Пример #1
    public TriangleMeshActor(Game game, Vector3 position, float scale,
        Texture2D heightMap,
        float[,] heightData)
        : base(game)
        this.position = position;
        this.scale = new Vector3(1,1,1);

        _body = new Body();

        _body.MoveTo(position, Matrix.Identity);

        Array2D field = new Array2D(heightData.GetUpperBound(0), heightData.GetUpperBound(1));

        int upperZ = heightData.GetUpperBound(1);
        for (int x = 0; x < heightData.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
            for (int z = 0; z < upperZ; z++)
                field.SetAt(x, z, heightData[x, upperZ - 1 - z]);

        _skin = new CollisionSkin(null);

        float X = heightMap.Width / 2 * scale;
        float Z = heightMap.Height / 2 * scale;
        _skin.AddPrimitive(new Heightmap(field, X, -Z, scale, scale), new MaterialProperties(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f));

        _skin.ExternalData = this;

Пример #2
        public HeightMapModel2(Game game, HeightMap info, Boolean t, Vector3 pos, float scale)
            : base(game , null, t, pos, scale)
            // Game game, Model m, Boolean t, Vector3 pos, float scale, Boolean solid
            //Game game, HeightMap m, Boolean t, Vector3 pos, float scale

            this.Visible = false;
            Body = new Body();
            Skin = new CollisionSkin(null);
            //Skin.CollisionType = (int)CollisionTypes.Terrain;

            Array2D field = new Array2D(info.heights.GetUpperBound(0), info.heights.GetUpperBound(1));

            for (int x = 0; x < info.heights.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < info.heights.GetUpperBound(1); z++)
                    field.SetAt(x, z, info.heights[x, z]);

            Body.MoveTo(new Vector3(info.heightmapPosition.X, info.heightmapPosition.Y, info.heightmapPosition.Y), Matrix.Identity);

            Skin.AddPrimitive(new Heightmap(field, info.heightmapPosition.X, info.heightmapPosition.Y, scale, scale), (int)MaterialTable.MaterialID.NotBouncyRough);

            Body.Immovable = true;

Пример #3
        void Setup(HeightMapInfo heightMapInfo, Vector2 shift)
            // A dummy. The physics object uses its position to get draw pos
            Body = new Body();

            CollisionSkin = new CollisionSkin(null);

            info = heightMapInfo;
            Array2D field = new Array2D(heightMapInfo.Heights.GetUpperBound(0), heightMapInfo.Heights.GetUpperBound(1));

            for (int x = 0; x < heightMapInfo.Heights.GetUpperBound(0); ++x)
                for (int z = 0; z < heightMapInfo.Heights.GetUpperBound(1); ++z)
                    field.SetAt(x, z, heightMapInfo.Heights[x, z]);

            // Move dummy body. The body isn't connected to the collision skin.
            // But the base class should know where to draw the model.
            Body.MoveTo(new Vector3(shift.X, 0, shift.Y), Matrix.Identity);

            CollisionSkin.AddPrimitive(new Heightmap(field, shift.X, shift.Y, 1, 1), new MaterialProperties(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f));

Пример #4
        public HeightmapObject(Model model,Vector2 shift, Vector3 position)
            : base()
            Body = new Body(); // just a dummy. The PhysicObject uses its position to get the draw pos
            Skin = new CollisionSkin(null);

            HeightMapInfo heightMapInfo = model.Tag as HeightMapInfo;
            Array2D field = new Array2D(heightMapInfo.heights.GetLength(0), heightMapInfo.heights.GetLength(1));

            for (int x = 0; x < heightMapInfo.heights.GetLength(0); x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < heightMapInfo.heights.GetLength(1); z++)

            // move the body. The body (because its not connected to the collision
            // skin) is just a dummy. But the base class shoudl know where to
            // draw the model.
            Body.MoveTo(new Vector3(shift.X,0,shift.Y), Matrix.Identity);

            Skin.AddPrimitive(new Heightmap(field, shift.X, shift.Y, heightMapInfo.terrainScale, heightMapInfo.terrainScale), new MaterialProperties(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f));

            CommonInit(position, new Vector3(1,1,1), model, false, 0);
        public override void Initialise()

            // Create new bodey and collision skin
            m_Body = new Body();
            m_Skin = new CollisionSkin(m_Body);

            if (m_Body != null)
                // Set skin to the body
                m_Body.CollisionSkin = m_Skin;

