//check if player is on the vendor //if so, make the screen go to shop //handle enter and exit from the shop public static void EnterShop() { SoundManager.VendorSound(); inShop = true; while (inShop == true) { Console.Clear(); Hud.PrintHUD(); ShopText(); switch (Console.ReadKey().Key) { case ConsoleKey.X: inShop = false; Console.Clear(); break; case ConsoleKey.D1: if (PlayerStats.hasSword != true) { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Sword.buyPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.BuySword(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } else { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Sword.upgradeGoldPrice && PlayerStats.leather >= ItemManager.Sword.upgradeLeatherPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.UpgradeSword(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } break; case ConsoleKey.D2: if (PlayerStats.hasBow != true) { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Bow.buyPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.BuyBow(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } else { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Bow.upgradeGoldPrice && PlayerStats.leather >= ItemManager.Bow.upgradeLeatherPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.UpgradeBow(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } break; case ConsoleKey.D3: if (PlayerStats.hasHelmet != true) { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Helmet.buyPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.BuyHelmet(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } else { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Helmet.upgradeGoldPrice && PlayerStats.leather >= ItemManager.Helmet.upgradeLeatherPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.UpgradeHelmet(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } break; case ConsoleKey.D4: if (PlayerStats.hasChestPlate != true) { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.ChestPlate.buyPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.BuyChestPlate(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } else { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.ChestPlate.upgradeGoldPrice && PlayerStats.leather >= ItemManager.ChestPlate.upgradeLeatherPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.UpgradeChestPlate(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } break; case ConsoleKey.D5: if (PlayerStats.hasArmBracers != true) { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.ArmBracers.buyPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.BuyArmBracers(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } else { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.ArmBracers.upgradeGoldPrice && PlayerStats.leather >= ItemManager.ArmBracers.upgradeLeatherPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.UpgradeArmBracers(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } break; case ConsoleKey.D6: if (PlayerStats.hasBoots != true) { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Boots.buyPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.BuyBoots(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } else { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Boots.upgradeGoldPrice && PlayerStats.leather >= ItemManager.Boots.upgradeLeatherPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.UpgradeBoots(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } break; case ConsoleKey.D7: if (PlayerStats.hasGuntlet != true) { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Guntlet.buyPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.BuyGuntlet(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } else { if (PlayerStats.gold >= ItemManager.Guntlet.upgradeGoldPrice && PlayerStats.leather >= ItemManager.Guntlet.upgradeLeatherPrice) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.UpgradeGuntlet(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } break; case ConsoleKey.D8: { if (PlayerStats.gold >= Vendor.refillHPCost) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.RefillHP(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } break; case ConsoleKey.D9: { if (PlayerStats.gold >= Vendor.increaceMaxHPCost) { SoundManager.PerchaseSound(); Vendor.IncreaceMaxHP(); } else { Hud.InfoText2 = "Not Enough Resources to complete Purchase"; } } break; } } }