public void TakeDamage(Damager damager, bool ignoreInvincible = false) { if ((m_Invulnerable && !ignoreInvincible) || m_CurrentHealth <= 0) { return; } //we can reach that point if the damager was one that was ignoring invincible state. //We still want the callback that we were hit, but not the damage to be removed from health. if (!m_Invulnerable) { m_CurrentHealth -= damager.damage; OnHealthSet.Invoke(this); } m_DamageDirection = transform.position + (Vector3)centreOffset - damager.transform.position; OnTakeDamage.Invoke(damager, this); if (m_CurrentHealth <= 0) { OnDie.Invoke(damager, this); m_ResetHealthOnSceneReload = true; EnableInvulnerability(); if (disableOnDeath) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
public void OnHurt(Damager damager, Damageable damageable) { //if the player don't have control, we shouldn't be able to be hurt as this wouldn't be fair if (!PlayerInput.Instance.HaveControl) { return; } UpdateFacing(damageable.GetDamageDirection().x > 0f); damageable.EnableInvulnerability(); m_Animator.SetTrigger(m_HashHurtPara); //we only force respawn if helath > 0, otherwise both forceRespawn & Death trigger are set in the animator, messing with each other. if (damageable.CurrentHealth > 0 && damager.forceRespawn) { m_Animator.SetTrigger(m_HashForcedRespawnPara); } m_Animator.SetBool(m_HashGroundedPara, false); hurtAudioPlayer.PlayRandomSound(); //if the health is < 0, mean die callback will take care of respawn if (damager.forceRespawn && damageable.CurrentHealth > 0) { StartCoroutine(DieRespawnCoroutine(false, true)); } }
public void ShieldHit(Damager damager, Damageable damageable) { Vector3 localPosition = transform.InverseTransformPoint(damager.transform.position); m_Material.SetVector("_HitPosition", localPosition); m_Intensity = 1.0f; }
//En la escena void OnSceneGUI() { Damager damager = (Damager)target; //si Damager no esta activo retorne y apague el cuadrito verde que se dibuja en la escena if (!damager.enabled) { return; } //en una matrix asigne la posicion local del transform del damager Matrix4x4 handleMatrix = damager.transform.localToWorldMatrix; handleMatrix.SetRow(0, Vector4.Scale(handleMatrix.GetRow(0), new Vector4(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f))); handleMatrix.SetRow(1, Vector4.Scale(handleMatrix.GetRow(1), new Vector4(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f))); handleMatrix.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, damager.transform.position.z)); using (new Handles.DrawingScope(handleMatrix)) { //asigno a la variable s_Box.. declarada arriba las opciones dadas en el inspector = damager.offset; s_BoxBoundsHandle.size = damager.size; s_BoxBoundsHandle.SetColor(s_EnabledColor); //Asigno el color dado arriba EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); //Comprueba si algo a cambiado en el bloque de codigo s_BoxBoundsHandle.DrawHandle(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) //finaliza los cambios echos en beginchangeCheck { Undo.RecordObject(damager, "Modify Damager"); damager.size = s_BoxBoundsHandle.size; damager.offset =; } } }
void OnSceneGUI() { Damager damager = (Damager)target; if (!damager.enabled) { return; } Matrix4x4 handleMatrix = damager.transform.localToWorldMatrix; ////Hotkang 2018.7.24 疑问: 用处何在? 注释掉后暂未发现区别 ////Debug.Log(handleMatrix); handleMatrix.SetRow(0, Vector4.Scale(handleMatrix.GetRow(0), new Vector4(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f))); handleMatrix.SetRow(1, Vector4.Scale(handleMatrix.GetRow(1), new Vector4(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f))); handleMatrix.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, damager.transform.position.z)); ////Debug.Log(handleMatrix); using (new Handles.DrawingScope(handleMatrix)) { = damager.offset; s_BoxBoundsHandle.size = damager.size; s_BoxBoundsHandle.SetColor(s_EnabledColor); EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); s_BoxBoundsHandle.DrawHandle(); if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { Undo.RecordObject(damager, "Modify Damager"); damager.size = s_BoxBoundsHandle.size; damager.offset =; } } }
//Si es herido public void OnHurt(Damager damager, Damageable damageable) { //if the player don't have control, we shouldn't be able to be hurt as this wouldn't be fair if (!PlayerInput.Instance.HaveControl) { return; } //Actualice la cara segun la direccion del daño obtenido UpdateFacing(damageable.GetDamageDirection().x > 0f); //si es mayor a cero lanzo el ataque hacia la derecha y me impacto en la izquerda damageable.EnableInvulnerability(); //activa invulnerabilidad //Trigger de daño recibido al animador m_Animator.SetTrigger(m_HashHurtPara); //Llama a HurtSMB que activa el flickering //solo forzamos la reaparición si helath > 0, de lo contrario, los activadores forceRespawn y Death se establecen en el animador, jugando entre sí. //we only force respawn if helath > 0, otherwise both forceRespawn & Death trigger are set in the animator, messing with each other. if (damageable.CurrentHealth > 0 && damager.forceRespawn) { m_Animator.SetTrigger(m_HashForcedRespawnPara); } //piso falso m_Animator.SetBool(m_HashGroundedPara, false); hurtAudioPlayer.PlayRandomSound(); // si la salud es < 0, significa muerte la devolución de llamada tomara cuidado de reaparecer //if the health is < 0, mean die callback will take care of respawn if (damager.forceRespawn && damageable.CurrentHealth > 0) { StartCoroutine(DieRespawnCoroutine(false, true)); } }