                // Check the skin was successfully created and add this 
                // custom dice as a primitive to the collision skin
                if (m_Skin != null)
                    Box box = new Box(Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, transform.Scale);
                    m_Skin.AddPrimitive(box, (int)MaterialTable.MaterialID.BouncyNormal);

                    // Set mass
                    m_Mass = SetMass(1.0f);

                    // Move the body to correct position initially
                    m_Body.MoveTo(transform.Position, Matrix.Identity);

                    // Apply transform to skin
                    m_Skin.ApplyLocalTransform(new JigLibX.Math.Transform(-m_Mass, Matrix.Identity));

                    // Enable body
Пример #6
 public void UpdateCollision()
     if (geometry.CanRender)
         Body[] bodies = PhysicsHelper.PhysicsBodiesVolume(boundsWorldSpaceCollision);
         if(CollisionMesh == null && bodies.Length > 0)
             CollisionDeleteTime = CollisionDeleteTimeS;
         else if (CollisionMesh != null)
             if (bodies.Length < 1)
                 CollisionDeleteTime -= Time.GameTime.ElapsedTime;
                 if (CollisionDeleteTime <= 0)
                     Collision = null;
                     CollisionMesh = null;
                 CollisionDeleteTime = CollisionDeleteTimeS;
Пример #7
        // TODO: Need to add png parameter
        public HeightMapModel(Game game, Model m, Boolean t, Vector3 pos, float scale)
            : base(game, m, t, pos, scale, true)
            Body = new Body(); // just a dummy. The PhysicObject uses its position to get the draw pos
            Skin = new CollisionSkin(null);

            HeightMapInfo heightMapInfo = this.model.Tag as HeightMapInfo;
            Array2D field = new Array2D(heightMapInfo.heights.GetUpperBound(0), heightMapInfo.heights.GetUpperBound(1));

            for (int x = 0; x < heightMapInfo.heights.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < heightMapInfo.heights.GetUpperBound(1); z++)
                    field.SetAt(x, z, heightMapInfo.heights[x, z]);

            // move the body. The body (because its not connected to the collision
            // skin) is just a dummy. But the base class shoudl know where to
            // draw the model.
            Body.MoveTo(this.Position, Matrix.Identity);

            Skin.AddPrimitive(new Heightmap(field, 0f, 0f, 1, 1), new MaterialProperties(0.7f, 0.7f, 0.6f));

Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Default Constructor
 /// Initalizes the Body and a CollisionSkin
 /// No Primatives are added to the Body
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">Initial Body Position</param>
 /// <param name="scale">Scale</param>
 public Gobject()
     Body = new Body();
     Skin = new CollisionSkin(Body);
     Body.CollisionSkin = Skin;
     Body.ExternalData = this;
Пример #9
 public override void SetSkinAndBody()
     Body = new Body();
     Skin = new CollisionSkin(null);
     Skin.AddPrimitive(new JigLibX.Geometry.Plane(Vector3.Up, 0f), new MaterialProperties(0.2f, 0.7f, 0.6f));
Пример #10
        public BowlingPin(Game game, Model model, Matrix orientation, Vector3 position)
            : base(game, model)
            body = new Body();
            collision = new CollisionSkin(body);

            // add a capsule for the main corpus
            Primitive capsule = new Capsule(Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, 0.1f, 1.3f);
            // add a small box at the buttom
            Primitive box = new Box(new Vector3(-0.1f,-0.1f,-0.1f), Matrix.Identity, Vector3.One * 0.2f);
            // add a sphere in the middle
            Primitive sphere = new Sphere(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.3f), 0.3f);

            collision.AddPrimitive(capsule, new MaterialProperties(0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
            collision.AddPrimitive(box, new MaterialProperties(0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f));
            collision.AddPrimitive(sphere, new MaterialProperties(0.1f, 0.5f, 0.5f));

            body.CollisionSkin = this.collision;
            Vector3 com = SetMass(0.5f);

            body.MoveTo(position, orientation);
            collision.ApplyLocalTransform(new Transform(-com, Matrix.Identity));

            this.scale = Vector3.One * 10.0f;
Пример #11
        public HeightmapObject(Game game, Model model,Vector2 shift)
            : base(game, model)
            body = new Body(); // just a dummy. The PhysicObject uses its position to get the draw pos
            collision = new CollisionSkin(null);

