Пример #1
        public async Task <bool> FastSignUp(SignUpAccount account)
            var client  = new HttpClient();
            var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();

            if (account.platform == "DIRECT")
                content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "first_name");
                content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "last_name");
                content.Add(new StringContent(account.password, Encoding.UTF8), "password");
                content.Add(new StringContent(account.email, Encoding.UTF8), "email");
                content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "social");
                content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "mobile_access_token");
                content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "mobile_refresh_token");
                content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "user_access_token");
                content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "user_refresh_token");
                content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "social_id");
                content.Add(new StringContent(account.firstName, Encoding.UTF8), "first_name");
                content.Add(new StringContent(account.lastName, Encoding.UTF8), "last_name");
                content.Add(new StringContent("", Encoding.UTF8), "password");
                content.Add(new StringContent(account.email, Encoding.UTF8), "email");
                content.Add(new StringContent(account.platform, Encoding.UTF8), "social");
                content.Add(new StringContent(account.accessToken, Encoding.UTF8), "mobile_access_token");
                content.Add(new StringContent(account.refreshToken, Encoding.UTF8), "mobile_refresh_token");
                content.Add(new StringContent("FALSE", Encoding.UTF8), "user_access_token");
                content.Add(new StringContent("FALSE", Encoding.UTF8), "user_refresh_token");
                content.Add(new StringContent(account.socialID, Encoding.UTF8), "social_id");

            // CONTENT, NAME

            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "business_uid");
            content.Add(new StringContent(GetVersion(), Encoding.UTF8), "referral_source");
            content.Add(new StringContent("[]", Encoding.UTF8), "driver_hours");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "street");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "unit");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "city");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "state");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "zipcode");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "latitude");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "longitude");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "email");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "phone");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "ssn");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "license_num");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "license_exp");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "driver_car_year");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "driver_car_model");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "driver_car_make");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "driver_insurance_carrier");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "driver_insurance_num");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "driver_insurance_exp_date");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "contact_name");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "contact_phone");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "contact_relation");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "bank_acc_info");
            content.Add(new StringContent("NULL", Encoding.UTF8), "bank_routing_info");

            var array = new byte[0];
            var temp  = new ByteArrayContent(array);

            // CONTENT, NAME, FILENAME
            content.Add(temp, "driver_insurance_picture", "product_image.png");

            var request = new HttpRequestMessage();

            request.RequestUri = new Uri(Constant.SignUpUrl);
            request.Method     = HttpMethod.Post;
            request.Content    = content;

            var response = await client.SendAsync(request);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                var contentString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                var data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FastSignUpAccount>(contentString);
                Debug.WriteLine("contentString: " + contentString);

                DateTime today   = DateTime.Now;
                DateTime expDate = today.AddDays(Constant.days);

                user             = new User();
                user.id          = data.result.driver_uid;
                user.sessionTime = expDate;
                user.platform    = account.platform;
                user.email       = "";
                user.socialId    = "";
                user.route_id    = "";

Пример #2
        // This function evaluates direct user's userType based on role and whether or not
        // their profile was updated succesfully. (Overloading)

        //async Task<UserTypeEvaluation> EvaluateUserType(string role, string password)
        //    UserTypeEvaluation userType = new UserTypeEvaluation();

        //    try
        //    {
        //        if (role == "CUSTOMER" || role == "ADMIN")
        //        {
        //            userType.role = "CUSTOMER";
        //            userType.statusCode = true;
        //        }
        //        else if (role == "GUEST")
        //        {
        //            var didProfileUpdatedSucessfully = await UpdateUserProfile(password);

        //            if (didProfileUpdatedSucessfully)
        //            {
        //                userType.role = "CUSTOMER";
        //                userType.statusCode = true;
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                userType.role = "GUEST";
        //                userType.statusCode = false;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {

        //    }

        //    return userType;


        // This function evaluates social media user's userType based on role and whether or not
        // their profile was updated succesfully. (Overloading)

        //async Task<UserTypeEvaluation> EvaluateUserType(string role, string mobile_access_token, string mobile_refresh_token, string social_id, string platform)
        //    UserTypeEvaluation userType = new UserTypeEvaluation();

