Пример #1
        private void butOK_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            RepeatCharge[] chargeList  = RepeatCharges.Refresh(0);         //Gets all repeating charges for all patients, they may be disabled
            int            countAdded  = 0;
            int            claimsAdded = 0;
            DateTime       startDate;
            Procedure      proc;

            for (int i = 0; i < chargeList.Length; i++)
                if (!chargeList[i].IsEnabled)                 //first make sure it is not disabled
                if (chargeList[i].DateStart > DateTime.Today)              //not started yet
                //if(chargeList[i].DateStop.Year>1880//not blank
                //	&& chargeList[i].DateStop<DateTime.Today)//but already ended
                //	continue;
                //get a list dates of all completed procedures with this Code and patNum
                ArrayList ALdates = RepeatCharges.GetDates(ProcedureCodes.GetCodeNum(chargeList[i].ProcCode), chargeList[i].PatNum);
                startDate = chargeList[i].DateStart;
                //This is the repeating date using the old methodology.  It is necessary for checking if the repeating procedure was already added using the old methodology.
                DateTime possibleDateOld = startDate;
                //This is a more accurate repeating date which will allow procedures to be added on the 28th and later.
                DateTime possibleDateNew = startDate;
                int      countMonths     = 0;
                //start looping through possible dates, beginning with the start date of the repeating charge
                while (possibleDateNew <= DateTime.Today)
                    //Only allow back dating up to one month and 20 days.
                    if (possibleDateNew < DateTime.Today.AddDays(-50))
                        possibleDateOld = possibleDateOld.AddMonths(1);
                        possibleDateNew = startDate.AddMonths(countMonths);
                        continue;                        //don't go back more than one month and 20 days
                    //check to see if the possible date is present in the list
                    if (ALdates.Contains(possibleDateNew) ||
                        possibleDateOld = possibleDateOld.AddMonths(1);
                        possibleDateNew = startDate.AddMonths(countMonths);
                    if (chargeList[i].DateStop.Year > 1880 &&              //not blank
                        chargeList[i].DateStop < possibleDateNew)                           //but already ended
                    //otherwise, insert a procedure to db
                    proc                = new Procedure();
                    proc.CodeNum        = ProcedureCodes.GetCodeNum(chargeList[i].ProcCode);
                    proc.DateEntryC     = DateTimeOD.Today;
                    proc.PatNum         = chargeList[i].PatNum;
                    proc.ProcDate       = possibleDateNew;
                    proc.DateTP         = possibleDateNew;
                    proc.ProcFee        = chargeList[i].ChargeAmt;
                    proc.ProcStatus     = ProcStat.C;
                    proc.ProvNum        = PrefC.GetLong(PrefName.PracticeDefaultProv);
                    proc.MedicalCode    = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(proc.CodeNum).MedicalCode;
                    proc.BaseUnits      = ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(proc.CodeNum).BaseUnits;
                    proc.DiagnosticCode = PrefC.GetString(PrefName.ICD9DefaultForNewProcs);
                    //Check if the repeating charge has been flagged to copy it's note into the billing note of the procedure.
                    if (chargeList[i].CopyNoteToProc)
                        proc.BillingNote = chargeList[i].Note;
                    Procedures.Insert(proc);                    //no recall synch needed because dental offices don't use this feature
                    possibleDateOld = possibleDateOld.AddMonths(1);
                    possibleDateNew = startDate.AddMonths(countMonths);
                    if (chargeList[i].CreatesClaim && !ProcedureCodes.GetProcCode(chargeList[i].ProcCode).NoBillIns)
                        List <PatPlan>   patPlanList = PatPlans.Refresh(chargeList[i].PatNum);
                        List <InsSub>    subList     = InsSubs.RefreshForFam(Patients.GetFamily(chargeList[i].PatNum));
                        List <InsPlan>   insPlanList = InsPlans.RefreshForSubList(subList);;
                        List <Benefit>   benefitList = Benefits.Refresh(patPlanList, subList);
                        Claim            claimCur;
                        List <Procedure> procCurList = new List <Procedure>();
                        if (patPlanList.Count == 0)                       //no current insurance, do not create a claim
                        //create the claimprocs
