//Method to start a process and pass commandline to the process for tracking
        private bool NWCProcess()
            //Check if the program is installed
            string NWCTaskRunner        = @"\FiletoolsTaskRunner.exe";
            string NWCTaskRunnerProgram = NWC_ProgramPath + NWCTaskRunner;

            //string NWCFileListText = @"C:\Temp\NWC_FileList.txt";
            //Build the arguments including the double quotes
            string NWC_quote       = "\"";
            string NWCFileListText = FolderLocation + "\\NWC_Automator.txt"; //This didn't needed the double quotes
            string NWC_list        = NWC_quote + NWCFileListText + NWC_quote;
            string NWC_NWF         = NWC_quote + FolderLocation + "\\NWC_Automator.nwf" + NWC_quote;
            string NWC_log         = NWC_quote + FolderLocation + "\\NWC_Automator.Log" + NWC_quote;
            string NWC_lang        = " /lang en-US";
            //string NWC_arguments = @" /i ""C:\Temp\NWC_FileList.txt"" /of ""C:\Temp\conference.nwf"" /log ""C:\Temp\events.log"" /lang fr-fr";
            string NWC_arguments = " /i " + NWC_list + " /of " + NWC_NWF + " /log " + NWC_log + NWC_lang;

            //Process the TaskRunner
                //Write the text file before passing it to the arguments
                if (FileHandlingForRevitFiles.WriteTXT(MyFileNames, NWCFileListText))
                    if (File.Exists(NWCTaskRunnerProgram) == true)
                        process_NWC.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
                        process_NWC.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                        process_NWC.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
                        process_NWC.StartInfo.FileName  = NWCTaskRunnerProgram;
                        process_NWC.StartInfo.Arguments = NWC_arguments;
                        process_NWC.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
                        process_NWC.Exited += new EventHandler(process_Exited);

                        StreamReader reader = process_NWC.StandardOutput;
                        //StreamReader errors = process_NWC.StandardError;
                        //string output = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        //string error = errors.ReadToEnd();
                        Application.Current.MainWindow.WindowState = WindowState.Minimized;
                        MessageBox.Show("The program doesn't exist. Please verify if Navisworks Manage 2015 is installed.");
            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine("An error occured \"{0}\" :" + "\n" + ex.Message, NWCTaskRunnerProgram);

        //Actual Command that should run
        private void _NWC_ProgramPath()
            string _tempPath = FileHandlingForRevitFiles.GetFolderPath();

            if (_tempPath != "")
                NWC_ProgramPath = _tempPath;
 //Actual Command that should run
 private void _SaveXMLFileList()
     if (MyFileNames.ListRowItem.Count != 0)
         MyFileNames.NavisworksPath = NWC_ProgramPath;
         //string filepath = @"myFileList.xml";
         FolderLocation = FileHandlingForRevitFiles.MasterFolderLocation;
        //void Selected(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
        //    {
        //        ListView cmd = (ListView)sender;
        //        string selectedItem = (string)(((System.Data.DataRowView)(cmd.SelectedItem)).Row[0]);
        //    }

        #region FileRowProcessing

        public static ObservableCollection <UnitFileRow> FileRowProcessing()
            ObservableCollection <UnitFileRow> _fileList = new ObservableCollection <UnitFileRow>();

            foreach (string fileName in FileHandlingForRevitFiles.GetAllRevitFilesForProcessing())
                bool   isSelected = true;
                string name       = fileName;
                //string rename = "<Give a new name>";
                string   rename  = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName);
                DateTime dateRan = DateTime.Now;

                //string rename = name.Split(name)
                _fileList.Add(new UnitFileRow(isSelected, name, rename, dateRan));
        //Actual Command that should run
        private void _LoadXMLFileList()
            // MyFileNames = DataProcessing.FileRowProcessing();
            MyFileNames     = FileHandlingForRevitFiles.DeserializeFromXML(MyFileNames);
            FolderLocation  = FileHandlingForRevitFiles.MasterFolderLocation;
            NWC_ProgramPath = MyFileNames.NavisworksPath;
            List <string> missingFiles = new List <string>();

            //check if the loaded files exists in the location
            foreach (UnitFileRow element in MyFileNames.ListRowItem)
                if (!File.Exists(element.UnitFileName))
            if (missingFiles.Count > 0)
                MessageBox.Show("The following files doesn't exists! \n" + String.Join("\n", missingFiles) + "\nUse Cleanup button to remove such files from the list.", "Missing File", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Exclamation);
 //Actual Command that should run
 private void _LocateFolder()
     FolderLocation = FileHandlingForRevitFiles.GetFolderPath();