        //    try
        //    {
        //        if (role == "CUSTOMER" || role == "ADMIN")
        //        {
        //            userType.role = "CUSTOMER";
        //            userType.statusCode = true;
        //        }
        //        else if (role == "GUEST")
        //        {
        //            var didProfileUpdatedSucessfully = await UpdateUserProfile(mobile_access_token, mobile_refresh_token, social_id, platform);

        //            if (didProfileUpdatedSucessfully)
        //            {
        //                userType.role = "CUSTOMER";
        //                userType.statusCode = true;
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                userType.role = "GUEST";
        //                userType.statusCode = false;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {

        //    }

        //    return userType;


        // This function updates direct user's role from GUEST to CUSTOMER. (Overloading)

        //async Task<bool> UpdateUserProfile(string password)
        //    bool result = false;

        //    try
        //    {
        //        var clientSignUp = new SignUp();
        //        var content = clientSignUp.UpdateDirectUser(user, password);
        //        result = await SignUp.SignUpNewUser(content);
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {
        //    }

        //    return result;

        // This function updates social media user's role from GUEST to CUSTOMER. (Overloading)

        //async Task<bool> UpdateUserProfile(string mobile_access_token, string mobile_refresh_token, string social_id, string platform)
        //    bool result = false;

        //    try
        //    {
        //        var clientSignUp = new SignUp();
        //        var content = clientSignUp.UpdateSocialUser(user, mobile_access_token, mobile_refresh_token, social_id, platform);
        //        result = await SignUp.SignUpNewUser(content);
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {
        //    }

        //    return result;



        // NOTIFICATION FUNCTION ______________________________________________

        // This function send GUID to database.

        //async Task<bool> SetUserRemoteNotification()
        //    bool result = false;

        //    try
        //    {
        //        deviceId = Preferences.Get("guid", null);

        //        if (deviceId != null)
        //        {
        //            var client = new HttpClient();
        //            NotificationPost notificationPost = new NotificationPost();

        //            notificationPost.uid = user.getUserID();
        //            notificationPost.guid = deviceId.Substring(5);
        //            user.setUserDeviceID(deviceId.Substring(5));
        //            notificationPost.notification = "TRUE";

        //            var notificationSerializedObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(notificationPost);
        //            var notificationContent = new StringContent(notificationSerializedObject, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
        //            var clientResponse = await client.PostAsync(Constant.NotificationsUrl, notificationContent);

        //            if (clientResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
        //            {
        //                result = true;
        //                Debug.WriteLine("GUID WAS WRITTEN SUCCESFULLY WERE SET SUCESSFULLY");
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                Debug.WriteLine("ERROR SETTING GUID FOR NOTIFICATIONS");
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    catch
        //    {

        //    }

        //    return result;

        // NOTIFICATION FUNCTION ______________________________________________

        // SOCIAL MEDIA VERIFICATION FUNCTION__________________________________

        // This function verifies if credentails exist and whether or not user is
        // authenticated by our system. (Overloading)

        public async Task <string> VerifyUserCredentials(string accessToken = "", string refreshToken = "", AuthenticatorCompletedEventArgs googleAccount = null, AppleAccount appleCredentials = null, string platform = "")
            var isUserVerified = "";

                string _accessToken  = accessToken;
                string _refreshToken = refreshToken;

                var client          = new HttpClient();
                var socialLogInPost = new SocialLogInPost();

                var googleData   = new GoogleResponse();
                var facebookData = new FacebookResponse();

                if (platform == "GOOGLE")
                    var request        = new OAuth2Request("GET", new Uri(Constant.GoogleUserInfoUrl), null, googleAccount.Account);
                    var GoogleResponse = await request.GetResponseAsync();

                    var googelUserData = GoogleResponse.GetResponseText();

                    googleData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GoogleResponse>(googelUserData);

                    socialLogInPost.email     = googleData.email;
                    socialLogInPost.social_id = googleData.id;
                    //Debug.WriteLine("IMAGE: " + googleData.picture);

                    _accessToken  = accessToken;
                    _refreshToken = refreshToken;
                else if (platform == "FACEBOOK")
                    var facebookResponse = client.GetStringAsync(Constant.FacebookUserInfoUrl + accessToken);
                    var facebookUserData = facebookResponse.Result;

