public ConversionTaskMonitorTasksListForm(List<MonitorJobOptions> monitorTasks, ConversionJobOptions cjo)

            _monitorTasks = monitorTasks;
            _cjo = cjo;
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the final extension for the file to be converted
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conversionOptions">Conversion Options</param>
        /// <returns>Extension as specified in the Conversion Profile</returns>
        public static string GetConversionExtension(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions)
            Ini ini = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);
            string orderSetting = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, "order", "").ToLower().Trim();
            if (!orderSetting.Contains("mencoder")) orderSetting = orderSetting.Replace("me","mencoder");
            if (!orderSetting.Contains("handbrake")) orderSetting = orderSetting.Replace("hb", "handbrake");
            if (!orderSetting.Contains("ffmpeg")) orderSetting = orderSetting.Replace("ff", "ffmpeg");

            string[] tool = orderSetting.Split(',');

            // We can check the first tool since all tools will lead to the same final extension
            string extension = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool[0] + "-ext", "").ToLower().Trim();
            string remuxTo = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool[0] + "-remuxto", "").ToLower().Trim();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(remuxTo))
                if (remuxTo[0] != '.') remuxTo = "." + remuxTo;  // Just in case someone does something dumb like forget the leading "."
                return remuxTo;
                if (extension[0] != '.') extension = "." + extension;  // Just in case someone does something dumb like forget the leading "."
                return extension;
Пример #3
        private string _srtFile = ""; // Subtitle file

        public ConvertWithFfmpeg(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, string tool, VideoInfo videoFile, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog, Scanner commercialScan, string srtFile)
            : base(conversionOptions, tool, videoFile, jobStatus, jobLog, commercialScan)
            passLog = Path.Combine(_workingPath, "MCEBuddy2Pass.log"); // Name of passlog file
            //Check if MEncoder EDL Removal has been disabled at conversion time
            Ini ini = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);
            if(ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-SubtitleBurn", false))
                _srtFile = srtFile; // Save the SRT file info otherwise skip it
Пример #4
        public RemuxMCERecording(ConversionJobOptions cjo, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog)
            _jobStatus = jobStatus;
            _jobLog = jobLog;
            _RecordingFile = cjo.sourceVideo;
            _destinationPath = cjo.workingPath;
            _requestedAudioLanguage = cjo.audioLanguage;
            _tivoMAKKey = cjo.tivoMAKKey;

            if (Util.FilePaths.CleanExt(_RecordingFile) == ".ts") // Handle TS files difference since they will have the same namess
                _RemuxedFile = Path.Combine(_destinationPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_RecordingFile) + "-REMUXED.ts");
                _RemuxedFile = Path.Combine(_destinationPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(_RecordingFile) + ".ts");

            // Read various profile parameters
            Ini configProfileIni = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);
            _useRemuxsupp = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(cjo.profile, "UseWTVRemuxsupp", false); // Some videos fail with FFMPEG remuxing and Mencoder encoding (use remuxsupp for remuxing there)
            _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "Force Remuxsupp (UseWTVRemuxsupp) : " + _useRemuxsupp.ToString(), Log.LogEntryType.Debug);

            _forceWTVStreamsRemuxing = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(cjo.profile, "ForceWTVStreamsRemuxing", false); // Use Streams remuxing for DVRMS and WTV files
            _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "Force Streams Remuxing (ForceWTVStreamsRemuxing) : " + _forceWTVStreamsRemuxing.ToString(), Log.LogEntryType.Debug);

            _allowH264CopyRemuxing = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(cjo.profile, "AllowH264CopyRemuxing", true); // Allow H.264 files to be remuxed into TS without recoding to MPEG2
            _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "Allow H264 Copy Remuxing (AllowH264CopyRemuxing) (default: true) : " + _allowH264CopyRemuxing.ToString(), Log.LogEntryType.Debug);

            _allowAllCopyRemuxing = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(cjo.profile, "AllowAllCopyRemuxing", false); // Allow any video codec to be remuxed into TS without recoding to MPEG2
            _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "Allow All Video codec formats Copy Remuxing (AllowAllCopyRemuxing) (default: false) : " + _allowAllCopyRemuxing.ToString(), Log.LogEntryType.Debug);

            // Get the media info for the recording file once for the entire operation to reuse
            _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "Reading Recording file " + _RecordingFile + " media information", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            _RecordingFileMediaInfo = new FFmpegMediaInfo(_RecordingFile, _jobStatus, _jobLog);

            // Check for donator version of Comskip
            Comskip checkComskip = new Comskip(MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig.GeneralOptions.comskipPath, _jobLog);

            // Check if we are using a mpeg4 video and allowing h264 video codec for commercial skipping purposes
            if (_allowH264CopyRemuxing)
                if (_mpeg4Codecs.Any(s => s.Contains(_RecordingFileMediaInfo.MediaInfo.VideoInfo.VideoCodec.ToLower())))
                    if (cjo.commercialRemoval == CommercialRemovalOptions.Comskip)
                        if (checkComskip.IsDonator)
                            _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "AllowH264CopyRemuxing will run fast for commercial detection, using donator version of Comskip", Log.LogEntryType.Information);
                            _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "AllowH264CopyRemuxing is SLOW with the bundled Comskip. Use ShowAnalyzer or Comskip Donator version ( to speed up commercial detection. Codec detected -> " + _RecordingFileMediaInfo.MediaInfo.VideoInfo.VideoCodec, Log.LogEntryType.Warning);

            // Check if we are using an unsupported codec and copying to TS format
            if (_allowAllCopyRemuxing)
                if (!_supportedCodecs.Any(s => s.Contains(_RecordingFileMediaInfo.MediaInfo.VideoInfo.VideoCodec.ToLower()))) // Check if we using any of the default supported codecs
                        _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "AllowAllCopyRemuxing is enabled and an unsupported codec in the source video is detected. Some underlying programs may not work with this codec. Codec detected -> " + _RecordingFileMediaInfo.MediaInfo.VideoInfo.VideoCodec, Log.LogEntryType.Warning);
Пример #5
        public CredentialsForm(ConversionJobOptions cjo)
            options = cjo;

            domainNameTxt.Text = cjo.domainName;
            userNameTxt.Text = cjo.userName;
            passwordTxt.Text = confirmPasswordTxt.Text = cjo.password;

            fallbackToSourceChk.Checked = cjo.fallbackToSourcePath;
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Extract the metadata from the video file (WTV/DVRMS/MP4/MKV/AVI/TS XML) and supplement with information downloaded from TVDB and MovieDB
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cjo">Conversion job options</param>
 /// <param name="disableDownloadSeriesDetails">(Optional) True if you want to override adn disable the DownloadSeriesDetails option from TVDB/MovieDB</param>
 public VideoMetaData(ConversionJobOptions cjo, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog, bool disableDownloadSeriesDetails = false)
     _videoFileName = cjo.sourceVideo;
     _downloadSeriesDetails = (cjo.downloadSeriesDetails && !disableDownloadSeriesDetails); // special case, if want to override it
     _downloadBannerFile = (cjo.downloadBanner && !disableDownloadSeriesDetails);
     _jobStatus = jobStatus;
     _jobLog = jobLog;
     _metadataCorrections = cjo.metadataCorrections;
     _tivoMAKKey = cjo.tivoMAKKey;
     _profile = cjo.profile;
     _taskName = cjo.taskName;
     _forceShowType = cjo.forceShowType;
     _prioritizeMatchDate = cjo.prioritizeOriginalBroadcastDateMatch;
Пример #7
        public Scanner(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, string videoFileName, bool useShowAnalyzer, float duration, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog)
            : base(conversionOptions.profile, videoFileName, duration, "", 0, jobStatus, jobLog)
            _videoFileName = videoFileName;
            _useShowAnalyzer = useShowAnalyzer;
            _jobStatus = jobStatus;
            _jobLog = jobLog;
            _profile = conversionOptions.profile;
            _convOptions = conversionOptions;