            HeightMapInfo heightMapInfo = model.Tag as HeightMapInfo;
            Array2D field = new Array2D(heightMapInfo.heights.GetUpperBound(0), heightMapInfo.heights.GetUpperBound(1));

            for (int x = 0; x < heightMapInfo.heights.GetUpperBound(0); x++)
                for (int z = 0; z < heightMapInfo.heights.GetUpperBound(1); z++)

            // move the body. The body (because its not connected to the collision
            // skin) is just a dummy. But the base class shoudl know where to
            // draw the model.
            body.MoveTo(new Vector3(shift.X,0,shift.Y), Matrix.Identity);

            collision.AddPrimitive(new Heightmap(field, shift.X, shift.Y, 1, 1), new MaterialProperties(0.7f,0.7f,0.6f));

Пример #12
        public override void OnAdd(Scene scene)
            this.scene = scene;
            if (useCollisionTransform)
                Transform oldTransform = Transformation;

                if (mesh.GetCollisionMesh() != null)
                    collision = new CollisionSkin(null);
                    collision.AddPrimitive(mesh.GetCollisionMesh(), (int)MaterialTable.MaterialID.NotBouncyRough);

                Transformation = new CollisionTransform(this.collision, scene);
                oldTransform = null;

Пример #13
 public CollDetectInfo(CollisionSkin skin0, CollisionSkin skin1, int indexPrim0, int indexPrim1)
     this.IndexPrim0 = indexPrim0;
     this.IndexPrim1 = indexPrim1;
     this.Skin0 = skin0;
     this.Skin1 = skin1;
Пример #14
 public CollisionTransform(CollisionSkin collision, Scene scene)
     this.scene = scene;
     this.collision = collision;
     this.collisionTransform = new JigLibX.Math.Transform(position, worldMatrix);
     this.oldTransform = collisionTransform;
Пример #15
        public Missile(ParentGame game, Model modelObj, Texture2D[] modelTextures, DrawingClass drawClass, GameplayScreen Screen)
            : base(game, modelObj, modelTextures)
            this.drawClass = drawClass;
            this.Screen = Screen;

            _body = new Body();
            _skin = new CollisionSkin(_body);
            _body.CollisionSkin = _skin;

            Box box = new Box(Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Identity, new Vector3(1f,1f,4f));
            _skin.AddPrimitive(box, new MaterialProperties(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f));

            Vector3 com = SetMass(2.0f);

            _body.MoveTo(position, Matrix.Identity);
            _skin.ApplyLocalTransform(new Transform(-com, Matrix.Identity));

            Body.ExternalData = this;

            Vector3 pos = position;
            Vector3 forwardVec = Body.Orientation.Forward;

            pos -= forwardVec * 10;
            // Use the particle emitter helper to output our trail particles.
            trailEmitter = new ParticleEmitter(drawClass.projectileTrailParticles,
                                               trailParticlesPerSecond, position);

            rgob = new RagdollObject(parentGame, null, null, null, RagdollObject.RagdollType.Simple, 1.0f, 3);
            rgob.Position = position;

            //rgob.limbs[0].PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = (new Vector3(1, 1, 0) * 2000);

            RagdollTransforms = new List<Matrix>();

            RagdollTransforms = rgob.GetWorldMatrix();

            foreach (JigLibX.Objects.PhysicObject lim in rgob.limbs)
                DisableCollisions(lim.PhysicsBody, Body);

            foreach (JigLibX.Objects.PhysicObject lim in rgob.limbs)
                foreach (BuildingPiece pic in Screen.PieceList)
                    DisableCollisions(lim.PhysicsBody, pic.Body);

            foreach (JigLibX.Objects.PhysicObject lim in rgob.limbs)
                foreach (Building bld in Screen.Buildings)
                    DisableCollisions(lim.PhysicsBody, bld.Body);

            foreach (JigLibX.Objects.PhysicObject lim in rgob.limbs)
                DisableCollisions(lim.PhysicsBody, Screen.terrainActor.Body);

