UpdateLiveWatch() приватный Метод

private UpdateLiveWatch ( Mono.Debugging.Client.Breakpoint bp, string trace ) : bool
bp Mono.Debugging.Client.Breakpoint
trace string
Результат bool
Пример #1
 static void BreakpointTraceHandler(BreakEvent be, string trace)
     if (be is Breakpoint)
         if (pinnedWatches.UpdateLiveWatch((Breakpoint)be, trace))
             return;                     // No need to log the value. It is shown in the watch.
     console.Log.Write(trace + "\n");
Пример #2
 static void BreakpointTraceHandler(BreakEvent be, string trace)
     if (be is Breakpoint)
         if (pinnedWatches.UpdateLiveWatch((Breakpoint)be, trace))
             return;                     // No need to log the value. It is shown in the watch.
     DebugWriter(0, "", trace + Environment.NewLine);