                        Procedures.ComputeEstimates(proc, proc.PatNum, new List <ClaimProc>(), true, insPlanList, patPlanList, benefitList, Patients.GetPat(proc.PatNum).Age, subList);
                        //get claimprocs for this proc, may be more than one
                        List <ClaimProc> claimProcList = ClaimProcs.GetForProc(ClaimProcs.Refresh(proc.PatNum), proc.ProcNum);
                        string           claimType     = "P";
                        if (patPlanList.Count == 1 && PatPlans.GetOrdinal(PriSecMed.Medical, patPlanList, insPlanList, subList) > 0)                  //if there's exactly one medical plan
                            claimType = "Med";
                        claimCur      = CreateClaim(claimType, patPlanList, insPlanList, claimProcList, proc, subList);
                        claimProcList = ClaimProcs.Refresh(proc.PatNum);
                        if (claimCur.ClaimNum == 0)
                        ClaimL.CalculateAndUpdate(procCurList, insPlanList, claimCur, patPlanList, benefitList, Patients.GetPat(proc.PatNum).Age, subList);
                        if (PatPlans.GetOrdinal(PriSecMed.Secondary, patPlanList, insPlanList, subList) > 0 &&                //if there exists a secondary plan
                            !CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA"))                               //and not canada (don't create secondary claim for canada)
                            claimCur = CreateClaim("S", patPlanList, insPlanList, claimProcList, proc, subList);
                            if (claimCur.ClaimNum == 0)
                            claimProcList        = ClaimProcs.Refresh(proc.PatNum);
                            claimCur.ClaimStatus = "H";
                            ClaimL.CalculateAndUpdate(procCurList, insPlanList, claimCur, patPlanList, benefitList, Patients.GetPat(proc.PatNum).Age, subList);
            //MessageBox.Show(countAdded.ToString()+" "+Lan.g(this,"procedures added."));
            MessageBox.Show(countAdded.ToString() + " " + Lan.g(this, "procedures added.") + "\r\n" + claimsAdded.ToString() + " " + Lan.g(this, "claims added."));
            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
        private void butNewClaims_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (gridMain.SelectedIndices.Length == 0)           //No selections made.
                MsgBox.Show(this, "Please select at least one procedure.");
            if (!ClaimL.CheckClearinghouseDefaults())
            //Ignore date lock for now, we just want to check the general permission for the button.
            if (!Security.IsAuthorized(Permissions.NewClaimsProcNotBilled, DateTime.Today))
            //Generate List and Table----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            //List of all procedures being shown.
            //Pulls procedures based off of the PatNum, if the row was selected in gridMain and if it has been attached to a claim.
            List <ProcNotBilled> listNotBilledProcs = new List <ProcNotBilled>();
            List <long>          listPatNums        = new List <long>();
            Patient          patOld            = new Patient();
            List <Claim>     listPatClaims     = new List <Claim>();
            List <ClaimProc> listPatClaimProcs = new List <ClaimProc>();
            List <ClaimProc> listCurClaimProcs = new List <ClaimProc>();
            //find the date user is restricted by for this permission so it doesn't get called in a loop. General permission was already checked.
            DateTime dateRestricted = GroupPermissions.GetDateRestrictedForPermission(Permissions.NewClaimsProcNotBilled,
                                                                                      Security.CurUser.GetGroups(true).Select(x => x.UserGroupNum).ToList());
            //Table rows need to be 1:1 with gridMain rows due to logic in ContrAccount.toolBarButIns_Click(...).
            DataTable table = new DataTable();

            //Required columns as mentioned by ContrAccount.toolBarButIns_Click().
            List <long> listProcNumsPastLockDate = new List <long>();

            for (int i = 0; i < gridMain.ListGridRows.Count; i++)       //Loop through every row in gridMain to construct datatable and listNotBilledProcs.
            //Table is passed to toolBarButIns_Click(...) and must contain data for every row in the grid.
                DataRow   rowCur     = (DataRow)gridMain.ListGridRows[i].Tag;
                long      procNumCur = PIn.Long(rowCur["ProcNum"].ToString());
                Procedure procCur    = Procedures.GetOneProc(procNumCur, false);
                if (procCur.ProcDate <= dateRestricted)                 //current procedure is past or on the lock date.
                long patNumCur = procCur.PatNum;
                if (patOld.PatNum != patNumCur)               //Procedures in gridMain are ordered by patient, so when the patient changes, we know previous patient is complete.