            foreach (JigLibX.Objects.PhysicObject limb0 in rgob.limbs)
                foreach (Missile mis in Screen.BulletList)
                    foreach (JigLibX.Objects.PhysicObject limb1 in mis.rgob.limbs)
                        DisableCollisions(limb1.PhysicsBody, limb0.PhysicsBody);
Пример #16
 public PlaneObject(Game game, Model model, float d)
     : base(game, model)
     body = new Body();
     collision = new CollisionSkin(null);
     collision.AddPrimitive(new JigLibX.Geometry.Plane(Vector3.Up, d), new MaterialProperties(0.2f, 0.7f, 0.6f));
Пример #17
        public override bool ConsiderSkin(CollisionSkin skin0)
            if (skin0.Owner != null && (skin0.Owner is InteractBody))
                return true;

                return false;
Пример #18
        private bool CollidedRecently = true; // we want the object to update immediately once created

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Default Constructor
        /// Initalizes the Body and a CollisionSkin
        /// No Primatives are added to the Body
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="position">Initial Body Position</param>
        /// <param name="scale">Scale</param>
        public Gobject()
            Body = new Body();
            Skin = new CollisionSkin(Body);
            Body.CollisionSkin = Skin;
            Body.ExternalData = this;
            Body.CollisionSkin.callbackFn += new CollisionCallbackFn(CollisionSkin_callbackFn);
Пример #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a CollisionSkin
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="skin"></param>
        public override void AddCollisionSkin(CollisionSkin skin)
            if (skins.Contains(skin))
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Warning: tried to add skin to CollisionSystemBrute but it's already registered");

            skin.CollisionSystem = this;
Пример #20
 public PlaneObject(Model model,float d, Vector3 position, int asset)
     : base()
     Body = new Body();
     Skin = new CollisionSkin(null);
     Skin.AddPrimitive(new JigLibX.Geometry.Plane(Vector3.Up, d), new MaterialProperties(0.2f, 0.7f, 0.6f));
     CommonInit(position, new Vector3(1,1,1), model, false, asset);
 public ZoneObject(string id, ObjectType objectType,
     Transform3D transform, Effect effect, Color color, float alpha, bool isImpenetrable)
     : base(id, objectType, transform, effect, color, alpha)
     //set body and skin for this zone
     this.body = new Body();
     this.body.ExternalData = this;
     this.collision = new CollisionSkin(this.body);
     this.body.CollisionSkin = this.collision;
     this.isImpenetrable = isImpenetrable; //we cant move through it
Пример #22
        public override void Initialise()

            // Create new bodey and collision skin
            m_Body = new Body();
            m_Skin = new CollisionSkin(m_Body);

            // Set physics controller
Пример #23
 // Setup everything
 void Setup()
     // We can't use InitializeBody() here because we want to add a
     // plane and not have it fall
     Body = new Body();
     CollisionSkin = new CollisionSkin(null);
         new JigLibX.Geometry.Plane(Vector3.Up, 0.0f),
         new MaterialProperties(0.2f, 0.7f, 0.6f));
        public CollidableObject(string id, ObjectType objectType, Transform3D transform, Effect effect,
            Texture2D texture, Model model, Color color, float alpha)
            : base(id, objectType, transform, effect, texture, model, color, alpha)
            this.body = new Body();
            this.body.ExternalData = this;
            this.collision = new CollisionSkin(this.body);
            this.body.CollisionSkin = this.collision;

            //register for callback collision to see who just walked into the zone
            //we will only normally register for this event in a class that sub-classes CollidableObject e.g. PickupCollidableObject or PlayerCollidableObject
            this.Body.CollisionSkin.callbackFn += CollisionSkin_callbackFn;
        public bool Collision_callbackFn(CollisionSkin collider, CollisionSkin collidee)
            if (collidee.Owner.ExternalData is PlayerObject)
                //change Camera
                EventDispatcher.Publish(new CameraEventData(this.ID, this, EventType.OnCameraChanged, this.cameraLayout, this.cameraID));


            return this.IsImpenetrable;
Пример #26
 public SphereObject(Game game, Model model,float radius, Matrix orientation, Vector3 position)
     : base(game, model)
     body = new Body();
     collision = new CollisionSkin(body);
     collision.AddPrimitive(new Sphere(Vector3.Zero * 5.0f,radius), new MaterialProperties(0.5f,0.7f,0.6f));
     body.CollisionSkin = this.collision;
     Vector3 com = SetMass(10.0f);
     body.MoveTo(position + com, orientation);
        // collision.ApplyLocalTransform(new Transform(-com, Matrix.Identity));
     this.scale = Vector3.One * radius;
        public virtual bool Collision_callbackFn(CollisionSkin collider, CollisionSkin collidee)
            if (collidee.Owner.ExternalData is PlayerObject)
                PlayerObject playerObject = collidee.Owner.ExternalData as PlayerObject;
                //Console.WriteLine("Zone: " + playerObject.ID);

