Пример #1
        private void StudentForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            labelWelcome.Text = "Welcome, " + Program.users[Program.currentUser].fullName;
            foreach (Problem problem in Program.users[Program.currentUser].problemSet)
                textBox1.AppendText(problem.printProblem() + "\r\n");

            currentProblem = getProblem();
Пример #2
        private Problem generateProblem()
            Problem problem = new Problem();
            problem.operand1 = rng.Next(min, max);
            problem.operand2 = rng.Next(min, max);
            problem.operation = isAddition; //True = addition selected (default), False = subtraction selected.
            if (problem.operation)
                problem.solution = problem.operand1 + problem.operand2;
                problem.solution = problem.operand1 - problem.operand2;

            return problem;
Пример #3
        //Aurelio Arango and Stephanie Yao, 4-8-14
        /*  NOTE: Function component of load_ProblemSet(...)*/
        public List<Problem> load_Problem(XElement setList)
            List<Problem> problem_list = new List<Problem>();
            int index = 0;
            foreach (XElement problem in setList.Descendants("Problem"))
                //XElement user_student = user.Parent;
                //string userid = Parent.Name;

                string operation = problem.Element("Operator").Value;
                string operand1 = problem.Element("Operand1").Value;
                string operand2 = problem.Element("Operand2").Value;
                // string solved = problem.Element("IsSolved").Value;
                // string attempts = problem.Element("Attempts").Value;

                int op1 = Convert.ToInt32(operand1);
                int op2 = Convert.ToInt32(operand2);

                Problem newproblem = new Problem(op1, op2, operation);

               // Debug.Write("OP1: " + problem_list[index].operand1 + " \n OP2: " + problem_list[index].operand2 + "\n");
                return problem_list; 
        }//end function
Пример #4
        /* SHOWN EVENT, triggered when the form is shown (either initial creation, or when unhidden). 
         * Builds the form to be specific to that student, and tries to get the first problem.
         * If the student has no problem file, it says that they have no problems, and disables inputs.
         * Kevin and Uriah
        private void StudentShown(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Aurelio Arango
            //Modified to get current date from current student
            //labelWelcome.Text = "Welcome, " + currentUser.fullName +"\n"+getDate(currentUser.userID);
            labelWelcome.Text = "Welcome, " + currentUser.fullName + "\n" + currentUser.lastLogin;
            labelWelcome.Left = (this.ClientSize.Width - labelWelcome.Width) / 2;

            //Obsolete code, replaced by following function call...
            //fileName = @"c:\users\public\MathDrills\ProblemSets\" + currentUser.userID + ".xml";
            //if (File.Exists(fileName))
            //    StudentXMLFile = XElement.Load(fileName);

            setlist = Program.loadProblems(currentUser.group);

            //If they don't have any file, then they don't have any problems assigned. Say so, and disable inputs to avoid issues.
            if (setlist[0].group != currentUser.group )
                buttonSubmit.Enabled = inputAnswer.Enabled = false;
                labelQuestion.Text = "You have no problems assigned.";
                labelQuestion.Top -= 40;
                labelQuestion.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 13);
                CancelButton = buttonLogout;
            //Find out how many problems in the current problem set they have.
            //problemSetSize = StudentXMLFile.Descendants("ProblemSet").ElementAt(setIndex).Descendants("Problem").Count();
            problemSetSize = setlist[0].problems.Count();
            max = problemSetSize * 2;
            //Get the first problem and display it.
            currentProblem = getProblem();
            if (currentProblem != null )
Пример #5
        /* SUBMITANSWER, called after clicking the Submit button, checks if the input is valid, checks if it is correct, gives feedback, and finds the next problem
         * Kevin and Uriah
        public void submitAnswer()
            int value; //Temporary, just used for int.TryParse, otherwise unneeded.

            //If they put in a non-number, or they put nothing in, this will (1) say so, (2) clear the value, and (3) re-select the input box.
            if ((inputAnswer.Text.Length == 0) || (!int.TryParse(inputAnswer.Text, out value)))
                inputAnswer.Text = "";
                labelFeedback.Text = "That was not a number";

            //checkAnswer() returns a boolean, true if they got the answer right, false if not.
            //If it was right, mark that problem as solved (so it will not reappear later)
            //Give the appropriate feedback either way.
            if (checkAnswer())
                inputAnswer.Text = "";
                setlist[0].problems[problemIndex].isSolved = true;
                labelFeedback.Text = "Correct!";
                inputAnswer.Text = "";
                labelFeedback.Text = "Incorrect";

            //Show the feedback for just a half-second by making the thread sleep
            labelFeedback.Text = "";

