Пример #1
 public DescriptionPrinting(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, Controller controller, DescriptionPrintSettings descPrintSettings)
     : base(QueryEvent.GetEventTitle(eventDB, " "), controller, descPrintSettings.PageSettings, descPrintSettings.BoxSize, descPrintSettings.CountKind, descPrintSettings.Count)
     this.eventDB = eventDB;
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
     this.descPrintSettings = descPrintSettings;
Пример #2
        // Format the given CourseView into a bunch of course objects, and add it to the given course Layout
        public RectangleF FormatCourseToLayout(SymbolDB symbolDB, CourseView courseViewAllVariations, CourseView specificVariation, CourseLayout courseLayout, CourseLayer layerAllVariations, CourseLayer layerSpecificVariation)
            this.eventDB = courseViewAllVariations.EventDB;
            this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
            this.courseLayout = courseLayout;
            this.courseLayerAllVariationsAndParts = layerAllVariations;
            this.courseLayerSpecificVariation = layerSpecificVariation;
            this.controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts = courseViewAllVariations.ControlViews;
            this.controlViewsSpecificVariation = specificVariation.ControlViews;
            this.controlPositions = new ControlPosition[controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts.Count];
            this.courseControlIdsSpecificVariation = QueryEvent.EnumCourseControlIds(eventDB, specificVariation.CourseDesignator).ToArray();
            this.variationMap = QueryEvent.GetVariantCodeMapping(eventDB, courseViewAllVariations.CourseDesignator);

            SizeF totalAbstractSize = AssignControlPositions(0, controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts.Count, 0, 0);

            // Now create objects now that the positions have been created.
            scaleRatio = 1.0F;
            appearance = new CourseAppearance();

            for (int index = 0; index < controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts.Count; ++index) {
                CreateObjectsForControlView(controlViewsAllVariationsAndParts[index], controlPositions[index]);

            PointF bottomCenter = LocationFromAbstractPosition(0, 0);
            SizeF size = SizeFromAbstractSize(totalAbstractSize);
            RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(bottomCenter.X - size.Width / 2, bottomCenter.Y - size.Height, size.Width, size.Height);
            rect.Inflate(widthUnit, heightUnit);
            return rect;
Пример #3
 public ExportRouteGadget(SymbolDB symbolDB, EventDB eventDB, MapDisplay mapDisplay)
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
     this.eventDB = eventDB;
     this.mapDisplay = mapDisplay.CloneToFullIntensity();
Пример #4
 public OcadCreation(SymbolDB symbolDB, EventDB eventDB, Controller controller, CourseAppearance courseAppearance, OcadCreationSettings creationSettings)
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
     this.eventDB = eventDB;
     this.controller = controller;
     this.courseAppearance = courseAppearance;
     this.creationSettings = creationSettings;
Пример #5
 public AddDescriptionMode(Controller controller, UndoMgr undoMgr, SelectionMgr selectionMgr, EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator, DescriptionLine[] description, DescriptionKind kind)
     this.controller = controller;
     this.undoMgr = undoMgr;
     this.selectionMgr = selectionMgr;
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
     this.eventDB = eventDB;
     this.courseDesignator = courseDesignator;
     this.description = description;
     this.kind = kind;
Пример #6
 public AddControlMode(Controller controller, SelectionMgr selectionMgr, UndoMgr undoMgr, EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, bool allControls, ControlPointKind controlKind, bool exchangeAtControl)
     this.controller = controller;
     this.selectionMgr = selectionMgr;
     this.undoMgr = undoMgr;
     this.eventDB = eventDB;
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
     this.allControls = allControls;
     this.controlKind = controlKind;
     this.exchangeAtControl = exchangeAtControl;
     this.scaleRatio = selectionMgr.ActiveCourseView.ScaleRatio;
     this.appearance = controller.GetCourseAppearance();
Пример #7
        internal CustomSymbolText(SymbolDB symbolDB, bool useAsLocalizeTool)
            : this()
            this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
            this.useAsLocalizeTool = useAsLocalizeTool;
            listBoxSymbols.SelectedIndex = 0;