//Tomar dañollamado desde el script Damager public void TakeDamage(Damager damager, bool ignoreInvincible = false) { //si es invulnerable y no esta en ignorar invencible o la sangre es menor a cero retorne el codigo if ((m_Invulnerable && !ignoreInvincible) || m_CurrentHealth <= 0) { return; } //podemos encontrar ese punto si el damager fue uno que estaba ignorando el estado invencible //we can reach that point if the damager was one that was ignoring invincible state. //Todavía queremos la devolución de llamada que golpeo, pero no el daño que se eliminará de la salud. //We still want the callback that we were hit, but not the damage to be removed from health. if (!m_Invulnerable) { m_CurrentHealth -= damager.damage; //resta el daño OnHealthSet.Invoke(this); //configura dos metodos en el canvas } //Direccion Daño= la posicion actual + vector 3 * centreOffset: 0 , 1 lo que hace que se posicione mas al centro - la posicion del dañador m_DamageDirection = transform.position + (Vector3)centreOffset - damager.transform.position; OnTakeDamage.Invoke(damager, this);//Este evento llama al script y metodo deseado en el inspector para el jugador llama OnHurt en el script PlayerCharacter para el enemigo llama EnemyBehaviour.Hit //Si muere if (m_CurrentHealth <= 0) { OnDie.Invoke(damager, this);//evento ondie que llama a ondie en PlayerCharacter m_ResetHealthOnSceneReload = true; EnableInvulnerability(); if (disableOnDeath) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }
public void GetReferences() { m_Renderer = GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); m_Filter = GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); m_BoxCollider = GetComponent <BoxCollider2D>(); m_Damager = GetComponent <Damager>(); m_Bubbles = transform.Find("Bubbles").GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); m_Steam = transform.Find("Steam").GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); m_BuoyancyEffector = GetComponent <BuoyancyEffector2D>(); }
public void TakeDamage(Damager damager, bool canDamageInvincibility = false) { if (m_Invulnerable && !canDamageInvincibility) { return; } m_IsAlive = false; OnDie.Invoke(damager, this); if (disableOnDeath) { gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
public void OnHurt(Damager damager, Damageable damageable) { //if the player don't have control, we shouldn't be able to be hurt as this wouldn't be fair if (!PlayerInput.Instance.HaveControl) { return; } damageable.EnableInvulnerability(); //if the health is < 0, mean die callback will take care of respawn if (damager.forceRespawn && damageable.CurrentHealth > 0) { GameController.isGameOver = true; } }
public void Die(Damager damager, Damageable damageable) { Vector2 throwVector = new Vector2(0, 2.0f); Vector2 damagerToThis = damager.transform.position - transform.position; throwVector.x = Mathf.Sign(damagerToThis.x) * -4.0f; SetMoveVector(throwVector); m_Animator.SetTrigger(m_HashDeathPara); dieAudio.PlayRandomSound(); m_Dead = true; m_Collider.enabled = false; CameraShaker.Shake(0.15f, 0.3f); }
void OnSceneGUI() { Damager damager = (Damager)target; if (!damager.enabled || m_UseTriggerColliderProp.boolValue) { return; } Matrix4x4 handleMatrix = damager.transform.localToWorldMatrix; handleMatrix.SetRow(0, Vector4.Scale(handleMatrix.GetRow(0), new Vector4(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f))); handleMatrix.SetRow(1, Vector4.Scale(handleMatrix.GetRow(1), new Vector4(1f, 1f, 0f, 1f))); handleMatrix.SetRow(2, new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, damager.transform.position.z)); using (new Handles.DrawingScope(handleMatrix)) { = damager.offset; s_BoxBoundsHandle.size = damager.size; s_BoxBoundsHandle.SetColor(s_EnabledColor); //Check if any control was changed inside a block of code. EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); // Block of code with controls // this may set GUI.changed to true. s_BoxBoundsHandle.DrawHandle(); //if true, GUI.changed was set to true if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { // Code to execute if GUI.changed // was set to true inside the block of code above. //Records any changes done on the object after the RecordObject function //name: The title of the action to appear in the undo history (i.e. visible in the undo menu). Undo.RecordObject(damager, "Modify Damager"); damager.size = s_BoxBoundsHandle.size; damager.offset =; } } }
public void Hit(Damager damager, Damageable damageable) { if (damageable.CurrentHealth <= 0) { return; } m_Animator.SetTrigger(m_HashHitPara); Vector2 throwVector = new Vector2(0, 3.0f); Vector2 damagerToThis = damager.transform.position - transform.position; throwVector.x = Mathf.Sign(damagerToThis.x) * -2.0f; m_MoveVector = throwVector; if (m_FlickeringCoroutine != null) { StopCoroutine(m_FlickeringCoroutine); m_SpriteRenderer.color = m_OriginalColor; } m_FlickeringCoroutine = StartCoroutine(Flicker(damageable)); CameraShaker.Shake(0.15f, 0.3f); }
public void OnHitNonDamageable(Damager origin) { FindSurface(origin.LastHit); }
public void OnHitDamageable(Damager origin, Damageable damageable) { FindSurface(origin.LastHit); }