public void TryRegisterDevice(InputDevice device) { if (IsDeviceAdded(device)) { return; } int playerId = -1; if (isXInputDevice(device)) { XInputDevice xInputDevice = device as XInputDevice; playerId = xInputDevice.DeviceIndex; } else { playerId = NextId; } if (playerId >= 0) { PlayerDevice newPlayer = new PlayerDevice() { id = playerId, InControlDevice = device }; AddPlayer(newPlayer); } }
public void Initialize() { List <Input> viableInputs = new List <Input>(); for (int deviceNum = 0; deviceNum < InControl.InputManager.Devices.Count; ++deviceNum) { InControl.InputDevice device = InControl.InputManager.Devices[deviceNum]; if (device != null) { Input input = inputFactory.Create(deviceNum, device); viableInputs.Add(input); } } if (viableInputs.Count == 0) { InControl.InputDevice device = new UnityInputDevice(new KeyboardAndMouseProfile()); InControl.InputManager.AttachDevice(device); if (device != null) { Input input = inputFactory.Create(0, device); viableInputs.Add(input); } } inputs = new ReadOnlyCollection <Input>(viableInputs); }
InputControlType ListenForControl( BindingListenOptions listenOptions, InputDevice device ) { if (device.IsKnown) { var controlCount = device.Controls.Length; for (int i = 0; i < controlCount; i++) { var control = device.Controls[i]; if (control != null && IsPressed( control )) { if (listenOptions.IncludeNonStandardControls || control.IsStandard) { var target = control.Target; if (target == InputControlType.Command && listenOptions.IncludeNonStandardControls) { continue; } return target; } } } } return InputControlType.None; }
public override float GetValue( InputDevice inputDevice ) { var scale = 0.2f; switch (Control) { case Mouse.LeftButton: return Input.GetMouseButton( 0 ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; case Mouse.RightButton: return Input.GetMouseButton( 1 ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; case Mouse.MiddleButton: return Input.GetMouseButton( 2 ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; case Mouse.NegativeX: return -Mathf.Min( Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse x" ) * scale, 0.0f ); case Mouse.PositiveX: return Mathf.Max( 0.0f, Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse x" ) * scale ); case Mouse.NegativeY: return -Mathf.Min( Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse y" ) * scale, 0.0f ); case Mouse.PositiveY: return Mathf.Max( 0.0f, Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse y" ) * scale ); case Mouse.NegativeScrollWheel: return -Mathf.Min( Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse z" ) * scale, 0.0f ); case Mouse.PositiveScrollWheel: return Mathf.Max( 0.0f, Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse z" ) * scale ); } return 0.0f; }
private void HandoutDevices() { if (!inputRequests.Any()) { return; } IEnumerable <InputDevice> unusedDevices = from pair in devices where pair.Key != null && !pair.Value select pair.Key; List <InputDevice> sortedDevices = unusedDevices.OrderBy(d => d.SortOrder).ToList(); if (sortedDevices.Any()) { // This int is outside the loop because it must be used to remove // all fulfilled requests (if there are more requests than devices, // i will go up to the index of the first request left unfulfilled) int i = 0; for (; i < sortedDevices.Count && i < inputRequests.Count; i++) { InputDevice device = sortedDevices[i]; InputDeviceCallback createdCallback = inputRequests.Values[i].Item1; Action action = inputRequests.Values[i].Item2; devices[device] = true; actions[device] = action; createdCallback(device); } Dictionary <int, Tuple <InputDeviceCallback, Action> > unfufilledRequestsDictionary = inputRequests.Skip(i).ToDictionary( pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value); inputRequests = new SortedList <int, Tuple <InputDeviceCallback, Action> >(unfufilledRequestsDictionary); } }
private void Update() { InControl.InputDevice input = GameInput.GetPlayerDevice(0); if (EventSystem.current.currentSelectedGameObject == resolutionSelectable.gameObject) { if (input.LeftStickX.Value > 0.3f || input.DPadRight.WasPressed) { if (!wasInput) { SelectNextResolution(); wasInput = true; } } else if (input.LeftStickX.Value < -0.3f || input.DPadLeft.WasPressed) { if (!wasInput) { SelectPrevResolution(); wasInput = true; } } else if (wasInput) { wasInput = false; } } }