            if (useAsLocalizeTool) {
                labelSymbolName.Visible = textBoxSymbolName.Visible = true;
                buttonDefault.Visible = checkBoxShowKey.Visible = false;
                checkBoxDefaultLanguage.Visible = false;
Пример #8
        // mapDisplay is a MapDisplay that contains the correct map. All other features of the map display need to be customized.
        public CoursePrinting(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, Controller controller, MapDisplay mapDisplay, CoursePrintSettings coursePrintSettings, CourseAppearance appearance)
            : base(QueryEvent.GetEventTitle(eventDB, " "), controller, coursePrintSettings.PageSettings, coursePrintSettings.PrintingColorModel)
            this.eventDB = eventDB;
            this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
            this.controller = controller;
            this.mapDisplay = mapDisplay;
            this.coursePrintSettings = coursePrintSettings;
            this.appearance = appearance;

            // Set default features for printing.
            mapDisplay.MapIntensity = 1.0F;
            mapDisplay.AntiAlias = false;
            mapDisplay.Printing = true;
            mapDisplay.ColorModel = base.colorModel;
Пример #9
        // mapDisplay is a MapDisplay that contains the correct map. All other features of the map display need to be customized.
        public CoursePdf(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, Controller controller, MapDisplay mapDisplay, 
            CoursePdfSettings coursePdfSettings, CourseAppearance appearance)
            this.eventDB = eventDB;
            this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
            this.controller = controller;
            this.mapDisplay = mapDisplay;
            this.coursePdfSettings = coursePdfSettings;
            this.appearance = appearance;

            // Set default features for printing.
            mapDisplay.MapIntensity = 1.0F;
            mapDisplay.AntiAlias = false;
            mapDisplay.Printing = true;
            mapDisplay.ColorModel = coursePdfSettings.ColorModel;

            mapBounds = mapDisplay.MapBounds;

            if (mapDisplay.MapType == MapType.PDF) {
                // For PDF maps, we remove the PDF map from the MapDisplay and add it in separately.
                sourcePdfMapFileName = mapDisplay.FileName;
Пример #10
        // Find the best matching SymbolText. Gender can be null or empty for don't care. Same with nounCase. If
        // nounCase is empty then the first noun case from the language is chosen if possible.
        static SymbolText FindBestText(SymbolDB symbolDB, List<SymbolText> texts, string language, bool plural, string gender, string nounCase)
            int best = 99999;
            SymbolText bestSymText = null;
            if (gender == null)
                gender = "";

            string defaultNounCase = "";
            SymbolLanguage symbolLanguage = symbolDB.GetLanguage(language);
            if (symbolLanguage != null && symbolLanguage.CaseModifiers && symbolLanguage.Cases.Length > 0)
                defaultNounCase = symbolLanguage.Cases[0];

            // Search for exact match.
            foreach (SymbolText symtext in texts) {
                int metric = 0;
                if (symtext.Lang != language && symtext.Lang != "en")
                    metric += 100;
                if (symtext.Lang != language && symtext.Lang == "en")   // english is most preferred if no language match
                    metric += 50;
                if (symtext.Plural != plural)
                    metric += 10;
                if (gender != "" && symtext.Gender != gender)
                    metric += 5;
                if (nounCase != "" && symtext.Case != nounCase)
                    metric += 3;
                if (nounCase == "" && symtext.Case != null && symtext.Case != defaultNounCase)
                    metric += 1;

                if (metric < best) {
                    best = metric;
                    bestSymText = symtext;

            return bestSymText;
Пример #11
 // Get the gender for a item from a list of symbol texts.
 public static string GetSymbolGender(SymbolDB symbolDB, List<SymbolText> texts, string language)
     SymbolText best = FindBestText(symbolDB, texts, language, false, "", "");
     if (best != null)
         return best.Gender;
         return null;
Пример #12
 public SymbolPopup(SymbolDB symbolDB, int boxSize)
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
     this.boxSize  = boxSize;
Пример #13
        CourseView topologyCourseView; // The active course view, but: null if all controls or score, plus always shows all variations and parts.

