GetGraphAsync() публичный Метод

public GetGraphAsync ( Uri address ) : Task
address System.Uri
Результат Task
        protected override async Task<bool> OnProcessBatch(CollectorHttpClient client, IEnumerable<JToken> items, JToken context, DateTime commitTimeStamp, bool isLastBatch, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            List<Task<IGraph>> tasks = new List<Task<IGraph>>();

            foreach (JObject item in items)
                if (Utils.IsType((JObject)context, item, _types))
                    Uri itemUri = item["@id"].ToObject<Uri>();

            if (tasks.Count > 0)
                await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());

                TripleStore store = new TripleStore();

                foreach (Task<IGraph> task in tasks)
                    store.Add(task.Result, true);

                await ProcessStore(store, cancellationToken);

            return true;
        protected override async Task <bool> OnProcessBatch(CollectorHttpClient client, IEnumerable <JToken> items, JToken context, DateTime commitTimeStamp)
            List <Task <IGraph> > tasks = new List <Task <IGraph> >();

            foreach (JObject item in items)
                if (Utils.IsType((JObject)context, item, _types))
                    Uri itemUri = item["@id"].ToObject <Uri>();

            if (tasks.Count > 0)
                await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());

                TripleStore store = new TripleStore();

                foreach (Task <IGraph> task in tasks)
                    store.Add(task.Result, true);

                await ProcessStore(store);

        protected override async Task ProcessSortedBatchAsync(
            CollectorHttpClient client,
            KeyValuePair <string, IList <CatalogCommitItem> > sortedBatch,
            JToken context,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var graphs     = new Dictionary <string, IGraph>();
            var graphTasks = new Dictionary <string, Task <IGraph> >();

            foreach (var item in sortedBatch.Value)
                var isMatch = false;

                foreach (Uri type in _types)
                    if (item.TypeUris.Any(typeUri => typeUri.AbsoluteUri == type.AbsoluteUri))
                        isMatch = true;

                if (isMatch)
                    // Load package details from catalog.
                    // Download the graph to a read-only container. This allows operations on each graph to be safely
                    // parallelized.
                    var task = client.GetGraphAsync(item.Uri, readOnly: true, token: cancellationToken);

                    graphTasks.Add(item.Uri.AbsoluteUri, task);

            await Task.WhenAll(graphTasks.Values.ToArray());

            foreach (var task in graphTasks)
                graphs.Add(task.Key, task.Value.Result);

            if (graphs.Count > 0)
                var sortedGraphs = new KeyValuePair <string, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IGraph> >(sortedBatch.Key, graphs);

                await ProcessGraphsAsync(sortedGraphs, cancellationToken);
        public void CatalogTest_VerifyPackage()
            string pathA = CreateNupkg("MyPackage", "1.2.1");

            CatalogStep step = new CatalogStep(Config, new string[] { pathA });

            var file = Config.Catalog.LocalFolder.GetFiles("mypackage.1.2.1.json", SearchOption.AllDirectories).FirstOrDefault();

            JsonTextReader reader = new JsonTextReader(file.OpenText());

            CollectorHttpClient client = new CollectorHttpClient(Config.Catalog.FileSystemEmulator);

            var task = client.GetGraphAsync(new Uri(Config.Catalog.BaseAddress.AbsoluteUri + "/index.json"));

            IGraph graph = task.Result;
        protected override async Task ProcessSortedBatch(CollectorHttpClient client, KeyValuePair<string, IList<JObject>> sortedBatch, JToken context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IDictionary<string, IGraph> graphs = new Dictionary<string, IGraph>();

            foreach (JObject item in sortedBatch.Value)
                if (Utils.IsType((JObject)context, item, _types))
                    string itemUri = item["@id"].ToString();
                    IGraph graph = await client.GetGraphAsync(new Uri(itemUri), cancellationToken);
                    graphs.Add(itemUri, graph);

            if (graphs.Count > 0)
                await ProcessGraphs(new KeyValuePair<string, IDictionary<string, IGraph>>(sortedBatch.Key, graphs), cancellationToken);
        protected override async Task ProcessSortedBatch(CollectorHttpClient client, KeyValuePair <string, IList <JObject> > sortedBatch, JToken context)
            IDictionary <string, IGraph> graphs = new Dictionary <string, IGraph>();

            foreach (JObject item in sortedBatch.Value)
                if (Utils.IsType((JObject)context, item, _types))
                    string itemUri = item["@id"].ToString();
                    IGraph graph   = await client.GetGraphAsync(new Uri(itemUri));

                    graphs.Add(itemUri, graph);

            if (graphs.Count > 0)
                await ProcessGraphs(new KeyValuePair <string, IDictionary <string, IGraph> >(sortedBatch.Key, graphs));
        public async Task ProcessGraphs(CollectorHttpClient client, string packageId, IEnumerable<Uri> catalogPageUris, JObject context, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            ConcurrentDictionary<string, IGraph> graphs = new ConcurrentDictionary<string, IGraph>();

            ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions();
            options.MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 8;

            var uris = catalogPageUris.ToArray();