public override float GetValue( InputDevice inputDevice ) { var button = buttonTable[(int) Control]; if (button >= 0) { return Input.GetMouseButton( button ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f; } switch (Control) { case Mouse.NegativeX: return -Mathf.Min( Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse x" ) * ScaleX, 0.0f ); case Mouse.PositiveX: return Mathf.Max( 0.0f, Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse x" ) * ScaleX ); case Mouse.NegativeY: return -Mathf.Min( Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse y" ) * ScaleY, 0.0f ); case Mouse.PositiveY: return Mathf.Max( 0.0f, Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse y" ) * ScaleY ); case Mouse.NegativeScrollWheel: return -Mathf.Min( Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse z" ) * ScaleZ, 0.0f ); case Mouse.PositiveScrollWheel: return Mathf.Max( 0.0f, Input.GetAxisRaw( "mouse z" ) * ScaleZ ); } return 0.0f; }
private void UpdateControllerPlayerInputs(int playerID, InControl.InputDevice inputDevice) { if (inputDevice == null) { return; } var playerInput = playerInputs[playerID]; playerInput.PlayerDevice = inputDevice.Name; playerInput.HorizontalMovement = inputDevice.LeftStick.X; playerInput.VerticalMovement = inputDevice.LeftStick.Y; playerInput.HorizontalAim = inputDevice.RightStick.X; playerInput.VerticalAim = inputDevice.RightStick.Y; playerInput.Jump = inputDevice.LeftBumper.IsPressed; playerInput.Shooting = inputDevice.RightBumper.IsPressed; playerInput.Dashing = inputDevice.RightTrigger.IsPressed; playerInput.Menu = inputDevice.Command.WasPressed; playerInput.Select = inputDevice.Action1.WasPressed; playerInput.Back = inputDevice.Action2.WasPressed; }
void UpdateCubeWithInputDevice( InputDevice inputDevice ) { // Set object material color based on which action is pressed. if (inputDevice.Action1) { GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color =; } else if (inputDevice.Action2) { GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color =; } else if (inputDevice.Action3) { GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color =; } else if (inputDevice.Action4) { GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.yellow; } else { GetComponent<Renderer>().material.color = Color.white; } // Rotate target object with both sticks and d-pad. transform.Rotate( Vector3.down, 500.0f * Time.deltaTime * inputDevice.Direction.X, Space.World ); transform.Rotate( Vector3.right, 500.0f * Time.deltaTime * inputDevice.Direction.Y, Space.World ); transform.Rotate( Vector3.down, 500.0f * Time.deltaTime * inputDevice.RightStickX, Space.World ); transform.Rotate( Vector3.right, 500.0f * Time.deltaTime * inputDevice.RightStickY, Space.World ); }
Color GetColorFromActionButtons( InputDevice inputDevice ) { if (inputDevice.Action1) { return; } if (inputDevice.Action2) { return; } if (inputDevice.Action3) { return; } if (inputDevice.Action4) { return Color.yellow; } // Test for a combo keypress, mapped to left bumper. if (inputDevice.LeftBumper) { return Color.magenta; } return Color.white; }
public VirtualControlInputDeviceManager() { device = new InputDevice( "VirtualControlInputDevice", 2, 2 ); device.AddAnalogControl( InputControlType.LeftStickX, "Virtual Stick" ); device.AddAnalogControl( InputControlType.LeftStickY, "Virtual Stick" ); device.AddButtonControl( InputControlType.Action1, "Virtual Button 1" ); device.AddButtonControl( InputControlType.Action2, "Virtual Button 2" ); InputManager.AttachDevice( device ); var virtualStick = new VirtualControlStick( InputControlType.LeftStickX, InputControlType.LeftStickY ); Node.AddChild( virtualStick ); virtualControls.Add( virtualStick ); var buttonPosition1 = new Vector2( Futile.screen.halfWidth - 128, -Futile.screen.halfHeight + 64 ); var virtualButton1 = new VirtualControlButton( InputControlType.Action1, "VirtualInput/ButtonA", buttonPosition1 ); Node.AddChild( virtualButton1 ); virtualControls.Add( virtualButton1 ); var buttonPosition2 = new Vector2( Futile.screen.halfWidth - 64, -Futile.screen.halfHeight + 128 ); var virtualButton2 = new VirtualControlButton( InputControlType.Action2, "VirtualInput/ButtonB", buttonPosition2 ); Node.AddChild( virtualButton2 ); virtualControls.Add( virtualButton2 ); Futile.touchManager.AddMultiTouchTarget( this ); }