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SelectionMgr(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, Controller controller)
            this.eventDB = eventDB;
            this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
            this.controller = controller;
            this.activeCourseDesignator = CourseDesignator.AllControls;
Пример #14
        bool textboxChanged; // has the text box been changed?

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public SymbolPopup(SymbolDB symbolDB, int boxSize)
            this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
            this.boxSize = boxSize;
Пример #15
        // Find the longest description we have. If we have no courses, then return None.
        static CourseDesignator FindLongestDescription(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB)
            int longest = 0;
            CourseDesignator longestCourse = CourseDesignator.AllControls;

            foreach (Id<Course> courseId in eventDB.AllCourseIds) {
                int numberOfParts = QueryEvent.CountCourseParts(eventDB, courseId);
                for (int part = 0; part < numberOfParts; ++part) {
                    DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, new CourseDesignator(courseId, part)), symbolDB);
                    DescriptionKind descKind = QueryEvent.GetDefaultDescKind(eventDB, courseId);
                    DescriptionLine[] description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(descKind == DescriptionKind.Symbols);
                    if (description.Length > longest) {
                        longest = description.Length;
                        longestCourse = new CourseDesignator(courseId, part);

            return longestCourse;
Пример #16
 // Describe a course object, and return an array of TextParts for display in the UI. Return null if nothing useful
 // can be said.
 public static TextPart[] DescribeCourseObject(SymbolDB symbolDB, EventDB eventDB, CourseObj courseObj, float scaleRatio)
     if (courseObj is LineCourseObj && courseObj.courseControlId.IsNotNone && ((LineCourseObj)courseObj).courseControlId2.IsNotNone) {
         return DescribeLeg(eventDB, courseObj.courseControlId, ((LineCourseObj)courseObj).courseControlId2, DescKind.Tooltip);
     else if (courseObj.controlId.IsNotNone) {
         return DescribeControlPoint(symbolDB, eventDB, courseObj.controlId, DescKind.Tooltip);
     else if (courseObj.specialId.IsNotNone) {
         return DescribeSpecial(eventDB, courseObj.specialId, scaleRatio, DescKind.Tooltip);
     else {
         return null;
Пример #17
        // Return the description and description kind for a given CourseView.
        public static DescriptionLine[] GetCourseDescription(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator, out DescriptionKind descKind)
            CourseView courseViewDescription;
            DescriptionLine[] description;
            bool noTextOrSymbols = false;

            // Get the course view for the description we're using.
            courseViewDescription = CourseView.CreateViewingCourseView(eventDB, courseDesignator);

            // Create the description. Note the courseId is None only if we're both in all controls, and there are no courses.
            DescriptionFormatter descFormatter = new DescriptionFormatter(courseViewDescription, symbolDB);
            descKind = QueryEvent.GetDefaultDescKind(eventDB, courseDesignator.CourseId);
            description = descFormatter.CreateDescription(descKind == DescriptionKind.Symbols);
            if (noTextOrSymbols)

            return description;
Пример #18
 public static void DumpDescription(SymbolDB symbolDB, DescriptionLine[] lines, TextWriter writer)
     foreach (DescriptionLine line in lines)
         DumpDescriptionLine(symbolDB, line, writer);
Пример #19
 // Create a description formatter to format the given courseView.
 // Currently, the language for the text descriptions is taken from the language set for the event. It would be easy to make this
 // a parameter to the constructor (e.g., to allow printing in a different language), but this currently isn't required.
 public DescriptionFormatter(CourseView courseView, SymbolDB symbolDB)
     this.courseView = courseView;
     this.eventDB = courseView.EventDB;
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
     this.language = QueryEvent.GetDescriptionLanguage(eventDB);
Пример #20
 public Symbol(SymbolDB symbolDB, int sortOrder)
     this.symbolDB  = symbolDB;
     this.SortOrder = sortOrder;
Пример #21
 public DescriptionLocalize(SymbolDB symbolDB)
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
Пример #22
        // Describe a control point.
        private static TextPart[] DescribeControlPoint(SymbolDB symbolDB, EventDB eventDB, Id<ControlPoint> controlId, DescKind descKind)
            Debug.Assert(descKind == DescKind.DescPane || descKind == DescKind.Tooltip);

