public static string TopicLink(int tabId, int moduleId, TopicInfo ti) { string sURL; var mainSettings = DataCache.MainSettings(moduleId); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ti.URL) || !mainSettings.URLRewriteEnabled) { sURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(tabId, string.Empty, ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + ti.TopicId); } else { var db = new Data.Common(); sURL = "/" + db.GetUrl(moduleId, -1, -1, ti.TopicId, -1, -1); } var sHost = Utilities.GetHost(); if (! (sURL.StartsWith(sHost))) { if (sHost.EndsWith("/")) sHost = sHost.Substring(0, sHost.Length - 1); sURL = sHost + sURL; } return sURL; }
public string Create(TopicInfo info) { string templateName; Type templateType; ProgramInfo programInfo = info as ProgramInfo; if (programInfo != null) { templateName = "CobolProgramTemplate.razor"; templateType = typeof(ProgramInfoTemplate); } else { templateName = "TemplateBase.razor"; templateType = typeof(FolderTemplate); } TextReader razorTemplateReader = new StreamReader(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), templateName)); RazorEngineHostWrapper razorEngineHostWrapper = new RazorEngineHostWrapper(); var generatedAssembly = razorEngineHostWrapper.ParseAndCompileTemplate(templateType, "BlissInSoftware.Sandcastle.Cobol", "TopicTemplate", razorTemplateReader); Type type = generatedAssembly.GetType("BlissInSoftware.Sandcastle.Cobol.TopicTemplate"); var instance = (TemplateBase)Activator.CreateInstance(type); if (programInfo != null) { // programInfo.ProgramDescription = programInfo.ProgramDescription.Replace(Environment.NewLine, "<markup><br /></markup>"); ((ProgramInfoTemplate)instance).ProgramInfo = programInfo; } else { ((FolderTemplate)instance).TopicInfo = info; } instance.Execute(); return instance.Buffer.ToString(); }
private TopicInfo BuildTopics() { using (md5 = HashAlgorithm.Create("MD5")) { RootTopic = TopicInfo.Create(Guid.NewGuid(), "API - Programas Cobol", ""); BuildTopicsTree(sourcePath, RootTopic); } return RootTopic; }
private void BuildTopicsTree(string parentPath, TopicInfo parentTopic) { /* foreach (string featureSet in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(parentPath)) { builder.ReportProgress("Feature set: " + featureSet); Topic currentTopic = Topic.Create(TopicType.FeatureSet, CreateTopicId(featureSet), Path.GetFileName(featureSet), featureSet, gherkinFeaturesLanguage); parentTopic.Children.Add(currentTopic); BuildTopicsTree(featureSet, currentTopic); } */ foreach (string topicFilePath in Directory.EnumerateFiles(parentPath, "*.txt")) { builder.ReportProgress("Topic file: " + topicFilePath); ProgramInfo currentTopic = (ProgramInfo)TopicInfo.Create(CreateTopicId(topicFilePath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(topicFilePath), topicFilePath); parentTopic.Children.Add(currentTopic); } }
/// <summary> /// 加载主题分类信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="topicTypePrefix"></param> /// <param name="topicTypeList"></param> /// <param name="topicinfo"></param> private static void LoadTopicType(int topicTypePrefix, SortedList <int, string> topicTypeList, TopicInfo topicinfo) { //扩展属性 if (topicTypePrefix > 0 && topicinfo.Typeid > 0) { string typeName = ""; topicTypeList.TryGetValue(topicinfo.Typeid, out typeName); topicinfo.Topictypename = typeName.Trim(); } }
/// <summary> /// 创建活动专题 /// </summary> /// <param name="topicInfo">活动专题信息</param> public static void CreateTopic(TopicInfo topicInfo) { OWZX.Data.Topics.CreateTopic(topicInfo); }
/// <summary> /// 加载主题所在版块名称 /// </summary> /// <param name="topicInfo"></param> private static void LoadTopicForumName(TopicInfo topicInfo) { ForumInfo forumInfo = Forums.GetForumInfo(topicInfo.Fid); topicInfo.Forumname = forumInfo == null ? "" : forumInfo.Name; }
/// <summary> /// 更新活动专题 /// </summary> /// <param name="topicInfo">活动专题信息</param> public static void UpdateTopic(TopicInfo topicInfo) { NStore.Data.Topics.UpdateTopic(topicInfo); NStore.Core.BMACache.Remove(CacheKeys.MALL_TOPIC_INFO + topicInfo.TopicId); NStore.Core.BMACache.Remove(CacheKeys.MALL_TOPIC_INFO + topicInfo.SN); }
protected override void ShowPage() { if (postid == 0) { base.AddErrLine("指定的主题不存在或已被删除或正在被审核,请返回."); return; } PostInfo postInfo = Posts.GetPostInfo(topicid, postid); if (postInfo == null) { base.AddErrLine("指定的主题不存在或已被删除或正在被审核,请返回."); return; } ip = postInfo.Ip; iplocation = IpSearch.GetAddressWithIP(ip); // 如果数据库文件不存在 if (iplocation == null) { iplocation = "(IP数据库文件不存在,无法查询)"; } else if (iplocation == "") // 如果没有查到 { iplocation = "没有查询到该用户的地理所在地"; } // 获取该主题的信息 TopicInfo topic = Topics.GetTopicInfo(postInfo.Tid); // 如果该主题不存在 if (topic == null) { AddErrLine("不存在的主题ID"); return; } ForumInfo forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(postInfo.Fid); forumname = forum.Name; pagetitle = topic.Title; forumnav = ForumUtils.UpdatePathListExtname(forum.Pathlist.Trim(), config.Extname); AdminGroupInfo admininfo = AdminGroups.GetAdminGroupInfo(usergroupid); if (admininfo == null || admininfo.Allowviewip != 1) { AddErrLine("你没有查看IP的权限"); return; } if (DNTRequest.GetString("action") == "ipban") { if (admininfo.Allowbanip != 1) { AddErrLine("你无权禁止用户IP,请返回"); return; } if (Utils.InIPArray(DNTRequest.GetString("ip"), Utils.SplitString(config.Ipdenyaccess, "\n"))) { Users.UpdateUserGroup(postInfo.Posterid, 6); AddErrLine("IP已在列表中存在,无需重复添加"); return; } if (GeneralConfigs.SetIpDenyAccess(DNTRequest.GetString("ip"))) { //调整用户到禁止IP组 Users.UpdateUserGroup(postInfo.Posterid, 6); SetUrl(base.ShowTopicAspxRewrite(topic.Tid, 0)); SetMetaRefresh(); SetShowBackLink(false); MsgForward("getip_succeed"); base.AddMsgLine("IP已加入到用户禁止列表中"); base.ispost = true; } else { base.AddErrLine("未知原因,IP无法加到禁止列表中"); } } }
/// <summary> /// 获取帖子参数信息(PostPramsInfo) /// </summary> /// <param name="price"></param> /// <returns></returns> private List <ShowtopicPageAttachmentInfo> GetAttachList(int price, string onlyauthor, int ismoder, int posterid, UserInfo userinfo, UserGroupInfo usergroupinfo, TopicInfo topic, ForumInfo forum) { GeneralConfigInfo config = GeneralConfigs.GetConfig(); //获取当前页主题列表 PostpramsInfo postpramsInfo = new PostpramsInfo(); postpramsInfo.Fid = forum.Fid; postpramsInfo.Tid = topic.Tid; postpramsInfo.Jammer = forum.Jammer; postpramsInfo.Pagesize = 10000; // 得到Ppp设置 postpramsInfo.Pageindex = 1; postpramsInfo.Getattachperm = forum.Getattachperm; postpramsInfo.Usergroupid = usergroupinfo.Groupid; postpramsInfo.Attachimgpost = config.Attachimgpost; postpramsInfo.Showattachmentpath = config.Showattachmentpath; postpramsInfo.Price = price; postpramsInfo.Usergroupreadaccess = (ismoder == 1) ? int.MaxValue : usergroupinfo.Readaccess; postpramsInfo.CurrentUserid = userinfo.Uid; postpramsInfo.Showimages = forum.Allowimgcode; postpramsInfo.Smiliesinfo = Smilies.GetSmiliesListWithInfo(); postpramsInfo.Customeditorbuttoninfo = Editors.GetCustomEditButtonListWithInfo(); postpramsInfo.Smiliesmax = config.Smiliesmax; postpramsInfo.Bbcodemode = config.Bbcodemode; postpramsInfo.CurrentUserGroup = usergroupinfo; postpramsInfo.Topicinfo = topic; //判断是否为回复可见帖, hide=0为不解析[hide]标签, hide>0解析为回复可见字样, hide=-1解析为以下内容回复可见字样显示真实内容 //将逻辑判断放入取列表的循环中处理,此处只做是否为回复人的判断,主题作者也该可见 postpramsInfo.Hide = (topic.Hide == 1 && (Posts.IsReplier(topic.Tid, userinfo.Uid) || ismoder == 1)) ? -1 : 1; postpramsInfo.Hide = topic.Posterid == userinfo.Uid ? -2 : postpramsInfo.Hide; postpramsInfo.Condition = Posts.GetPostPramsInfoCondition(onlyauthor, topic.Tid, posterid); postpramsInfo.Usercredits = userinfo == null ? 0 : userinfo.Credits; List <ShowtopicPageAttachmentInfo> attachmentlist = new List <ShowtopicPageAttachmentInfo>(); List <ShowtopicPagePostInfo> postlist = GetPostList(postpramsInfo, out attachmentlist, ismoder == 1); int allowGetAttach = GetAllowGetAttachValue(postpramsInfo); foreach (ShowtopicPageAttachmentInfo showtopicpageattachinfo in attachmentlist) { if (Forums.AllowGetAttachByUserID(forum.Permuserlist, userinfo.Uid)) { showtopicpageattachinfo.Getattachperm = 1; showtopicpageattachinfo.Allowread = 1; } } List <ShowtopicPageAttachmentInfo> attachDeleteList = new List <ShowtopicPageAttachmentInfo>(); foreach (ShowtopicPageAttachmentInfo attachInfo in attachmentlist) { if (allowGetAttach == 1 && attachInfo.Allowread == 1) { if (attachInfo.Filetype.IndexOf("jpeg") >= 0 || attachInfo.Filetype.IndexOf("png") >= 0) { if (!attachInfo.Filename.ToLower().StartsWith("http")) { attachInfo.Filename = Utils.GetRootUrl(BaseConfigs.GetForumPath) + "upload/" + attachInfo.Filename.Trim(); } } else { attachDeleteList.Add(attachInfo);//记录不是JPG或PNG的图片,以便进行remove操作 } } else { attachDeleteList.Add(attachInfo);//记录不是JPG或PNG的图片,以便进行remove操作 } } foreach (ShowtopicPageAttachmentInfo attach in attachDeleteList) { attachmentlist.Remove(attach); } return(attachmentlist); }