Player CreatePlayer( InputDevice inputDevice ) { if (players.Count < maxPlayers) { // Pop a position off the list. We'll add it back if the player is removed. var playerPosition = playerPositions[0]; playerPositions.RemoveAt( 0 ); var gameObject = (GameObject) Instantiate( playerPrefab, playerPosition, Quaternion.identity ); var player = gameObject.GetComponent<Player>(); if (inputDevice == null) { // We could create a new instance, but might as well reuse the one we have // and it lets us easily find the keyboard player. player.Actions = keyboardListener; } else { // Create a new instance and specifically set it to listen to the // given input device (joystick). var actions = PlayerActions.CreateWithJoystickBindings(); actions.Device = inputDevice; player.Actions = actions; } players.Add( player ); return player; } return null; }
public override bool GetState( InputDevice inputDevice ) { if (inputDevice == null) { return false; } return inputDevice.GetControl( Control ).State; }
public override float GetValue( InputDevice inputDevice ) { if (inputDevice == null) { return 0.0f; } return inputDevice.GetControl( Control ).Value; }
public override bool GetState( InputDevice device ) { if (device == null) { return false; } return Utility.IsNotZero( GetValue( device ) ); }
//Check for interact void OnTriggerStay(Collider c) { InControl.InputDevice input = InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice; if (c.transform.tag == "Interactable" && (input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.Action1) || input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.Action3) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.X) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))) { c.GetComponent <iInteractable>().Use(this.gameObject); } }
public ICadeDeviceManager() { timeStep = Mathf.FloorToInt( Time.fixedDeltaTime * 1000.0f ); bufferSize = 1; state = new RingBuffer<ICadeState>( bufferSize ); device = new ICadeDevice( this ); devices.Add( device ); }
public bool GetState( InputDevice inputDevice ) { for (int i = 0; i < KeyCodeList.Length; i++) { if (!Input.GetKey( KeyCodeList[i] )) { return false; } } return true; }
private void GivenInputDevice(IC.InputDevice device) { inputDevice = device; GameManager.NotificationManager.NotifyMessage(Message.InputDeviceAssigned, gameObject); PlayerPuppet puppet = GetComponent <PlayerPuppet>(); if (puppet == null || !puppet.doPuppeting) { broadcast = StartCoroutine(ControlsBroadcast()); } }
public override bool GetState( InputDevice inputDevice ) { foreach(InputControlSource source in sources) { if(source.GetState( inputDevice )) { return true; } } return false; }
public void Update( IEnumerable<FTouch> touches, InputDevice device, float updateTime ) { value = 0.0f; foreach (var touch in touches) { UpdateWithTouch( touch ); } device.GetControl( controlType ).UpdateWithValue( value, updateTime ); alpha = Mathf.MoveTowards( alpha, value > 0.0f ? 1.0f : 0.5f, 1.0f / 15.0f ); }
public static void CheckButtonEvents(IC.InputControlType type, IC.InputDevice device, GameObject player, Message?pressedEvent = null, Message?releasedEvent = null) { if (device != null) { IC.InputControl button = device.GetControl(type); SendButtonEvent(button.WasPressed, button.WasReleased, player, pressedEvent, releasedEvent); } }
public void Update( IEnumerable<FTouch> touches, InputDevice device, float updateTime ) { foreach (var touch in touches) { UpdateWithTouch( touch ); } device.GetControl( xAxis ).UpdateWithValue( value.x, updateTime ); device.GetControl( yAxis ).UpdateWithValue( value.y, updateTime ); alpha = Mathf.MoveTowards( alpha, touchId == -1 ? 0.5f : 1.0f, 1.0f / 15.0f ); headSprite.SetPosition( delta ); }
GolfPlayerController FindPlayerUsingDevice( InputDevice inputDevice ) { var playerCount = players.Count; for (int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) { var player = players[i]; if (player.device == inputDevice) { return player; } } return null; }
