This is the outcome of a geodetic calculation. It represents the path and ellipsoidal distance between two GlobalCoordinates for a specified reference ellipsoid.
        internal GeodeticMeasurement CalculateGeodeticMeasurement(Ellipsoid refEllipsoid, GlobalPosition start, GlobalPosition end, double tolerance)
            // get the coordinates
            GlobalCoordinates startCoords = start.Coordinates;
            GlobalCoordinates endCoords   = end.Coordinates;

            // calculate elevation differences
            double elev1  = start.ElevationMeters;
            double elev2  = end.ElevationMeters;
            double elev12 = (elev1 + elev2) / 2.0;

            // calculate latitude differences
            double phi1  = startCoords.Latitude.Radians;
            double phi2  = endCoords.Latitude.Radians;
            double phi12 = (phi1 + phi2) / 2.0;

            // calculate a new ellipsoid to accommodate average elevation
            double    refA      = refEllipsoid.SemiMajorAxisMeters;
            double    f         = refEllipsoid.Flattening;
            double    a         = refA + elev12 * (1.0 + f * Math.Sin(phi12));
            Ellipsoid ellipsoid = Ellipsoid.FromAAndF(a, f);

            // calculate the curve at the average elevation
            GeodeticCurve averageCurve = CalculateGeodeticCurve(ellipsoid, startCoords, endCoords, tolerance);

            // return the measurement
            return(new GeodeticMeasurement(averageCurve, elev2 - elev1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of GeodeticMeasurement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="averageCurve">the geodetic curve as measured at the average elevation between two points</param>
        /// <param name="elevationChange">the change in elevation, in meters, going from the starting point to the ending point</param>
        public GeodeticMeasurement(GeodeticCurve averageCurve, double elevationChange)
            double ellDist = averageCurve.EllipsoidalDistance;

            mCurve           = averageCurve;
            mElevationChange = elevationChange;
            mP2P             = Math.Sqrt(ellDist * ellDist + mElevationChange * mElevationChange);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of GeodeticMeasurement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="averageCurve">the geodetic curve as measured at the average elevation between two points</param>
        /// <param name="elevationChange">the change in elevation, in meters, going from the starting point to the ending point</param>
        public GeodeticMeasurement(GeodeticCurve averageCurve, double elevationChange)
            double ellDist = averageCurve.EllipsoidalDistance;

              mCurve = averageCurve;
              mElevationChange = elevationChange;
              mP2P = Math.Sqrt(ellDist * ellDist + mElevationChange * mElevationChange);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of GeodeticMeasurement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="averageCurve">the geodetic curve as measured at the average elevation between two points</param>
        /// <param name="elevationChangeMeters">the change in elevation, in meters, going from the starting point to the ending point</param>
        public GeodeticMeasurement(GeodeticCurve averageCurve, double elevationChangeMeters)
            double ellipsoidalDistanceMeters = averageCurve.EllipsoidalDistanceMeters;

            this.AverageCurve               = averageCurve;
            this.ElevationChangeMeters      = elevationChangeMeters;
            this.PointToPointDistanceMeters = Math.Sqrt((ellipsoidalDistanceMeters * ellipsoidalDistanceMeters) + (elevationChangeMeters * elevationChangeMeters));