/// <summary>
        /// Begins the reconnect process using a reverse connection.
        /// </summary>
        public void BeginReconnect(Session session, ReverseConnectManager reverseConnectManager, int reconnectPeriod, EventHandler callback)
            lock (m_lock)
                if (m_reconnectTimer != null)
                    throw new ServiceResultException(StatusCodes.BadInvalidState);

                m_session               = session;
                m_reconnectFailed       = false;
                m_reconnectPeriod       = reconnectPeriod;
                m_callback              = callback;
                m_reverseConnectManager = reverseConnectManager;
                m_reconnectTimer        = new System.Threading.Timer(OnReconnect, null, reconnectPeriod, Timeout.Infinite);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates the node managers for the server.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method allows the sub-class create any additional node managers which it uses. The SDK
        /// always creates a CoreNodeManager which handles the built-in nodes defined by the specification.
        /// Any additional NodeManagers are expected to handle application specific nodes.
        /// </remarks>
        protected override MasterNodeManager CreateMasterNodeManager(IServerInternal server, ApplicationConfiguration configuration)
            Utils.Trace("Creating the Node Managers.");

            List <INodeManager> nodeManagers = new List <INodeManager>();

            bool ownsTypeModel = true;
            ConfiguredEndpointCollection endpoints = configuration.ParseExtension <ConfiguredEndpointCollection>();

            // start the reverse connect host
            ReverseConnectManager reverseConnectManager = null;

            if (configuration.ClientConfiguration?.ReverseConnect != null)
                var reverseConnect = configuration.ClientConfiguration.ReverseConnect;
                // start the reverse connection manager
                reverseConnectManager = new Opc.Ua.Client.ReverseConnectManager();
                foreach (var endpoint in reverseConnect.ClientEndpoints)
                    reverseConnectManager.AddEndpoint(new Uri(endpoint.EndpointUrl));
                // start the server even if no endpoint is configured, because
                // app config can change during operation  and the manager object
                // is needed

            foreach (ConfiguredEndpoint endpoint in endpoints.Endpoints)
                nodeManagers.Add(new AggregationNodeManager(server, configuration, endpoint, reverseConnectManager, ownsTypeModel));
                ownsTypeModel = false;

            // create master node manager.
            return(new MasterNodeManager(server, configuration, null, nodeManagers.ToArray()));