                //Event, Sound, Pickup
                //Event, ID, Remove
                //Event, UI, Bullet/Health, Increment
            return this.IsImpenetrable;
Пример #28
        public BoxObject(Game game,Model model,Vector3 sideLengths, Matrix orientation, Vector3 position)
            : base(game,model)
            body = new Body();
            collision = new CollisionSkin(body);

            collision.AddPrimitive(new Box(- 0.5f * sideLengths, orientation, sideLengths), new MaterialProperties(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.7f));
            body.CollisionSkin = this.collision;
            Vector3 com = SetMass(1.0f);
            body.MoveTo(position, Matrix.Identity);
            collision.ApplyLocalTransform(new Transform(-com, Matrix.Identity));
            this.scale = sideLengths;
Пример #29
        public CapsuleObject(Game game, Model model,float radius,float length, Matrix orientation, Vector3 position)
            : base(game, model)
            body = new Body();
            collision = new CollisionSkin(body);
            collision.AddPrimitive(new Capsule(Vector3.Transform(new Vector3(-0.5f,0,0), orientation),orientation,radius,length),(int)MaterialTable.MaterialID.BouncyNormal);
            body.CollisionSkin = this.collision;
            Vector3 com = SetMass(10.0f);
            body.MoveTo(position + com, Matrix.Identity);

            collision.ApplyLocalTransform(new Transform(-com,Matrix.Identity));

            this.scale = new Vector3(radius, radius, length / 2);
Пример #30
 public override void OnAdd(Scene scene)
     if (false == true && mesh.GetCollisionMesh() != null)
         Matrix currOrientation = Transformation.GetTransform();
         currOrientation.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
         Vector3 currPosition = Transformation.GetPosition();
         collisionTransform = new JigLibX.Math.Transform(currPosition, currOrientation);
         collision = new CollisionSkin(null);
         collision.AddPrimitive(mesh.GetCollisionMesh(), (int)MaterialTable.MaterialID.NotBouncyRough);
         collision.SetNewTransform(ref collisionTransform);
Пример #31
 /// <summary>
 /// Whenever a skin changes position it will call this to let us
 /// update our internal state.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="skin"></param>
 public abstract void CollisionSkinMoved(CollisionSkin skin);
Пример #32
 /// <summary>
 /// Don't add skins whilst doing detection!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collisionSkin"></param>
 public abstract void AddCollisionSkin(CollisionSkin collisionSkin);
Пример #33
 /// <summary>
 /// Decides whether a pair of skins should be considered for collision
 /// or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="skin0"></param>
 /// <param name="skin1"></param>
 /// <returns>True if the pair should be considered otherwise false.</returns>
 public abstract bool ConsiderSkinPair(CollisionSkin skin0, CollisionSkin skin1);
Пример #34
 /// <summary>
 /// Intersect a segment with the world. If non-zero the predicate
 /// allows certain skins to be excluded
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fracOut"></param>
 /// <param name="skinOut"></param>
 /// <param name="posOut"></param>
 ///  <param name="normalOut"></param>
 ///  <param name="seg"></param>
 ///  <param name="collisionPredicate"></param>
 /// <returns>bool</returns>
 public abstract bool SegmentIntersect(out float fracOut, out CollisionSkin skinOut, out Vector3 posOut, out Vector3 normalOut,
                                       Segment seg, CollisionSkinPredicate1 collisionPredicate);
Пример #35
        /// <summary>
        /// CollDetect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="infoOrig"></param>
        /// <param name="collTolerance"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionFunctor"></param>
        public override void CollDetect(CollDetectInfo infoOrig, float collTolerance, CollisionFunctor collisionFunctor)
            // get the skins in the order that we're expectiing
            CollDetectInfo info = infoOrig;

            if (info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim0).Type == this.Type1)
                CollisionSkin skinSwap = info.Skin0;
                info.Skin0 = info.Skin1;
                info.Skin1 = skinSwap;
                int primSwap = info.IndexPrim0;
                info.IndexPrim0 = info.IndexPrim1;
                info.IndexPrim1 = primSwap;