                    listPatClaims     = Claims.Refresh(patNumCur);
                    listPatClaimProcs = ClaimProcs.Refresh(patNumCur);
                    patOld            = Patients.GetPat(procCur.PatNum);
                listCurClaimProcs = ClaimProcs.GetForProc(listPatClaimProcs, procNumCur);
                bool hasPriClaim = false;
                bool hasSecClaim = false;
                for (int j = 0; j < listCurClaimProcs.Count; j++)
                    ClaimProc claimProcCur = listCurClaimProcs[j];
                    if (claimProcCur.ClaimNum > 0 && claimProcCur.Status != ClaimProcStatus.Preauth && claimProcCur.Status != ClaimProcStatus.Estimate)
                        Claim claimCur = Claims.GetFromList(listPatClaims, claimProcCur.ClaimNum);
                        switch (claimCur.ClaimType)
                        case "P":
                            hasPriClaim = true;

                        case "S":
                            hasSecClaim = true;
                bool isSelected = gridMain.SelectedIndices.Contains(i);
                listNotBilledProcs.Add(new ProcNotBilled(patOld, procNumCur, i, isSelected, hasPriClaim, hasSecClaim, procCur.ClinicNum, procCur.PlaceService));
                DataRow row = table.NewRow();
                row["ProcNum"] = procNumCur;
                #region Calculate chargesDouble
                double writeOffCapSum = listPatClaimProcs.Where(x => x.Status == ClaimProcStatus.CapComplete).Sum(y => y.WriteOff);
                row["chargesDouble"] = procCur.ProcFeeTotal - writeOffCapSum;
                row["ProcNumLab"]    = procCur.ProcNumLab;
                #endregion Calculate chargesDouble
                if (listPatNums.Contains(patNumCur))
            List <List <ProcNotBilled> > listGroupedProcs = new List <List <ProcNotBilled> >();
            Patient          patCur           = null;
            List <PatPlan>   listPatPlans     = null;
            List <InsSub>    listInsSubs      = null;
            List <InsPlan>   listInsPlans     = null;
            List <Procedure> listPatientProcs = null;
            ProcNotBilled    procNotBilled    = new ProcNotBilled();    //When automatically grouping,  this is used as the procedure to group by.
            long             patNumOld        = 0;
            int claimCreatedCount             = 0;
            int patIndex = 0;
            //The procedures show in the grid ordered by patient.  Also listPatNums contains unique patnums which are in the same order as the grid.
            while (patIndex < listPatNums.Count)
                List <ProcNotBilled> listProcs = listNotBilledProcs.Where(x => x.Patient.PatNum == listPatNums[patIndex] && x.IsRowSelected && !x.IsAttached &&
                if (listProcs.Count == 0)
                    patNumOld = listPatNums[patIndex];
                    patIndex++;                    //No procedures were selected for this patient.
                    //Maintain the same patient, in order to create one or more additional claims for the remaining procedures.
                    //Currently will only happen for specific instances;
                    //--Canadian customers who are attempting to create a claim with over 7 procedures.
                    //--When checkAutoGroupProcs is checked and when there are multiple procedure groupings by GroupKey status, ClinicNum, and placeService.
                if (patNumOld != listPatNums[patIndex])               //The patient could repeat if we had to group the procedures for the patinet into multiple claims.
                    patCur           = Patients.GetPat(listPatNums[patIndex]);
                    listPatPlans     = PatPlans.Refresh(patCur.PatNum);
                    listInsSubs      = InsSubs.RefreshForFam(Patients.GetFamily(patCur.PatNum));
                    listInsPlans     = InsPlans.RefreshForSubList(listInsSubs);
                    listPatientProcs = Procedures.Refresh(patCur.PatNum);
                if (checkAutoGroupProcs.Checked)                 //Automatically Group Procedures.
                    procNotBilled = listProcs[0];
                    //Update listProcs to reflect those that match the procNotBilled values.
                    listProcs = listProcs.FindAll(x => x.HasPriClaim == procNotBilled.HasPriClaim && x.HasSecClaim == procNotBilled.HasSecClaim);
                    if (PrefC.HasClinicsEnabled)                     //Group by clinic only if clinics enabled.
                        listProcs = listProcs.FindAll(x => x.ClinicNum == procNotBilled.ClinicNum);
                    else if (!PrefC.GetBool(PrefName.EasyHidePublicHealth))                     //Group by Place of Service only if Public Health feature is enabled.