public void TopicPushFeed(TopicInfo topic, PostInfo post, AttachmentInfo[] attachments, int feedStatus) { pushFeed_asyncCallback = new PushFeedToCloud(PushFeedToDiscuzCloud); pushFeed_asyncCallback.BeginInvoke(topic, post, attachments, feedStatus, null, null); }
public static TopicInfo setToppic(TopicInfo topic) { return(CBO.FillObject <TopicInfo>(DataProvider.Instance().SetTopic(topic)));; }
/// <summary> /// 获取主题帖信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="admininfo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public PostInfo GetPostAndTopic(AdminGroupInfo admininfo) { PostInfo postinfo = new PostInfo(); //如果帖子id和主题id都没有指定 if (postid == -1 && topicid == -1) { AddErrLine("无效的主题ID"); return(postinfo); } //如果帖子id被指定 if (postid != -1) { postinfo = Posts.GetPostInfo(topicid, postid); if (postinfo == null) { AddErrLine("无效的帖子ID"); return(postinfo); } if (topicid != postinfo.Tid) { AddErrLine("主题ID无效"); return(postinfo); } //如果帖子作者是禁止发言,禁止访问,禁止IP用户组或者帖子invisible属性小于0,则不允许引用及回复 if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DNTRequest.GetString("quote"))) { if (postinfo.Invisible != 0) { postinfo.Message = "**** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 ****"; } else { string info = postinfo.Posterid > 0 ? Users.GetShortUserInfo(postinfo.Posterid).Groupid.ToString() : null; if (Utils.InArray(info, "4.5.6")) { postinfo.Message = "**** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 ****"; } } //if (Utils.InArray(Users.GetShortUserInfo(postinfo.Posterid).Groupid.ToString(), "4,5,6") || postinfo.Invisible != 0) // postinfo.Message = "**** 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽 ****"; if ((postinfo.Message.IndexOf("[hide]") > -1) && (postinfo.Message.IndexOf("[/hide]") > -1)) { message = string.Format("[quote] 原帖由 [b]{0}[/b] 于 {1} 发表\r\n ***隐藏帖*** [/quote]", postinfo.Poster, postinfo.Postdatetime); } //message = "[quote] 原帖由 [b]" + postinfo.Poster + "[/b] 于 " + postinfo.Postdatetime + " 发表\r\n ***隐藏帖*** [/quote]"; else { message = string.Format("[quote]{0}\r\n [color=#999999]{1} 发表于 {2} [/color][url={5}showtopic.aspx?topicid={3}&postid={4}#{4}][img]{5}images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]" , UBB.ClearAttachUBB(Utils.GetSubString(postinfo.Message, 200, "......")), postinfo.Poster, postinfo.Postdatetime, topicid, postid, Utils.GetRootUrl(forumpath)); } } } // 获取该主题的信息 topic = Topics.GetTopicInfo(topicid); // 如果该主题不存在 if (topic == null) { AddErrLine("不存在的主题ID"); return(postinfo); } topictitle = topic.Title.Trim(); pagetitle = topictitle; forumid = topic.Fid; // 如果当前用户非管理员并且该主题已关闭,不允许用户发帖 if ((admininfo == null || !Moderators.IsModer(admininfo.Admingid, userid, forumid)) && topic.Closed == 1) { AddErrLine("主题已关闭无法回复"); return(postinfo); } if (topic.Readperm > usergroupinfo.Readaccess && topic.Posterid != userid && useradminid != 1) { if (forum.Moderators != null && !Utils.InArray(username, forum.Moderators.Split(','))) { AddErrLine("本主题阅读权限为: " + topic.Readperm + ", 您当前的身份 \"" + usergroupinfo.Grouptitle + "\" 阅读权限不够"); } } return(postinfo); }
/// <summary> /// 创建主题信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="admininfo"></param> /// <param name="postmessage"></param> /// <param name="isbonus"></param> /// <param name="topicprice"></param> /// <returns></returns> public TopicInfo CreateTopic(AdminGroupInfo admininfo, string postmessage, bool isbonus, int topicprice) { TopicInfo topicinfo = new TopicInfo(); topicinfo.Fid = forumid; topicinfo.Iconid = (DNTRequest.GetInt("iconid", 0) < 0 || DNTRequest.GetInt("iconid", 0) > 15) ? 0 : DNTRequest.GetInt("iconid", 0); message = Posts.GetPostMessage(usergroupinfo, admininfo, postmessage, (TypeConverter.StrToInt(DNTRequest.GetString("htmlon")) == 1)); topicinfo.Title = (useradminid == 1) ? Utils.HtmlEncode(posttitle) : Utils.HtmlEncode(ForumUtils.BanWordFilter(posttitle)); if (useradminid != 1 && (ForumUtils.HasBannedWord(posttitle) || ForumUtils.HasBannedWord(postmessage))) { string bannedWord = ForumUtils.GetBannedWord(posttitle) == string.Empty ? ForumUtils.GetBannedWord(postmessage) : ForumUtils.GetBannedWord(posttitle); AddErrLine(string.Format("对不起, 您提交的内容包含不良信息 <font color=\"red\">{0}</font>, 请返回修改!", bannedWord)); return(topicinfo); } if (Utils.GetCookie("lasttopictitle") == Utils.MD5(topicinfo.Title) || Utils.GetCookie("lasttopicmessage") == Utils.MD5(message)) { AddErrLine("请勿重复发帖"); return(topicinfo); } topicinfo.Typeid = DNTRequest.GetInt("typeid", 0); if (usergroupinfo.Allowsetreadperm == 1) { topicinfo.Readperm = DNTRequest.GetInt("topicreadperm", 0) > 255 ? 255 : DNTRequest.GetInt("topicreadperm", 0); } topicinfo.Price = topicprice; topicinfo.Poster = username; topicinfo.Posterid = userid; topicinfo.Postdatetime = curdatetime; topicinfo.Lastpost = curdatetime; topicinfo.Lastposter = username; topicinfo.Displayorder = Topics.GetTitleDisplayOrder(usergroupinfo, useradminid, forum, topicinfo, message, disablepost); string htmltitle = DNTRequest.GetString("htmltitle").Trim(); if (!Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(htmltitle) && Utils.HtmlDecode(htmltitle).Trim() != topicinfo.Title) { //按照 附加位/htmltitle(1位)/magic(3位)/以后扩展(未知位数) 的方式来存储 例: 11001 topicinfo.Magic = 11000; } //标签(Tag)操作 string tags = DNTRequest.GetString("tags").Trim(); string[] tagArray = null; if (enabletag && !Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(tags)) { if (ForumUtils.InBanWordArray(tags)) { AddErrLine("标签中含有系统禁止词语,请修改"); return(topicinfo); } tagArray = Utils.SplitString(tags, " ", true, 2, 10); if (tagArray.Length > 0 && tagArray.Length <= 5) { if (topicinfo.Magic == 0) { topicinfo.Magic = 10000; } topicinfo.Magic = Utils.StrToInt(topicinfo.Magic.ToString() + "1", 0); } else { AddErrLine("超过标签数的最大限制或单个标签长度没有介于2-10之间,最多可填写 5 个标签"); return(topicinfo); } } if (isbonus) { topicinfo.Special = 2; //检查积分是否足够 if (mybonustranscredits < topicprice && usergroupinfo.Radminid != 1) { AddErrLine(string.Format("无法进行悬赏<br /><br />您当前的{0}为 {1} {3}<br/>悬赏需要{0} {2} {3}", bonusextcreditsinfo.Name, mybonustranscredits, topicprice, bonusextcreditsinfo.Unit)); return(topicinfo); } else { Users.UpdateUserExtCredits(topicinfo.Posterid, Scoresets.GetBonusCreditsTrans(), -topicprice * (Scoresets.GetCreditsTax() + 1)); //计算税后的实际支付 } } if (type == "poll") { topicinfo.Special = 1; } if (type == "debate") //辩论帖 { topicinfo.Special = 4; } if (!Moderators.IsModer(useradminid, userid, forumid)) { topicinfo.Attention = 1; } if (ForumUtils.IsHidePost(postmessage) && usergroupinfo.Allowhidecode == 1) { topicinfo.Hide = 1; } topicinfo.Tid = Topics.CreateTopic(topicinfo); //canhtmltitle = config.Htmltitle == 1 && Utils.InArray(usergroupid.ToString(), config.Htmltitleusergroup); //canhtmltitle = config.Htmltitle == 1 && usergroupinfo.Allowhtml == 1; //保存htmltitle if (canhtmltitle && !Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(htmltitle) && htmltitle != topicinfo.Title) { Topics.WriteHtmlTitleFile(Utils.RemoveUnsafeHtml(htmltitle), topicinfo.Tid); } if (enabletag && tagArray != null && tagArray.Length > 0) { if (useradminid != 1 && ForumUtils.HasBannedWord(tags)) { string bannedWord = ForumUtils.GetBannedWord(tags); AddErrLine(string.Format("标签中含有系统禁止词语 <font color=\"red\">{0}</font>,请修改", bannedWord)); return(topicinfo); } ForumTags.CreateTopicTags(tagArray, topicinfo.Tid, userid, curdatetime); } if (type == "debate") { DebateInfo debatetopic = new DebateInfo(); debatetopic.Tid = topicinfo.Tid; debatetopic.Positiveopinion = DNTRequest.GetString("positiveopinion"); debatetopic.Negativeopinion = DNTRequest.GetString("negativeopinion"); debatetopic.Terminaltime = Convert.ToDateTime(DNTRequest.GetString("terminaltime")); Topics.CreateDebateTopic(debatetopic); } Topics.AddParentForumTopics(forum.Parentidlist.Trim(), 1); return(topicinfo); }
public static TopicInfo addTopic(TopicInfo topic) { return(CBO.FillObject <TopicInfo>(DataProvider.Instance().AddTopic(topic))); }
