Пример #1
        void vicon_DataReceived(object sender, IViconFrameEventArgs e)
            if (e.Frame != null && e.Frame.Capacity > 0)
                double ax, ay, az, magnitude, tempX, tempY, tempZ, cosine, sine, temp;
                Matrix3 matrix = new Matrix3();

                pose.x = (e.Frame.ElementAt(0))/1000;
                pose.y = (e.Frame.ElementAt(1))/1000;
                pose.z = (e.Frame.ElementAt(2))/1000;
                pose.timestamp = TimeSync.CurrentTime;

                // Changing from axis-angle that Vicon gives to rotation matrix
                ax = e.Frame.ElementAt(3);
                ay = e.Frame.ElementAt(4);
                az = e.Frame.ElementAt(5);

                magnitude = Math.Sqrt(ax * ax + ay * ay + az * az);

                tempX = ax / magnitude;
                tempY = ay / magnitude;
                tempZ = az / magnitude;

                cosine = Math.Cos(magnitude);
                sine = Math.Sin(magnitude);

                temp = 1 - cosine;

                matrix[0, 0] = cosine + temp * tempX * tempX;
                matrix[0, 1] = temp * tempX * tempY + sine * tempZ;
                matrix[0, 2] = temp * tempX * tempZ - sine * tempY;
                matrix[1, 0] = temp * tempY * tempX - sine * tempZ;
                matrix[1, 1] = cosine + temp * tempY * tempY;
                matrix[1, 2] = temp * tempY * tempZ + sine * tempX;
                matrix[2, 0] = temp * tempZ * tempX + sine * tempY;
                matrix[2, 1] = temp * tempZ * tempY - sine * tempX;
                matrix[2, 2] = cosine + temp * tempZ * tempZ;

                // Changing from rotation matrix to pitch, yaw, roll
                pose.pitch = matrix.ExtractYPR().Y;
                pose.yaw = -matrix.ExtractYPR().X;
                pose.roll = -matrix.ExtractYPR().Z;

                if (NewPoseAvailable != null)
                    NewPoseAvailable(this, new NewPoseAvailableEventArgs(pose));