            List<TextPart> list = new List<TextPart>();
            ControlPoint control = eventDB.GetControl(controlId);

            // Control name/code.
            list.Add(new TextPart(TextFormat.Title, Util.ControlPointName(eventDB, controlId, NameStyle.Long)));

            // Control location.
            if (descKind == DescKind.DescPane) {
                list.Add(new TextPart(TextFormat.Header, SelectionDescriptionText.Location + "  "));
                list.Add(new TextPart(TextFormat.SameLine, string.Format("({0:##0.0}, {1:##0.0})", control.location.X, control.location.Y)));

            // Which courses is it used in?
            list.Add(new TextPart(TextFormat.Header, (descKind == DescKind.Tooltip ? SelectionDescriptionText.UsedIn : SelectionDescriptionText.UsedInCourses)));
            Id<Course>[] coursesUsingControl = QueryEvent.CoursesUsingControl(eventDB, controlId);
            list.Add(new TextPart(descKind == DescKind.Tooltip ? TextFormat.SameLine : TextFormat.NewLine, CourseListText(eventDB, coursesUsingControl)));

            // What is the competitor load?
            int load = QueryEvent.GetControlLoad(eventDB, controlId);
            if (load >= 0) {
                list.Add(new TextPart(TextFormat.Header, (descKind == DescKind.Tooltip ? SelectionDescriptionText.Load : SelectionDescriptionText.CompetitorLoad)));
                list.Add(new TextPart(TextFormat.SameLine, string.Format("{0}", load)));

            // Text version of the descriptions
            if (descKind == DescKind.DescPane) {
                Textifier textifier = new Textifier(eventDB, symbolDB, QueryEvent.GetDescriptionLanguage(eventDB));
                string descText = textifier.CreateTextForControl(controlId, null);
                list.Add(new TextPart(TextFormat.Header, SelectionDescriptionText.TextDescription));
                list.Add(new TextPart(TextFormat.NewLine, descText));

            return list.ToArray();
Пример #23
        // Dump a description line to a text writer.
        static void DumpDescriptionLine(SymbolDB symbolDB, DescriptionLine line, TextWriter writer)
            if (line.controlId.IsNotNone)
                writer.Write("({0,3}) |", line.controlId);
                writer.Write("      |");

            switch (line.kind)
            case DescriptionLineKind.Title:
            case DescriptionLineKind.SecondaryTitle:
            case DescriptionLineKind.Text:
                writer.Write(" {0,-46}|", line.boxes[0]);

            case DescriptionLineKind.Normal:
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                    string text;
                    if (line.boxes[i] == null)
                        text = "";
                    else if (line.boxes[i] is Symbol)
                        text = ((Symbol)(line.boxes[i])).Id;
                        text = (string)(line.boxes[i]);

                    writer.Write("{0,5}|", line.boxes[i] is Symbol ? ((Symbol)(line.boxes[i])).Id : (string)(line.boxes[i]));

            case DescriptionLineKind.Header3Box:
                writer.Write("{0,-17}|", line.boxes[0] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[0]));
                writer.Write("{0,-17}|", line.boxes[1] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[1]));
                writer.Write("{0,-11}|", line.boxes[2] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[2]));

            case DescriptionLineKind.Header2Box:
                writer.Write("{0,-17}|", line.boxes[0] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[0]));
                writer.Write("{0,-29}|", line.boxes[1] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[1]));

            case DescriptionLineKind.Key:
                writer.Write("{0,-17}|", line.boxes[0] == null ? "" : ((Symbol)(line.boxes[0])).Id);
                writer.Write("{0,-29}|", line.boxes[1] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[1]));

            case DescriptionLineKind.Directive:
                writer.Write("     {0,16}: {1,-24}|", line.boxes[0] != null ? ((Symbol)(line.boxes[0])).Id : "", line.boxes[1] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[1]));

            if (line.textual != null)
                writer.Write("   [{0}]", line.textual);