private void InputDeviceDisconnectedCallback() { PlayerMovement movement = GetComponent <PlayerMovement>(); movement?.StopAllMovement(); if (broadcast != null) { StopCoroutine(broadcast); } broadcast = null; stateManager?.AttemptStartState(delegate { }, delegate { }); inputDevice = null; }
Player FindPlayerUsingJoystick( InputDevice inputDevice ) { var playerCount = players.Count; for (int i = 0; i < playerCount; i++) { var player = players[i]; if (player.Actions.Device == inputDevice) { return player; } } return null; }
private void InputDeviceDisconnectedCallback() { // TODO dkonik: Since we are making a public game now, we need to do more on // controller disconnect than just stopping movement and stuff. //PlayerMovement movement = GetComponent<PlayerMovement>(); //movement?.StopAllMovement(); if (broadcast != null) { StopCoroutine(broadcast); } broadcast = null; stateManager.TransitionToState(State.StartupState); inputDevice = null; }
public override float GetValue( InputDevice inputDevice ) { int axisValue = 0; if (Input.GetKey( negativeKeyCode )) { axisValue--; } if (Input.GetKey( positiveKeyCode )) { axisValue++; } return axisValue; }
public float GetValue( InputDevice inputDevice ) { int axisValue = 0; if (Input.GetKey( NegativeKeyCode )) { axisValue--; } if (Input.GetKey( PositiveKeyCode )) { axisValue++; } return axisValue; }
// Returns the next available input device; null if none is available. // Registers the action to be called when a device is detached (one-time only). public InputDevice GetInputDevice(Action action) { KeyValuePair <InputDevice, bool> e = devices.FirstOrDefault(ee => ee.Value == false); InputDevice device = e.Key; if (device == null) { return(null); } devices[device] = true; actions[device] = action; return(device); }
public override float GetValue( InputDevice inputDevice ) { // CAVEAT: multiple input sources could be giving values, but we only want one // thus, we'll take the first one in the list // so the user can control priority simply by ordering the list foreach(InputControlSource source in sources) { var thisValue = source.GetValue( inputDevice ); if(thisValue != 0f) { return thisValue; } } return 0f; }
Player CreatePlayer( InputDevice inputDevice ) { if (players.Count < maxPlayers) { // Pop a position off the list. We'll add it back if the player is removed. var playerPosition = playerPositions[0]; playerPositions.RemoveAt( 0 ); var gameObject = (GameObject) Instantiate( playerPrefab, playerPosition, Quaternion.identity ); var player = gameObject.GetComponent<Player>(); player.Device = inputDevice; players.Add( player ); return player; } return null; }
FencingInputHandler CreatePlayer( InputDevice inputDevice ) { if (players.Count < maxPlayers) { // Pop a position off the list. We'll add it back if the player is removed. var playerPosition = spawnPoints[0]; spawnPoints.RemoveAt( 0 ); var gameObject = (GameObject) Instantiate( playerPrefab, playerPosition, Quaternion.identity ); var player = gameObject.GetComponent<FencingInputHandler>(); player.device = inputDevice; // Debug.Log("Player count: " + players.Count + " color: " + playerColors[players.Count]); //player.GetComponent<PlayerControllerMatt>().color = playerColors[players.Count]; player.transform.parent = this.transform; players.Add( player ); return player; } return null; }
public BindingSource Listen( BindingListenOptions listenOptions, InputDevice device ) { if (!listenOptions.IncludeKeys) { return null; } if (detectFound.Count > 0) { if (!detectFound.IsPressed) { if (detectPhase == 2) { var bindingSource = new KeyBindingSource( detectFound ); Reset(); return bindingSource; } } } var keyCombo = KeyCombo.Detect( listenOptions.IncludeModifiersAsFirstClassKeys ); if (keyCombo.Count > 0) { if (detectPhase == 1) { detectFound = keyCombo; detectPhase = 2; // Wait for release. } } else { if (detectPhase == 0) { detectPhase = 1; // Wait for press. } } return null; }
public BindingSource Listen( BindingListenOptions listenOptions, InputDevice device ) { if (!listenOptions.IncludeControllers || device.IsUnknown) { return null; } if (detectFound != InputControlType.None) { if (!IsPressed( detectFound, device )) { if (detectPhase == 2) { var bindingSource = new DeviceBindingSource( detectFound ); Reset(); return bindingSource; } } } var control = ListenForControl( listenOptions, device ); if (control != InputControlType.None) { if (detectPhase == 1) { detectFound = control; detectPhase = 2; // Wait for release. } } else { if (detectPhase == 0) { detectPhase = 1; // Wait for press. } } return null; }