protected override void ShowPage() { if (oluserinfo.Groupid == 4) { AddErrLine("你所在的用户组,为禁止发言"); return; } #region 临时帐号发帖 //int realuserid = -1; //bool tempaccountspost = false; //string tempusername = DNTRequest.GetString("tempusername"); //if (!Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(tempusername) && tempusername != username) //{ // realuserid = Users.CheckTempUserInfo(tempusername, DNTRequest.GetString("temppassword"), DNTRequest.GetInt("question", 0), DNTRequest.GetString("answer")); // if (realuserid == -1) // { // AddErrLine("临时帐号登录失败,无法继续发帖。"); return; // } // else // { // userid = realuserid; // username = tempusername; // tempaccountspost = true; // } //} #endregion if (userid > 0) { userinfo = Users.GetShortUserInfo(userid); // if (userinfo != null) // { // usergroupinfo = UserGroups.GetUserGroupInfo(userinfo.Groupid); // usergroupid = usergroupinfo.Groupid; // useradminid = userinfo.Adminid; // } } #region 获取并检查版块信息 forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(forumid); if (forum == null || forum.Layer == 0) { forum = new ForumInfo();//如果不初始化对象,则会报错 allowposttopic = false; AddErrLine("错误的论坛ID"); return; } pagetitle = Utils.RemoveHtml(forum.Name); enabletag = (config.Enabletag & forum.Allowtag) == 1; if (forum.Applytopictype == 1) //启用主题分类 { topictypeselectoptions = Forums.GetCurrentTopicTypesOption(forum.Fid, forum.Topictypes); } if (forum.Password != "" && Utils.MD5(forum.Password) != ForumUtils.GetCookie("forum" + forumid + "password")) { AddErrLine("本版块被管理员设置了密码"); SetBackLink(base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(forumid, 0)); return; } needaudit = UserAuthority.NeedAudit(forum, useradminid, userid, usergroupinfo); smileyoff = 1 - forum.Allowsmilies; bbcodeoff = (forum.Allowbbcode == 1 && usergroupinfo.Allowcusbbcode == 1) ? 0 : 1; allowimg = forum.Allowimgcode; customeditbuttons = Caches.GetCustomEditButtonList(); #endregion #region 访问和发帖权限校验 if (!UserAuthority.VisitAuthority(forum, usergroupinfo, userid, ref msg)) { AddErrLine(msg); needlogin = true; return; } if (!UserAuthority.PostAuthority(forum, usergroupinfo, userid, ref msg)) { AddErrLine(msg); needlogin = true; return; } #endregion #region 附件信息绑定 //得到用户可以上传的文件类型 string attachmentTypeSelect = Attachments.GetAllowAttachmentType(usergroupinfo, forum); attachextensions = Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeArray(attachmentTypeSelect); attachextensionsnosize = Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeString(attachmentTypeSelect); //得到今天允许用户上传的附件总大小(字节) int MaxTodaySize = (userid > 0 ? MaxTodaySize = Attachments.GetUploadFileSizeByuserid(userid) : 0); attachsize = usergroupinfo.Maxsizeperday - MaxTodaySize;//今天可上传得大小 //是否有上传附件的权限 canpostattach = UserAuthority.PostAttachAuthority(forum, usergroupinfo, userid, ref msg); if (canpostattach && (userinfo != null && userinfo.Uid > 0) && apb != null && config.Enablealbum == 1 && (UserGroups.GetUserGroupInfo(userinfo.Groupid).Maxspacephotosize - apb.GetPhotoSizeByUserid(userid) > 0)) { caninsertalbum = true; albumlist = apb.GetSpaceAlbumByUserId(userid); } #endregion canhtmltitle = usergroupinfo.Allowhtmltitle == 1; #region 积分信息 creditstrans = Scoresets.GetTopicAttachCreditsTrans(); userextcreditsinfo = Scoresets.GetScoreSet(creditstrans); bonusextcreditsinfo = Scoresets.GetScoreSet(Scoresets.GetBonusCreditsTrans()); #endregion #region 特殊主题权限判断 if (forum.Allowspecialonly > 0 && !Utils.InArray(type, "poll,bonus,debate")) { AddErrLine(string.Format("当前版块 \"{0}\" 不允许发表普通主题", forum.Name)); return; } if (!UserAuthority.PostSpecialAuthority(forum, type, ref msg)) { AddErrLine(msg); return; } if (!UserAuthority.PostSpecialAuthority(usergroupinfo, type, ref msg)) { AddErrLine(msg); needlogin = true; return; } if (type == "bonus") { int creditTrans = Scoresets.GetBonusCreditsTrans(); //当“交易积分设置”有效时(1-8的整数): if (creditTrans <= 0) { //AddErrLine(string.Format("系统未设置\"交易积分设置\", 无法判断当前要使用的(扩展)积分字段, 暂时无法发布悬赏", usergroupinfo.Grouptitle)); return; AddErrLine("系统未设置\"交易积分设置\", 无法判断当前要使用的(扩展)积分字段, 暂时无法发布悬赏"); return; } mybonustranscredits = Users.GetUserExtCredits(userid, creditTrans); } userGroupInfoList.Sort(delegate(UserGroupInfo x, UserGroupInfo y) { return((x.Readaccess - y.Readaccess) + (y.Groupid - x.Groupid)); }); #endregion //发帖不受审核、过滤、灌水等限制权限 AdminGroupInfo admininfo = AdminGroups.GetAdminGroupInfo(usergroupid); disablepost = admininfo != null ? admininfo.Disablepostctrl : usergroupinfo.Disableperiodctrl; //如果是提交... if (ispost) { #region 判断是否是灌水 if (!UserAuthority.CheckPostTimeSpan(usergroupinfo, admininfo, oluserinfo, userinfo, ref msg)) { AddErrLine(msg); return; } #endregion SetBackLink(string.Format("posttopic.aspx?forumid={0}&restore=1&type={1}", forumid, type)); ForumUtils.WriteCookie("postmessage", postmessage); #region 验证提交信息 //常规项验证 NormalValidate(admininfo, postmessage, userinfo); if (IsErr()) { return; } // 如果用户上传了附件,则检测用户是否有上传附件的权限 if (ForumUtils.IsPostFile()) { if (Utils.StrIsNullOrEmpty(Attachments.GetAttachmentTypeArray(attachmentTypeSelect))) { AddErrLine("系统不允许上传附件"); } if (!UserAuthority.PostAttachAuthority(forum, usergroupinfo, userid, ref msg)) { AddErrLine(msg); } } //发悬赏校验 int topicprice = 0; bool isbonus = type == "bonus"; ValidateBonus(ref topicprice, ref isbonus); //发特殊主题校验 ValidatePollAndDebate(); if (IsErr()) { return; } #endregion int hide = (ForumUtils.IsHidePost(postmessage) && usergroupinfo.Allowhidecode == 1) ? 1 : 0; TopicInfo topicinfo = CreateTopic(admininfo, postmessage, isbonus, topicprice); if (IsErr()) { return; } PostInfo postinfo = CreatePost(topicinfo); if (IsErr()) { return; } #region 处理附件 //处理附件 StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); AttachmentInfo[] attachmentinfo = null; string attachId = DNTRequest.GetFormString("attachid"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(attachId)) { attachmentinfo = Attachments.GetNoUsedAttachmentArray(userid, attachId); Attachments.UpdateAttachment(attachmentinfo, topicinfo.Tid, postinfo.Pid, postinfo, ref sb, userid, config, usergroupinfo); } //加入相册 if (config.Enablealbum == 1 && apb != null) { sb.Append(apb.CreateAttachment(attachmentinfo, usergroupid, userid, username)); } #endregion #region 添加日志的操作 SpacePluginBase spb = SpacePluginProvider.GetInstance(); if (DNTRequest.GetFormString("addtoblog") == "on" && spb != null) { if (userid != -1 && userinfo.Spaceid > 0) { spb.CreateTopic(topicinfo, postinfo, attachmentinfo); } else { AddMsgLine("您的个人空间尚未开通, 无法同时添加为日志"); } } #endregion OnlineUsers.UpdateAction(olid, UserAction.PostTopic.ActionID, forumid, forum.Name, -1, ""); #region 设置提示信息和跳转链接 if (sb.Length > 0) { SetUrl(base.ShowTopicAspxRewrite(topicinfo.Tid, 0)); SetMetaRefresh(5); SetShowBackLink(true); if (infloat == 1) { AddErrLine(sb.ToString()); return; } else { sb.Insert(0, "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" border=\"0\"><tr><td colspan=2 align=\"left\"><span class=\"bold\"><nobr>发表主题成功,但图片/附件上传出现问题:</nobr></span><br /></td></tr>"); AddMsgLine(sb.Append("</table>").ToString()); } } else { SetShowBackLink(false); if (useradminid != 1) { //是否需要审核 if (UserAuthority.NeedAudit(forum, useradminid, userid, usergroupinfo) || topicinfo.Displayorder == -2) { ForumUtils.WriteCookie("postmessage", ""); SetLastPostedForumCookie(); SetUrl(base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(forumid, forumpageid)); SetMetaRefresh(); AddMsgLine("发表主题成功, 但需要经过审核才可以显示. 返回该版块"); } else { PostTopicSucceed(Forums.GetValues(forum.Postcredits), topicinfo, topicinfo.Tid); } } else { PostTopicSucceed(Forums.GetValues(forum.Postcredits), topicinfo, topicinfo.Tid); } } #endregion //ForumUtils.WriteCookie("postmessage", ""); //SetLastPostedForumCookie(); //如果已登录就不需要再登录 if (needlogin && userid > 0) { needlogin = false; } } else //非提交操作 { AddLinkCss(BaseConfigs.GetForumPath + "templates/" + templatepath + "/editor.css", "css"); } }