            _customComskipPath = MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig.GeneralOptions.comskipPath;
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_customComskipPath))
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "Using Custom Comskip Path -> " + MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig.GeneralOptions.comskipPath, Log.LogEntryType.Information);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Clones the current object and returns a new instance of the object
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>New clone object</returns>
        public ConversionJobOptions Clone()
            ConversionJobOptions clone = (ConversionJobOptions)this.MemberwiseClone();

            if (metadataCorrections != null)
                clone.metadataCorrections = new MetadataCorrectionOptions[metadataCorrections.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < metadataCorrections.Length; i++)
                    clone.metadataCorrections[i] = this.metadataCorrections[i].Clone(); // Clone this object as MemberwiseClone only does a shallow copy

Пример #9
        private bool _newTask = false; // Are we creating a new task

        public ConversionTaskForm(MCEBuddyConf mceOptions, string taskName)

            maxWidthBar.Maximum = _resolutions.Length - 1;
            _advGrpSize = advancedSettings.Size; // Store the value
            _mceOptions = mceOptions;
            _cjo = _mceOptions.GetConversionTaskByName(taskName);

            // First get the new scale
            using (Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics())
                float _scale = g.DpiX / 96; // Get the system DPI (font scaling)

                _advancedBoxCollapsedSize = (int)(_advancedBoxCollapsedSize * _scale);
Пример #10
        private const double DRC = 0.8; // Dynamic Range Compression to 80%

        public ConvertWithMencoder(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, string tool, VideoInfo videoFile, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog, Scanner commercialScan)
            : base(conversionOptions, tool, videoFile, jobStatus, jobLog, commercialScan)
            //Check if MEncoder EDL Removal has been disabled at conversion time
            Ini ini = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);
            mEncoderEDLSkip = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, "MEncoderEDLSkip", false);
            _extractCC = conversionOptions.extractCC;
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_extractCC)) // If Closed Caption extraction is enabled, we don't use cut EDL using Mencoder during encoding, Mencoder has a bug which causes it to cut out of sync with the EDL file which throws the CC out of sync, it will be cut separately
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Closed Captions Enabled, skipping EDL cutting during encoding"), Log.LogEntryType.Information);
                mEncoderEDLSkip = true;
            if ((_startTrim != 0) || (_endTrim != 0)) // If trimming is enabled skip cutting using EDL otherwise MEncoder messes it up
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Trimming Enabled, skipping EDL cutting during encoding"), Log.LogEntryType.Information);
                mEncoderEDLSkip = true;
Пример #11
        public ConvertWithHandbrake(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, string tool, VideoInfo videoFile, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog, Scanner commercialScan)
            : base(conversionOptions, tool, videoFile, jobStatus, jobLog, commercialScan)
            // Check if we have hardware encoding support available on the system
            Handbrake hb = new Handbrake(jobLog);
            hardwareEncodingAvailable = hb.QuickSyncEncodingAvailable;

            //Check if the profiles is setup for Hardware encoding, if so don't adjust hardware encoding options
            Ini ini = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);
            bool profileHardwareEncoding = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-UsingHardwareEncoding", false);
            if (_preferHardwareEncoding && profileHardwareEncoding)
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "Hardware enabled handbrake profile, disabling auto hardware encoder adjustments", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                _preferHardwareEncoding = false; // Don't change any settings, this profile is already setup for hardware encoding

            // Check if we are using any of the h264 codecs, only then can we use hardware encoder for H264
            if (_preferHardwareEncoding && !h264Encoders.Any((new FFMpegMEncoderParams(_videoParams)).ParameterValue("-e").ToLower().Equals))
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, "Cannot find h264 encoder, disabling auto hardware h264 encoder adjustments", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                _preferHardwareEncoding = false; // Don't use hardware encoder since this isn't a h264 profile
Пример #12
        public ConversionJob(ConversionJobOptions conversionJobOptions, VideoMetaData metaData)
            _conversionOptions = conversionJobOptions; // First thing to do
            _metaData = metaData; // Save the metadata if present

            _originalFileNameBackup = _conversionOptions.sourceVideo; // This is what we use to report to the world what we're working on, _sourceVideo may change under certain conditions below
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(_conversionOptions.destinationPath))
                _conversionOptions.destinationPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(_conversionOptions.sourceVideo); // No dest path = convert in place

            _jobStatus = new JobStatus();
            _jobStatus.SourceFile = _conversionOptions.sourceVideo;
            _jobStatus.TaskName = _conversionOptions.taskName;

            // Read various engine parameters
            _maxConcurrentJobs = MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig.GeneralOptions.maxConcurrentJobs;
            _spaceCheck = MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig.GeneralOptions.spaceCheck;
            _subtitleSegmentOffset = MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig.GeneralOptions.subtitleSegmentOffset;

            // Read various profile parameters
            Ini configProfileIni = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);

            // Profile only parameters 
            _preConversionCommercialRemover = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "PreConversionCommercialRemover", false); // Check if the user wants to remove commercials before the actual conversion in which case we always return false - i.e. remove commercial during remux stage
            _copyLOGFile = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "CopyLogFile", false); // Check if the user wants to save the log file generated by Comskip
            _copyPropertiesFile = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "CopyPropertiesFile", false); // Check if the user wants to save the properties file for SageTV metadata

            if (configProfileIni.ReadString(_conversionOptions.profile, "AutoDeinterlace", "default") == "default")
                _autoDeinterlace = _conversionOptions.autoDeInterlace;
                _autoDeinterlace = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "AutoDeinterlace", false);

            if (_conversionOptions.renameOnly)
                _commercialSkipCut = true; //no cutting if we are renaming only
            else if (configProfileIni.ReadString(_conversionOptions.profile, "CommercialSkipCut", "default") == "default")
                _commercialSkipCut = _conversionOptions.commercialSkipCut;
            else _commercialSkipCut = configProfileIni.ReadBoolean(_conversionOptions.profile, "CommercialSkipCut", false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the settings from the conversion job options and populates the form
        /// </summary>
        private void ReadSettings(ConversionJobOptions cjo)
            monitorTaskNameMatchChk.Checked = !(cjo.monitorTaskNames == null); // If we have a list then check the box

            startTrim.Text = cjo.startTrim.ToString();
            startTrimChk.Checked = (cjo.startTrim != 0);
            endTrim.Text = cjo.endTrim.ToString();
            endTrimChk.Checked = (cjo.endTrim != 0);

            makKey.Text = cjo.tivoMAKKey;
            insertTopChk.Checked = cjo.insertQueueTop;