public BindingSource Listen( BindingListenOptions listenOptions, InputDevice device ) { if (!listenOptions.IncludeMouseButtons) { return null; } if (detectFound != Mouse.None) { if (!MouseBindingSource.ButtonIsPressed( detectFound )) { if (detectPhase == 2) { var bindingSource = new MouseBindingSource( detectFound ); Reset(); return bindingSource; } } } var control = ListenForControl(); if (control != Mouse.None) { if (detectPhase == 1) { detectFound = control; detectPhase = 2; // Wait for release. } } else { if (detectPhase == 0) { detectPhase = 1; // Wait for press. } } return null; }
public static void Setup() { Platform = (SystemInfo.operatingSystem + " " + SystemInfo.deviceModel).ToUpper(); initialTime = 0.0f; currentTime = 0.0f; lastUpdateTime = 0.0f; currentTick = 0; inputDeviceManagers.Clear(); Devices.Clear(); activeDevice = InputDevice.Null; isSetup = true; #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_EDITOR if (enableXInput) { if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsPlayer || Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor) { HideDevicesWithProfile( typeof( Xbox360WinProfile ) ); HideDevicesWithProfile( typeof( LogitechF710ModeXWinProfile ) ); InputManager.AddDeviceManager( new XInputDeviceManager() ); } } #endif AddDeviceManager( new UnityInputDeviceManager() ); if (OnSetup != null) { OnSetup.Invoke(); OnSetup = null; } }
Color GetColorFromActionButtons( InputDevice inputDevice ) { if (inputDevice.Action1) { return; } if (inputDevice.Action2) { return; } if (inputDevice.Action3) { return; } if (inputDevice.Action4) { return Color.yellow; } return Color.white; }
public BindingSource Listen( BindingListenOptions listenOptions, InputDevice device ) { if (!listenOptions.IncludeUnknownControllers || device.IsKnown) { return null; } if (detectPhase == DetectPhase.WaitForControlRelease && detectFound) { if (!IsPressed( detectFound, device )) { var bindingSource = new UnknownDeviceBindingSource( detectFound ); Reset(); return bindingSource; } } var control = ListenForControl( listenOptions, device ); if (control) { if (detectPhase == DetectPhase.WaitForControlPress) { detectFound = control; detectPhase = DetectPhase.WaitForControlRelease; } } else { if (detectPhase == DetectPhase.WaitForInitialRelease) { detectPhase = DetectPhase.WaitForControlPress; } } return null; }
public override float GetValue(InputDevice device) { return(Control.GetValue(device)); }
// Check for pause and select button press void Update() { InControl.InputDevice input = InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice; if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.Start)) && m_state.Peek() == State.InGame) { m_state.Push(State.Pause); m_inGameUI.SetActive(false); m_pauseMenuUI.SetActive(true); m_pauseMenuUI.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().Select();//Set selected (random first button) Pause(); } else if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Tab) || input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.Select) || input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.DPadDown)) && m_state.Peek() == State.InGame) { m_state.Push(State.Upgrades); m_inGameUI.SetActive(false); m_mutagenMenuUI.SetActive(true); m_mutagenMenuUI.GetComponentInChildren <Button>().Select();//Set selected (random first button) Pause(); } else if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape) || input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.Action2)) && (m_state.Peek() == State.Upgrades || m_state.Peek() == State.Settings || m_state.Peek() == State.Pause)) { m_state.Pop(); //Out of upgrades/options to inGame if (m_state.Peek() == State.Title) { m_titleMenuUI.SetActive(true); m_settingsUI.SetActive(false); } else if (m_state.Peek() == State.Pause) { m_pauseMenuUI.SetActive(true); m_settingsUI.SetActive(false); } else { m_inGameUI.SetActive(true); //set all possibilities to false