Evaluate() публичный статический Метод

Evaluation for rankings of items
User-item combinations that appear in both sets are ignored for the test set, and thus in the evaluation. The evaluation measures are listed in the ItemPredictionMeasures property. Additionally, 'num_users' and 'num_items' report the number of users that were used to compute the results and the number of items that were taken into account. Literature: C. Manning, P. Raghavan, H. Schütze: Introduction to Information Retrieval, Cambridge University Press, 2008
public static Evaluate ( IItemRecommender recommender, IPosOnlyFeedback test, IPosOnlyFeedback train, ICollection relevant_users, ICollection relevant_items ) : double>.Dictionary
recommender IItemRecommender item recommender
test IPosOnlyFeedback test cases
train IPosOnlyFeedback training data
relevant_users ICollection a collection of integers with all relevant users
relevant_items ICollection a collection of integers with all relevant items
Результат double>.Dictionary
Пример #1
        /// <summary>Online evaluation for rankings of items</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// The evaluation protocol works as follows:
        /// For every test user, evaluate on the test items, and then add the those test items to the training set and perform an incremental update.
        /// The sequence of users is random.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="recommender">the item recommender to be evaluated</param>
        /// <param name="test">test cases</param>
        /// <param name="training">training data (must be connected to the recommender's training data)</param>
        /// <param name="test_users">a list of all test user IDs</param>
        /// <param name="candidate_items">a list of all candidate item IDs</param>
        /// <param name="candidate_item_mode">the mode used to determine the candidate items</param>
        /// <returns>a dictionary containing the evaluation results (averaged by user)</returns>
        static public ItemRecommendationEvaluationResults EvaluateOnline(
            this IRecommender recommender,
            IPosOnlyFeedback test, IPosOnlyFeedback training,
            IList <int> test_users, IList <int> candidate_items,
            CandidateItems candidate_item_mode)
            var incremental_recommender = recommender as IIncrementalItemRecommender;

            if (incremental_recommender == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("recommender must be of type IIncrementalItemRecommender");

            candidate_items = Items.Candidates(candidate_items, candidate_item_mode, test, training);

            var results_by_user = new Dictionary <int, ItemRecommendationEvaluationResults>();

            foreach (int user_id in test_users)
                if (candidate_items.Intersect(test.ByUser[user_id]).Count() == 0)

                // prepare data
                var current_test_data = new PosOnlyFeedback <SparseBooleanMatrix>();
                foreach (int index in test.ByUser[user_id])
                    current_test_data.Add(user_id, test.Items[index]);
                // evaluate user
                var current_result = Items.Evaluate(recommender, current_test_data, training, current_test_data.AllUsers, candidate_items, CandidateItems.EXPLICIT);
                results_by_user[user_id] = current_result;

                // update recommender
                var tuples = new List <Tuple <int, int> >();
                foreach (int index in test.ByUser[user_id])
                    tuples.Add(Tuple.Create(user_id, test.Items[index]));
                // TODO candidate_items should be updated properly

            var results = new ItemRecommendationEvaluationResults();

            foreach (int u in results_by_user.Keys)
                foreach (string measure in Items.Measures)
                    results[measure] += results_by_user[u][measure];

            foreach (string measure in Items.Measures)
                results[measure] /= results_by_user.Count;

            results["num_users"] = results_by_user.Count;
            results["num_items"] = candidate_items.Count;
            results["num_lists"] = results_by_user.Count;

        /// <summary>Evaluate an iterative recommender on the folds of a dataset split, display results on STDOUT</summary>
        /// <param name="recommender">an item recommender</param>
        /// <param name="split">a positive-only feedback dataset split</param>
        /// <param name="test_users">a collection of integers with all test users</param>
        /// <param name="candidate_items">a collection of integers with all candidate items</param>
        /// <param name="candidate_item_mode">the mode used to determine the candidate items</param>
        /// <param name="repeated_events">allow repeated events in the evaluation (i.e. items accessed by a user before may be in the recommended list)</param>
        /// <param name="max_iter">the maximum number of iterations</param>
        /// <param name="find_iter">the report interval</param>
        /// <param name="show_fold_results">if set to true to print per-fold results to STDERR</param>
        static public void DoRatingBasedRankingIterativeCrossValidation(
            this RatingPredictor recommender,
            ISplit <IRatings> split,
            IList <int> test_users,
            IList <int> candidate_items,
            CandidateItems candidate_item_mode,
            RepeatedEvents repeated_events,
            uint max_iter,
            uint find_iter         = 1,
            bool show_fold_results = false)
            if (!(recommender is IIterativeModel))
                throw new ArgumentException("recommender must be of type IIterativeModel");

            var split_recommenders     = new RatingPredictor[split.NumberOfFolds];
            var iterative_recommenders = new IIterativeModel[split.NumberOfFolds];
            var fold_results           = new ItemRecommendationEvaluationResults[split.NumberOfFolds];

            // initial training and evaluation
            Parallel.For(0, (int)split.NumberOfFolds, i =>
                    split_recommenders[i]         = (RatingPredictor)recommender.Clone();              // to avoid changes in recommender
                    split_recommenders[i].Ratings = split.Train[i];
                    iterative_recommenders[i] = (IIterativeModel)split_recommenders[i];

                    var test_data_posonly     = new PosOnlyFeedback <SparseBooleanMatrix>(split.Test[i]);
                    var training_data_posonly = new PosOnlyFeedback <SparseBooleanMatrix>(split.Train[i]);
                    fold_results[i]           = Items.Evaluate(split_recommenders[i], test_data_posonly, training_data_posonly, test_users, candidate_items, candidate_item_mode, repeated_events);
                    if (show_fold_results)
                        Console.WriteLine("fold {0} {1} iteration {2}", i, fold_results, iterative_recommenders[i].NumIter);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("===> ERROR: " + e.Message + e.StackTrace);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} iteration {1}", new ItemRecommendationEvaluationResults(fold_results), iterative_recommenders[0].NumIter);

