Пример #1
 public void TestGetPoint()
     var hex = new Hexagon(0, 0);
     var msg = "Point is not correct.";
     var point = hex.GetPoint(PointDir.Top);
     Assert.AreEqual(new HexPoint(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1), point, msg);
     point = hex.GetPoint(PointDir.TopRight);
     Assert.AreEqual(new HexPoint(0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0), point, msg);
     point = hex.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomRight);
     Assert.AreEqual(new HexPoint(0, 0, 1, 0, 0,-1), point, msg);
     point = hex.GetPoint(PointDir.Bottom);
     Assert.AreEqual(new HexPoint(0, 0, 0,-1,-1,-1), point, msg);
     point = hex.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomLeft);
     Assert.AreEqual(new HexPoint(0, 0,-1,-1,-1, 0), point, msg);
     point = hex.GetPoint(PointDir.TopLeft);
     Assert.AreEqual(new HexPoint(0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 1), point, msg);
Пример #2
        private GameManager DoInitialPlacements(bool allowSevenRoll)
            // This setup method will create a 3-player game with the center and far-right hexagons fully surrounded.

            var manager = new GameManager();
            manager.AddPlayer("Billy"); // PLAYER_0
            manager.AddPlayer("John"); // PLAYER_1
            manager.AddPlayer("Greg"); // PLAYER_2

            if (!allowSevenRoll)
                var diceFieldInfo = typeof(GameManager).GetField("_dice", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
                var dice = (diceFieldInfo != null) ? diceFieldInfo.GetValue(manager) as Dice : null;
                if (dice != null)


            // player 0
            manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_0, BuildingTypes.Settlement, Hexagon.Zero.GetPoint(PointDir.Top));
            manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_0, Hexagon.Zero.GetEdge(EdgeDir.TopRight));

            // player 1
            manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_1, BuildingTypes.Settlement, Hexagon.Zero.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomRight));
            manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_1, Hexagon.Zero.GetEdge(EdgeDir.Right));

            // player 2
            manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_2, BuildingTypes.Settlement, Hexagon.Zero.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomLeft));
            manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_2, Hexagon.Zero.GetEdge(EdgeDir.Left));

            // Create around a different hexagon since the middle is filled up.
            Hexagon otherHex = new Hexagon(2, 0);

            manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_2, BuildingTypes.Settlement, otherHex.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomLeft));
            manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_2, otherHex.GetEdge(EdgeDir.Left));

            // player 1
            manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_1, BuildingTypes.Settlement, otherHex.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomRight));
            manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_1, otherHex.GetEdge(EdgeDir.Right));

            // player 0
            manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_0, BuildingTypes.Settlement, otherHex.GetPoint(PointDir.Top));
            manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_0, otherHex.GetEdge(EdgeDir.TopRight));

            Assert.AreEqual(PLAYER_0, manager.ActivePlayer.Id, "It should be player 0's turn.");
            Assert.AreEqual(GameStates.GameInProgress, manager.GameState, "The game state should be in the main game phase.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.NeedToRoll, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should 'NeedToRoll'.");

            return manager;
Пример #3
        public void TestInitialPlacementPhase()
            var manager = new GameManager();
            manager.AddPlayer("Billy"); // PLAYER_0
            manager.AddPlayer("John"); // PLAYER_1
            manager.AddPlayer("Greg"); // PLAYER_2


            Assert.AreEqual(GameStates.InitialPlacement, manager.GameState, "The game state should be in the initial placement phase.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.PlacingBuilding, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should be in building placement mode.");

            // First, player 0 must place 1 settlement

            Assert.AreEqual(PLAYER_0, manager.ActivePlayer.Id, "It should be player 0's turn.");

            ActionResult ar;
            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_0, Hexagon.Zero.GetEdge(EdgeDir.Right));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Failed, "The player can't build a road yet.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_0, BuildingTypes.City, Hexagon.Zero.GetPoint(PointDir.Top));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Failed, "The player can't build a city during the initial placement phase.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_1, BuildingTypes.Settlement, Hexagon.Zero.GetPoint(PointDir.Top));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Failed, "It is not this player's turn.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_0, BuildingTypes.Settlement, Hexagon.Zero.GetPoint(PointDir.Top));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a settlement.");
            Assert.AreEqual(GameStates.InitialPlacement, manager.GameState, "The game state should be in the initial placement phase.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.PlacingRoad, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should be in road placement mode.");

            // Now, player 0 is expected to place a road.