                    Debug.WriteLine("FACEBOOK DATA: " + facebookUserData);
                    facebookData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <FacebookResponse>(facebookUserData);

                    socialLogInPost.email     = facebookData.email;
                    socialLogInPost.social_id = facebookData.id;

                    _accessToken  = accessToken;
                    _refreshToken = refreshToken;
                else if (platform == "APPLE")
                    socialLogInPost.email     = appleCredentials.Email;
                    socialLogInPost.social_id = appleCredentials.UserId;

                    _accessToken  = appleCredentials.Token;
                    _refreshToken = appleCredentials.Token;

                socialLogInPost.password        = "";
                socialLogInPost.signup_platform = platform;

                var socialLogInPostSerialized = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(socialLogInPost);
                var postContent = new StringContent(socialLogInPostSerialized, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                var RDSResponse = await client.PostAsync(Constant.LogInUrl, postContent);

                var responseContent = await RDSResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                var authetication = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RDSAuthentication>(responseContent);
                if (RDSResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    if (responseContent != null)
                        if (authetication.code.ToString() == Constant.EmailNotFound)
                            // need to sign up
                            userToSignUp = new SignUpAccount();

                            if (platform == "GOOGLE")
                                userToSignUp.socialID     = googleData.id;
                                userToSignUp.email        = googleData.email;
                                userToSignUp.firstName    = googleData.given_name;
                                userToSignUp.lastName     = googleData.family_name;
                                userToSignUp.accessToken  = _accessToken;
                                userToSignUp.refreshToken = _refreshToken;
                                userToSignUp.platform     = platform;
                            else if (platform == "FACEBOOK")
                                userToSignUp.socialID     = facebookData.id;
                                userToSignUp.email        = facebookData.email;
                                userToSignUp.firstName    = facebookData.name;
                                userToSignUp.accessToken  = _accessToken;
                                userToSignUp.refreshToken = _refreshToken;
                                userToSignUp.platform     = platform;
                            else if (platform == "APPLE")
                                userToSignUp.socialID     = appleCredentials.UserId;
                                userToSignUp.email        = appleCredentials.Email;
                                userToSignUp.firstName    = appleCredentials.Name;
                                userToSignUp.accessToken  = _accessToken;
                                userToSignUp.refreshToken = _refreshToken;
                                userToSignUp.platform     = platform;

                            isUserVerified = "USER NEEDS TO SIGN UP";
                        if (authetication.code.ToString() == Constant.AutheticatedSuccesful)
                                DateTime today   = DateTime.Now;
                                DateTime expDate = today.AddDays(Constant.days);

                                user             = new User();
                                user.id          = authetication.result[0].driver_uid;
                                user.sessionTime = expDate;
                                user.platform    = platform;
                                user.email       = "";
                                user.socialId    = "";
                                user.route_id    = "";

                                var statusUpdatingTokens = await UpdateAccessRefreshToken(user.id, accessToken, refreshToken);

                                isUserVerified = EvaluteUserUpdates(statusUpdatingTokens);

                            catch (Exception second)
                        if (authetication.code.ToString() == Constant.ErrorPlatform)
                            //var RDSCode = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RDSLogInMessage>(responseContent);

                            isUserVerified = "WRONG SOCIAL MEDIA TO SIGN IN";

                        if (authetication.code.ToString() == Constant.ErrorUserDirectLogIn)
                            isUserVerified = "SIGN IN DIRECTLY";
            catch (Exception errorVerifyUserCredentials)
                //var client = new Diagnostic();
                //client.parseException(errorVerifyUserCredentials.ToString(), user);

                Debug.WriteLine("ERROR IN 'errorVerifyUserCredentials' FUNCTION");

                isUserVerified = "ERROR";

Пример #3
        // DIRECT VERIFICATION FUNCTIONS_______________________________________

        // This function retrives direct user's account salt credentials.

        public async Task <AccountSalt> RetrieveAccountSalt(string userEmail)
            AccountSalt userInformation = null;