            // iterative training and evaluation
            for (int it = (int)iterative_recommenders[0].NumIter + 1; it <= max_iter; it++)
                Parallel.For(0, (int)split.NumberOfFolds, i =>

                        if (it % find_iter == 0)
                            var test_data_posonly     = new PosOnlyFeedback <SparseBooleanMatrix>(split.Test[i]);
                            var training_data_posonly = new PosOnlyFeedback <SparseBooleanMatrix>(split.Train[i]);

                            fold_results[i] = Items.Evaluate(split_recommenders[i], test_data_posonly, training_data_posonly, test_users, candidate_items, candidate_item_mode, repeated_events);
                            if (show_fold_results)
                                Console.WriteLine("fold {0} {1} iteration {2}", i, fold_results, it);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("===> ERROR: " + e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                Console.WriteLine("{0} iteration {1}", new ItemRecommendationEvaluationResults(fold_results), it);
        /// <summary>Evaluate on the folds of a dataset split</summary>
        /// <param name="recommender">an item recommender</param>
        /// <param name="split">a dataset split</param>
        /// <param name="candidate_items">a collection of integers with all candidate items</param>
        /// <param name="candidate_item_mode">the mode used to determine the candidate items</param>
        /// <param name="compute_fit">if set to true measure fit on the training data as well</param>
        /// <param name="show_results">set to true to print results to STDERR</param>
        /// <returns>a dictionary containing the average results over the different folds of the split</returns>
        static public EvaluationResults DoRatingBasedRankingCrossValidation(
            this RatingPredictor recommender,
            ISplit <IRatings> split,
            IList <int> candidate_items,
            CandidateItems candidate_item_mode = CandidateItems.OVERLAP,
            bool compute_fit  = false,
            bool show_results = false)
            var avg_results = new ItemRecommendationEvaluationResults();

            Parallel.For(0, (int)split.NumberOfFolds, fold =>
                    var split_recommender     = (RatingPredictor)recommender.Clone();                  // avoid changes in recommender
                    split_recommender.Ratings = split.Train[fold];

                    var test_data_posonly     = new PosOnlyFeedback <SparseBooleanMatrix>(split.Test[fold]);
                    var training_data_posonly = new PosOnlyFeedback <SparseBooleanMatrix>(split.Train[fold]);
                    IList <int> test_users    = test_data_posonly.AllUsers;
                    var fold_results          = Items.Evaluate(split_recommender, test_data_posonly, training_data_posonly, test_users, candidate_items, candidate_item_mode);
                    if (compute_fit)
                        fold_results["fit"] = (float)split_recommender.ComputeFit();

                    // thread-safe stats
                    lock (avg_results)
                        foreach (var key in fold_results.Keys)
                            if (avg_results.ContainsKey(key))
                                avg_results[key] += fold_results[key];
                                avg_results[key] = fold_results[key];

                    if (show_results)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("fold {0} {1}", fold, fold_results);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("===> ERROR: " + e.Message + e.StackTrace);

            foreach (var key in Items.Measures)
                avg_results[key] /= split.NumberOfFolds;
            avg_results["num_users"] /= split.NumberOfFolds;
            avg_results["num_items"] /= split.NumberOfFolds;

Пример #4
        /// <summary>Evaluate on the folds of a dataset split</summary>
        /// <param name="recommender">an item recommender</param>
        /// <param name="split">a dataset split</param>
        /// <param name="test_users">a collection of integers with all test users</param>
        /// <param name="candidate_items">a collection of integers with all candidate items</param>
        /// <param name="candidate_item_mode">the mode used to determine the candidate items</param>
        /// <param name="compute_fit">if set to true measure fit on the training data as well</param>
        /// <param name="show_results">set to true to print results to STDERR</param>
        /// <returns>a dictionary containing the average results over the different folds of the split</returns>
        static public ItemRecommendationEvaluationResults DoCrossValidation(
            this IRecommender recommender,
            ISplit <IPosOnlyFeedback> split,
            IList <int> test_users,
            IList <int> candidate_items,
            CandidateItems candidate_item_mode = CandidateItems.OVERLAP,
            bool compute_fit  = false,
            bool show_results = false)
            var avg_results = new ItemRecommendationEvaluationResults();

            if (!(recommender is ItemRecommender))
                throw new ArgumentException("recommender must be of type ItemRecommender");

            Parallel.For(0, (int)split.NumberOfFolds, fold =>
                    var split_recommender      = (ItemRecommender)recommender.Clone();                 // avoid changes in recommender
                    split_recommender.Feedback = split.Train[fold];
                    var fold_results = Items.Evaluate(split_recommender, split.Test[fold], split.Train[fold], test_users, candidate_items, candidate_item_mode);
                    if (compute_fit)
                        fold_results["fit"] = (float)split_recommender.ComputeFit();

                    // thread-safe stats
                    lock (avg_results)
                        foreach (var key in fold_results.Keys)
                            if (avg_results.ContainsKey(key))
                                avg_results[key] += fold_results[key];
                                avg_results[key] = fold_results[key];

                    if (show_results)
                        Console.Error.WriteLine("fold {0} {1}", fold, fold_results);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.Error.WriteLine("===> ERROR: " + e.Message + e.StackTrace);

            foreach (var key in Items.Measures)
                avg_results[key] /= split.NumberOfFolds;
            avg_results["num_users"] /= split.NumberOfFolds;
            avg_results["num_items"] /= split.NumberOfFolds;