            Vector3 body0Pos = (info.Skin0.Owner != null) ? info.Skin0.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 body1Pos = (info.Skin1.Owner != null) ? info.Skin1.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;

            // todo - proper swept test
            Capsule oldCapsule = info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim0) as Capsule;
            Capsule newCapsule = info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveNewWorld(info.IndexPrim0) as Capsule;
            Segment oldSeg     = new Segment(oldCapsule.Position, oldCapsule.Length * oldCapsule.Orientation.Backward);
            Segment newSeg     = new Segment(newCapsule.Position, newCapsule.Length * newCapsule.Orientation.Backward);

            float radius = oldCapsule.Radius;

            Box oldBox = info.Skin1.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim1) as Box;
            Box newBox = info.Skin1.GetPrimitiveNewWorld(info.IndexPrim1) as Box;

            float oldSegT;
            float oldBoxT0, oldBoxT1, oldBoxT2;
            float oldDistSq = Distance.SegmentBoxDistanceSq(out oldSegT, out oldBoxT0, out oldBoxT1, out oldBoxT2, oldSeg, oldBox);
            float newSegT;
            float newBoxT0, newBoxT1, newBoxT2;
            float newDistSq = Distance.SegmentBoxDistanceSq(out newSegT, out newBoxT0, out newBoxT1, out newBoxT2, newSeg, newBox);

            if (MathHelper.Min(oldDistSq, newDistSq) < ((radius + collTolerance) * (radius + collTolerance)))
                Vector3 segPos = oldSeg.GetPoint(oldSegT);
                Vector3 boxPos = oldBox.GetCentre() + oldBoxT0 * oldBox.Orientation.Right +
                                 oldBoxT1 * oldBox.Orientation.Up + oldBoxT2 * oldBox.Orientation.Backward;

                float dist  = (float)System.Math.Sqrt((float)oldDistSq);
                float depth = radius - dist;

                Vector3 dir;

                if (dist > JiggleMath.Epsilon)
                    dir = segPos - boxPos;
                    JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(ref dir);
                else if ((segPos - oldBox.GetCentre()).LengthSquared() > JiggleMath.Epsilon)
                    dir = segPos - oldBox.GetCentre();
                    JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(ref dir);
                    // todo - make this not random
                    dir = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Backward, Matrix.CreateFromAxisAngle(Vector3.Up, MathHelper.ToRadians(random.Next(360))));

                    SmallCollPointInfo collInfo = new SmallCollPointInfo(boxPos - body0Pos, boxPos - body1Pos, depth);

                    collisionFunctor.CollisionNotify(ref info, ref dir, &collInfo, 1);
Пример #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Decides whether a CollisionSkin should be considered while
 /// doing SegmentIntersecting tests or not.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="skin0">Skin to be considered.</param>
 /// <returns>True if the skin should be considered otherwise false.</returns>
 public abstract bool ConsiderSkin(CollisionSkin skin0);
Пример #37
        /// <summary>
        /// Detect BoxHeightmap Collisions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="infoOrig"></param>
        /// <param name="collTolerance"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionFunctor"></param>
        public override void CollDetect(CollDetectInfo infoOrig, float collTolerance, CollisionFunctor collisionFunctor)
            CollDetectInfo info = infoOrig;

            if (info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim0).Type == this.Type1)
                CollisionSkin skinSwap = info.Skin0;
                info.Skin0 = info.Skin1;
                info.Skin1 = skinSwap;
                int primSwap = info.IndexPrim0;
                info.IndexPrim0 = info.IndexPrim1;
                info.IndexPrim1 = primSwap;

            Vector3 body0Pos = (info.Skin0.Owner != null) ? info.Skin0.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 body1Pos = (info.Skin1.Owner != null) ? info.Skin1.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;

            // todo - proper swept test
            Box oldBox = info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim0) as Box;
            Box newBox = info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveNewWorld(info.IndexPrim0) as Box;

            Heightmap oldHeightmap = info.Skin1.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim1) as Heightmap;
            Heightmap newHeightmap = info.Skin1.GetPrimitiveNewWorld(info.IndexPrim1) as Heightmap;