//===================================================================== /// <summary> /// This is used to set the current solution name and the projects /// </summary> /// <param name="solutionName">The current solution filename</param> /// <param name="projects">The current list of projects</param> public void SetCurrentSolutionAndProjects(string solutionName, IEnumerable <MSBuildProject> projects) { // If the solution changes, clear all existing topic information if (this.CurrentSolutionName != solutionName) { this.CurrentSolutionName = solutionName; topicInfo.Clear(); } // Index the content layout files in each project. This should happen quickly as there usually // aren't that many content layout files. foreach (var project in projects) { string projectPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullPath), filePath; foreach (var contentLayoutFile in project.GetItems("ContentLayout")) { var link = contentLayoutFile.Metadata.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "Link"); if (link == null) { filePath = Path.Combine(projectPath, contentLayoutFile.EvaluatedInclude); } else { filePath = Path.Combine(projectPath, link.EvaluatedValue); } if (File.Exists(filePath)) { // TODO: Can it find an open content layout editor for the file if there is one and // search its content instead? var doc = XDocument.Load(filePath); // Add or refresh the title information foreach (var topic in doc.Descendants("Topic")) { TopicInfo info; if (!topicInfo.TryGetValue(topic.Attribute("id").Value, out info)) { info = new TopicInfo { TopicId = topic.Attribute("id").Value, } } ; info.Title = (string)topic.Attribute("title") ?? info.Title ?? "(No title)"; topicInfo.AddOrUpdate(info.TopicId, info, (key, value) => value); } } } } // If any new topics are found, match the ID to actual files. This is done in the background as // large projects may have hundreds of topics. This may not be necessary but it saves blocking the // IDE while it does it just in case. if (topicInfo.Any(t => t.Value.Filename == null)) { this.MatchFilesToTopics(projects.Select(p => Path.GetDirectoryName(p.FullPath)).Distinct()); } }
protected override void ShowPage() { // 获取帖子ID topicid = DNTRequest.GetInt("topicid", -1); postid = DNTRequest.GetInt("postid", -1); // 如果主题ID非数字 if (postid == -1) { AddErrLine("无效的帖子ID"); return; } // 获取该帖子的信息 post = Posts.GetPostInfo(topicid, postid); // 如果该帖子不存在 if (post == null) { AddErrLine("不存在的主题ID"); return; } // 获取该主题的信息 topic = Topics.GetTopicInfo(topicid); // 如果该主题不存在 if (topic == null) { AddErrLine("不存在的主题ID"); return; } if (topicid != post.Tid) { AddErrLine("主题ID无效"); return; } topictitle = topic.Title; forumid = topic.Fid; forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(forumid); forumname = forum.Name; pagetitle = "删除" + post.Title; forumnav = ForumUtils.UpdatePathListExtname(forum.Pathlist.Trim(), config.Extname); int opinion = DNTRequest.GetInt("opinion", -1); if (!CheckPermission(post, opinion)) { return; } if (!allowdelpost) { AddErrLine("当前不允许删帖"); return; } int Losslessdel = Utils.StrDateDiffHours(post.Postdatetime, config.Losslessdel * 24); // 通过验证的用户可以删除帖子,如果是主题贴则另处理 if (post.Layer == 0) { TopicAdmins.DeleteTopics(topicid.ToString(), byte.Parse(forum.Recyclebin.ToString()), false); //重新统计论坛帖数 Forums.SetRealCurrentTopics(forum.Fid); ForumTags.DeleteTopicTags(topicid); } else { int reval; if (topic.Special == 4) { string opiniontext = ""; if (opinion != 1 && opinion != 2) { AddErrLine("参数错误"); return; } reval = Posts.DeletePost(Posts.GetPostTableID(topicid), postid, false, true); switch (opinion) { case 1: opiniontext = "positivediggs"; break; case 2: opiniontext = "negativediggs"; break; } Discuz.Data.DatabaseProvider.GetInstance().DeleteDebatePost(topicid, opiniontext, postid); } else { reval = Posts.DeletePost(Posts.GetPostTableID(topicid), postid, false, true); } // 删除主题游客缓存 ForumUtils.DeleteTopicCacheFile(topicid); //再次确保回复数精确 Topics.UpdateTopicReplies(topic.Tid); //更新指定版块的最新发帖数信息 Forums.UpdateLastPost(forum); if (reval > 0 && Losslessdel < 0) { UserCredits.UpdateUserCreditsByPosts(post.Posterid, -1); } } SetUrl(Urls.ShowTopicAspxRewrite(post.Tid, 1)); if (post.Layer == 0) { SetUrl(base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(post.Fid, 0)); } SetMetaRefresh(); SetShowBackLink(false); AddMsgLine("删除帖子成功, 返回主题"); }
public static string ReplyLink(int tabId, TopicInfo ti, int userId, int replyId) { var sURL = Utilities.NavigateUrl(tabId, string.Empty, new [] { ParamKeys.TopicId + "=" + ti.TopicId, ParamKeys.ContentJumpId + "=" + replyId }); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ti.URL) || ! Utilities.IsRewriteLoaded()) return sURL; var db = new Data.Common(); sURL = db.GetUrl(-1, -1, -1, ti.TopicId, userId, replyId); if (! (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sURL))) { var sHost = Utilities.GetHost(); if (sURL.StartsWith("/")) sURL = sURL.Substring(1); if (!(sHost.EndsWith("/"))) sHost += "/"; sURL = sHost + sURL; if (! (sURL.EndsWith("/"))) sURL += "/"; if (replyId > 0) sURL += "#" + replyId.ToString(); } return sURL; }
public IEnumerable <string> GetFiles(TopicInfo topic) { yield break; }
/// <summary>Find or create TopicInfo by Topic</summary> /// <param name="tp">Topic as key</param> /// <param name="sendRegister">Send MsRegister for new TopicInfo</param> /// <returns>found TopicInfo or null</returns> private TopicInfo GetTopicInfo(Topic tp, bool sendRegister=true) { if(tp==null) { return null; } TopicInfo rez=null; for(int i=_topics.Count-1; i>=0; i--) { if(_topics[i].path==tp.path) { rez=_topics[i]; break; } } string tpc=(tp.path.StartsWith(Owner.path))?tp.path.Remove(0, Owner.path.Length+1):tp.path; if(rez==null) { rez=new TopicInfo(); rez.topic=tp; rez.path=tp.path; ushort rtId; if(PredefinedTopics.TryGetValue(tpc, out rtId)) { rez.TopicId=rtId;; rez.registred=true; } else { rez.TopicId=CalculateTopicId(rez.path);; } _topics.Add(rez); } if(!rez.registred) { if(sendRegister) { Send(new MsRegister(rez.TopicId, tpc)); } else { rez.registred=true; } } return rez; }
protected override void ShowPage() { if (postid == -1) { AddErrLine("无效的帖子ID"); return; } // 获取该帖子的信息 post = Posts.GetPostInfo(topicid, postid); if (post == null) { AddErrLine("不存在的帖子ID"); return; } // 获取该主题的信息 topic = Topics.GetTopicInfo(topicid); if (topic == null) { AddErrLine("不存在的主题ID"); return; } if (topicid != post.Tid) { AddErrLine("主题ID无效"); return; } topictitle = topic.Title; forumid = topic.Fid; forum = Forums.GetForumInfo(forumid); forumname = forum.Name; pagetitle = string.Format("删除{0}", post.Title); forumnav = ShowForumAspxRewrite(forum.Pathlist.Trim(), forumid, forumpageid); if (!CheckPermission(post, DNTRequest.GetInt("opinion", -1))) { return; } if (!allowDelPost) { AddErrLine("当前不允许删帖"); return; } // 通过验证的用户可以删除帖子,如果是主题帖则另处理 if (post.Layer == 0) { TopicAdmins.DeleteTopics(topicid.ToString(), byte.Parse(forum.Recyclebin.ToString()), false); //重新统计论坛帖数 Forums.SetRealCurrentTopics(forum.Fid); ForumTags.DeleteTopicTags(topicid); } else { int reval; if (topic.Special == 4) { if (DNTRequest.GetInt("opinion", -1) != 1 && DNTRequest.GetInt("opinion", -1) != 2) { AddErrLine("参数错误"); return; } reval = Posts.DeletePost(Posts.GetPostTableId(topicid), postid, false, true); Debates.DeleteDebatePost(topicid, DNTRequest.GetInt("opinion", -1), postid); } else { reval = Posts.DeletePost(Posts.GetPostTableId(topicid), postid, false, true); } // 删除主题游客缓存 ForumUtils.DeleteTopicCacheFile(topicid); //再次确保回复数精确 Topics.UpdateTopicReplyCount(topic.Tid); //更新指定版块的最新发帖数信息 Forums.UpdateLastPost(forum); if (reval > 0 && Utils.StrDateDiffHours(post.Postdatetime, config.Losslessdel * 24) < 0) { UserCredits.UpdateUserCreditsByDeletePosts(post.Posterid); } } SetUrl(post.Layer == 0 ? base.ShowForumAspxRewrite(post.Fid, 0) : Urls.ShowTopicAspxRewrite(post.Tid, 1)); SetMetaRefresh(); SetShowBackLink(false); AddMsgLine("删除帖子成功, 返回主题"); }