m_mutagenMenuUI.SetActive(false); m_scrapMenuUI.SetActive(false); m_pauseMenuUI.SetActive(false); m_settingsUI.SetActive(false); //Unpause UnPause(); } } else if ((Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.D) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A) || input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.LeftBumper) || input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.RightBumper)) && !m_menuSwitch && m_state.Peek() == State.Upgrades) { m_menuSwitch = true; ScrapMutaMenuToggle(); } else if (!input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.LeftBumper) && !input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.RightBumper) && m_menuSwitch) { m_menuSwitch = false; } if (m_state.Peek() == State.InGame) { m_timer += Time.deltaTime; } }
public float GetValue(InputDevice inputDevice) { return(Input.GetAxisRaw(MouseAxisQuery)); }
internal static bool SetupInternal() { if (IsSetup) { return(false); } #if !NETFX_CORE && !UNITY_WEBPLAYER && !UNITY_EDITOR_OSX && (UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_EDITOR_WIN) Platform = Utility.GetWindowsVersion().ToUpper(); #else Platform = (SystemInfo.operatingSystem + " " + SystemInfo.deviceModel).ToUpper(); #endif enabled = true; initialTime = 0.0f; currentTime = 0.0f; lastUpdateTime = 0.0f; currentTick = 0; applicationIsFocused = true; deviceManagers.Clear(); deviceManagerTable.Clear(); devices.Clear(); Devices = new ReadOnlyCollection <InputDevice>(devices); activeDevice = InputDevice.Null; playerActionSets.Clear(); // TODO: Can this move further down along with the OnSetup callback? IsSetup = true; var enableUnityInput = true; var nativeInputIsEnabled = EnableNativeInput && NativeInputDeviceManager.Enable(); if (nativeInputIsEnabled) { enableUnityInput = false; } #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN || UNITY_EDITOR if (EnableXInput && enableUnityInput) { XInputDeviceManager.Enable(); } #endif #if UNITY_IOS if (EnableICade) { ICadeDeviceManager.Enable(); } #endif #if UNITY_XBOXONE if (XboxOneInputDeviceManager.Enable()) { enableUnityInput = false; } #endif #if UNITY_SWITCH if (NintendoSwitchInputDeviceManager.Enable()) { enableUnityInput = false; } #endif // TODO: Can this move further down after the UnityInputDeviceManager is added? // Currently, it allows use of InputManager.HideDevicesWithProfile() if (OnSetup != null) { OnSetup.Invoke(); OnSetup = null; } #if UNITY_ANDROID && INCONTROL_OUYA && !UNITY_EDITOR enableUnityInput = false; #endif if (enableUnityInput) { AddDeviceManager <UnityInputDeviceManager>(); } return(true); }
public override bool GetState(InputDevice inputDevice) { return(Utility.IsNotZero(GetValue(inputDevice))); }
public bool LastChangedAfter(InputDevice device) { return(device == null || LastChangeTick > device.LastChangeTick); }
public override bool GetState(InputDevice inputDevice) { return(Control.IsPressed); }
public bool LastChangedAfter(InputDevice otherDevice) { return(LastChangeTick > otherDevice.LastChangeTick); }
/// <summary> /// Read a bool value from the binding source in the context of an optional InputDevice. /// </summary> /// <returns><c>true</c> if the value of the binding is non-zero; otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns> /// <param name="inputDevice">An input device which serves as the context for this source, if applicable. Pass in null when not applicable.</param> public abstract bool GetState(InputDevice inputDevice);
// Source: public Vector2 GetLeftStickInput(InputDevice device) { Vector2 stickInput = new Vector2(device.LeftStickX, device.LeftStickY); return(ApplyRadialDeadzone(stickInput)); }
public User(InputDevice device) { this.device = device; }
public void SetControllerId(int controllerId_) { controllerId = controllerId_; inControlDevice = InControl.InputManager.Devices[controllerId]; }