            string extractCCOpts = cjo.extractCC;
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(extractCCOpts))
                extractCCAdvOpts.Enabled = extractCCAdvOpts.Checked = false;
                ccField.Enabled = ccChannel.Enabled = false;
                ccOffset.Enabled = false;
                ccField.Text = ccChannel.Text = "1"; // Populate some default values
            else if (extractCCOpts == "default")
                extractCCAdvOpts.Enabled = true;
                extractCCAdvOpts.Checked = false;
                ccOffset.Enabled = true;
                ccField.Enabled = ccChannel.Enabled = false;
                ccField.Text = ccChannel.Text = "1"; // Populate some default values
                string[] ccOpts = extractCCOpts.Split(','); // Field,Channel
                extractCCAdvOpts.Enabled = extractCCAdvOpts.Checked = true;
                ccOffset.Enabled = ccField.Enabled = ccChannel.Enabled = true;
                ccField.Text = ccOpts[0]; // MCEBuddy doesn't support 12/both configuration
                ccChannel.Text = ccOpts[1];
            ccOffset.Text = cjo.ccOffset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (cjo.audioOffset == 0)
                audioOffsetChk.Checked = audioOffset.Enabled = false;
                audioOffset.Text = "";
                audioOffsetChk.Checked = audioOffset.Enabled = true;
                audioOffset.Text = cjo.audioOffset.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cjo.FPS))
                frameRateChk.Checked = frameRate.Enabled = false;
                frameRate.Text = "";
                frameRateChk.Checked = frameRate.Enabled = true;
                frameRate.Text = cjo.FPS;

            embedSrtChaptersChk.Checked = cjo.embedSubtitlesChapters;

            skipHistoryChk.Checked = cjo.checkReprocessingHistory; // First
            skipReprocessChk.Checked = cjo.skipReprocessing; // Second
            autoIncFilenameChk.Checked = cjo.autoIncrementFilename;

            xmlChk.Checked = cjo.extractXML;
            writeMetadataChk.Checked = cjo.writeMetadata;
            disableCroppingChk.Checked = cjo.disableCropping;
            downloadSeriesChk.Checked = cjo.downloadSeriesDetails; // First
            seriesButton.Enabled = downloadSeriesChk.Checked; // Second
            skipCopyChk.Checked = cjo.skipCopyBackup;
            skipRemuxChk.Checked = cjo.skipRemuxing;
            forceShowTypeCbo.Text = cjo.forceShowType.ToString();
            drmFilterCbo.Text = cjo.metaDRMSelection.ToString();
            ignoreCopyProtectionChk.Checked = cjo.ignoreCopyProtection;
            drcChk.Checked = cjo.drc;
            hardwareEncodingChk.Checked = cjo.preferHardwareEncoding;
            tempFldrPath.Text = cjo.workingPath; //Temp folder path

            if (cjo.commercialRemoval != CommercialRemovalOptions.None) // Only if commercial detection is enabled, we check for commercial skip cutting
                commercialSkipCutChk.Enabled = true;
                commercialSkipCutChk.Checked = cjo.commercialSkipCut;
                commercialSkipCutChk.Enabled = commercialSkipCutChk.Checked = false;

            comskipINIPath.Text = cjo.comskipIni;

            if (cjo.commercialRemoval == CommercialRemovalOptions.Comskip) // Comskip
                comskipINIPath.Enabled = comskipIniCmd.Enabled = true;
                comskipINIPath.Enabled = comskipIniCmd.Enabled = false;

            // RENAME ONLY CHECK - DISABLE OTHER CONTROLS: Do these in the end since they control other check boxes
            if (cjo.renameOnly)
                frameRateChk.Enabled = audioOffsetChk.Enabled = audioOffset.Enabled = startTrimChk.Enabled = startTrim.Enabled = endTrimChk.Enabled = endTrim.Enabled = disableCroppingChk.Enabled = commercialSkipCutChk.Enabled = drcChk.Enabled = embedSrtChaptersChk.Enabled = writeMetadataChk.Enabled = hardwareEncodingChk.Enabled = ignoreCopyProtectionChk.Enabled
                    = false;
                    = false;
 public ConversionTaskExpertSettingsForm(List<MonitorJobOptions> monitorTasks, ConversionJobOptions cjo)
     _cjo = cjo;
     _monitorTasks = monitorTasks;
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the settings from the form to the Conversion Job Options
        /// </summary>
        private void WriteSettings(ConversionJobOptions cjo)
            cjo.ignoreCopyProtection = ignoreCopyProtectionChk.Checked;
            cjo.skipCopyBackup = skipCopyChk.Checked;
            cjo.skipRemuxing = skipRemuxChk.Checked;
            cjo.skipReprocessing = skipReprocessChk.Checked;
            cjo.autoIncrementFilename = autoIncFilenameChk.Checked;
            cjo.checkReprocessingHistory = skipHistoryChk.Checked;
            cjo.comskipIni = comskipINIPath.Text;
            cjo.downloadSeriesDetails = downloadSeriesChk.Checked;
            cjo.forceShowType = (ShowType)forceShowTypeCbo.SelectedIndex;
            cjo.metaDRMSelection = (DRMType)drmFilterCbo.SelectedIndex;
            cjo.extractXML = xmlChk.Checked;
            cjo.writeMetadata = writeMetadataChk.Checked;
            cjo.insertQueueTop = insertTopChk.Checked;
            cjo.disableCropping = disableCroppingChk.Checked;
            cjo.drc = drcChk.Checked;
            cjo.preferHardwareEncoding = hardwareEncodingChk.Checked;
            cjo.embedSubtitlesChapters = embedSrtChaptersChk.Checked;
            cjo.tivoMAKKey = makKey.Text;
            cjo.workingPath = tempFldrPath.Text.Trim();
            cjo.enabled = true; // By default tasks are enabled

            if (!monitorTaskNameMatchChk.Checked)
                cjo.monitorTaskNames = null; // clear it if the box is unchecked

            cjo.commercialSkipCut = commercialSkipCutChk.Checked;

            if (startTrimChk.Checked && startTrim.Text != "")
                int.TryParse(startTrim.Text, out cjo.startTrim);
                cjo.startTrim = 0;

            if (endTrimChk.Checked && endTrim.Text != "")
                int.TryParse(endTrim.Text, out cjo.endTrim);
                cjo.endTrim = 0;

            if (extractCCAdvOpts.Enabled == false)
                cjo.extractCC = "";
            else if (extractCCAdvOpts.Checked == false)
                cjo.extractCC = "default";
                cjo.extractCC = ccField.Text + "," + ccChannel.Text; // Field,Channel

            double.TryParse(ccOffset.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out cjo.ccOffset);

            if (audioOffsetChk.Checked == false)
                cjo.audioOffset = 0;
                double.TryParse(audioOffset.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out cjo.audioOffset);

            if (frameRateChk.Checked == false)
                cjo.FPS = "";
                cjo.FPS = frameRate.Text.Trim();
Пример #16
        static int Main(string[] args)
            MCEBuddyConf.GlobalMCEConfig = new MCEBuddyConf(GlobalDefs.ConfigFile); // Read the settings for global objects
            ConversionJobOptions cjo = new ConversionJobOptions(); // Start with an empty project
            cjo.workingPath = Environment.CurrentDirectory; // Set the default path to here
            Log.AppLog = new Log(Log.LogDestination.Console); // Redirect to console all output
            Log.LogLevel = Log.LogEntryType.Debug; // Print all messages
            string currentVersion = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();

