public new static MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT FromString(string str) { string val; XmlDocument xdoc = new XmlDocument(); xdoc.LoadXml(str); XmlNode node = (XmlNode)xdoc.DocumentElement; MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT msg = new MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT(); try { msg.MSG_ID = Convert.ToUInt32(XmlUtil.GetNodeAttrValue(node, "MessageID")); } catch { } try { XmlNodeList xnl = XmlUtil.GetXmlNodes(node, "TagReportData"); if (null != xnl) { if (xnl.Count != 0) { msg.TagReportData = new PARAM_TagReportData[xnl.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < xnl.Count; i++) msg.TagReportData[i] = PARAM_TagReportData.FromXmlNode(xnl[i]); } } } catch { //int i = 0; } try { XmlNodeList xnl = XmlUtil.GetXmlNodes(node, "RFSurveyReportData"); if (null != xnl) { if (xnl.Count != 0) { msg.RFSurveyReportData = new PARAM_RFSurveyReportData[xnl.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < xnl.Count; i++) msg.RFSurveyReportData[i] = PARAM_RFSurveyReportData.FromXmlNode(xnl[i]); } } } catch { } try { ArrayList xnl = XmlUtil.GetXmlNodeCustomChildren(node); if (null != xnl) { if (xnl.Count != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < xnl.Count; i++) { ICustom_Parameter custom = CustomParamDecodeFactory.DecodeXmlNodeToCustomParameter((XmlNode)xnl[i]); if (custom != null) msg.AddCustomParameter(custom); } } } } catch { } return msg; }
public new static MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT FromBitArray(ref BitArray bit_array, ref int cursor, int length) { if (cursor > length) return null; int field_len = 0; object obj_val; ArrayList param_list = new ArrayList(); MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT obj = new MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT(); int msg_type = 0; cursor += 6; msg_type = (int)(UInt64)Util.CalculateVal(ref bit_array, ref cursor, 10); if (msg_type != obj.msgType) { cursor -= 16; return null; } obj.msgLen = (UInt32)(UInt64)Util.CalculateVal(ref bit_array, ref cursor, 32); obj.msgID = (UInt32)(UInt64)Util.CalculateVal(ref bit_array, ref cursor, 32); param_list = new ArrayList(); PARAM_TagReportData _param_TagReportData = PARAM_TagReportData.FromBitArray(ref bit_array, ref cursor, length); if (_param_TagReportData != null) { param_list.Add(_param_TagReportData); while ((_param_TagReportData = PARAM_TagReportData.FromBitArray(ref bit_array, ref cursor, length)) != null) param_list.Add(_param_TagReportData); if (param_list.Count > 0) { obj.TagReportData = new PARAM_TagReportData[param_list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < param_list.Count; i++) obj.TagReportData[i] = (PARAM_TagReportData)param_list[i]; } } param_list = new ArrayList(); PARAM_RFSurveyReportData _param_RFSurveyReportData = PARAM_RFSurveyReportData.FromBitArray(ref bit_array, ref cursor, length); if (_param_RFSurveyReportData != null) { param_list.Add(_param_RFSurveyReportData); while ((_param_RFSurveyReportData = PARAM_RFSurveyReportData.FromBitArray(ref bit_array, ref cursor, length)) != null) param_list.Add(_param_RFSurveyReportData); if (param_list.Count > 0) { obj.RFSurveyReportData = new PARAM_RFSurveyReportData[param_list.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < param_list.Count; i++) obj.RFSurveyReportData[i] = (PARAM_RFSurveyReportData)param_list[i]; } } ICustom_Parameter custom = CustomParamDecodeFactory.DecodeCustomParameter(ref bit_array, ref cursor, length); if (custom != null) { obj.Custom.Add(custom); while ((custom = CustomParamDecodeFactory.DecodeCustomParameter(ref bit_array, ref cursor, length)) != null) obj.Custom.Add(custom); } return obj; }
protected void TriggerRoAccessReport(MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT msg) { try { if (OnRoAccessReportReceived != null) OnRoAccessReportReceived(msg); if (OnEncapedRoAccessReportReceived != null) { ENCAPED_RO_ACCESS_REPORT report = new ENCAPED_RO_ACCESS_REPORT(); report.reader = reader_name; = msg; OnEncapedRoAccessReportReceived(report); } } catch { } }
private string ParseTag(MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT msg, string result, int i) { if (msg.TagReportData[i].EPCParameter.Count > 0) { string epcInfo = ""; Type t = msg.TagReportData[i].EPCParameter[0].GetType(); if (t.Name == "PARAM_EPC_96") epcInfo = ((PARAM_EPC_96)(msg.TagReportData[i].EPCParameter[0])).EPC.ToHexString(); else if (t.Name == "PARAM_EPCData") epcInfo = ((PARAM_EPCData)(msg.TagReportData[i].EPCParameter[0])).EPC.ToHexString(); else throw new Exception("ParseTag method couldn't resolve EPC type"); string time = (msg.TagReportData[i].LastSeenTimestampUTC).ToString(); string count = (msg.TagReportData[i].TagSeenCount).ToString(); string accessSpecID = (msg.TagReportData[i].AccessSpecID).ToString(); string firstSeen = (msg.TagReportData[i].FirstSeenTimestampUTC).ToString(); string lastSeen = (msg.TagReportData[i].LastSeenTimestampUTC).ToString(); string rssi = (msg.TagReportData[i].PeakRSSI).ToString(); string freq = (msg.TagReportData[i].ChannelIndex).ToString(); result = null; //Tag newTag = BuildTag(epcInfo); // extract information count = getRelevantInfoFromXML(count, 1); //accessSpecID = getRelevantInfoFromXML(accessSpecID, 1); time = getRelevantInfoFromXML(time, 1); rssi = getRelevantInfoFromXML(rssi, 1); freq = getRelevantInfoFromXML(freq, 1); string accessResultData = ""; if (accessSpecID != "0") { for (int j = 0; j < msg.TagReportData[i].AccessCommandOpSpecResult.Length; j++) { result = msg.TagReportData[i].AccessCommandOpSpecResult[0].ToString(); // MessageBox.Show(result); - evil - just keeps popping up! // extract access result if (result != null && result.Contains("Success")) { Type t2 = msg.TagReportData[i].AccessCommandOpSpecResult[0].GetType(); if (t2.Name == "PARAM_C1G2ReadOpSpecResult") { PARAM_C1G2ReadOpSpecResult accessResult; accessResult = ((PARAM_C1G2ReadOpSpecResult)(msg.TagReportData[i].AccessCommandOpSpecResult[0])); string marker = "<ReadData>"; int start = result.IndexOf(marker); int end = result.IndexOf("<", start + 1); accessResultData = result.Substring(start + marker.Length, end - marker.Length - start); } } } } // Pass all this information to the GUI in a MyTag object. MyTag newTag = new MyTag(epcInfo, time, count, firstSeen, lastSeen, accessResultData, rssi, freq); readerMgr.HandleTagReceived(newTag); } return result; }
public void UpdateROReport(MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT msg) { if (msg.TagReportData == null) { readerMgr.HandleTagReceived(null); return; } string result = null; try { for (int i = 0; i < msg.TagReportData.Length; i++) { result = ParseTag(msg, result, i); //MessageBox.Show(result); } } catch (Exception ex) { WriteString(ex.Message); } }
//Thread myThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(this.UpdateROReport)); public void reader_OnRoAccessReportReceived(MSG_RO_ACCESS_REPORT msg) { delegateRoAccessReport del = UpdateROReport; del.BeginInvoke(msg, OnAsyncCallBack, null); }