private static async Task WalkingToPokeStop(ISession session, CancellationToken cancellationToken, FortData pokeStop, FortDetailsResponse fortInfo)
            var distance = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(session.Client.CurrentLatitude,
                                                                   session.Client.CurrentLongitude, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude);

            // we only move to the PokeStop, and send the associated FortTargetEvent, when not using GPX
            // also, GPX pathing uses its own EggWalker and calls the CatchPokemon tasks internally.
            if (!session.LogicSettings.UseGpxPathing)
                // Will modify Lat,Lng and Name to fake position
                //Need refactor it to speparate from pokestop logic -> samuraitruong will do it.
                SetMoveToTargetTask.CheckSetMoveToTargetStatus(ref fortInfo, ref pokeStop);

                var eggWalker = new EggWalker(1000, session);


                if (!session.LogicSettings.UseGoogleWalk && !session.LogicSettings.UseYoursWalk)
                    session.EventDispatcher.Send(new FortTargetEvent {
                        Name = fortInfo.Name, Distance = distance, Route = "NecroBot"
                    BaseWalkStrategy.FortInfo = fortInfo;
                var pokeStopDestination = new GeoCoordinate(pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude,
                                                            LocationUtils.getElevation(session, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude));

                if (pokeStop.Type == FortType.Gym)
                    session.EventDispatcher.Send(new GymWalkToTargetEvent()
                        Name      = fortInfo.Name,
                        Distance  = distance,
                        Latitude  = fortInfo.Latitude,
                        Longitude = fortInfo.Longitude

                await session.Navigation.Move(pokeStopDestination,
                                              async() =>
                    await OnWalkingToPokeStopOrGym(session, pokeStop, cancellationToken);

                // we have moved this distance, so apply it immediately to the egg walker.
                await eggWalker.ApplyDistance(distance, cancellationToken);
Пример #2
        public static async Task Execute(ISession session, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

            var pokestopsTuple = await GetPokeStops(session);

            pokestopList = pokestopsTuple.Item2;

            while (pokestopList.Any())
                await SnipeMSniperTask.CheckMSniperLocation(session, cancellationToken);

                pokestopList =
                        i =>
                            session.Client.CurrentLatitude, session.Client.CurrentLongitude, i.Latitude, i.Longitude, session)).ToList();

                // randomize next pokestop between first and second by distance
                var pokestopListNum = 0;
                if (pokestopList.Count > 1)
                    pokestopListNum = rc.Next(0, 2);

                var pokeStop = pokestopList[pokestopListNum];

                // this logic should only be called when we reach a pokestop either via GPX path or normal walking
                // as when walk-sniping, we want to get to the snipe ASAP rather than stop for lured pokemon upon
                // calling FarmPokestop; in that situation we are also always within 40m of the pokestop, so no
                // need to walk to it
                var fortInfo = await session.Client.Fort.GetFort(pokeStop.Id, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude);

                // we only move to the PokeStop, and send the associated FortTargetEvent, when not using GPX
                // also, GPX pathing uses its own EggWalker and calls the CatchPokemon tasks internally.
                if (!session.LogicSettings.UseGpxPathing)
                    // Will modify Lat,Lng and Name to fake position
                    SetMoveToTargetTask.CheckSetMoveToTargetStatus(ref fortInfo, ref pokeStop);

                    var eggWalker = new EggWalker(1000, session);

                    var distance = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(session.Client.CurrentLatitude,
                                                                           session.Client.CurrentLongitude, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude);

                    if (!session.LogicSettings.UseGoogleWalk && !session.LogicSettings.UseYoursWalk)
                        session.EventDispatcher.Send(new FortTargetEvent {
                            Name = fortInfo.Name, Distance = distance, Route = "NecroBot"
                        BaseWalkStrategy.FortInfo = fortInfo;

                    await session.Navigation.Move(new GeoCoordinate(pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude,
                                                                    LocationUtils.getElevation(session, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude)),
                                                  async() =>
                        if (SetMoveToTargetTask.CheckStopforSetMoveToTarget())
                        // Catch normal map Pokemon
                        await CatchNearbyPokemonsTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);
                        //Catch Incense Pokemon
                        await CatchIncensePokemonsTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);
                        // Minor fix google route ignore pokestop
                        await LookPokestops(session, pokeStop, cancellationToken);

                    // we have moved this distance, so apply it immediately to the egg walker.
                    await eggWalker.ApplyDistance(distance, cancellationToken);
                if (SetMoveToTargetTask.CheckReachTarget(session))

                await FortAction(session, pokeStop, fortInfo, cancellationToken);

                if (session.LogicSettings.SnipeAtPokestops || session.LogicSettings.UseSnipeLocationServer)
                    await SnipePokemonTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);

                if (session.LogicSettings.EnableHumanWalkingSnipe)
                    //refactore to move this code inside the task later.
                    await HumanWalkSnipeTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken,
                                                     async (double lat, double lng) =>
                        //idea of this function is to spin pokestop on way. maybe risky.
                        var reachablePokestops = pokestopList.Where(i =>
                                                                                                            session.Client.CurrentLongitude, i.Latitude, i.Longitude) < 40 &&
                                                                    i.CooldownCompleteTimestampMs == 0
                        reachablePokestops = reachablePokestops.OrderBy(i =>
                                                                                                                session.Client.CurrentLongitude, i.Latitude, i.Longitude)).ToList();

                        foreach (var ps in reachablePokestops)
                            if (!session.LogicSettings.UseGpxPathing)
                            var fi = await session.Client.Fort.GetFort(ps.Id, ps.Latitude, ps.Longitude);
                            await FarmPokestop(session, ps, fi, cancellationToken, true);
                            await Task.Delay(2000);
                                                     async() =>
                        // if using GPX we have to move back to the original pokestop, to resume the path.
                        // we do not try to use pokest;ops on the way back, as we will have used them getting
                        // here.
                        if (session.LogicSettings.UseGpxPathing)
                            var eggWalker = new EggWalker(1000, session);

                            var distance = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(session.Client.CurrentLatitude,
                                                                                   session.Client.CurrentLongitude, pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude);
                            var geo = new GeoCoordinate(pokeStop.Latitude, pokeStop.Longitude);

                            await session.Navigation.Move(geo,
                                                          async() =>
                                await CatchNearbyPokemonsTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);
                                //Catch Incense Pokemon
                                await CatchIncensePokemonsTask.Execute(session, cancellationToken);

                            await eggWalker.ApplyDistance(distance, cancellationToken);

                        var nearestStop = pokestopList.OrderBy(i =>
                                                                                                       session.Client.CurrentLongitude, i.Latitude, i.Longitude)).FirstOrDefault();

                        var walkedDistance = LocationUtils.CalculateDistanceInMeters(nearestStop.Latitude, nearestStop.Longitude, session.Client.CurrentLatitude, session.Client.CurrentLongitude);
                        if (walkedDistance > session.LogicSettings.HumanWalkingSnipeWalkbackDistanceLimit)
                            await Task.Delay(3000);
                            var nearbyPokeStops = await UpdateFortsData(session);
                            var notexists       = nearbyPokeStops.Where(p => !pokestopList.Any(x => x.Id == p.Id)).ToList();
                            session.EventDispatcher.Send(new PokeStopListEvent {
                                Forts = pokestopList
                            session.EventDispatcher.Send(new HumanWalkSnipeEvent()
                                Type            = HumanWalkSnipeEventTypes.PokestopUpdated,
                                Pokestops       = notexists,
                                NearestDistance = walkedDistance