Пример #1
    //  ////////////////////////////////////////////////     ////////////////////////     >>>>> Initialize.... <<<<<
    public static void Init()
        // [2013:1:3:MOOON] New Started
        Ag.LogLineIntense("Unity :: Ag.cs >>>>>   Init ");

        // Debug, Platform related Settings.
        mIsDebug = true;

        // [2012:11:11:MOON] Single Mode...
        mSingleMode = Ag.mgFBisValid = false;

        // Variables Initiation
        mShowWaitSign = mgServerLoggedIn = mgFBisValid = mgIsGuestMode =
            mgIsThePacketSent2theServer = mgAmIhavingPorsion = mGameStartAlready = mNetPackWaiting = false;
        Ag.mLoginPhase = "LP";

        // Screen Size
        mgScrX = Screen.width; mgScrY = Screen.height;
        if (mgScrX < mgScrY)
            float longer = mgScrY; mgScrY = mgScrX;  mgScrX = longer;
        Ag.LogString("Ag::Init   Screen Size >>>>>   mgScrX: " + mgScrX + ", mgScrY: " + mgScrY);

        // Language
        Ag.mgLanguage = Application.systemLanguage.ToString();
        Ag.mgLanguage = Ag.mgLanguage.Substring(0, 3);
        if (Ag.mgLanguage != "Chi" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Kor" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Jap" &&
            Ag.mgLanguage != "Spa" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Ger")
            Ag.mgLanguage = "Eng";
        Ag.LogString("Ag::Init   Current Language is >>> " + Ag.mgLanguage);

        Ag.mPlatform = Platform.IOS;
        //Ag.mIAP = new AmIAP();

        if (iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone4 || iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone4S)
            Ag.mgIsRetina = true; Ag.mgIsIPhone = true;
        if (iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone3GS)
            Ag.mgIsRetina = false; Ag.mgIsIPhone = true;
        //Ag.mPlatform = Platform.OSX;
        Ag.mIAP      = new AmIAP();
        Ag.mPlatform = Platform.DRD;
        //Screen.SetResolution((Screen.height/2)*3 ,Screen.height,false);
        AgUtil.mAppleReviewURL = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appsgraphy.psykickbattle&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5hcHBzZ3JhcGh5LnBzeWtpY2tiYXR0bGUiXQ";
        AgUtil.mAppStoreURL    = AgUtil.mAppleReviewURL;
        mgScrX = Screen.height / 2 * 3; mgScrY = Screen.height;

        Ag.LogIntenseWord("  End of Ag.Init ");
Пример #2
    //  ////////////////////////////////////////////////     ////////////////////////     >>>>> Initialize.... <<<<<
    public static void Init()
        // [2013:1:3:MOOON] New Started
        Ag.LogLineIntense("Unity :: Ag.cs >>>>>   Init ");

        // Debug, Platform related Settings.
        mIsDebug = true;

        // [2012:11:11:MOON] Single Mode...
        mSingleMode = Ag.mgFBisValid = false;

        // Variables Initiation
        mShowWaitSign = mgServerLoggedIn = mgFBisValid = mgIsGuestMode =
         mgIsThePacketSent2theServer = mgAmIhavingPorsion = mGameStartAlready = mNetPackWaiting = false;
        Ag.mLoginPhase = "LP";

        // Screen Size
        mgScrX = Screen.width; mgScrY = Screen.height;
        if ( mgScrX < mgScrY ) { float longer = mgScrY; mgScrY = mgScrX;  mgScrX = longer; }
        Ag.LogString("Ag::Init   Screen Size >>>>>   mgScrX: " + mgScrX + ", mgScrY: " + mgScrY);

        // Language
        Ag.mgLanguage = Application.systemLanguage.ToString() ;
        Ag.mgLanguage = Ag.mgLanguage.Substring(0, 3);
        if ( Ag.mgLanguage != "Chi" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Kor" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Jap" &&
             Ag.mgLanguage != "Spa" && Ag.mgLanguage != "Ger" )
            Ag.mgLanguage = "Eng";
        Ag.LogString("Ag::Init   Current Language is >>> " + Ag.mgLanguage);

        #if UNITY_IPHONE
        Ag.mPlatform = Platform.IOS;
        //Ag.mIAP = new AmIAP();

        if ( iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone4 || iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone4S) {
            Ag.mgIsRetina = true; Ag.mgIsIPhone = true;
        if ( iPhone.generation == iPhoneGeneration.iPhone3GS) {
            Ag.mgIsRetina = false; Ag.mgIsIPhone = true;
        #if UNITY_ANDROID
        //Ag.mPlatform = Platform.OSX;
        Ag.mIAP = new AmIAP();
        Ag.mPlatform = Platform.DRD;
        //Screen.SetResolution((Screen.height/2)*3 ,Screen.height,false);
        AgUtil.mAppleReviewURL = "https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.appsgraphy.psykickbattle&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5hcHBzZ3JhcGh5LnBzeWtpY2tiYXR0bGUiXQ";
        AgUtil.mAppStoreURL = AgUtil.mAppleReviewURL;
        mgScrX = Screen.height/2 * 3; mgScrY = Screen.height;

        Ag.LogIntenseWord("  End of Ag.Init ");