Пример #1
    IEnumerator DoLight(SpriteRenderer sprite, Color color)
        float h;
        float s;
        float v;

        ColorManipulator.ColorToHSV(color, out h, out s, out v);

        var wait = new WaitForSeconds(0.25f);

        while (true)
            if (!this.ShouldBeLit)
                yield return(null);


            v = Mathf.Lerp(0, 1, this.LightLevel);

            sprite.color = ColorManipulator.ColorFromHSV(h, s, v);

            yield return(wait);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Most scene objects use the same procedure for calculating color at a
        /// particular point, however sometimes this must be overridden to first
        /// adjust the object normal
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Color PointColor(Scene scene, Vector3 intersectionPoint, Vector3 intersectionNormal, Vector3 rayDirection, int reflections)
            Color pointColor = Color.FromArgb(0, 0, 0);

            // Determine intensity contribution from each light source
            foreach (ISceneLight light in scene.lights)
                double diffuse  = light.Diffuse(scene, intersectionPoint, intersectionNormal);
                double specular = light.Specular(scene, intersectionPoint, intersectionNormal, rayDirection);
                specular = specularReflectivity * Math.Pow(specular, specularFalloff);

                // Diffuse lighting takes the color of the object
                Color temp = ColorManipulator.Multiply(color, diffuse);
                pointColor = ColorManipulator.Add(pointColor, temp);

                // Specular highlights take the color of the light (currently fixed to white)
                temp       = ColorManipulator.Multiply(Color.White, specular);
                pointColor = ColorManipulator.Add(pointColor, temp);

            // Transparency
            Intersection intersection = scene.ClosestIntersection(intersectionPoint, rayDirection);

            if (intersection.DidIntersect)
                // TODO refraction

                var   intersectionPointNew = intersectionPoint + (float)(intersection.Position) * rayDirection;
                Color objColor             = intersection.IntersectedObject.PointColor(scene, intersectionPointNew, intersection.Normal, rayDirection, reflections);
                pointColor = ColorManipulator.Add(
                    ColorManipulator.Multiply(pointColor, 1 - transparency),
                    ColorManipulator.Multiply(objColor, transparency));

            // Color contribution from reflections
            if (reflections > 0)
                // Reflect view ray across intersection normal and fire new ray in this direction
                Vector3 viewReflection = rayDirection - 2 * intersectionNormal * Vector3.Dot(rayDirection, intersectionNormal);
                intersection = scene.ClosestIntersection(intersectionPoint, viewReflection);

                // No reflection
                if (!intersection.DidIntersect)

                // Blend object color with reflected color according to object reflectivity
                Vector3 intersectionPointNew = intersectionPoint + (float)(intersection.Position) * viewReflection;
                Color   objColor             = intersection.IntersectedObject.PointColor(scene, intersectionPointNew, intersection.Normal, viewReflection, reflections - 1);
                pointColor = ColorManipulator.Add(ColorManipulator.Multiply(objColor, reflectivity), ColorManipulator.Multiply(pointColor, (1 - reflectivity)));