            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "\r\nRemux TiVO file using DirectShow streams and TiVODecode as fallback", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "This file remuxes a TiVO file into a TS file.\r\nIf TiVO Desktop is installed, it will try to use the TiVO DirectShow filter to decrypt and then use FFMPEG.exe to remux the streams into a TS file.\r\nAs a fallback it will try to use TiVODecode.exe to decrypt and remux into a TS file.", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "Copyright (c) Ramit Bhalla, Build Version : " + currentVersion, Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "Build Date : " + System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);

                switch (args.Length) // HACK - bad coding but efficient :)
                    case 4: // GOOD SECTION
                        cjo.audioLanguage = args[3];
                        Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "RemuxTiVOStreams Audio Langage Code : " + cjo.audioLanguage, Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                        goto case 3;
                    case 3:
                        cjo.tivoMAKKey = args[2];
                        Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "RemuxTiVOStreams MAK : " + cjo.tivoMAKKey, Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                        goto case 2;
                    case 2:
                        if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[1])) // If it's empty use the current directory
                            cjo.workingPath = args[1];
                        Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "RemuxTiVOStreams Temp Path : " + cjo.workingPath, Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                        goto case 1;
                    case 1:
                        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(args[0]))
                            goto default; // Bad usage
                        cjo.sourceVideo = args[0];
                        if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Path.GetDirectoryName(cjo.sourceVideo)))
                            cjo.sourceVideo = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, cjo.sourceVideo); // If the video doesn't have a path, it's in the current directory
                        Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "RemuxTiVOStreams Source File : " + cjo.sourceVideo, Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                    case 0: // NO GOOD SECTION
                        goto default;
                        Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "\r\nRemuxTiVOStreams Invalid Input", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                        return -1; // Bad usage
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "\r\nRemuxTiVOStreams Invalid Input Error -> " + e.ToString() + "\r\n", Log.LogEntryType.Error);

                return -1; // Bad usage

            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "\r\nRemuxTiVOStreams trying to Remux TiVO file\r\n", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);

                RemuxMCERecording remuxTivo = new RemuxMCERecording(cjo, new JobStatus(), Log.AppLog);
                if (remuxTivo.RemuxTiVO())
                    Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "\r\nRemuxTiVOStreams Successful!!", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                    return 0; // we good here
                    Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "\r\nRemuxTiVOStreams Failed!!", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                    return -2; // too bad
            catch (Exception e1)
                Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("", "\r\nRemuxTiVOStreams Crashed with Error -> " + e1.ToString() + "\r\n", Log.LogEntryType.Error);
                return -3; // We bugged out
Пример #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the settings to the cjo object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="save">True if you want to save the settings to the Global MCE object</param>
        private void WriteSettings(ConversionJobOptions cjo, bool save)
            cjo.taskName = taskNameTxt.Text.Trim();
            cjo.profile = profileCbo.SelectedItem.ToString();
            cjo.destinationPath = destinationPathTxt.Text;
            cjo.addToiTunes = addiTunesChk.Checked;
            cjo.addToWMP = addToWMPChk.Checked;
            int.TryParse(maxWidthTxt.Text.ToString(), out cjo.maxWidth);
            cjo.encoderSelectBestAudioTrack = singleAudioTrackChk.Checked;
            cjo.volumeMultiplier = RangeValToVolume(volumeBar.Value);
            cjo.qualityMultiplier = RangeValToQuality(qualityBar.Value);
            cjo.commercialRemoval = (CommercialRemovalOptions)detectAdsCbo.SelectedIndex;
            cjo.renameBySeries = renameBySeriesChk.Checked;
            cjo.altRenameBySeries = altRenameBySeriesChk.Checked;
            cjo.renameOnly = renameOnlyChk.Checked;
            cjo.fileSelection = fileMatchTxt.Text;
            cjo.metaShowSelection = metaShowMatchTxt.Text;
            cjo.metaNetworkSelection = metaNetworkMatchTxt.Text;
            cjo.audioLanguage = ISO639_3.GetLanguageCode(langBox.Text);
            cjo.stereoAudio = !multiChannelAudioChk.Checked;
            cjo.autoDeInterlace = autoDeinterlaceChk.Checked;
            cjo.enabled = true; // By default tasks are enabled

            switch (metaShowTypeCbo.SelectedIndex)
                case 1:
                    cjo.metaShowTypeSelection = ShowType.Movie;

                case 2:
                    cjo.metaShowTypeSelection = ShowType.Series;

                case 3:
                    cjo.metaShowTypeSelection = ShowType.Sports;

                case 0:
                    cjo.metaShowTypeSelection = ShowType.Default;

            if (detectAdsCbo.SelectedIndex == 0) // Write this only if commercial detection is enabled, default is false
                cjo.commercialSkipCut = false;

            if (customReNamingChk.Checked && customFileRenamePattern.Text != "")
                cjo.customRenameBySeries = customFileRenamePattern.Text;
                cjo.customRenameBySeries = "";

            if (extractCC.Checked == false)
                cjo.extractCC = "";

            // SANITY CHECKS:
            if ((detectAdsCbo.SelectedIndex != 0) && renameOnlyChk.Checked) // If we are naming only, then we need to ensure CommercialSkipCut is enabled if commercial detection is enabled
                cjo.commercialSkipCut = true;

            if (save) // Are we asked to save them
                _mceOptions.AddOrUpdateConversionTask(cjo, false);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a new name and path for a file using the metadata and options provided
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conversionOptions">Conversion job options</param>
        /// <param name="metaData">Metadata for video file</param>
        /// <param name="originalFileName">Full path and name for original video file</param>
        /// <param name="renamedFileExt">File extension for the renamed file</param>
        /// <param name="newFileName">Will contain the name of the renamed file if successful</param>
        /// <param name="subDestinationPath">Will contain the path of the renamed file if successful</param>
        /// <param name="jobLog">JobLog</param>
        /// <returns>True if rename was successful, false if there was no rename</returns>
        public static bool GetRenameByMetadata(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, VideoMetaData metaData, string originalFileName, string renamedFileExt, out string newFileName, out string subDestinationPath, Log jobLog)
            newFileName = subDestinationPath = "";

            if (metaData != null)
                if ((conversionOptions.renameBySeries) & (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(metaData.MetaData.Title)))
                    string title = metaData.MetaData.Title;
                    string subTitle = metaData.MetaData.SubTitle;

                    //Get the date field
                    string date;
                    if (metaData.MetaData.RecordedDateTime > GlobalDefs.NO_BROADCAST_TIME)
                        date = metaData.MetaData.RecordedDateTime.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        DateTime dt = Util.FileIO.GetFileCreationTime(originalFileName);

                        if (dt > GlobalDefs.NO_BROADCAST_TIME)
                            date = dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            jobLog.WriteEntry("Cannot get recorded date and time, using current date and time", Log.LogEntryType.Warning);
                            date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    // Build the new file name, check which naming convention we are using
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(conversionOptions.customRenameBySeries))
                        jobLog.WriteEntry("Custom Renaming Command -> " + conversionOptions.customRenameBySeries, Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                            CustomRename.CustomRenameFilename(conversionOptions.customRenameBySeries, ref newFileName, ref subDestinationPath, originalFileName, metaData.MetaData, jobLog);

                            newFileName = newFileName.Replace(@"\\", @"\");
                            newFileName += renamedFileExt;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            jobLog.WriteEntry("Error in file naming format detected, fallback to default naming convention.\r\nError : " + e.ToString(), Log.LogEntryType.Warning); // We had an invalid format
                            newFileName = ""; // Reset since we had an error so fall back can work
                            subDestinationPath = ""; // Reset path for failure
                    else if (conversionOptions.altRenameBySeries) // Alternate renaming pattern

                        if ((metaData.MetaData.Season > 0) && (metaData.MetaData.Episode > 0))
                            newFileName += "S" + metaData.MetaData.Season.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "E" + metaData.MetaData.Episode.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            if (subTitle != "")
                                newFileName += "-" + subTitle;
                            jobLog.WriteEntry("No Season and Episode information available, using show name", Log.LogEntryType.Warning); // if there is not season episode name available
                            newFileName = title;
                            if (subTitle != "")
                                newFileName += "-" + subTitle;
                                newFileName += "-" + date + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:MM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        newFileName = newFileName.Replace(@"\\", @"\");
                        newFileName += renamedFileExt;