            Vector3[] oldPts, newPts;
            oldBox.GetCornerPoints(out oldPts);
            newBox.GetCornerPoints(out newPts);

            SmallCollPointInfo[] collPtArray = SCPIStackAlloc();
            int numCollPts = 0;

            Vector3 collNormal = Vector3.Zero;

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
                Vector3 newPt = newPts[i];
                float   newDist;
                Vector3 normal;
                newHeightmap.GetHeightAndNormal(out newDist, out normal, newPt);

                if (newDist < collTolerance)
                    Vector3 oldPt   = oldPts[i];
                    float   oldDist = oldHeightmap.GetHeight(oldPt);

                    #region REFERENCE: collPts.Add(new CollPointInfo(oldPt - body0Pos, oldPt - body1Pos, -oldDist));
                    Vector3 pt0;
                    Vector3 pt1;
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref oldPt, ref body0Pos, out pt0);
                    Vector3.Subtract(ref oldPt, ref body1Pos, out pt1);
                    if (numCollPts < MaxLocalStackSCPI)
                        // BEN-OPTIMISATION: Now reuses existing collPts instead of reallocating.
                        collPtArray[numCollPts].R0 = pt0;
                        collPtArray[numCollPts].R1 = pt1;
                        collPtArray[numCollPts++].InitialPenetration = -oldDist;

                    #region REFERENCE: collNormal += normal;
                    Vector3.Add(ref collNormal, ref normal, out collNormal);

            if (numCollPts > 0)
                JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(ref collNormal);
                collisionFunctor.CollisionNotify(ref info, ref collNormal, collPtArray, numCollPts);

Пример #38
 /// <summary>
 /// Not needed
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="skin"></param>
 public override void CollisionSkinMoved(CollisionSkin skin)
     // not needed
Пример #39
        /// <summary>
        /// CollDetect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <param name="collTolerance"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionFunctor"></param>
        public override void CollDetect(CollDetectInfo info, float collTolerance, CollisionFunctor collisionFunctor)
            if (info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim0).Type == this.Type1)
                CollisionSkin skinSwap = info.Skin0;
                info.Skin0 = info.Skin1;
                info.Skin1 = skinSwap;
                int primSwap = info.IndexPrim0;
                info.IndexPrim0 = info.IndexPrim1;
                info.IndexPrim1 = primSwap;

            Vector3 body0Pos = (info.Skin0.Owner != null) ? info.Skin0.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 body1Pos = (info.Skin1.Owner != null) ? info.Skin1.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;

            // todo - proper swept test
            Capsule oldCapsule = (Capsule)info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim0);
            Capsule newCapsule = (Capsule)info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveNewWorld(info.IndexPrim0);

            JigLibX.Geometry.Plane oldPlane = (JigLibX.Geometry.Plane)info.Skin1.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim1);
            JigLibX.Geometry.Plane newPlane = (JigLibX.Geometry.Plane)info.Skin1.GetPrimitiveNewWorld(info.IndexPrim1);

            Matrix newPlaneInvTransform = newPlane.InverseTransformMatrix;
            Matrix oldPlaneInvTransform = oldPlane.InverseTransformMatrix;

                SmallCollPointInfo *collPts = stackalloc SmallCollPointInfo[MaxLocalStackSCPI];
                SmallCollPointInfo[] collPtArray = SCPIStackAlloc();
                fixed(SmallCollPointInfo *collPts = collPtArray)
                    int numCollPts = 0;

                    // the start
                        Vector3 oldCapsuleStartPos = Vector3.Transform(oldCapsule.Position, oldPlaneInvTransform);
                        Vector3 newCapsuleStartPos = Vector3.Transform(newCapsule.Position, newPlaneInvTransform);

                        float oldDist = Distance.PointPlaneDistance(oldCapsuleStartPos, oldPlane);
                        float newDist = Distance.PointPlaneDistance(newCapsuleStartPos, newPlane);

                        if (MathHelper.Min(newDist, oldDist) < collTolerance + newCapsule.Radius)
                            float oldDepth = oldCapsule.Radius - oldDist;
                            // calc the world position based on the old position8(s)
                            Vector3 worldPos = oldCapsule.Position - oldCapsule.Radius * oldPlane.Normal;

