential
                new_goal = RVO.Vector2.rotation(new_goal, corridor_angle_);
                // Set goal
                sim_.setAgentGoal(i, new_goal);

                // Set Agent Position (looped corridor)
                // If the agent as reached the end of the corridor (case 1)
                if (local_pos.x() >= corridor_length_ && local_goal.x() > corridor_length_)
                    // Put at the start of the corridor
                    RVO.Vector2 new_pos = new RVO.Vector2(local_pos.x() - (corridor_length_), local_pos.y());
                    // Back to world's referential
                    new_pos = RVO.Vector2.rotation(new_pos, corridor_angle_);
                    // Add agent
                    sim_.setAgentPosition(i, new_pos);
                    // Save agent's data
                    //DataSaving::saveAgentData(sim_, i, follow_);
                    // Reinitialize data
                if (pos.y() > corridor_width_ || pos.y() < 0)
                    System.Random rand    = new System.Random();
                    RVO.Vector2   new_pos = new RVO.Vector2(pos.x_, rand.Next((int)corridor_width_ + 1));
                    // Back to world's referential
                    new_pos = RVO.Vector2.rotation(new_pos, corridor_angle_);
                    // Add agent
                    sim_.setAgentPosition(i, new_pos);
                    // Save agent's data
                    //DataSaving::saveAgentData(sim_, i, follow_);
                    // Reinitialize data

                // If the agent as reached the end of the corridor (case 2)
                if (local_pos.x() <= 0 && local_goal.x() < 0)
                    // Put at the start of the corridor
                    RVO.Vector2 new_pos = new RVO.Vector2(local_pos.x() + corridor_length_, local_pos.y());
                    // Back to world's referential
                    new_pos = RVO.Vector2.rotation(new_pos, corridor_angle_);
                    // Add agent
                    sim_.setAgentPosition(i, new_pos);
                    // Save agent's data
                    //DataSaving::saveAgentData(sim_, i, following_behavior_);
                    // Reinitialize data
Пример #26
    public static RVO.Vector2 RotateVector(RVO.Vector2 _v, float _radians)
        float cos = Mathf.Cos(_radians), sin = Mathf.Sin(_radians);

        return(_v * cos + new RVO.Vector2(_v.y(), -_v.x()) * sin);
Пример #27
 public static Vector3 XZ(this RVO.Vector2 _this)
     return(new Vector3(_this.x(), 0, _this.y()));
Пример #28
    RVO.Vector2 rotation(RVO.Vector2 vector, float angle)
        float x_prime = (float)Math.Cos(angle) * vector.x() - (float)Math.Sin(angle) * vector.y();
        float y_prime = (float)Math.Sin(angle) * vector.x() + (float)Math.Cos(angle) * vector.y();

        return(new RVO.Vector2(x_prime, y_prime));
Пример #29
        // Update is called once per frame
        void Update()
            if (!reachedGoal())

                for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                    Vector2 position = getPosition(i);
                    agents[i].transform.position = new Vector3(position.x(), 0.5f, position.y());

                    /*  RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                     * agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));*/
                    /*  RVO.Vector2 vector2 = sim_.getAgentVelocity(i);
                     * agents[i].rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(vector2.x_, 0, vector2.y_));*/
                    float key = -1f;
                    if (sim_.getAgent(i).agentNeighbors_.Count > 0)
                        key = sim_.getAgent(i).agentNeighbors_[0].Key;

                    pas = pas + i;
                //Debug.Log("Distance " + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(agents[0].position.x - agents[1].position.x,2) + Math.Pow(agents[0].position.y - agents[1].position.y,2)));
                //Debug.Log("Vitesse agent 1 " + Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(sim_.getAgentVelocity(1).x_,2) + Math.Pow(sim_.getAgentVelocity(1).y_,2)));
                using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(name2, true))
                    tw.WriteLine(sim_.getAgent(0).position_.x_ + "\t" + sim_.getAgent(0).position_.y_ + "\t" + sim_.getAgent(0).agentNeighbors_.Count + "\t" + sim_.getAgent(1).position_.x_ + "\t" + sim_.getAgent(1).position_.y_ + "\t" + sim_.getAgent(1).agentNeighbors_.Count);

                Agent   neighbor = sim_.getAgent(1);
                Vector2 relative_pos;
                float   alpha;
                Vector2 local_relative_pos = new Vector2();
                Agent   neighbor2          = sim_.getAgent(0);;
                Vector2 relative_pos2;
                float   alpha2;
                Vector2 local_relative_pos2 = new Vector2();
                relative_pos        = neighbor.position_ - sim_.getAgent(0).position_;
                alpha               = Vector2.angle(sim_.getAgent(0).velocity_);
                local_relative_pos  = Vector2.rotation(relative_pos, -alpha);
                relative_pos2       = neighbor2.position_ - sim_.getAgent(1).position_;
                alpha2              = Vector2.angle(sim_.getAgent(1).velocity_);
                local_relative_pos2 = Vector2.rotation(relative_pos2, -alpha2);

                using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(name, true))
                    tw.WriteLine(pas + "\t" + sim_.getAgentPosition(0).x() + "\t" + sim_.getAgentPosition(0).y() + "\t" + sim_.getAgentPosition(1).x() + "\t" + sim_.getAgentPosition(1).y()
                                 + "\t" + sim_.getAgentVelocity(0).x() + "\t" + sim_.getAgentVelocity(0).y() + "\t" + sim_.getAgentVelocity(1).x() + "\t" + sim_.getAgentVelocity(1).y() +
                                 "\t" + sim_.getAgentAcceleration(0).x() + "\t" + sim_.getAgentAcceleration(0).y() + "\t" + sim_.getAgentAcceleration(1).x() + "\t" + sim_.getAgentAcceleration(1).y() + "\t"
                                 + local_relative_pos.x() + "\t" + local_relative_pos.y() + "\t" + local_relative_pos2.x() + "\t" + local_relative_pos2.y() + "\t"
                                 + Vector2.angle(sim_.agents_[0].velocity_) * (180 / Math.PI) + "\t"
                                 + Vector2.angle(sim_.agents_[1].velocity_) * (180 / Math.PI) + "\t" + sim_.getAgentLeaderNo(0) + "\t" + sim_.getAgentLeaderNo(1));
                for (int i = 0; i < getNumAgents(); ++i)
                    agents[i].GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
Пример #30
 //some helper functions
 Vector3 toUnityPosition(RVO.Vector2 agentVector)
     return(new Vector3(agentVector.x(), transform.position.y, agentVector.y()));