                        // Create the directory structure
                        subDestinationPath += metaData.MetaData.Title;
                        if ((metaData.MetaData.Season > 0))
                            subDestinationPath += "\\Season " + metaData.MetaData.Season.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    if (newFileName == "") // this is our default/fallback option
                        // STANDARD --> SHOWNAME/SHOWNAME-SXXEYY-EPISODENAME<-RECORDDATE>.ext // Record date is used where there is no season and episode info

                        newFileName = title;

                        if ((metaData.MetaData.Season > 0) && (metaData.MetaData.Episode > 0))
                            newFileName += "-" + "S" + metaData.MetaData.Season.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + "E" + metaData.MetaData.Episode.ToString("00", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                            if (subTitle != "") newFileName += "-" + subTitle;
                            jobLog.WriteEntry("No Season and Episode information available, using episode name/record date", Log.LogEntryType.Warning); // if there is not season episode name available
                            if (subTitle != "")
                                newFileName += "-" + subTitle;
                                newFileName += "-" + date + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH:MM", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Backup to create a unique name if season/episode is not available

                        newFileName = newFileName.Replace(@"\\", @"\");
                        newFileName += renamedFileExt;

                        // Create the directory structure
                        subDestinationPath += metaData.MetaData.Title;

                    subDestinationPath = Util.FilePaths.RemoveIllegalFilePathChars(subDestinationPath); // clean it up
                    newFileName = Util.FilePaths.RemoveIllegalFileNameChars(newFileName); // clean it up

                    return true; // We have a new name and path

                    jobLog.WriteEntry("Skipping Renaming by Series details", Log.LogEntryType.Information);
                jobLog.WriteEntry("Renaming by Series, no Metadata", Log.LogEntryType.Warning);

            return false; // No new name
Пример #19
        private void ReadConversionSettings(Ini configIni)
            // Read the Conversion Tasks
            string[] conversionRecords = configIni.ReadString("Engine", "Tasks", "").Split(',');
            foreach (string conversionRecord in conversionRecords)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(conversionRecord))

                ConversionJobOptions cjo = new ConversionJobOptions();

                cjo.taskName = conversionRecord;
                cjo.profile = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "Profile", "");
                cjo.destinationPath = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "DestinationPath", "");
                CheckPathEnding(ref cjo.destinationPath);
                cjo.workingPath = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "WorkingPath", "");
                CheckPathEnding(ref cjo.workingPath);
                cjo.fallbackToSourcePath = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "FallbackDestination", false);
                cjo.autoIncrementFilename = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "AutoIncrementFilename", false);
                cjo.skipReprocessing = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "SkipReprocessing", false);
                cjo.checkReprocessingHistory = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "CheckReprocessingHistory", false);
                cjo.addToiTunes = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "AddToiTunesLibrary", false);
                cjo.addToWMP = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "AddToWMPLibrary", false);
                cjo.maxWidth = configIni.ReadInteger(conversionRecord, "MaxWidth", 720);
                cjo.FPS = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "FPS", "");
                cjo.renameBySeries = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "RenameBySeries", true);
                cjo.altRenameBySeries = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "AltRenameBySeries", false);
                cjo.customRenameBySeries = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "CustomRenameBySeries", "");
                cjo.renameOnly = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "RenameOnly", false);
                cjo.fileSelection = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "FileSelection", "");
                cjo.metaShowSelection = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "MetaSelection", "");
                cjo.metaNetworkSelection = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "MetaChannelSelection", "");
                string monitorNameList = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "MonitorTaskNames", "");
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(monitorNameList))
                    cjo.monitorTaskNames = null; // list should be empty if nothing is there
                    cjo.monitorTaskNames = monitorNameList.Split(',');
                cjo.audioLanguage = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "AudioLanguage", "");
                string audioOffsetStr = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "AudioOffset", "0");
                double.TryParse(audioOffsetStr, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out cjo.audioOffset);
                cjo.drc = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "DRC", true);
                cjo.stereoAudio = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "StereoAudio", true);
                cjo.encoderSelectBestAudioTrack = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "EncoderSelectBestAudioTrack", true);
                cjo.autoDeInterlace = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "AutoDeInterlace", true);
                cjo.preferHardwareEncoding = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "PreferHardwareEncoding", true);
                cjo.startTrim = configIni.ReadInteger(conversionRecord, "StartTrim", 0);
                cjo.endTrim = configIni.ReadInteger(conversionRecord, "EndTrim", 0);
                cjo.insertQueueTop = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "InsertQueueTop", false);
                cjo.extractXML = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "ExtractXML", false);
                cjo.writeMetadata = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "WriteMetadata", true);
                cjo.disableCropping = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "DisableCropping", false);
                cjo.commercialSkipCut = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "TaskCommercialSkipCut", false);
                cjo.skipCopyBackup = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "SkipCopyBackup", false);
                cjo.skipRemuxing = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "SkipRemux", false);
                cjo.ignoreCopyProtection = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "IgnoreCopyProtection", false);
                cjo.tivoMAKKey = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "TiVOMAKKey", "");
                cjo.downloadSeriesDetails = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "DownloadSeriesDetails", true);
                cjo.downloadBanner = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "DownloadBanner", true);
                cjo.enabled = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "Enabled", true);
                cjo.extractCC = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "ExtractCC", "");
                cjo.embedSubtitlesChapters = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "EmbedSubtitlesChapters", false);
                cjo.prioritizeOriginalBroadcastDateMatch = configIni.ReadBoolean(conversionRecord, "PrioritizeOriginalBroadcastDateMatch", false);

                string ccOffsetStr = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "CCOffset", GlobalDefs.DefaultCCOffset);
                double.TryParse(ccOffsetStr, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out cjo.ccOffset);

                string qualityMultiplierStr = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "QualityMultiplier", "1");
                double.TryParse(qualityMultiplierStr, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out cjo.qualityMultiplier);
                if (cjo.qualityMultiplier <= 0.01) cjo.qualityMultiplier = 0.01F;
                if (cjo.qualityMultiplier > 4) cjo.qualityMultiplier = 4F;

                string volumeMultiplierStr = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "VolumeMultiplier", "0");
                double.TryParse(volumeMultiplierStr, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out cjo.volumeMultiplier);
                if (cjo.volumeMultiplier <= -20) cjo.volumeMultiplier = -20F; //-10db minimum
                if (cjo.volumeMultiplier > 60) cjo.volumeMultiplier = 60F; //30db max

                string metaShowType = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "MetaShowTypeSelection", ShowType.Default.ToString());
                if (String.Compare(metaShowType, ShowType.Movie.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.metaShowTypeSelection = ShowType.Movie;
                else if (String.Compare(metaShowType, ShowType.Series.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.metaShowTypeSelection = ShowType.Series;
                else if (String.Compare(metaShowType, ShowType.Sports.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.metaShowTypeSelection = ShowType.Sports;
                    cjo.metaShowTypeSelection = ShowType.Default;

                string drmType = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "MetaDRMTypeSelection", DRMType.All.ToString());
                if (String.Compare(drmType, DRMType.Protected.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.metaDRMSelection = DRMType.Protected;
                else if (String.Compare(drmType, DRMType.Unprotected.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.metaDRMSelection = DRMType.Unprotected;
                    cjo.metaDRMSelection = DRMType.All;