/// <summary> /// 发送feed请求到云平台 /// </summary> /// <param name="topic"></param> /// <param name="post"></param> /// <param name="attachments"></param> /// <param name="connectInfo"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool PushFeedToDiscuzCloud(TopicInfo topic, PostInfo post, AttachmentInfo[] attachments, UserConnectInfo connectInfo, string ip, string rootUrl) { DiscuzCloudConfigInfo config = DiscuzCloudConfigs.GetConfig(); List <DiscuzOAuthParameter> parmlist = new List <DiscuzOAuthParameter>(); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("client_ip", ip)); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("thread_id", topic.Tid.ToString())); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("author_id", topic.Posterid.ToString())); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("author", topic.Poster)); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("forum_id", topic.Fid.ToString())); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("p_id", post.Pid.ToString())); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("subject", topic.Title)); #region 构造postparmsinfo GeneralConfigInfo generalConfig = GeneralConfigs.GetConfig(); PostpramsInfo postpramsInfo = new PostpramsInfo(); postpramsInfo.Sdetail = post.Message; postpramsInfo.Smiliesinfo = Smilies.GetSmiliesListWithInfo(); postpramsInfo.Bbcodemode = generalConfig.Bbcodemode; postpramsInfo.Parseurloff = post.Parseurloff; postpramsInfo.Bbcodeoff = post.Bbcodeoff; postpramsInfo.Signature = 0; postpramsInfo.Allowhtml = post.Htmlon; postpramsInfo.Pid = post.Pid; postpramsInfo.Showimages = 1 - post.Smileyoff; postpramsInfo.Smileyoff = post.Smileyoff; postpramsInfo.Smiliesmax = generalConfig.Smiliesmax; //判断是否为回复可见帖, hide=0为不解析[hide]标签, hide>0解析为回复可见字样, hide=-1解析为以下内容回复可见字样显示真实内容 //将逻辑判断放入取列表的循环中处理,此处只做是否为回复人的判断,主题作者也该可见 postpramsInfo.Hide = 0; #endregion parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("html_content", UBB.UBBToHTML(postpramsInfo))); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("bbcode_content", post.Message)); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("read_permission", "0")); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("u_id", topic.Posterid.ToString())); parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("f_type", connectInfo.AllowPushFeed.ToString())); StringBuilder attachUrlList = new StringBuilder(); int attachCount = 0; if (attachments != null) { foreach (AttachmentInfo info in attachments) { if (attachCount < 3 && info.Filetype.IndexOf("image") > -1 && info.Attachprice <= 0) { attachUrlList.AppendFormat("|{0}upload/{1}", rootUrl, info.Filename.Replace("\\", "/")); attachCount++; } } } parmlist.Add(new DiscuzOAuthParameter("attach_images", attachUrlList.ToString().TrimStart('|'))); DiscuzOAuth oAuth = new DiscuzOAuth(); string queryStr = ""; string feedUrl = oAuth.GetOAuthUrl(API_CONNECT_URL + "connect/feed/new", "POST", config.Connectappid, config.Connectappkey, connectInfo.Token, connectInfo.Secret, "", "", parmlist, out queryStr); Utils.GetHttpWebResponse(feedUrl, queryStr); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 按照displayorder排序 /// </summary> /// <param name="x"></param> /// <param name="y"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static int CompareDisplayOrder(TopicInfo x, TopicInfo y) { return(new System.Collections.CaseInsensitiveComparer().Compare(x.Displayorder, y.Displayorder)); }
/// <summary> /// 创建活动专题 /// </summary> /// <param name="topicInfo">活动专题信息</param> public static void CreateTopic(TopicInfo topicInfo) { NStore.Data.Topics.CreateTopic(topicInfo); }
/// <summary> /// 获取指定用户组和版信息下主题的DisplayOrder /// </summary> /// <param name="usergroupinfo">用户组信息</param> /// <param name="useradminid">管理组ID</param> /// <param name="forum">当前版块</param> /// <param name="topicInfo">当前主题信息</param> /// <param name="message">帖子内容</param> /// <param name="disablepost">是否受灌水限制 1,不受限制;0,受限制</param> /// <returns>0:正常显示;-2:待审核</returns> public static int GetTitleDisplayOrder(UserGroupInfo usergroupinfo, int useradminid, ForumInfo forum, TopicInfo topicInfo, string message, int disablepost) { if (useradminid == 1 || Moderators.IsModer(useradminid, topicInfo.Posterid, forum.Fid)) { return(topicInfo.Displayorder); } if (forum.Modnewtopics == 1 || usergroupinfo.ModNewTopics == 1 || Scoresets.BetweenTime(GeneralConfigs.GetConfig().Postmodperiods) && disablepost != 1 || ForumUtils.HasAuditWord(topicInfo.Title) || ForumUtils.HasAuditWord(message)) { return(-2); } return(topicInfo.Displayorder); }
public IEnumerable <ReplyInfo> GetReplies(TopicInfo topic, int startrec, int maxrecs) { throw new System.NotImplementedException(); }
void ConfigurationEventTestBis( TopicInfo topicInfo, Action <XmlElement, TopicInfo> validateTopic, ValidateConfigurationMessageFunction validateMessageFunction, string sourceTokenSimpleItem, Action <string> validateConfigurationFunction) { int actualTerminationTime = 60; if (_eventSubscriptionTimeout != 0) { actualTerminationTime = _eventSubscriptionTimeout; } int timeout = _operationDelay / 1000; RunTest( () => { // Get topic description from the DUT. XmlElement topicElement = GetTopicElement(topicInfo); Assert(null != topicElement, string.Format("Topic {0} not supported", topicInfo.GetDescription()), "Check if the event topic is supported"); XmlElement messageDescription = topicElement.GetMessageDescription(); validateTopic(messageDescription, topicInfo); // filter for current test TestTool.Proxies.Event.FilterType filter = CreateSubscriptionFilter(topicInfo); string message = string.Format("{0} event is expected!", topicInfo.GetDescription()); bool UseNotify = UseNotifyToGetEvents; Dictionary <NotificationMessageHolderType, XmlElement> notifications = null; SubscriptionHandler Handler = null; try { Handler = new SubscriptionHandler(this, UseNotify, GetEventServiceAddress()); Handler.Subscribe(filter, actualTerminationTime); Operator.ShowMessage(message); var pullingCondition = new SubscriptionHandler.WaitFirstNotificationPollingCondition(timeout); Handler.WaitMessages(1, pullingCondition, out notifications); } finally { Operator.HideMessage(); SubscriptionHandler.Unsubscribe(Handler); } Assert(null != notifications && notifications.Any(), string.Format("No notification messages are received.{0}WARNING: may be Operation delay is too low", Environment.NewLine), "Check that DUT sent any notification messages"); Assert(notifications.Count == 1, string.Format("{0} messages received - unable to check actual configuration", notifications.Count), "Check that exactly one notification is received"); BeginStep("Validate message"); XmlNamespaceManager manager = CreateNamespaceManager(notifications.First().Value.OwnerDocument); StringBuilder logger = new StringBuilder(); bool ok = true; MessageCheckSettings settings = new MessageCheckSettings(); settings.ExpectedTopic = topicInfo; settings.RawMessageElements = notifications; settings.NamespaceManager = manager; NotificationMessageHolderType m = notifications.Keys.First(); ok = validateMessageFunction(m, notifications[m], manager, logger); if (!ok) { throw new AssertException(logger.ToStringTrimNewLine()); } StepPassed(); // validateMessageFunction should return false, if this simple item is missing string token = m.Message.GetMessageSourceSimpleItems()[sourceTokenSimpleItem]; validateConfigurationFunction(token); }, () => { }); }
public MajorTopicPage(int courseId) { InitializeComponent(); SetBusyIndicator(true); string MajorTopicUrl = "" + courseId; //387 JObject data = c.GetDetail(MajorTopicUrl); mresults = data["list"]["listMajorTopic"].Children().ToList(); tresults = data["list"]["listTopic"].Children().ToList(); if (mresults.Count != 0) { listMajorTopics.IsVisible = true; listTopics.IsVisible = false; foreach (JToken result in mresults) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(result); //just to check my json data. MajorTopicInfo searchResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MajorTopicInfo>(result.ToString()); //get exception on this line. majorTopicList.Add(searchResult); } if (majorTopicList.Count == 0) { lbltxt.IsVisible = true; stackList.IsVisible = false; } else { lbltxt.IsVisible = false; stackList.IsVisible = true; listMajorTopics.ItemsSource = majorTopicList; } SetBusyIndicator(false); } else { listTopics.IsVisible = true; listMajorTopics.IsVisible = false; foreach (JToken result in tresults) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(result); //just to check my json data. TopicInfo searchResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <TopicInfo>(result.ToString()); //get exception on this line. TopicList.Add(searchResult); } if (TopicList.Count == 0) { lbltxt.IsVisible = true; stackList.IsVisible = false; } else { lbltxt.IsVisible = false; stackList.IsVisible = true; listTopics.ItemsSource = TopicList; } SetBusyIndicator(false); } }