internal void Update(ulong updateTick, float deltaTime, InputDevice device) { Device = device; UpdateBindings(updateTick, deltaTime); DetectBindings(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Stop drilling after x seconds AnimationEnum nextAnimation = animation; if (animation == AnimationEnum.Drill) { const float SecondsToDrill = 3f; if (Time.time - m_DrillStartTime > SecondsToDrill) { m_DrillStartTime = 0; nextAnimation = AnimationEnum.Idle; } } float movementX = 0; float movementY = 0; bool jump = false; bool drill = false; // Use last device which provided input. if (InControl.InputManager.Devices.Count == 0) { return; } if (PlayerIndex < InControl.InputManager.Devices.Count) { InControl.InputDevice device = InControl.InputManager.Devices[PlayerIndex]; movementX = device.LeftStickX; if (device.DPadLeft) { movementX = -1; } else if (device.DPadRight) { movementX = 1; } movementY = device.LeftStickY; if (device.DPadUp) { movementY = 1; } else if (device.DPadDown) { movementY = -1; } jump = device.Action1.WasPressed; drill = device.Action3.WasPressed; } else { InControl.InputDevice device = InControl.InputManager.Devices[0]; movementX = device.RightStickX; movementY = device.RightStickY; jump = device.Action2.WasPressed; drill = device.Action4.WasPressed; } // Move if able if (nextAnimation != AnimationEnum.Drill) { rb.velocity = new Vector2(3.0f * movementX, rb.velocity.y); if (rb.velocity.x == 0) { nextAnimation = AnimationEnum.Idle; } else { nextAnimation = AnimationEnum.Walk; } } // Look the correct way if (rb.velocity.x < 0) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(MirrorHack * -1 * Mathf.Abs(transform.localScale.x), transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); } else if (rb.velocity.x > 0) { transform.localScale = new Vector3(MirrorHack * Mathf.Abs(transform.localScale.x), transform.localScale.y, transform.localScale.z); } // Apply the animation SetAnimation(nextAnimation); // Walking sound if (collider.Raycast(Vector2.down, new RaycastHit2D[] { new RaycastHit2D() }, collider.bounds.extents.y + 0.125f) > 0 && movementX != 0.0f && !audio.isPlaying) { audio.PlayOneShot(walkSound); } //if( inputDevice.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType)) // Rotate target object with left stick. //transform.Rotate(Vector3.down, 500.0f * Time.deltaTime * inputDevice.LeftStickX, Space.World); //transform.Rotate(Vector3.right, 500.0f * Time.deltaTime * inputDevice.LeftStickY, Space.World); // Check direct inputs CheckButton(ActionEnum.Jump, jump); CheckButton(ActionEnum.Drill, drill); // Check for received transmissions if (null == transmissionManager.TransmissionControllers) { return; } foreach (var transmission in transmissionManager.TransmissionControllers) { if (transmission.TransmittedAction.SourcePlayer == gameObject || transmission.TransmittedAction.Seen) { continue; } float distanceToSource = Vector3.Distance(transform.position, transmission.transform.position); float transmissionDistance = transmission.TransmissionDistance(); if (transmissionDistance > distanceToSource) { //Debug.LogFormat ("See transmission: {0} > {1}", transmissionDistance, distanceToSource); audio.PlayOneShot(recvSound, .75f); ActivateButton(transmission.TransmittedAction.Button); transmission.TransmittedAction.Seen = true; } } }
public float GetValue(InputDevice inputDevice) { return(GetState(inputDevice) ? 1.0f : 0.0f); }
public override float GetValue(InputDevice inputDevice) { return(GetValue(Control)); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { InControl.InputDevice input = InControl.InputManager.ActiveDevice; //Input //Works with both WASD and Left joystick Vector3 move = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, Input.GetAxis("Vertical")) * m_speed; if (move.sqrMagnitude >= m_speed * m_speed) { move = move.normalized * m_speed; } //No controller //if (input == InControl.InputDevice.Null) { transform.LookAt(GetMouseToPlayerPlanePoint()); //look at mouse //} //Joystick if (input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.RightStickX) != 0 || input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.RightStickY) != 0) { float heading = Mathf.Atan2(input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.RightStickX), input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.RightStickY)) * Mathf.Rad2Deg; transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, heading, 0f); } else { } //Moving back or forward for animation blending EXPAND to side ways as well if (Vector3.Dot(transform.forward, move) < 0) { m_animator.SetFloat("Speed", -move.magnitude / m_speed);//Backwards } else { m_animator.SetFloat("Speed", move.magnitude / m_speed); } //Keep