                string showType = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "ForceShowType", ShowType.Default.ToString());
                if (String.Compare(showType, ShowType.Movie.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.forceShowType = ShowType.Movie;
                else if (String.Compare(showType, ShowType.Series.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.forceShowType = ShowType.Series;
                else if (String.Compare(showType, ShowType.Sports.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.forceShowType = ShowType.Sports;
                    cjo.forceShowType = ShowType.Default;
                string commercialRemovalStr = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "CommercialRemoval", CommercialRemovalOptions.Comskip.ToString());
                if (String.Compare(commercialRemovalStr, CommercialRemovalOptions.Comskip.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.commercialRemoval = CommercialRemovalOptions.Comskip;
                else if (String.Compare(commercialRemovalStr, CommercialRemovalOptions.ShowAnalyzer.ToString(), true) == 0)
                    cjo.commercialRemoval = CommercialRemovalOptions.ShowAnalyzer;
                    cjo.commercialRemoval = CommercialRemovalOptions.None;
                cjo.comskipIni = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "ComskipINI", "");

                cjo.domainName = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "DomainName", "");
                cjo.userName = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "UserName", "Guest");
                cjo.password = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord, "Password", "");
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cjo.password))
                    cjo.password = Crypto.Decrypt(cjo.password); // Password is kept as encrypted

                int metaCorrectionsCount = configIni.ReadInteger(conversionRecord, "MetaCorrectionsCount", 0);
                if (metaCorrectionsCount < 1)
                    cjo.metadataCorrections = null;
                    cjo.metadataCorrections = new ConversionJobOptions.MetadataCorrectionOptions[metaCorrectionsCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < metaCorrectionsCount; i++) // The entries are kept in their own section, easier to manage
                        cjo.metadataCorrections[i] = new ConversionJobOptions.MetadataCorrectionOptions();
                        cjo.metadataCorrections[i].originalTitle = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord + "-MetaCorrectionEntries", "OriginalTitle" + i.ToString(), "");
                        cjo.metadataCorrections[i].correctedTitle = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord + "-MetaCorrectionEntries", "CorrectedTitle" + i.ToString(), "");
                        cjo.metadataCorrections[i].tvdbSeriesId = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord + "-MetaCorrectionEntries", "TVDBSeriesId" + i.ToString(), "");
                        cjo.metadataCorrections[i].imdbSeriesId = configIni.ReadString(conversionRecord + "-MetaCorrectionEntries", "IMDBSeriesId" + i.ToString(), "");

                mceBuddyConfSettings.conversionTasks.Add(cjo); // Add the Monitor Task object
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Update a Conversion Task or Add to the list if not found (by Name), optionally write to file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cjo">Conversion job options</param>
        /// <param name="write">Write to configuration file immediately</param>
        public void AddOrUpdateConversionTask(ConversionJobOptions cjo, bool write)
            int index = mceBuddyConfSettings.conversionTasks.FindIndex(item => item.taskName == cjo.taskName);

            // Clone it, to avoid conflict
            if (index < 0) // new task, cannot find it
                mceBuddyConfSettings.conversionTasks[index] = cjo.Clone();

            if (write)
Пример #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Matches the various types of metadata from the recording (after extracting) to the conversion job options
        /// This function is thread safe
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Null if there is a metadata filter mismatch, else returns the recording metadata object</returns>
        private VideoMetaData MetadataMatchFilters(ConversionJobOptions cjo)
            // Extract the metadata
            VideoMetaData metaData = ExtractMetadata(cjo);

            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "Checking Metadata for File -> " + cjo.sourceVideo + ", Conversion Task ->" + cjo.taskName, Log.LogEntryType.Debug);

            // Check the filename matching filters
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "File >" + Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo) + "<, checking filename filter >" + cjo.fileSelection + "<", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cjo.fileSelection))
                if (!Util.Text.WildcardRegexPatternMatch(Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo), cjo.fileSelection))
                    Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "File " + Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo) + " did not match Filename meta data pattern", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                    return null;

            // Check for the Showname match filters
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "Show >" + metaData.MetaData.Title + "<, checking for showname filter >" + cjo.metaShowSelection + "<", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cjo.metaShowSelection))
                if (!Util.Text.WildcardRegexPatternMatch(metaData.MetaData.Title, cjo.metaShowSelection))
                    Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "File " + Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo) + " did not match Showname meta data pattern", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                    return null;

            // Check for the Network name match filters
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "Network >" + metaData.MetaData.Network + "<, checking for network/channel filter >" + cjo.metaNetworkSelection + "<", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cjo.metaNetworkSelection))
                if (!Util.Text.WildcardRegexPatternMatch(metaData.MetaData.Network, cjo.metaNetworkSelection))
                    Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "File " + Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo) + " did not match Network/Channel meta data pattern", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                    return null;

            // Check for the Show type match filters
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "IsSports >" + metaData.MetaData.IsSports.ToString() + "<, IsMovie >" + metaData.MetaData.IsMovie.ToString() + "<, checking for show type filter >" + cjo.metaShowTypeSelection.ToString() + "<", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            switch (cjo.metaShowTypeSelection)
                case ShowType.Movie: // Asked to only process movies
                    if (!metaData.MetaData.IsMovie) // Show is NOT a Movie
                        Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "File " + Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo) + " did not match Show Type Movie meta data pattern", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                        return null;

                case ShowType.Series: // Asked to only process Series
                    if (metaData.MetaData.IsMovie || metaData.MetaData.IsSports) // Show is NOT a series
                        Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "File " + Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo) + " did not match Show Type Series meta data pattern", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                        return null;

                case ShowType.Sports: // Asked to only process Sports
                    if (!metaData.MetaData.IsSports) // Show is NOT a series
                        Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "File " + Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo) + " did not match Show Type Series meta data pattern", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                        return null;

                case ShowType.Default:
                    break; // nothing to do here, no matching required

            // Check for the DRM type match filters
            if (cjo.renameOnly) // Only works with Rename Only
                Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "Is CopyProtected >" + metaData.MetaData.CopyProtected.ToString() + "<, checking for DRM type filter >" + cjo.metaDRMSelection.ToString() + "<", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                switch (cjo.metaDRMSelection)
                    case DRMType.Protected: // Asked to only process only copy protected files
                        if (!metaData.MetaData.CopyProtected) // Show is NOT copy protected
                            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "File " + Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo) + " did not match DRM Type Protected meta data pattern", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                            return null;

                    case DRMType.Unprotected: // Asked to only process only un protected
                        if (metaData.MetaData.CopyProtected) // Show is copy protected
                            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry(this, "File " + Path.GetFileName(cjo.sourceVideo) + " did not match DRM Type UnProtected meta data pattern", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
                            return null;

                    case DRMType.All:
                        break; // nothing to do here, no matching required

            return metaData;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the settings from the conversion job options and populates the form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cjo">Refernce to a cjo object, will create a new object if it is null</param>
        private void ReadSettings(ref ConversionJobOptions cjo)
            // Load the languages list
            for (int i = 0; i < ISO639_3.ISOLanguageCodesLength; i++)
                if (!langBox.Items.Contains(ISO639_3.ISOLanguageCodes[i, 2]))
                    langBox.Items.Add(ISO639_3.ISOLanguageCodes[i, 2]);

            profileCbo.Items.Clear(); // We need to clear the list and start over other the "-----" getting messed up
            foreach (string[] profileSummary in GlobalDefs.profilesSummary)
                profileCbo.Items.Add(profileSummary[0]); // Name of profile

            if (cjo != null)

                taskNameTxt.Text = cjo.taskName;
                if (!_newTask)
                    taskNameTxt.ReadOnly = true; // Mark read only for an existing task