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_0, BuildingTypes.Settlement, Hexagon.Zero.GetPoint(PointDir.Bottom));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Failed, "The player can't build a settlement during the road placement phase.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_0, Hexagon.Zero.GetEdge(EdgeDir.TopRight));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a road.");

            // Now, player 1 must place a settlement.

            Assert.AreEqual(PLAYER_1, manager.ActivePlayer.Id, "It should be player 1's turn.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_1, BuildingTypes.Settlement, Hexagon.Zero.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomRight));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a settlement.");
            Assert.AreEqual(GameStates.InitialPlacement, manager.GameState, "The game state should be in the initial placement phase.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.PlacingRoad, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should be in road placement mode.");

            // Now, player 1 is expected to place a road.

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_1, Hexagon.Zero.GetEdge(EdgeDir.Right));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a road.");

            // Player 2's turn to place a building, a road, another buliding, then another road.

            Assert.AreEqual(PLAYER_2, manager.ActivePlayer.Id, "It should be player 2's turn.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_2, BuildingTypes.Settlement, Hexagon.Zero.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomLeft));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a settlement.");
            Assert.AreEqual(GameStates.InitialPlacement, manager.GameState, "The game state should be in the initial placement phase.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.PlacingRoad, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should be in road placement mode.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_2, Hexagon.Zero.GetEdge(EdgeDir.Left));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a road.");

            Assert.AreEqual(PLAYER_2, manager.ActivePlayer.Id, "It should still be player 2's turn.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.PlacingBuilding, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should be in road placement mode.");

            // Create around a different hexagon since the middle is filled up.
            Hexagon otherHex = new Hexagon(2, 0);

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_2, BuildingTypes.Settlement, otherHex.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomLeft));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a settlement.");
            Assert.AreEqual(GameStates.InitialPlacement, manager.GameState, "The game state should be in the initial placement phase.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.PlacingRoad, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should be in road placement mode.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_2, otherHex.GetEdge(EdgeDir.Left));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a road.");

            // Now we are counting down to player 0. It should be player 1's turn now.

            Assert.AreEqual(PLAYER_1, manager.ActivePlayer.Id, "It should be player 1's turn.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_1, BuildingTypes.Settlement, otherHex.GetPoint(PointDir.BottomRight));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a settlement.");
            Assert.AreEqual(GameStates.InitialPlacement, manager.GameState, "The game state should be in the initial placement phase.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.PlacingRoad, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should be in road placement mode.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_1, otherHex.GetEdge(EdgeDir.Right));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a road.");

            // It should be player 0's turn now. After this turn, the game should begin.

            Assert.AreEqual(PLAYER_0, manager.ActivePlayer.Id, "It should be player 0's turn.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceBuilding(PLAYER_0, BuildingTypes.Settlement, otherHex.GetPoint(PointDir.Top));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a settlement.");
            Assert.AreEqual(GameStates.InitialPlacement, manager.GameState, "The game state should be in the initial placement phase.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.PlacingRoad, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should be in road placement mode.");

            ar = manager.PlayerPlaceRoad(PLAYER_0, otherHex.GetEdge(EdgeDir.TopRight));
            Assert.IsTrue(ar.Succeeded, "The player should be able to place a road.");

            // All done. The game should be started now.
            Assert.AreEqual(PLAYER_0, manager.ActivePlayer.Id, "It should be player 0's turn.");
            Assert.AreEqual(GameStates.GameInProgress, manager.GameState, "The game state should be in the main game phase.");
            Assert.AreEqual(PlayerTurnState.NeedToRoll, manager.PlayerTurnState, "The player state should 'NeedToRoll'.");