Пример #1
        public string Connect(string host, string serializedSession)
            _primaryInstance = InstanceId;

            var existing = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _host, host, null);


            if (existing != null && existing != host)
                LogError($"{host} is given for {existing}");

            // log telemetry that service hub started
            RoslynLogger.Log(FunctionId.RemoteHost_Connect, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(SetSessionInfo));

            protected override async Task ExecuteAsync()
                // wait for global operation such as build
                await GlobalOperationTask.ConfigureAwait(false);

                using (var pooledObject = SharedPools.Default <List <ExpensiveAnalyzerInfo> >().GetPooledObject())
                    using (RoslynLogger.LogBlock(FunctionId.Diagnostics_GeneratePerformaceReport, CancellationToken))

                        foreach (var analyzerInfo in pooledObject.Object)
                            var newAnalyzer = _reported.Add(analyzerInfo.AnalyzerId);

                            var isInternalUser = _telemetrySession.IsUserMicrosoftInternal;

                            // we only report same analyzer once unless it is internal user
                            if (isInternalUser || newAnalyzer)
                                // this will report telemetry under VS. this will let us see how accurate our performance tracking is
                                RoslynLogger.Log(FunctionId.Diagnostics_BadAnalyzer, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(m =>
                                    // since it is telemetry, we hash analyzer name if it is not builtin analyzer
                                    m[nameof(analyzerInfo.AnalyzerId)]                = isInternalUser ? analyzerInfo.AnalyzerId : analyzerInfo.PIISafeAnalyzerId;
                                    m[nameof(analyzerInfo.LocalOutlierFactor)]        = analyzerInfo.LocalOutlierFactor;
                                    m[nameof(analyzerInfo.Average)]                   = analyzerInfo.Average;
                                    m[nameof(analyzerInfo.AdjustedStandardDeviation)] = analyzerInfo.AdjustedStandardDeviation;

                            // for logging, we only log once. we log here so that we can ask users to provide this log to us
                            // when we want to find out VS performance issue that could be caused by analyzer
                            if (newAnalyzer)
                                _logger.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 0,
                                                   $"Analyzer perf indicators exceeded threshold for '{analyzerInfo.AnalyzerId}' ({analyzerInfo.AnalyzerIdHash}): " +
                                                   $"LOF: {analyzerInfo.LocalOutlierFactor}, Avg: {analyzerInfo.Average}, Stddev: {analyzerInfo.AdjustedStandardDeviation}");
Пример #3
        public string Connect(string host, int uiCultureLCID, int cultureLCID, string?serializedSession, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            return(RunService(() =>

                // initialize global assert storage

                _primaryInstance = InstanceId;

                var existing = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _host, host, null);

                // serializedSession may be null for testing
                if (serializedSession != null)
                    SetGlobalContext(uiCultureLCID, cultureLCID, serializedSession);

                if (existing != null && existing != host)
                    Log(TraceEventType.Error, $"{host} is given for {existing}");

                // log telemetry that service hub started
                RoslynLogger.Log(FunctionId.RemoteHost_Connect, KeyValueLogMessage.Create(SetSessionInfo));

                if (serializedSession != null)
                    // Set this process's priority BelowNormal.
                    // this should let us to freely try to use all resources possible without worrying about affecting
                    // host's work such as responsiveness or build.
                    Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal;

                return _host;
            }, cancellationToken));
Пример #4
 // TO-DO: More LSP.CompletionTriggerKind mappings are required to properly map to Roslyn CompletionTriggerKinds.
 // https://dev.azure.com/devdiv/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/1178726
 public static Completion.CompletionTrigger LSPToRoslynCompletionTrigger(LSP.CompletionContext?context)
     if (context == null)
         // Some LSP clients don't support sending extra context, so all we can do is invoke
     else if (context.TriggerKind == LSP.CompletionTriggerKind.Invoked)
     else if (context.TriggerKind == LSP.CompletionTriggerKind.TriggerCharacter)
         // LSP added a TriggerKind that we need to support.