public virtual void setTarget(CellPattern pattern) { serializedTarget_ = new SerializedObject(pattern); originCol_ = serializedTarget_.FindProperty("originCol"); originRow_ = serializedTarget_.FindProperty("originRow"); rows_ = serializedTarget_.FindProperty("rows" ); colsLeft_ = serializedTarget_.FindProperty("colsLeft" ); colsRight_ = serializedTarget_.FindProperty("colsRight"); }
public override void setTarget(CellPattern pattern) { base.setTarget (pattern); cellType_ = serializedTarget_.FindProperty("cellType"); }
// Assigns a pattern inside the serialised list private void setPattern(int index, CellPattern pattern) { // Check array bounds, and allow growth by one element if necessary if (index > patternCount_.intValue) { Debug.LogError("Cannot set pattern more than element beyond bounds (index:"+index+")"); return; } else if (index == patternCount_.intValue) { patternCount_.intValue++; } controller_.FindProperty(string.Format(patternDataPath_,index)).objectReferenceValue = pattern; }
private void swapPatterns(CellPattern pat1, CellPattern pat2, int index1, int index2) { setPattern(index1, pat2); setPattern(index2, pat1); }
private CellPattern[] patternsArray() { var count = controller_.FindProperty("patterns.Array.size").intValue; var array = new CellPattern[count]; for (var i=0; i<count; i++) { array[i] = controller_.FindProperty(string.Format(patternDataPath_,i)).objectReferenceValue as CellPattern; } return array; }