                string profile = cjo.profile;
                if (profileCbo.Items.Contains(profile))
                    profileCbo.SelectedItem = profile;                   
                    MessageBox.Show(Localise.GetPhrase("Cannot find selected profile in profiles.conf"), Localise.GetPhrase("Profile Error"), MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    profileCbo.SelectedIndex = 0;
                destinationPathTxt.Text = cjo.destinationPath;
                string newPath = Util.Net.GetUNCPath(destinationPathTxt.Text);
                if (newPath != destinationPathTxt.Text) destinationPathTxt.Text = newPath;
                setConnectionCredentials.Enabled = (Net.IsUNCPath(newPath));

                maxWidthTxt.Text = cjo.maxWidth.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                double qualityMultiplier = cjo.qualityMultiplier;
                qualityBar.Value = QualityToRange(qualityMultiplier);

                double volumeMultiplier = cjo.volumeMultiplier;
                volumeBar.Value = VolumeToRange(volumeMultiplier);

                singleAudioTrackChk.Checked = cjo.encoderSelectBestAudioTrack;

                detectAdsCbo.SelectedIndex = (int) cjo.commercialRemoval;

                fileMatchTxt.Text = cjo.fileSelection;
                metaShowMatchTxt.Text = cjo.metaShowSelection;
                metaNetworkMatchTxt.Text = cjo.metaNetworkSelection;
                switch (cjo.metaShowTypeSelection)
                    case ShowType.Movie:
                        metaShowTypeCbo.SelectedIndex = 1;

                    case ShowType.Series:
                        metaShowTypeCbo.SelectedIndex = 2;

                    case ShowType.Sports:
                        metaShowTypeCbo.SelectedIndex = 3;

                    case ShowType.Default:
                        metaShowTypeCbo.SelectedIndex = 0;
                        break; // No show type meta selection

                langBox.Text = ISO639_3.GetLanguageName(cjo.audioLanguage);

                string extractCCOpts = cjo.extractCC;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(extractCCOpts))
                    extractCC.Checked = false;
                    extractCC.Checked = true;

                multiChannelAudioChk.Checked = !cjo.stereoAudio;
                autoDeinterlaceChk.Checked = cjo.autoDeInterlace;

                addiTunesChk.Checked = cjo.addToiTunes;
                addToWMPChk.Checked = cjo.addToWMP;

                // Do these in the end since they control other check boxes
                renameOnlyChk.Checked = cjo.renameOnly;
                altRenameBySeriesChk.Checked = cjo.altRenameBySeries;
                string renamePattern = cjo.customRenameBySeries;
                if (renamePattern != "")
                    customReNamingChk.Checked = true;
                    customFileRenamePattern.Text = renamePattern;

                renameBySeriesChk.Checked = cjo.renameBySeries; // Last one to be set
                cjo = new ConversionJobOptions();
                _newTask = true; // this is a new task and will remain until we hit OK

                profileCbo.SelectedIndex = 0; // profile
                detectAdsCbo.SelectedIndex = 1; // Comskip
                langBox.Text = ISO639_3.GetLanguageName("");
                cjo.preferHardwareEncoding = cjo.downloadSeriesDetails = cjo.downloadBanner = cjo.writeMetadata = cjo.encoderSelectBestAudioTrack = cjo.drc = true;
                double.TryParse(GlobalDefs.DefaultCCOffset, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out cjo.ccOffset);
                metaShowTypeCbo.SelectedIndex = 0; // All shows

            CheckNetDrive(false); // No pop up while reading
Пример #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the name of the destination (expected) conversion file along with full path after checking for renaming options
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="conversionOptions">Conversion Options</param>
        /// <param name="metaData">Video MetaData</param>
        /// <param name="originalFileName">Original filename and Path</param>
        /// <returns>Destination (expected converted) filename and path</returns>
        public static string GetDestinationFilename(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, VideoMetaData metaData, string originalFileName, Log jobLog)
            string newFileName, subDestinationPath;
            // TODO: Do we need to ignore filename auto increment here?

            if (!CustomRename.GetRenameByMetadata(conversionOptions, metaData, originalFileName, Transcode.Convert.GetConversionExtension(conversionOptions), out newFileName, out subDestinationPath, jobLog)) // Get the new filename and path
                // If there is no renaming occuring then the converted video will have the same name as the original video, but the extension may be different
                newFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(originalFileName) + Transcode.Convert.GetConversionExtension(conversionOptions); // Original Filename + extension of the converted file

            // Check if there is a File Rename command in the profile and adjust the filename accordingly
            string renameExt = GetRenameFileExtension(conversionOptions.profile);
            if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(renameExt))
                newFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(newFileName) + renameExt; // Original Filename + new renamed extension of the converted file

            return Path.Combine(conversionOptions.destinationPath, subDestinationPath, newFileName);
Пример #24
        public ConvertWithCopy(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, string tool, VideoInfo videoFile, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog, Scanner commercialScan)
            : base(conversionOptions, tool, videoFile, jobStatus, jobLog, commercialScan)

Пример #25
        public bool Run(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, VideoInfo videoFile, Scanner commercialScan, string srtFile)
            bool converted = false;
            Ini ini = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);

            // Dump the entire profile for debugging purposes (incase users have customized it)
            _jobLog.WriteEntry("Profile being used : " + conversionOptions.profile + ".\r\nProfile entries ->", Log.LogEntryType.Debug);
            SortedList<string, string> profileEntries = ini.GetSectionKeyValuePairs(conversionOptions.profile);
            foreach (string key in profileEntries.Keys)
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(key + "=" + profileEntries[key], Log.LogEntryType.Debug);

            string[] order = GetProfileEncoderOrder(conversionOptions.profile);

            foreach (string encoder in order)
                switch (encoder.Trim())
                    case "copy":
                            _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Using special case COPY for converter"), Log.LogEntryType.Information);

                            // Special case, no real encoder, just ignore any recoding and assume the output = input file
                            ConvertWithCopy convertWithCopy = new ConvertWithCopy(conversionOptions, "copy", videoFile, _jobStatus, _jobLog, commercialScan);
                            if (!convertWithCopy.Unsupported)
                                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Converting with COPY"), Log.LogEntryType.Information);

                                bool ret = convertWithCopy.Convert();
                                if (ret)
                                    converted = true;
                                    _convertedFile = convertWithCopy.ConvertedFile;
                                    videoFile.ConversionTool = "copy";
                                    _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("COPY did not convert successfully, using fallback if configured"), Log.LogEntryType.Error);

                    case "mencoder":
                            ConvertWithMencoder convertWithMencoder = new ConvertWithMencoder(conversionOptions, "mencoder", videoFile, _jobStatus, _jobLog, commercialScan);
                            if (!convertWithMencoder.Unsupported)
                                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Converting with MEncoder"), Log.LogEntryType.Information);
                                bool ret = convertWithMencoder.Convert();
                                if (ret)
                                    converted = true;
                                    _convertedFile = convertWithMencoder.ConvertedFile;
                                    videoFile.ConversionTool = "mencoder";
                                    _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("MEncoder did not convert successfully, using fallback if configured"), Log.LogEntryType.Error);
                                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Unsupported MEncoder file formats"), Log.LogEntryType.Error);

                    case "handbrake":
                            ConvertWithHandbrake convertWithHandbrake = new ConvertWithHandbrake(conversionOptions, "handbrake", videoFile, _jobStatus, _jobLog, commercialScan);
                            if (!convertWithHandbrake.Unsupported)
                                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Converting with Handbrake"), Log.LogEntryType.Information); 
                                bool ret = convertWithHandbrake.Convert();
                                if (ret)
                                    converted = true;
                                    _convertedFile = convertWithHandbrake.ConvertedFile;
                                    videoFile.ConversionTool = "handbrake";
                                    _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Handbrake did not convert successfully, using fallback if configured"), Log.LogEntryType.Error);
                                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Unsupported Handbrake file formats"), Log.LogEntryType.Error);

                    case "ffmpeg":
                            ConvertWithFfmpeg convertWithFfmpeg = new ConvertWithFfmpeg(conversionOptions, "ffmpeg", videoFile, _jobStatus, _jobLog, commercialScan, srtFile);
                            if (!convertWithFfmpeg.Unsupported)
                                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Converting with FFMpeg"), Log.LogEntryType.Information); 