Пример #24
 // Initialize the textifier.
 public Textifier(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, string language)
     this.eventDB  = eventDB;
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
     this.language = language;
Пример #25
        // Dump a description line to a text writer.
        static void DumpDescriptionLine(SymbolDB symbolDB, DescriptionLine line, TextWriter writer)
            if (line.controlId.IsNotNone)
                writer.Write("({0,3}) |", line.controlId);
                writer.Write("      |");

            switch (line.kind) {
                case DescriptionLineKind.Title:
                case DescriptionLineKind.SecondaryTitle:
                case DescriptionLineKind.Text:
                    writer.Write(" {0,-46}|", line.boxes[0]);

                case DescriptionLineKind.Normal:
                    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
                        string text;
                        if (line.boxes[i] == null)
                            text = "";
                        else if (line.boxes[i] is Symbol)
                            text = ((Symbol)(line.boxes[i])).Id;
                            text = (string)(line.boxes[i]);

                        writer.Write("{0,5}|", line.boxes[i] is Symbol ? ((Symbol)(line.boxes[i])).Id : (string)(line.boxes[i]));

                case DescriptionLineKind.Header3Box:
                    writer.Write("{0,-17}|", line.boxes[0] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[0]));
                    writer.Write("{0,-17}|", line.boxes[1] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[1]));
                    writer.Write("{0,-11}|", line.boxes[2] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[2]));

                case DescriptionLineKind.Header2Box:
                    writer.Write("{0,-17}|", line.boxes[0] == null ? "" : (string) (line.boxes[0]));
                    writer.Write("{0,-29}|", line.boxes[1] == null ? "" : (string) (line.boxes[1]));

                case DescriptionLineKind.Key:
                    writer.Write("{0,-17}|", line.boxes[0] == null ? "" : ((Symbol) (line.boxes[0])).Id);
                    writer.Write("{0,-29}|", line.boxes[1] == null ? "" : (string) (line.boxes[1]));

                case DescriptionLineKind.Directive:
                    writer.Write("     {0,16}: {1,-24}|", line.boxes[0] != null ? ((Symbol)(line.boxes[0])).Id : "", line.boxes[1] == null ? "" : (string)(line.boxes[1]));

            if (line.textual != null)
                writer.Write("   [{0}]", line.textual);

Пример #26
        // Create the course objects associated with this special. Assign the given layer to it.
        static CourseObj CreateDescriptionSpecial(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, CourseView.DescriptionView descriptionView, CourseLayer layer)
            Special special = eventDB.GetSpecial(descriptionView.SpecialId);
            Debug.Assert(special.kind == SpecialKind.Descriptions);

