private void Convert(SeqNode sParent, TreeNode tParent) { foreach (SeqNode sChild in sParent.getChildren()) { TreeNode tChild = new TreeNode(); tChild.Text = "" + sChild.dept + " " + sChild.courseNum; tParent.Nodes.Add(tChild); Convert(sChild, tChild); } }
public void Convert(SeqNode start) { refresh(); foreach (SeqNode sRoot in start.getChildren()) { TreeNode tRoot = new TreeNode(); tRoot.Text = "" + sRoot.dept + " " + sRoot.courseNum; seqView.Nodes.Add(tRoot); Convert(sRoot, tRoot); } }
private void convertWithCompletes(SeqNode sParent, TreeNode tParent) { foreach (SeqNode sChild in sParent.getChildren()) { TreeNode tChild = new TreeNode(); tChild.Text = "" + sChild.dept + " " + sChild.courseNum; if (sChild.complete == true) { tChild.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; tChild.Text += " (Complete)"; } else { tChild.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed; tChild.Text += " (Incomplete)"; } tParent.Nodes.Add(tChild); convertWithCompletes(sChild, tChild); } }
public void convertWithCompletes(SeqNode start) { refresh(); foreach (SeqNode sRoot in start.getChildren()) { TreeNode tRoot = new TreeNode(); tRoot.Text = "" + sRoot.dept + " " + sRoot.courseNum; if (sRoot.complete == true) { tRoot.ForeColor = Color.DarkGreen; tRoot.Text += " (Complete)"; } else { tRoot.ForeColor = Color.DarkRed; tRoot.Text += " (Incomplete)"; } seqView.Nodes.Add(tRoot); convertWithCompletes(sRoot, tRoot); } }
//Add the provided SeqNode to the SeqNode with the provided ParentValue. public void addChild(int parentValue, SeqNode newChild) { //We have found our parent value, add the new child. if (value == parentValue) { children.Add(newChild); } else { //Check each child to see if they are the parent value. foreach (SeqNode child in children) { child.addChild(parentValue, newChild); } } }
public void addChild(SeqNode child) { children.Add(child); }
private void read_list() { seqRoot = new SeqNode(); data.Rows.Clear(); for (int ix = 0; ix < requirements.Count; ix++) { data.Rows.Add(requirements[ix].DEPT, requirements[ix].COURSE_NUM, requirements[ix].CREDITS, requirements[ix].REQ_OR_ELEC, requirements[ix].VALUE, requirements[ix].PAR_VALUE); if ((requirements[ix].VALUE != 0) || (requirements[ix].PAR_VALUE != 0)) { SeqNode temp = new SeqNode(requirements[ix].DEPT, requirements[ix].COURSE_NUM, requirements[ix].CREDITS, requirements[ix].REQ_OR_ELEC, requirements[ix].VALUE); //MessageBox.Show("Succesfully Added node with value: " + requirements[ix].VALUE); seqRoot.addChild(requirements[ix].PAR_VALUE, temp); } } }
//Creates new major evaluation. Previously opened filnames are disregarded. private void newToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { requirements = new List<ReqCourses>(); seqRoot = new SeqNode(); data.Rows.Clear(); seqPreview.refresh(); open.FileName = ""; save.FileName = ""; seqCred.Clear(); elecCred.Clear(); uDivCred.Clear(); }
private bool make_list() { requirements.Clear(); ReqCourses input; seqRoot = new SeqNode(); int numrows; //MessageBox.Show(data.RowCount.ToString()); if (data.RowCount == 1) numrows = 1; else numrows = data.RowCount-1; for (int ix = 0; ix < data.RowCount-1; ix++) { if (check_row(ix)) { List<int> tmp = new List<int>(); /*for (int ij = 6; ij < data.Columns.Count; ij++) { tmp.Add(Convert.ToInt32(data[ij, ix].Value)); MessageBox.Show("Testing: " + Convert.ToInt32(data[ij, ix].Value)); //MessageBox.Show(tmp[ij-6].ToString()); }*/ input = new ReqCourses(data[0, ix].Value.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(data[1, ix].Value), Convert.ToInt32(data[2, ix].Value), data[3, ix].Value.ToString(), Convert.ToInt32(data[4, ix].Value), Convert.ToInt32(data[5, ix].Value)); // Check to see if the class has already been added bool already = false; for (int ij = 0; ij < requirements.Count; ij++) { if (requirements[ij].COURSE_NUM.Equals(input.COURSE_NUM) && requirements[ij].DEPT.Equals(input.DEPT)) { already = true; } } if (!already) { if ((input.VALUE != 0) || (input.PAR_VALUE != 0)) { SeqNode temp = new SeqNode(input.DEPT, input.COURSE_NUM, input.CREDITS, input.REQ_OR_ELEC, input.VALUE); //MessageBox.Show("Succesfully Added node with value: " + input.VALUE); seqRoot.addChild(input.PAR_VALUE, temp); } requirements.Add(input); } else { MessageBox.Show("There are duplicate classes!"); } } else { return false; } } return true; }