            Parallel.ForEach(uris, options, uri =>
                var task = client.GetGraphAsync(uri);

                if (!graphs.TryAdd(uri.AbsoluteUri, task.Result))
                    throw new Exception("Duplicate graph: " + uri);

            await ProcessGraphs(new KeyValuePair<string, IDictionary<string, IGraph>>(packageId, graphs), cancellationToken);
Пример #8
        protected override async Task ProcessSortedBatchAsync(
            CollectorHttpClient client,
            KeyValuePair <string, IList <JObject> > sortedBatch,
            JToken context,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var graphs     = new Dictionary <string, IGraph>();
            var graphTasks = new Dictionary <string, Task <IGraph> >();

            foreach (var item in sortedBatch.Value)
                if (Utils.IsType((JObject)context, item, _types))
                    var itemUri = item["@id"].ToString();

                    // Load package details from catalog.
                    // Download the graph to a read-only container. This allows operations on each graph to be safely
                    // parallelized.
                    var task = client.GetGraphAsync(new Uri(itemUri), readOnly: true, token: cancellationToken);

                    graphTasks.Add(itemUri, task);

            await Task.WhenAll(graphTasks.Values.ToArray());

            foreach (var task in graphTasks)
                graphs.Add(task.Key, task.Value.Result);

            if (graphs.Count > 0)
                var sortedGraphs = new KeyValuePair <string, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, IGraph> >(sortedBatch.Key, graphs);

                await ProcessGraphsAsync(sortedGraphs, cancellationToken);
        protected override async Task ProcessSortedBatch(
            CollectorHttpClient client,
            KeyValuePair<string, IList<JObject>> sortedBatch,
            JToken context, 
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var graphs = new Dictionary<string, IGraph>();
            var graphTasks = new Dictionary<string, Task<IGraph>>();
            foreach (var item in sortedBatch.Value)
                if (Utils.IsType((JObject)context, item, _types))
                    var itemUri = item["@id"].ToString();
                    var task = client.GetGraphAsync(new Uri(itemUri), cancellationToken);

                    graphTasks.Add(itemUri, task);

                    if (!Concurrent)

            await Task.WhenAll(graphTasks.Values.ToArray());

            foreach (var task in graphTasks)
                graphs.Add(task.Key, task.Value.Result);

            if (graphs.Count > 0)
                await ProcessGraphs(new KeyValuePair<string, IDictionary<string, IGraph>>(sortedBatch.Key, graphs), cancellationToken);
Пример #10
        private async Task StrikeAsync()

            _log.WriteLine("Start lightning strike for {0}...", _cursorFile);

            // Get batch range
            int batchStart;
            int batchEnd;
            using (var cursorStreamReader = new StreamReader(_cursorFile))
                var batchRange = (await cursorStreamReader.ReadLineAsync()).Split(',');
                batchStart = int.Parse(batchRange[0]);
                batchEnd = int.Parse(batchRange[1]);

                _log.WriteLine("Batch range: {0} - {1}", batchStart, batchEnd);
            if (batchStart > batchEnd)
                _log.WriteLine("Batch already finished.");

            // Time to strike
            var collectorHttpClient = new CollectorHttpClient();
            var account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(_storageAccount);
            var storageFactory = (StorageFactory)new AzureStorageFactory(account, _storageContainer, null, new Uri(_storageBaseAddress))
                CompressContent = _compress

            var startElement = string.Format("Element@{0}.", batchStart);
            var endElement = string.Format("Element@{0}.", batchEnd + 1);
            using (var indexStreamReader = new StreamReader(_indexFile))
                string line;

                // Skip entries that are not in the current batch bounds
                    line = await indexStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();
                while (!line.Contains(startElement));

                // Run until we're outside the current batch bounds
                while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && !line.Contains(endElement) && !indexStreamReader.EndOfStream)

                        var packageId = line.Split(new[] { ". " }, StringSplitOptions.None).Last().Trim();

                        var sortedGraphs = new Dictionary<string, IGraph>();

                        line = await indexStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();
                        while (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(line) && !line.Contains("Element@") && !indexStreamReader.EndOfStream)
                            // Fetch graph for package version
                            var url = line.TrimEnd();
                            var graph = await collectorHttpClient.GetGraphAsync(new Uri(url));
                            if (sortedGraphs.ContainsKey(url))
                                sortedGraphs[url] = graph;
                                sortedGraphs.Add(url, graph);

                            // To reduce memory footprint, we're flushing out large registrations
                            // in very small batches.
                            if (graph.Nodes.Count() > 3000 && sortedGraphs.Count >= 2)
                                // Process graphs
                                await ProcessGraphsAsync(packageId, sortedGraphs, storageFactory, _contentBaseAddress);

                                // Destroy!
                                sortedGraphs = new Dictionary<string, IGraph>();

                            // Read next line
                            line = await indexStreamReader.ReadLineAsync();

                        // Process graphs
                        if (sortedGraphs.Any())
                            await ProcessGraphsAsync(packageId, sortedGraphs, storageFactory, _contentBaseAddress);

                        // Update cursor file so next time we have less work to do
                        await UpdateCursorFileAsync(_cursorFile, batchStart, batchEnd);
                    catch (Exception)
                        UpdateCursorFileAsync(_cursorFile, batchStart, batchEnd).Wait();

            await UpdateCursorFileAsync("DONE" + _cursorFile, batchStart, batchEnd);
            _log.WriteLine("Finished lightning strike for {0}.", _cursorFile);