void ConfigurationEventTest( TopicInfo topicInfo, Action <XmlElement, TopicInfo> validateTopic, ValidateConfigurationMessageFunction validateMessageFunction, string sourceTokenSimpleItem, Action <string> validateConfigurationFunction) { EndpointReferenceType subscriptionReference = null; System.DateTime subscribeStarted = System.DateTime.MaxValue; int timeout = 60; RunTest( () => { // Get topic description from the DUT. XmlElement topicElement = GetTopicElement(topicInfo); BeginStep("Check if the event topic is supported"); if (topicElement == null) { LogStepEvent(string.Format("Topic {0} not supported", topicInfo.GetDescription())); } StepPassed(); if (topicElement == null) { return; } XmlElement messageDescription = topicElement.GetMessageDescription(); validateTopic(messageDescription, topicInfo); // filter for current test TestTool.Proxies.Event.FilterType filter = CreateSubscriptionFilter(topicInfo); string message = string.Format("{0} event is expected!", topicInfo.GetDescription()); Notify notify = null; XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); try { subscriptionReference = ReceiveMessages(filter, timeout, () => Operator.ShowMessage(message), doc, out notify, out subscribeStarted); } finally { Operator.HideMessage(); } Assert(notify.NotificationMessage.Length == 1, string.Format("{0} messages received - unable to check actual configuration", notify.NotificationMessage.Length), "Check that exactly one notification is received"); BeginStep("Validate message"); XmlNamespaceManager manager = CreateNamespaceManager(doc); Dictionary <NotificationMessageHolderType, XmlElement> notifications = GetRawElements(notify.NotificationMessage, doc, manager, true); StringBuilder logger = new StringBuilder(); bool ok = true; MessageCheckSettings settings = new MessageCheckSettings(); settings.ExpectedTopic = topicInfo; settings.RawMessageElements = notifications; settings.NamespaceManager = manager; NotificationMessageHolderType m = notify.NotificationMessage[0]; ok = validateMessageFunction(m, notifications[m], manager, logger); if (!ok) { throw new AssertException(logger.ToStringTrimNewLine()); } StepPassed(); // validateMessageFunction should return false, if this simple item is missing string token = m.Message.GetMessageSourceSimpleItems()[sourceTokenSimpleItem]; validateConfigurationFunction(token); }, () => { Operator.HideMessage(); ReleaseSubscription(subscribeStarted, subscriptionReference, timeout); }); }
/// <summary> /// 更新活动专题 /// </summary> /// <param name="topicInfo">活动专题信息</param> public static void UpdateTopic(TopicInfo topicInfo) { OWZX.Data.Topics.UpdateTopic(topicInfo); OWZX.Core.BSPCache.Remove(CacheKeys.SHOP_TOPIC_INFO + topicInfo.TopicId); OWZX.Core.BSPCache.Remove(CacheKeys.SHOP_TOPIC_INFO + topicInfo.SN); }
public static void CreateReports() { ClientLocalDb.Current.ClearReports(); var categories = ClientLocalDb.Current.GetCategoriesEnable(); var currReports = ClientLocalDb.Current.GetReports(new int?()); var reports = new Dictionary <int, Dictionary <int, string> >(); var allStatistics = ClientLocalDb.Current .GetStatisticsByAllUsers() .Where(x => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(x.Item2)) .ToArray(); var statistics = allStatistics .Where(x => x.Item2 == Settings.Current.KeeperName) .ToArray(); var catIds = categories.Select(x => x.CategoryID).ToArray(); var summaryTopicsAmount = statistics .Where(x => catIds.Contains(x.Item1)) .Sum(x => x.Item3); var summaryTopicsSize = statistics .Where(x => catIds.Contains(x.Item1)) .Sum(x => x.Item4); var summaryReportTemplate = Settings.Current.ReportSummaryTemplate; var categoriesList = new List <object>(); var summaryReportData = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "today", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") }, { "summary_topics_count", summaryTopicsAmount }, { "summary_topics_size", summaryTopicsSize.ToString("N") }, { "categories", categoriesList } }; foreach (var category in categories.OrderBy(x => x.FullName)) { var st = statistics.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item1 == category.CategoryID) ?? new Tuple <int, string, int, decimal>(category.CategoryID, "<->", 0, decimal.Zero); if (!currReports.ContainsKey(new Tuple <int, int>(st.Item1, 1))) { continue; } var url = currReports[new Tuple <int, int>(st.Item1, 1)].Item1; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(url) && url.Split('=').Length > 2) { url = url.Split('=')[2]; } else { url = null; } categoriesList.Add( new Dictionary <string, object> { { "url", url != null ? string.Format("{0}#{0}", url) : "" }, { "category_name", category.FullName }, { "topics_count", st.Item3 }, { "topics_size", st.Item4.ToString("N") } } ); } var summaryReportRendered = Stubble.Render(summaryReportTemplate, summaryReportData); reports.Add(0, new Dictionary <int, string>()); reports[0].Add(0, summaryReportRendered); ClientLocalDb.Current.SaveReports(reports); reports.Clear(); var headerOfReportTemplate = Settings.Current.ReportCategoryHeaderTemplate; foreach (var category in categories) { var st = allStatistics.Where(x => x.Item1 == category.CategoryID && x.Item3 > 0 && x.Item2 != "All"); var all = allStatistics.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Item1 == category.CategoryID && x.Item2 == "All"); if (st.Count() != 0 && all != null) { var keepersList = new List <object>(); var reportHeader = new Dictionary <string, object> { { "category_uri", "viewforum.php?f=" + category.CategoryID }, { "category_name", category.Name }, { "category_check_seeds_uri", "tracker.php?f=" + category.CategoryID + "&tm=-1&o=10&s=1" }, { "today", DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy") }, { "topics_count", all.Item3 }, { "topics_size", all.Item4.ToString("N") }, { "keepers_count", st.Count().ToString() }, { "keep_topics_count", st.Sum(x => x.Item3).ToString() }, { "keep_topics_size", st.Sum(x => x.Item4).ToString("N") }, { "keepers", keepersList } }; var num = 0; foreach (var tuple2 in st.OrderBy(x => x.Item2)) { ++num; keepersList.Add( new Dictionary <string, string> { { "keeper_number", num.ToString() }, { "keeper_profile_uri", "profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(tuple2.Item2.Replace("<wbr>", "").Trim()) }, { "keeper_username", tuple2.Item2.Replace("<wbr>", "") }, { "keep_topics_count", tuple2.Item3.ToString() }, { "keep_topics_size", tuple2.Item4.ToString("N") } } ); } var reportHeaderRendered = Stubble.Render(headerOfReportTemplate, reportHeader); reports.Add(category.CategoryID, new Dictionary <int, string>()); reports[category.CategoryID].Add(0, reportHeaderRendered); } } ClientLocalDb.Current.SaveReports(reports); reports.Clear(); var format1 = Settings.Current.ReportTop1.Replace("%%CreateDate%%", "{0}") .Replace("%%CountTopics%%", "{1}").Replace("%%SizeTopics%%", "{2}") + "\r\n"; var format2 = Settings.Current.ReportTop2.Replace("%%CreateDate%%", "{0}") .Replace("%%CountTopics%%", "{1}").Replace("%%SizeTopics%%", "{2}") .Replace("%%NumberTopicsFirst%%", "{3}").Replace("%%NumberTopicsLast%%", "{4}") .Replace("%%ReportLines%%", "{5}").Replace("%%Top1%%", "{6}") + "\r\n"; var format3 = Settings.Current.ReportLine.Replace("%%ID%%", "{0}").Replace("%%Name%%", "{1}") .Replace("%%Size%%", "{2}").Replace("%%Status%%", "{3}").Replace("%%CountSeeders%%", "{4}") .Replace("%%Date%%", "{5}"); var num1 = 115000; var stringBuilder2 = new StringBuilder(); var stringBuilder3 = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var category in categories) { var num2 = 0; var num3 = 0; var num4 = 1; var key = 0; stringBuilder2.Clear(); stringBuilder3.Clear(); var array3 = ClientLocalDb.Current.GetTopicsByCategory(category.CategoryID).Where( x => { if (x.IsKeep && (x.Seeders <= Settings.Current.CountSeedersReport || Settings.Current.CountSeedersReport == -1)) { return(!x.IsBlackList); } return(false); }).OrderBy(x => x.Name2).ToArray(); if (array3.Length != 0) { reports.Add(category.CategoryID, new Dictionary <int, string>()); var dictionary = reports[category.CategoryID]; var str = string.Format(format1, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"), array3.Length, TopicInfo.sizeToString( array3.Sum(x => x.Size))); foreach (var topicInfo in array3) { stringBuilder3.AppendLine(string.Format(format3, (object)topicInfo.TopicID, (object)topicInfo.Name2, (object)topicInfo.SizeToString, (object)topicInfo.StatusToHtml, (object)topicInfo.Seeders, (object)topicInfo.RegTimeToString)); ++num2; ++num3; if (num2 % 10 == 0 || array3.Length <= num2) { if (array3.Length == num2) { if (num3 == 0) { stringBuilder2.AppendFormat("[*={0}{1}", num4, stringBuilder3.ToString().Substring(2)); } else { stringBuilder2.AppendLine(stringBuilder3.ToString()); } } if (num1 <= stringBuilder2.Length + stringBuilder3.Length + str.Length || array3.Length <= num2) { ++key; var num5 = num2 < array3.Length ? num2 - 10 : num2; dictionary.Add(key, string.Format(format2, DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy"), (object)array3.Length, (object)TopicInfo.sizeToString( array3.Sum( x => x.Size)), (object)num4, (object)num5, (object)stringBuilder2.ToString(), (object)str) + Settings.Current.ReportBottom); stringBuilder2.Clear(); num3 = 0; num4 = num5 + 1; str = string.Empty; } if (num3 == 0) { stringBuilder2.AppendFormat("[*={0}{1}\r\n", num4, stringBuilder3.ToString().Substring(2)); } else { stringBuilder2.AppendLine(stringBuilder3.ToString()); } stringBuilder3.Clear(); } } } } ClientLocalDb.Current.SaveReports(reports); }