                SaltPost saltPost = new SaltPost();
                saltPost.email = userEmail;

                var saltPostSerilizedObject = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(saltPost);
                var saltPostContent         = new StringContent(saltPostSerilizedObject, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");

                var client      = new HttpClient();
                var DRSResponse = await client.PostAsync(Constant.AccountSaltUrl, saltPostContent);

                var DRSMessage = await DRSResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                if (DRSResponse.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var result = await DRSResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    AcountSaltCredentials data = new AcountSaltCredentials();
                    data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <AcountSaltCredentials>(result);

                    if (DRSMessage.Contains(Constant.UseSocialMediaLogin))
                        userInformation = new AccountSalt
                            password_algorithm = null,
                            password_salt      = null,
                            message            = data.message == null ? "" : data.message
                    else if (DRSMessage.Contains(Constant.EmailNotFound))
                        userToSignUp          = new SignUpAccount();
                        userToSignUp.email    = userEmail.ToLower().Trim();
                        userToSignUp.platform = "DIRECT";

                        userInformation = new AccountSalt
                            password_algorithm = null,
                            password_salt      = null,
                            message            = "USER NEEDS TO SIGN UP"
                        userInformation = new AccountSalt
                            password_algorithm = data.result[0].password_algorithm,
                            password_salt      = data.result[0].password_salt,
                            message            = null
            catch (Exception errorRetrieveAccountSalt)
                //var client = new Diagnostic();
                //client.parseException(errorRetrieveAccountSalt.ToString(), user);

                Debug.WriteLine("ERROR ");

Пример #4
        // This function verifies if credentails exist and whether or not user is
        // authenticated by our system. (Overloading)

        public async Task <string> VerifyUserCredentials(string userEmail, string userPassword, AccountSalt accountSalt)
            string isUserVerified = "";

                SHA512 sHA512         = new SHA512Managed();
                var    client         = new HttpClient();
                byte[] data           = sHA512.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(userPassword + accountSalt.password_salt));
                string hashedPassword = BitConverter.ToString(data).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLower();

                LogInPost loginPostContent = new LogInPost();
                loginPostContent.email           = userEmail;
                loginPostContent.password        = hashedPassword;
                loginPostContent.social_id       = "";
                loginPostContent.signup_platform = "";

                string loginPostContentJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loginPostContent);

                var httpContent = new StringContent(loginPostContentJson, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                var response    = await client.PostAsync(Constant.LogInUrl, httpContent);

                if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                    var responseContent = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                    var authetication = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RDSAuthentication>(responseContent);

                    if (authetication.code.ToString() == Constant.EmailNotFound)
                        userToSignUp          = new SignUpAccount();
                        userToSignUp.email    = userEmail.ToLower().Trim();
                        userToSignUp.password = userPassword.Trim();
                        userToSignUp.platform = "DIRECT";

                        isUserVerified = "USER NEEDS TO SIGN UP";
                    else if (authetication.code.ToString() == Constant.AutheticatedSuccesful)
                        DateTime today   = DateTime.Now;
                        DateTime expDate = today.AddDays(Constant.days);

                        user             = new User();
                        user.id          = authetication.result[0].driver_uid;
                        user.sessionTime = expDate;
                        user.platform    = "DIRECT";
                        user.email       = "";
                        user.socialId    = "";
                        user.route_id    = "";

                        //var notificationStatus = await SetUserRemoteNotification();

                        //isUserVerified = EvaluteUserUpdates(notificationStatus);

                        isUserVerified = "SUCCESSFUL:0";

                    else if (authetication.code.ToString() == Constant.ErrorPlatform)
                        //var RDSCode = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RDSLogInMessage>(responseContent);

                        isUserVerified = "WRONG SOCIAL MEDIA TO SIGN IN";
                    else if (authetication.code.ToString() == Constant.ErrorUserDirectLogIn)
                        isUserVerified = "WRONG DIRECT PASSWORD";
            catch (Exception errorLogInUser)
                //var client = new Diagnostic();
                //client.parseException(errorLogInUser.ToString(), user);

                Debug.WriteLine("ERROR THE 'errorLogInUser' FUNCTION: " + errorLogInUser.Message);