                                bool ret = convertWithFfmpeg.Convert();
                                if (ret)
                                    converted = true;
                                    _convertedFile = convertWithFfmpeg.ConvertedFile;
                                    _subtitleBurned = convertWithFfmpeg.SubtitleBurned; // Right now only ffmpeg supports subtitle burning
                                    videoFile.ConversionTool = "ffmpeg";
                                    _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("FFMpeg did not convert successfully, using fallback if configured"), Log.LogEntryType.Error);
                                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Unsupported FFMpeg file formats"), Log.LogEntryType.Error);

                            _jobLog.WriteEntry(Localise.GetPhrase("Unsupported converter"), Log.LogEntryType.Error); 

                if (converted || _jobStatus.Cancelled)

            if (!converted)
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Unable to convert file") + " " + Path.GetFileName(videoFile.SourceVideo) + " " + Localise.GetPhrase("using profile") + " " + conversionOptions.profile, Log.LogEntryType.Error);
                _jobLog.WriteEntry(this, Localise.GetPhrase("Successfully converted file") + " " + Path.GetFileName(videoFile.SourceVideo) + " " + Localise.GetPhrase("using profile") + " " + conversionOptions.profile, Log.LogEntryType.Debug); 

                //Reset the error message incase there was a fallback conversion the suceeded
                _jobStatus.ErrorMsg = "";

            return converted;
Пример #26
        private string _renameConvertedFileWithOriginalName = ""; // Keep track incase of filename conflict

        protected ConvertBase(ConversionJobOptions conversionOptions, string tool, VideoInfo videoFile, JobStatus jobStatus, Log jobLog, Scanner commercialScan)
            : base (true)
            //Setup log and status
            _jobStatus = jobStatus;
            _jobLog = jobLog;

            //Set the destination paths
            _workingPath = conversionOptions.workingPath;

            // Check first up to see if the source video uses an unsupported combination for this profile
            // Container, Video Codec, Audio Codec and whether it was originally a Media Center recording or not
            _videoFile = videoFile;
            _commercialScan = commercialScan;
            if (CheckUnsupported(conversionOptions.profile, tool)) return;

            // Set the input params and get the standard settings
            _maxWidth = conversionOptions.maxWidth;
            _userQuality = conversionOptions.qualityMultiplier;
            _volume = conversionOptions.volumeMultiplier;
            _drc = conversionOptions.drc;
            _startTrim = conversionOptions.startTrim;
            _endTrim = conversionOptions.endTrim;
            _encoderChooseBestAudioTrack = conversionOptions.encoderSelectBestAudioTrack;
            _fps = conversionOptions.FPS;
            _preferHardwareEncoding = conversionOptions.preferHardwareEncoding;

            Ini ini = new Ini(GlobalDefs.ProfileFile);

            // Profile override parameters - if default (i.e. does not exist then use conversion options else use profile parameters)
            if (ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, "2ChannelAudio", "default") == "default")
                _2ChannelAudio = conversionOptions.stereoAudio;
                _2ChannelAudio = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, "2ChannelAudio", false); // Fix output to 2 channels (from profile)
            if (ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, "SkipCropping", "default") == "default")
                _skipCropping = conversionOptions.disableCropping;
                _skipCropping = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, "SkipCropping", false); // Cropping can be forced in the profile
            if (ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, "AutoDeinterlace", "default") == "default")
                _autoDeInterlacing = conversionOptions.autoDeInterlace;
                _autoDeInterlacing = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, "AutoDeinterlace", false);

            if (conversionOptions.renameOnly)
                _commercialSkipCut = true; //no cutting if we are renaming only
            else if (ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, "CommercialSkipCut", "default") == "default")
                _commercialSkipCut = conversionOptions.commercialSkipCut;
            else _commercialSkipCut = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, "CommercialSkipCut", false);

            // Profile only parameters
            _fixedResolution = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, "FixedResolution", false);
            _2Pass = ini.ReadBoolean(conversionOptions.profile, "2pass", false);
            _generalParams = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-general", "");
            _videoParams = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-video", "");
            _audioParams = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-audio", "");
            _extension = _videoFile.Extension = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-ext", "").ToLower().Trim();
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_extension)) // Special case copy converter if there is no specified extension, it will be using the source file extension
                _extension = FilePaths.CleanExt(SourceVideo);
            _remuxTo = _videoFile.RemuxTo = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-remuxto", "").ToLower().Trim();
            _audioDelay = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-audiodelay", "skip").ToLower().Trim();

            if (_audioDelay == "auto") // Use the audio delay specified in the file
                _toolAudioDelay = videoFile.AudioDelay;
            else if (_audioDelay != "skip")
                double.TryParse(_audioDelay, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out _toolAudioDelay);

            if (conversionOptions.audioOffset != 0) // Conversion options Audio Delay takes priority over profile Audio Delay
                _toolAudioDelay = conversionOptions.audioOffset; 

            // Audio select the AC3 audio option if the source video has AC3)
            if (((videoFile.AudioCodec == "ac-3") || (videoFile.AudioCodec == "ac3") || (videoFile.AudioCodec != "e-ac-3") || (videoFile.AudioCodec != "eac3")) && (ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-audioac3", "") != ""))
                _audioParams = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-audioac3", _audioParams);

            // E-AC3 test option if the source video has E-AC3 - Not required as mencoder can handle eac3 audio
            if (videoFile.AudioCodec == "e-ac-3" || _videoFile.AudioCodec != "eac3")
                _audioParams = ini.ReadString(conversionOptions.profile, tool + "-audioeac3", _audioParams);
                if ((_audioParams == "") && (tool == "mencoder"))
                    _audioParams = "-noaudio ";

            // Important to use temp name while converting - sometimes the sources files are copied to the working directory and the converted files conflict with teh original filename, compensate. E.g. TS file input, TS file output with Copy converter
            _convertedFile = Path.Combine(_workingPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(SourceVideo) + "-converted" + _extension);
            _renameConvertedFileWithOriginalName = Path.Combine(_workingPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(SourceVideo) + _extension);
Пример #27
        private VideoMetaData ExtractMetadata(ConversionJobOptions cjo)
            // Extract the video metadata first - we DO NOT download the information now since
            // 1. This will hang the thread and we have a queue lock already here, so the GUI will hang
            // 2. We dont' need the additional information, the information about Filename, Show and Network are already available in existing metadata is not overwritten/supplemented by internet data
            Log.AppLog.WriteEntry("Extracting metadata from file " + cjo.sourceVideo, Log.LogEntryType.Information);
            VideoMetaData metaData = new VideoMetaData(cjo, new JobStatus(), Log.AppLog, true); // Do NOT download internet information
            metaData.Extract(true); // Ignore the suspend since we have a Queue lock right now otherwise the engine will hang if the user pauses

            return metaData;