                            // BEN-OPTIMISATION: Now reuses existing collPts instead of reallocating.
                            collPts[numCollPts].R0 = worldPos - body0Pos;
                            collPts[numCollPts].R1 = worldPos - body1Pos;
                            collPts[numCollPts++].InitialPenetration = oldDepth;

                    // the end
                        Vector3 oldCapsuleEndPos = Vector3.Transform(oldCapsule.GetEnd(), oldPlaneInvTransform);
                        Vector3 newCapsuleEndPos = Vector3.Transform(newCapsule.GetEnd(), newPlaneInvTransform);
                        float   oldDist          = Distance.PointPlaneDistance(oldCapsuleEndPos, oldPlane);
                        float   newDist          = Distance.PointPlaneDistance(newCapsuleEndPos, newPlane);

                        if (System.Math.Min(newDist, oldDist) < collTolerance + newCapsule.Radius)
                            float oldDepth = oldCapsule.Radius - oldDist;
                            // calc the world position based on the old position(s)
                            Vector3 worldPos = oldCapsule.GetEnd() - oldCapsule.Radius * oldPlane.Normal;

                            // BEN-OPTIMISATION: Now reuses existing collPts instead of reallocating.
                            collPts[numCollPts].R0 = worldPos - body0Pos;
                            collPts[numCollPts].R1 = worldPos - body1Pos;
                            collPts[numCollPts++].InitialPenetration = oldDepth;

                        if (numCollPts > 0)
                            collisionFunctor.CollisionNotify(ref info, ref oldPlane.normal, collPts, numCollPts);

Пример #40
        /// <summary>
        /// CollDetect
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="infoOrig"></param>
        /// <param name="collTolerance"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionFunctor"></param>
        public override void CollDetect(CollDetectInfo infoOrig, float collTolerance, CollisionFunctor collisionFunctor)
            // get the skins in the order that we're expecting
            CollDetectInfo info = infoOrig;

            if (info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim0).Type == this.Type1)
                CollisionSkin skinSwap = info.Skin0;
                info.Skin0 = info.Skin1;
                info.Skin1 = skinSwap;
                int primSwap = info.IndexPrim0;
                info.IndexPrim0 = info.IndexPrim1;
                info.IndexPrim1 = primSwap;

            Vector3 body0Pos = (info.Skin0.Owner != null) ? info.Skin0.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 body1Pos = (info.Skin1.Owner != null) ? info.Skin1.Owner.OldPosition : Vector3.Zero;

            // todo - proper sweep test
            Sphere oldSphere = info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim0) as Sphere;
            Sphere newSphere = info.Skin0.GetPrimitiveNewWorld(info.IndexPrim0) as Sphere;

            Box oldBox = info.Skin1.GetPrimitiveOldWorld(info.IndexPrim1) as Box;
            Box newBox = info.Skin1.GetPrimitiveNewWorld(info.IndexPrim1) as Box;

            Vector3 oldBoxPoint;
            Vector3 newBoxPoint;

            float oldDist = oldBox.GetDistanceToPoint(out oldBoxPoint, oldSphere.Position);
            float newDist = newBox.GetDistanceToPoint(out newBoxPoint, newSphere.Position);

            // normally point will be outside
            float oldDepth = oldSphere.Radius - oldDist;
            float newDepth = newSphere.Radius - newDist;

            if (System.Math.Max(oldDepth, newDepth) > -collTolerance)
                Vector3 dir;
                if (oldDist < -JiggleMath.Epsilon)
                    dir = oldBoxPoint - oldSphere.Position - oldBoxPoint;
                    JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(ref dir);
                else if (oldDist > JiggleMath.Epsilon)
                    dir = oldSphere.Position - oldBoxPoint;
                    JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(ref dir);
                    dir = oldSphere.Position - oldBox.GetCentre();
                    JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(ref dir);

                    SmallCollPointInfo collInfo = new SmallCollPointInfo(oldBoxPoint - body0Pos,
                                                                         oldBoxPoint - body1Pos, oldDepth);

                    collisionFunctor.CollisionNotify(ref info, ref dir, &collInfo, 1);
Пример #41
 /// <summary>
 /// Don't remove skins whilst doing detection!
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collisionSkin"></param>
 public abstract bool RemoveCollisionSkin(CollisionSkin collisionSkin);