                        listProcs = listProcs.FindAll(x => x.PlaceService == procNotBilled.PlaceService);
                GetUniqueDiagnosticCodes(listProcs, listPatientProcs, listPatPlans, listInsSubs, listInsPlans);
                if (listProcs.Count > 7 && CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name.EndsWith("CA")) //Canadian. en-CA or fr-CA
                    listProcs = listProcs.Take(7).ToList();                                //Returns first 7 items of the list.
                listProcs.ForEach(x => x.IsAttached = true);                               //This way we can not attach procedures to multiple claims thanks to the logic above.
                if (listProcs.Any(x => listProcs[0].PlaceService != x.PlaceService) || listProcs.Any(x => listProcs[0].ClinicNum != x.ClinicNum))
                    //Regardless if we are automatically grouping or not,
                    //if all procs in our list at this point do not share the same PlaceService or ClinicNum then claims will not be made.
                else                  //Basic validation passed.
                    if (!listProcs[0].HasPriClaim &&                 //Medical claim.
                        PatPlans.GetOrdinal(PriSecMed.Medical, listPatPlans, listInsPlans, listInsSubs) > 0 &&                    //Has medical ins.
                        PatPlans.GetOrdinal(PriSecMed.Primary, listPatPlans, listInsPlans, listInsSubs) == 0 &&                    //Does not have primary dental ins.
                        PatPlans.GetOrdinal(PriSecMed.Secondary, listPatPlans, listInsPlans, listInsSubs) == 0)                       //Does not have secondary dental ins.
                    else                                                                                                                      //Not a medical claim.
                        if (!listProcs[0].HasPriClaim && PatPlans.GetOrdinal(PriSecMed.Primary, listPatPlans, listInsPlans, listInsSubs) > 0) //Primary claim.
                        if (!listProcs[0].HasSecClaim && PatPlans.GetOrdinal(PriSecMed.Secondary, listPatPlans, listInsPlans, listInsSubs) > 0)                  //Secondary claim.
            if (claimCreatedCount <= 0 && listProcNumsPastLockDate.Count > 0)         //No claims can be created because of the lock date.
                MsgBox.Show(this, "No claims can be created because all procedure dates extend past the lock date for this report.");
            if (!MsgBox.Show(this, true, "Clicking OK will create up to " + POut.Int(claimCreatedCount)
                             + " claims and cannot be undone, except by manually going to each account.  "
                             + "Some claims may not be created if there are validation issues.\r\n"
                             + "Click OK to continue, otherwise click Cancel."))
            //Create Claims--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            claimCreatedCount = 0;
            string claimErrors = "";
            foreach (List <ProcNotBilled> listProcs in listGroupedProcs)
                patCur = listProcs[0].Patient;
                gridMain.SetSelected(false);                //Need to deslect all rows each time so that ContrAccount.toolBarButIns_Click(...) only uses pertinent rows.
                for (int j = 0; j < listProcs.Count; j++)
                    gridMain.SetSelected(listProcs[j].RowIndex, true);                   //Select the pertinent rows so that they will be attached to the claim below.
                int[] arraySelectedIndices = (int[])gridMain.SelectedIndices.Clone();
                CreateClaimDataWrapper createClaimDataWrapper = ClaimL.GetCreateClaimDataWrapper(patCur, Patients.GetFamily(patCur.PatNum)
                                                                                                 , ClaimL.GetCreateClaimItems(table, arraySelectedIndices), false);
                createClaimDataWrapper = ClaimL.CreateClaimFromWrapper(false, createClaimDataWrapper, procNotBilled.HasPriClaim, procNotBilled.HasSecClaim);
                string errorTitle = patCur.PatNum + " " + patCur.GetNameLFnoPref() + " - ";
                if (patNumOld == patCur.PatNum && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(createClaimDataWrapper.ErrorMessage))
                    claimErrors += "\t\t" + createClaimDataWrapper.ErrorMessage + "\r\n";
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(createClaimDataWrapper.ErrorMessage))
                    claimErrors += errorTitle + createClaimDataWrapper.ErrorMessage + "\r\n";
                claimCreatedCount += createClaimDataWrapper.ClaimCreatedCount;
                SecurityLogs.MakeLogEntry(Permissions.ClaimEdit, patCur.PatNum, "New claim created for " + patCur.LName + "," + patCur.FName);
                patNumOld = patCur.PatNum;
            if (claimCreatedCount > 0)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(claimErrors))
                MsgBoxCopyPaste form = new MsgBoxCopyPaste(claimErrors);
            MessageBox.Show(Lan.g(this, "Number of claims created") + ": " + claimCreatedCount);