public void AsciiDepiction(Gestures leftGesture, Gestures rightGesture) { List <string> displayLines = new List <string> { }; if ( != "Spock" && != "Spock") { displayLines.Add(" " + leftGesture.symbolLeft + " vs. " + rightGesture.symbolRight); } else { if ( == "Spock" && == "Spock") { displayLines = TwoSpock(leftGesture.symbolLeft, rightGesture.symbolRight); } else if ( != "Spock" && == "Spock") { displayLines = RightSpock(leftGesture.symbolLeft, rightGesture.symbolRight); } else { displayLines = LeftSpock(leftGesture.symbolLeft, rightGesture.symbolRight); } } Console.WriteLine(""); for (int i = 0; i < displayLines.Count; i++) { Console.WriteLine(displayLines[i]); } Console.WriteLine(""); }
public Player CompareGestures(Gestures gesture1, Gestures gesture2) { string gesture2Name =; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if ( == gesture1.weaknesses[i]) { return(players[1]); } } return(players[0]); }
public void Run() { LoadGesturesNames(); do { DisplayScore(); Gestures gesture1 = players[0].GetGesture(); Gestures gesture2 = players[1].GetGesture(); if (gesture1 == gesture2) { Tie(); } else { Player roundWinningPlayer = CompareGestures(gesture1, gesture2); RoundWinner(roundWinningPlayer); } } while (players[0].wins < winningNumber && players[1].wins < winningNumber); AnnounceWinner(); }
//member methods public void RunGame() { gestures = new Gestures(); bool exit = true; do { switch (Menu()) { case 1: Rules(); break; case 2: PlayGame(); break; case 3: exit = false; break; } } while (exit); }
public void RunGame() { RulesDisplay(); SelectGameMode(); while (playerOneScore < 3 || playerTwoScore < 3) { int playerOneSelection = SelectGesture(); Gestures playerone = playerOne.listOfGestures[playerOneSelection]; int playerTwoSelection = SelectGesture(); Gestures playertwo = playerTwo.listOfGestures[playerTwoSelection]; int SelectGesture() { Console.WriteLine("Choose your gesture 0 ROCK, 1 PAPER, 2 SCISSORS, 3 LIZARD, 4 SPOCK!"); int playerSelection = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); return(playerSelection); } if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Paper covers Rock "); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("Rock Smashes Scissors"); } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Rock crushes Lizard "); playerOneScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Spock vaporizes Rock"); playerTwoScore++; } } if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Paper covers Rock "); playerOneScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Scissors cuts Paper "); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Lizard eats paper "); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins Paper disproves Spock "); playerOneScore++; } } if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Rock smashes scissors"); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins Scissors cuts paper"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine(" PlayerOne Wins! Scissors decapitates Lizard"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Win! Spock smashes Scissors"); playerTwoScore++; } if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Rock crushes Lizard"); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Lizard eats Paper"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Scissors decapitates Liazrd"); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Lizard posions Spock "); playerOneScore++; } } if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Spock vapories Rock"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Paper disproves Spock"); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Spock smashes Scissors"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Lizard poisons Spock"); playerTwoScore++; } if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Paper covers Rock "); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("Rock Smashes Scissors"); } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Rock crushes Lizard "); playerOneScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Spock vaporizes Rock"); playerTwoScore++; } } if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Paper covers Rock "); playerOneScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Scissors cuts Paper "); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Lizard eats paper "); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins Paper disproves Spock "); playerOneScore++; } } if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Rock smashes scissors"); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins Scissors cuts paper"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine(" PlayerOne Wins! Scissors decapitates Lizard"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Win! Spock smashes Scissors"); playerTwoScore++; } if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Rock crushes Lizard"); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Lizard eats Paper"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Scissors decapitates Liazrd"); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Lizard posions Spock "); playerOneScore++; } } if (playertwo.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Spock") { Console.WriteLine("DRAW"); } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Rock") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Spock vapories Rock"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Paper") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Paper disproves Spock"); playerTwoScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Scissors") { Console.WriteLine("Player One Wins! Spock smashes Scissors"); playerOneScore++; } else if (playerone.nameOfGesture == "Lizard") { Console.WriteLine("Player Two Wins! Lizard poisons Spock"); playerTwoScore++; } //IF I BRING WHATS UNDERNEATH TO THE TOP OF THE IF STATEMENTS THE GAME BECOME PLAYER VS PLAYER VS CPU //ALSO THE CODE BELOW WORKS FOR THE CPU RANDOMLY PICKING A GESTURE AGINST YOU. // NEED TO FIGURE OUT HOW NOT TO GET TWO INPUTS IN CPU AI GAME string userInput; string inputCPU; int randomGesture; Random rnd = new Random(); randomGesture = rnd.Next(0, 4); switch (randomGesture) { case 0: inputCPU = "rock"; Console.WriteLine("CPU choose ROCK"); userInput = Console.ReadLine(); break; case 1: inputCPU = "Paper"; Console.WriteLine("CPU choose Paper"); userInput = Console.ReadLine(); break; case 2: inputCPU = "Siccors"; Console.WriteLine("CPU choose Scissors"); userInput = Console.ReadLine(); break; case 3: inputCPU = "Lizard"; Console.WriteLine("CPU choose Lizard"); userInput = Console.ReadLine(); break; case 4: inputCPU = "Spock"; Console.WriteLine("CPU choose Spock"); userInput = Console.ReadLine(); break; } } } } } } }