            DescriptionKind descKind;
            DescriptionLine[] description = GetCourseDescription(eventDB, symbolDB, descriptionView.CourseDesignator, out descKind);
            CourseObj courseObj = new DescriptionCourseObj(descriptionView.SpecialId, special.locations[0], (float)Geometry.Distance(special.locations[0], special.locations[1]), symbolDB, description, descKind, special.numColumns);
            courseObj.layer = layer;
            return courseObj;
Пример #27
 // mapDisplay is a MapDisplay that contains the correct map. All other features of the map display need to be customized.
 public CoursePageLayout(EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, Controller controller,  
     CourseAppearance appearance, bool cropLargePrintArea)
     this.eventDB = eventDB;
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
     this.controller = controller;
     this.appearance = appearance;
     this.cropLargePrintArea = cropLargePrintArea;
Пример #28
 public DescriptionRenderer(SymbolDB symbolDB)
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
Пример #29
 // Describe the selection, and return an array of TextParts for display in the UI.
 public static TextPart[] DescribeSelection(SymbolDB symbolDB, EventDB eventDB, CourseView activeCourseView, SelectionMgr.SelectionInfo selection)
     if (selection.SelectionKind == SelectionMgr.SelectionKind.Key) {
         return DescribeKey(eventDB);
     else if (selection.SelectionKind == SelectionMgr.SelectionKind.TextLine) {
         return DescribeTextLine(eventDB, selection.SelectedControl, selection.SelectedTextLineKind);
     else if (selection.SelectionKind == SelectionMgr.SelectionKind.Control) {
         return DescribeControlPoint(symbolDB, eventDB, selection.SelectedControl, DescKind.DescPane);
     else if (selection.SelectionKind == SelectionMgr.SelectionKind.Leg) {
         return DescribeLeg(eventDB, selection.SelectedCourseControl, selection.SelectedCourseControl2, DescKind.DescPane);
     else if (selection.SelectionKind == SelectionMgr.SelectionKind.Special) {
         return DescribeSpecial(eventDB, selection.SelectedSpecial, activeCourseView.ScaleRatio, DescKind.DescPane);
     else if (selection.SelectionKind == SelectionMgr.SelectionKind.MapExchangeAtControl) {
         return DescribeMapExchangeAtControl(eventDB, selection.SelectedControl);
     else if (selection.ActiveCourseDesignator.IsNotAllControls) {
         return DescribeCourse(eventDB, activeCourseView);
     else {
         return DescribeAllControls(eventDB, activeCourseView);
Пример #30
 public AddDescriptionMode(Controller controller, UndoMgr undoMgr, SelectionMgr selectionMgr, EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, CourseDesignator courseDesignator, DescriptionLine[] description, DescriptionKind kind)
     this.controller       = controller;
     this.undoMgr          = undoMgr;
     this.selectionMgr     = selectionMgr;
     this.symbolDB         = symbolDB;
     this.eventDB          = eventDB;
     this.courseDesignator = courseDesignator;
     this.description      = description;
     this.kind             = kind;
Пример #31
 // Description a control.
 public static TextPart[] DescribeControl(SymbolDB symbolDB, EventDB eventDB, Id<ControlPoint> controlId)
     return DescribeControlPoint(symbolDB, eventDB, controlId, DescKind.Tooltip);
Пример #32
 // Description a control.
 public static TextPart[] DescribeControl(SymbolDB symbolDB, EventDB eventDB, Id <ControlPoint> controlId)
     return(DescribeControlPoint(symbolDB, eventDB, controlId, DescKind.Tooltip));
Пример #33
 public EnterSymbolText(SymbolDB symbolDB)
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
Пример #34
        // Allow test code access.


        #region Constructors

        public Symbol(SymbolDB symbolDB)
            this.symbolDB = symbolDB;
Пример #35
        CourseObj[] additionalHighlights; // additional highlights to show also.

        public AddControlMode(Controller controller, SelectionMgr selectionMgr, UndoMgr undoMgr, EventDB eventDB, SymbolDB symbolDB, bool allControls, ControlPointKind controlKind, bool exchangeAtControl, MapIssueKind mapIssueKind)
            this.controller        = controller;
            this.selectionMgr      = selectionMgr;
            this.undoMgr           = undoMgr;
            this.eventDB           = eventDB;
            this.symbolDB          = symbolDB;
            this.allControls       = allControls;
            this.controlKind       = controlKind;
            this.exchangeAtControl = exchangeAtControl;
            this.mapIssueKind      = mapIssueKind;
            this.appearance        = controller.GetCourseAppearance();
            this.courseObjRatio    = selectionMgr.ActiveCourseView.CourseObjRatio(appearance);
Пример #36
 // Get the best symbol text for a language from a list of symbol texts.
 public static string GetBestSymbolText(SymbolDB symbolDB, List<SymbolText> texts, string language, bool plural, string gender, string nounCase)
     SymbolText best = FindBestText(symbolDB, texts, language, plural, gender, nounCase);
     if (best != null)
         return best.Text;
         return null;
Пример #37
 // Get the case of what this symbol modifies, or "" if none.
 public static string GetModifiedCase(SymbolDB symbolDB, List<SymbolText> texts, string language)
     SymbolText best = FindBestText(symbolDB, texts, language, false, "", "");
     if (best != null)
         return best.CaseOfModified;
         return null;
Пример #38
 public DescriptionLocalize(SymbolDB symbolDB)
     this.symbolDB = symbolDB;