/// <summary> /// 加载主题图标信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="autocloseTime">自动关闭时间(单位:小时)</param> /// <param name="newMinutes">新主题失效</param> /// <param name="hotReplyNumber">热帖基数</param> /// <param name="topicInfo">主题</param> private static void LoadTopicFolder(int autocloseTime, int newMinutes, int hotReplyNumber, TopicInfo topicInfo) { //处理关闭标记 if (topicInfo.Closed == 0) { string oldtopic = ForumUtils.GetCookie("oldtopic") + "D"; if (newMinutes > 0 && oldtopic.IndexOf("D" + topicInfo.Tid.ToString() + "D") == -1 && DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-1 * newMinutes) < DateTime.Parse(topicInfo.Lastpost)) { topicInfo.Folder = "new"; } else { topicInfo.Folder = "old"; } if (hotReplyNumber > 0 && topicInfo.Replies >= hotReplyNumber) { topicInfo.Folder += "hot"; } if (autocloseTime > 0 && Utils.StrDateDiffHours(topicInfo.Postdatetime, autocloseTime * 24) > 0) { topicInfo.Closed = 1; topicInfo.Folder = "closed"; } } else { topicInfo.Folder = "closed"; if (topicInfo.Closed > 1) { topicInfo.Tid = topicInfo.Closed; topicInfo.Folder = "move"; } } }
void NewsletterFeed(string newsletterName, XmlTextWriter newsletter) { NewsletterManager nm = new NewsletterManager(TheFederation, TheLinkMaker); TopicInfo info = TheFederation.GetTopicInfo(newsletterName); if (!info.Exists) { throw new Exception("Newsletter " + newsletterName + " does not exist."); } if (!info.HasProperty("Topics")) { throw new Exception("Topic " + newsletterName + " is not a newsletter; no Topics property defined."); } string desc = info.GetProperty("Description"); if (desc == null) { desc = ""; } newsletter.WriteStartDocument(); newsletter.WriteStartElement("rss"); newsletter.WriteAttributeString("version", "2.0"); newsletter.WriteStartElement("channel"); newsletter.WriteElementString("title", newsletterName); newsletter.WriteElementString("description", desc); Uri link = new Uri(TheLinkMaker.LinkToTopic(info.Fullname, true), false); newsletter.WriteElementString("link", link.AbsoluteUri); DateTime last = DateTime.MinValue; foreach (AbsoluteTopicName topic in nm.AllTopicsForNewsletter(info.Fullname)) { FormatRSSItem(topic, newsletter); TopicInfo each = new TopicInfo(TheFederation, topic); DateTime lm = each.LastModified; if (lm > last) { last = lm; } } newsletter.WriteElementString("lastBuildDate", last.ToUniversalTime().ToString("r")); newsletter.WriteEndElement(); newsletter.WriteEndElement(); }
//public List<TopicInfo> GetAllModuleTopics(int moduleId, int pageIndex, int pageSize) //{ // return CBO.FillCollection<TopicInfo>(_dataProvider.GetAllModuleTopics(moduleId, pageIndex, pageSize)); //} public void UpdateTopic(TopicInfo objTopic, int moduleId, int portalId) { dataProvider.UpdateTopic(objTopic.TopicId, objTopic.ForumId, objTopic.ViewCount, objTopic.ReplyCount, objTopic.TopicTypeId, objTopic.LastPostId, objTopic.Slug, objTopic.ContentItemId); //Caching.ClearTopicCache(topicId, forumId, moduleId, portalId); }
private void GenerateContentFile(TopicInfo rootProgram) { builder.ReportProgress("Writing content file to: " + ContentFile + "..."); var doc = new XmlDocument(); var rootNode = doc.CreateElement("Topics"); doc.AppendChild(rootNode); var definitionElement = doc.CreateElement("Topic"); definitionElement.SetAttribute("id", rootProgram.TopicId.ToString()); definitionElement.SetAttribute("visible", XmlConvert.ToString(true)); definitionElement.SetAttribute("title", rootProgram.Title); rootNode.AppendChild(definitionElement); GenerateContentFileElements(definitionElement, rootProgram.Children); var directory = Path.GetDirectoryName(ContentFile); if (!Directory.Exists(directory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); doc.Save(ContentFile); }
//TODO: Unsubscribe private void SetValue(TopicInfo ti, byte[] msgData) { if(ti!=null) { if(!ti.path.StartsWith(Owner.path)) { return; // not allow publish } object val; switch(Type.GetTypeCode(ti.topic.valueType)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: val=(msgData[0]!=0); break; case TypeCode.Int64: { long rv=(msgData[msgData.Length-1]&0x80)==0?0:-1; for(int i=msgData.Length-1; i>=0; i--) { rv<<=8; rv|=msgData[i]; } val=rv; //Log.Debug("{0}={1}, {2}", ti.path, rv, BitConverter.ToString(msgData)); } break; case TypeCode.String: val=Encoding.Default.GetString(msgData); break; case TypeCode.Object: if(ti.topic.valueType==typeof(PLC.ByteArray)) { val=new PLC.ByteArray(msgData); break; } else if(ti.topic.valueType==typeof(SmartTwi)) { var sa=(ti.topic.GetValue() as SmartTwi); if(sa==null) { sa=new SmartTwi(ti.topic); sa.Recv(msgData); val=sa; } else { sa.Recv(msgData); return; } break; } else { return; } default: return; } ti.topic.SetValue(val, new TopicChanged(TopicChanged.ChangeArt.Value, Owner)); } }
public int AddTopic(TopicInfo objTopic, int moduleId, int portalId) { return dataProvider.AddTopic(objTopic.ForumId, objTopic.ViewCount, objTopic.ReplyCount, objTopic.TopicTypeId, objTopic.LastPostId, objTopic.Slug); //Caching.ClearTopicCache(topicId, forumId, moduleId, portalId); }
/// <summary>Find or create TopicInfo by Topic</summary> /// <param name="tp">Topic as key</param> /// <param name="sendRegister">Send MsRegister for new TopicInfo</param> /// <returns>found TopicInfo or null</returns> private TopicInfo GetTopicInfo(Topic tp, bool sendRegister=true) { if(tp==null) { return null; } TopicInfo rez=null; for(int i=_topics.Count-1; i>=0; i--) { if(_topics[i].path==tp.path) { rez=_topics[i]; break; } } string tpc=(tp.path.StartsWith(Owner.path))?tp.path.Remove(0, Owner.path.Length+1):tp.path; if(rez==null) { rez=new TopicInfo(); rez.topic=tp; rez.path=tp.path; ushort rtId; if(PredefinedTopics.TryGetValue(tpc, out rtId)) { rez.TopicId=rtId;; rez.registred=true; } else { Topic tmp=tp.parent; bool ignory=false; while(tmp!=null && tmp.valueType!=typeof(MsDevice)) { if(tmp.valueType==typeof(SmartTwi) || tmp.valueType==typeof(TWIDriver)) { ignory=true; break; } tmp=tmp.parent; } if(ignory) { rez.TopicId=0xFFFF;; rez.registred=true; } else { rez.TopicId=CalculateTopicId(rez.path);; } } _topics.Add(rez); } if(!rez.registred) { if(sendRegister) { Send(new MsRegister(rez.TopicId, tpc)); } else { rez.registred=true; } } return rez; }
private int PostNewTopic() { string ipaddress = Common.GetIP4Address(); #region Poll check code string topicPoll = String.Empty; var poll = new Regex(@"(?<poll>\[poll=\x22(?<question>.+?)\x22](?<answers>.+?)\[\/poll])", RegexOptions.Singleline); if (poll.IsMatch(Message.Text)) { //there are poll tags, so store them and remove from the message text topicPoll = poll.Match(Message.Text).Value; Message.Text = poll.Replace(Message.Text, ""); } #endregion var topic = new TopicInfo { Subject = tbxSubject.Text, Message = Message.Text, Date = DateTime.UtcNow, UseSignatures = cbxSig.Checked, IsSticky = cbxSticky.Checked, PosterIp = ipaddress, Status = (int)Enumerators.PostStatus.Open, UnModeratedReplies = 0, AuthorId = Member.Id, ReplyCount = 0, Views = 0 }; if (ForumId.HasValue) { topic.Forum = Forums.GetForum(ForumId.Value); topic.ForumId = ForumId.Value; } if (cbxLock.Checked) { topic.Status = (int)Enumerators.PostStatus.Closed; } else if (!_inModeratedList) { if (topic.Forum.ModerationLevel == (int)Enumerators.Moderation.AllPosts || topic.Forum.ModerationLevel == (int)Enumerators.Moderation.Topics) { topic.Status = (int)Enumerators.PostStatus.UnModerated; } } if (CatId != null) { topic.CatId = CatId.Value; } topic.Id = Topics.Add(topic); if (pingSiteMap) { Ping(""); } if (topicPoll != String.Empty && topic.Forum.AllowPolls) { CreatePoll(topicPoll, topic.Id); } InvalidateForumCache(); return(topic.Id); }
protected virtual void OnTopicCreated(TopicInfo topic, PostInfo post, AttachmentInfo[] attachs) { }
public void CreateTopic(TopicInfo topic, PostInfo post, AttachmentInfo[] attachs) { this.OnTopicCreated(topic, post, attachs); }