            //Whether they got the problem right or wrong, progress to the next one, display it, and focus on the input field.
            problemIndex = (problemIndex % problemSetSize); //Make sure we loop through the problemset, not going out of bounds.
            currentProblem = getProblem(); //Get a new problem
            if (currentProblem != null)
                displayProblem(); //Display it
                inputAnswer.Focus(); //Focus the textbox (so they can immediately type there)

Пример #6
        //Aurelio Arango  & Stepahnie Yao
        //this method gets the the current problem from the Problem Set,
        public Problem getProblem()
            Problem newproblem = new Problem();
            // MARKER: WIP!!!
            if (solved != setlist[0].problems.Count)
                newproblem = setlist[0].problems[problemIndex];
                return newproblem;
                labelFeedback.Text = "You've completed all problem sets assigned to you!";
                buttonSubmit.Enabled = inputAnswer.Enabled = false;
                CancelButton = buttonLogout;
                return null;

Пример #7
        /* SHOWN EVENT, triggered when the form is shown (either initial creation, or when unhidden). 
         * Builds the form to be specific to that student, and tries to get the first problem.
         * If the student has no problem file, it says that they have no problems, and disables inputs.
         * Kevin and Uriah
        private void StudentShown(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Aurelio Arango
            //Modified to get current date from current student
            //labelWelcome.Text = "Welcome, " + currentUser.fullName +"\n"+getDate(currentUser.userID);
            labelWelcome.Text = "Welcome, " + currentUser.fullName + "\n" + currentUser.lastLogin;
            labelWelcome.Left = (this.ClientSize.Width - labelWelcome.Width) / 2;

            //Obsolete code, replaced by following function call...
             * Jorge & Aurelio & Kevin - Uncommenting code that was commented out in second cycle. Commenting this code is causing
             * for an unhandled exception to be thrown because it is trying to read a function 
            fileName = @"c:\users\public\MathDrills\ProblemSets\setGroup" + currentUser.group + ".xml";
            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                Console.WriteLine("Dialogue Box: No problem sets found for current user. CLick ok.");

                StudentXMLFile = XElement.Load(fileName);

                setlist = Program.loadProblems(currentUser.group);

                //If they don't have any file, then they don't have any problems assigned. Say so, and disable inputs to avoid issues.
                if (setlist[0].group != currentUser.group )
                    buttonSubmit.Enabled = inputAnswer.Enabled = false;
                    labelQuestion.Text = "You have no problems assigned.";
                    labelQuestion.Top -= 40;
                    labelQuestion.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 13);
                    CancelButton = buttonLogout;
                //Find out how many problems in the current problem set they have.
                //problemSetSize = StudentXMLFile.Descendants("ProblemSet").ElementAt(setIndex).Descendants("Problem").Count();
                problemSetSize = setlist[0].problems.Count();
                max = problemSetSize * 2;
                //Get the first problem and display it.
                currentProblem = getProblem();
                if (currentProblem != null )
Пример #8
        /*Jorge Torres 4/29/2014 - Reworking the way this fucntion obtains the problem to display.
         * */
        //Aurelio Arango  & Stepahnie Yao
        /*this method gets the the current problem from the Problem Set,
        public Problem getProblem()
            Problem newproblem = new Problem();
            // MARKER: WIP!!!
            if (solved != setlist[0].problems.Count)
                newproblem = setlist[0].problems[problemIndex];
                return newproblem;
                labelFeedback.Text = "You've completed all problem sets assigned to you!";
                buttonSubmit.Enabled = inputAnswer.Enabled = false;
                CancelButton = buttonLogout;
                return null;

        public Problem getProblem()

            Problem newproblem = new Problem();
            // MARKER: WIP!!!

            //Jorge Torres - lets verify that the date is correct for the attempt on the problem set
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            String dueDateForProblemSet = null;


                case "A": dueDateForProblemSet = (setlist[0].dueDate);
                case "B": dueDateForProblemSet = (setlist[1].dueDate);
                case "C": dueDateForProblemSet = (setlist[2].dueDate);
            DateTime finalDueDate = DateTime.Parse(dueDateForProblemSet);

            if (now.Date <= finalDueDate.Date)
                Console.WriteLine("we can still do this problem set!!!");
                Console.WriteLine("you ran our of time poop:" + finalDueDate + "&&" + now);

            if (solved != setlist[0].problems.Count )
                newproblem = setlist[0].problems[problemIndex];
                return newproblem;
                labelFeedback.Text = "You've completed all problem sets assigned to you!";
                buttonSubmit.Enabled = inputAnswer.Enabled = false;
                CancelButton = buttonLogout;
                return null;