grounded if (!m_controller.isGrounded) { //fall move.y += Physics.gravity.y * 10 * Time.deltaTime; } else { move.y = 0; } //Move using controller m_controller.Move(move * Time.deltaTime); //Range shoot input. only will do another action if in Movement (not doing other actions) if (m_animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(1).IsName("UpperBody.Movement")) { if ((input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.LeftTrigger) > 0 || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) && m_rangeTimer >= m_rangeCooldown && m_bulletPrefabs.Count > 0 && m_bulletExitPos != null) { m_animator.SetTrigger("Shoot"); HideMelee(); ShowRange(); //CreateBullet();//Animator now calls it m_rangeTimer = 0; }//Melee else if ((input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.RightTrigger) > 0 || Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) && m_meleeTimer >= m_meleeCooldown) { m_animator.SetTrigger("Melee"); //Hit check Animator calls the function now // MeleeSwing(); //Set timer to 0 m_meleeTimer = 0; } else if ((input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.LeftBumper).IsPressed || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Q)) && m_blockTimer >= m_blockCooldown) { //Blocking GameObject spawn = Instantiate <GameObject>(m_defEffPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation); spawn.GetComponent <EffectDestroy>().m_duration = m_blockDuration; spawn.transform.parent = this.transform; m_animator.SetTrigger("Block"); m_incomeDamMod -= m_blockChange; //drop the mod m_blockCounter = 0.01f; //Counts up to duration MATCH WITH ANIMATION? m_blockTimer = 0; //Cooldown } else if ((input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.RightBumper).IsPressed || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.E)) && GameManager.Instance.MutaGenAmount() > m_healCost && m_healTimer > m_healCooldown) { //Heal GameObject spawn = Instantiate <GameObject>(m_healEffPrefab, transform.position, transform.rotation); spawn.GetComponent <EffectDestroy>().m_duration = 1.0f; spawn.transform.parent = this.transform; IncreaseCurrentHP(m_healAmount); GameManager.Instance.ChangeMutaGen(-m_healCost); m_healTimer = 0; //Create glow or something? } else if ((input.GetControl(InControl.InputControlType.Action4) || Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel") != 0 || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.R))) { //Cycle through weapons m_bulletIndex++; if (m_bulletIndex >= m_bulletPrefabs.Count) { m_bulletIndex = 0; //Cycle } } } Debug.Log(m_animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(1).IsName("UpperBody.Movement")); //Timers if (m_rangeTimer < m_rangeCooldown) { m_rangeTimer += Time.deltaTime; } if (m_meleeTimer < m_meleeCooldown) { m_meleeTimer += Time.deltaTime; } if (m_blockTimer < m_blockCooldown) { m_blockTimer += Time.deltaTime; } //If not 0 increase until hits duration if (m_blockCounter > 0 && m_blockCounter < m_blockDuration) { m_blockCounter += Time.deltaTime; } //If its out of duration set block damage back to normal if (m_blockCounter >= m_blockDuration) { m_incomeDamMod += m_blockChange;//reset modifier m_blockCounter = 0.0f; } if (m_healTimer < m_healCooldown) { m_healTimer += Time.deltaTime; } }
public static void DetachDevice( InputDevice inputDevice ) { AssertIsSetup(); Devices.Remove( inputDevice ); SortDevices(); if (ActiveDevice == inputDevice) { ActiveDevice = InputDevice.Null; } if (OnDeviceDetached != null) { OnDeviceDetached( inputDevice ); } }
/// <summary> /// Read a float value from the binding source in the context of an optional InputDevice. /// </summary> /// <returns>The value, usually in the range -1..1, but not necessarily, for example, /// in the case of mouse movement.</returns> /// <param name="inputDevice">An input device which serves as the context for this source, if applicable. Pass in null when not applicable.</param> public abstract float GetValue(InputDevice inputDevice);
public override bool GetState(InputDevice inputDevice) { return(!Mathf.Approximately(GetValue(inputDevice), 0.0f)); }
public float GetValue(InputDevice inputDevice) { var unityDevice = inputDevice as UnityInputDevice; return(unityDevice.ReadRawAnalogValue(AnalogIndex)); }