//===================================================================== /// <summary> /// This is used to set the current solution name and the projects /// </summary> /// <param name="solutionName">The current solution filename</param> /// <param name="projects">The current list of projects</param> /// <returns>True if re-indexing was initiated, false if not</returns> public bool SetCurrentSolutionAndProjects(string solutionName, IEnumerable<MSBuildProject> projects) { // If the solution changes, clear all existing topic information if(this.CurrentSolutionName != solutionName) { this.CurrentSolutionName = solutionName; topicInfo.Clear(); } // Index the content layout files in each project. This should happen quickly as there usually // aren't that many content layout files. foreach(var project in projects) { string projectPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(project.FullPath), filePath; foreach(var contentLayoutFile in project.GetItems("ContentLayout")) { var link = contentLayoutFile.Metadata.FirstOrDefault(m => m.Name == "Link"); if(link == null) filePath = Path.Combine(projectPath, contentLayoutFile.EvaluatedInclude); else filePath = Path.Combine(projectPath, link.EvaluatedValue); if(File.Exists(filePath)) { // TODO: Can it find an open content layout editor for the file if there is one and // search its content instead? var doc = XDocument.Load(filePath); // Add or refresh the title information foreach(var topic in doc.Descendants("Topic")) { TopicInfo info; if(!topicInfo.TryGetValue(topic.Attribute("id").Value, out info)) info = new TopicInfo { TopicId = topic.Attribute("id").Value, }; info.Title = (string)topic.Attribute("title") ?? info.Title ?? "(No title)"; topicInfo.AddOrUpdate(info.TopicId, info, (key, value) => value); } } } } // If any new topics are found, match the ID to actual files. This is done in the background as // large projects may have hundreds of topics. This may not be necessary but it saves blocking the // IDE while it does it just in case. if(topicInfo.Any(t => t.Value.Filename == null)) { this.MatchFilesToTopics(projects.Select(p => Path.GetDirectoryName(p.FullPath)).Distinct()); return true; } return false; }
void OnClientMessage(WebSocketConnection sender, DataReceivedEventArgs e) { OnlineUser user = Users.Single(a => a.Connection == sender); int index = e.Data.IndexOf(">>"); string[] action = e.Data.Substring(0, index).Split(':'); string[] args = action[1].Split(','); string data = e.Data.Remove(0, index + 2); Dictionary<string, string[]> actions = GetAllArgs(args); Func<string> combine = delegate() { List<string> newargs = new List<string>(); foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string[]> a in actions) newargs.Add(string.Format("{0}({1})", a.Key, String.Join("|", a.Value))); return string.Format("{0}:{1}>>{2}", action[0], string.Join(",", newargs.ToArray()), data); }; switch(action[0]) { case "REGISTER": //auth here int newuserid = int.Parse(args[0]); if (Users.Exists(c => c.UserID == newuserid)) Users.Single(c => c.UserID == newuserid).Connection.Dispose(); user.UserID = newuserid; user.Contacts = new List<int>(); ContactInfo.GetContacts(user.UserID).ForEach(delegate(ContactInfo i) { user.Contacts.Add(i.ContactID); }); user.Contacts.ForEach(delegate(int cid){ if (Users.Exists(c => c.UserID == cid)) { SendToContact(cid, String.Format("ONLINE:{0}>>", user.UserID)); SendToContact(user.UserID, String.Format("ONLINE:{0}>>", cid)); } }); foreach (MessageInfo undmessage in MessageInfo.GetAllUndelivered(user.UserID)) { SendToContact(user.UserID, undmessage.MessageText); UndeliveredMessageInfo.Create(undmessage.MessageID, user.UserID).Remove(); } break; case "MESSAGE": MessageInfo message = new MessageInfo(); message.UserID = user.UserID; message.MessageText = e.Data; message.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; if (actions["TYPE"][0] == "chat") message.MessageType = MessageTypes.Chat; else if (actions["TYPE"][0] == "topic") message.MessageType = MessageTypes.Comment; message.Update(); if (message.MessageID > 0 && actions["TYPE"][0] == "topic") { int tid = int.Parse(actions["ID"][0]); MessageInTopicInfo.Create(message.MessageID, tid).Add(); } int iid; foreach (string id in actions["TO"]) { if (int.TryParse(id, out iid) && user.Contacts.Contains(iid)) { bool isOnline = Users.Exists(c => c.UserID == iid); //save as undelivered if (message.MessageID > 0 && !isOnline) UndeliveredMessageInfo.Create(message.MessageID, iid).Add(); //dispatch message if (isOnline) { OnlineUser contact = Users.Single(c => c.UserID == iid); contact.Connection.Send(e.Data); } } } break; case "TOPICGET": TopicInfo topicinfo = TopicInfo.Get(int.Parse(actions["ID"][0])); List<UserInTopicInfo> usersintopic = UserInTopicInfo.GetByTopic(topicinfo.TopicID); List<string> ids = new List<string>(), mentors = new List<string>(); usersintopic.ForEach(delegate(UserInTopicInfo uit) { ids.Add(uit.UserID.ToString()); if (uit.UserTopicRole == UserTopicRoles.Mentor) mentors.Add(uit.UserID.ToString()); }); user.Connection.Send(string.Format("TOPIC:TO({0}),MENTORS({1}),TOPICID({2})>>{3}", string.Join("|", ids.ToArray()), string.Join("|", mentors.ToArray()), topicinfo.TopicID, topicinfo.TopicText)); foreach(MessageInfo topicmessageinfo in MessageInfo.GetByTopic(topicinfo.TopicID)) { user.Connection.Send(topicmessageinfo.MessageText); } break; case "TOPIC": TopicInfo info = new TopicInfo(); info.TopicText = data; info.Update(); for (int i = 0; i < actions["TO"].Length; i++) { UserInTopicInfo usertopic = new UserInTopicInfo(); usertopic.UserID = int.Parse(actions["TO"][i]); usertopic.TopicID = info.TopicID; usertopic.UserTopicRole = (actions["MENTORS"].Contains(actions["TO"][i]) ? UserTopicRoles.Mentor : UserTopicRoles.User); usertopic.Add(); } actions.Add("TOPICID", new string[] { info.TopicID.ToString() }); string newdata = combine(); foreach (string id in actions["TO"]) { if (int.TryParse(id, out iid) && iid != user.UserID && Users.Exists(c => c.UserID == iid)) { OnlineUser contact = Users.Single(c => c.UserID == iid); contact.Connection.Send(newdata); } } user.Connection.Send(string.Format("TOPICREF:ID({0}),REF({1})>>{2}", info.TopicID, actions["REF"][0], info.GetTitle())); break; case "TOPICEDIT": topicinfo = TopicInfo.Get(int.Parse(actions["ID"][0])); topicinfo.TopicText = data; topicinfo.Update(); UserInfo.GetByTopic(topicinfo.TopicID).ForEach(delegate(UserInfo u) { SendToContact(u.UserID, e.Data); }); break; case "SETUSERS": int setusersid = int.Parse(actions["ID"][0]); string setusersdata = ""; if (actions["TYPE"][0] == "topic") { setusersdata = TopicInfo.Get(setusersid).GetTitle(); } foreach (string setusersrej in actions["OLDUSERS"]) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setusersrej)) continue; if (actions["TYPE"][0] == "topic") { UserInTopicInfo uintop = new UserInTopicInfo(); uintop.TopicID = setusersid; uintop.UserID = int.Parse(setusersrej); uintop.Remove(); } SendToContact(int.Parse(setusersrej), string.Format("LEAVE:ID({0}),TYPE({1})>>", setusersid, actions["TYPE"][0])); } foreach (string setusersnew in actions["NEWUSERS"]) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(setusersnew)) continue; if (actions["TYPE"][0] == "topic") { UserInTopicInfo uintop = new UserInTopicInfo(); uintop.TopicID = setusersid; uintop.UserID = int.Parse(setusersnew); uintop.UserTopicRole = (actions["MENTORS"].Contains(setusersnew) ? UserTopicRoles.Mentor : UserTopicRoles.User); uintop.Add(); } SendToContact(int.Parse(setusersnew), string.Format("INVITED:ID({0}),TYPE({1})>>{2}", setusersid, actions["TYPE"][0], setusersdata)); } TopicInfo.CheckForEmptyTopicByID(setusersid); break; case "ATTACHMENT": int attachmenttotopicid = int.Parse(actions["ID"][0]); AttachmentInfo attach = new AttachmentInfo(); attach.AttachmentData = data;; attach.AttachmentType = AttachmentTypes.Link; attach.Update(); AttachmentInTopicInfo.Create(attachmenttotopicid, attach.AttachmentID).Add(); actions.Add("AID", new string[] { attach.AttachmentID.ToString() }); var newattachdata = combine(); UserInfo.GetByTopic(attachmenttotopicid).ForEach(delegate(UserInfo u) { SendToContact(u.UserID, newattachdata); }); break; case "ATTACHMENTGET": AttachmentInfo.GetByTopic(int.Parse(actions["ID"][0])).ForEach(delegate(AttachmentInfo a) { user.Connection.Send("ATTACHMENT:ID(" + actions["ID"][0] + "),AID("+a.AttachmentID.ToString()+"),TYPE(link)>>" + a.AttachmentData); }); break; case "ATTACHMENTREMOVE": attachmenttotopicid = int.Parse(actions["ID"][0]); iid = int.Parse(actions["AID"][0]); AttachmentInfo attmoveinfo = new AttachmentInfo(); attmoveinfo.AttachmentID = iid; attmoveinfo.Remove(); UserInfo.GetByTopic(attachmenttotopicid).ForEach(delegate(UserInfo u) { SendToContact(u.UserID, e.Data); }); break; } }