Пример #1
        public Inventory(ShipPartDNA part)
            this.Ship = null;
            this.Part = part;
            this.Mineral = null;

            this.Count = 1;

            this.Volume = Math1D.Avg(part.Scale.X, part.Scale.Y, part.Scale.Z);
            this.Mass = 1;

            this.Token = TokenGenerator.NextToken();
Пример #2
        public Icon3D(ShipPartDNA dna, EditorOptions options)

            // Need to set position to zero, or the image won't be centered (part's model considers position/orientation)
            dna = ShipPartDNA.Clone(dna);
            dna.Position = new Point3D();
            dna.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;

            PartDesignBase part = BotConstructor.GetPartDesign(dna, options, false);

            this.ItemName = part.PartType;
            this.Part = part;

            lblName.Text = this.ItemName;

            lblName.Visibility = _showName ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Collapsed;


Пример #3
        internal static void GetMass(out double mass, out double volume, out double radius, out Vector3D actualScale, ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions)
            double radiusLocal = ((dna.Scale.X * SensorVisionDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_XY) + (dna.Scale.Y * SensorVisionDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_XY)) / (2d * 2d);     // scale is diameter, so divide an extra two to get radius
            double heightLocal = dna.Scale.Z * SensorVisionDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_Z;
            double halfHeightLocal = heightLocal / 2d;

            volume = Math.PI * radiusLocal * radiusLocal * heightLocal;		// get volume of the cylinder

            // This isn't the radius of the cylinder, it is the radius of the bounding sphere
            radius = Math.Sqrt((radiusLocal * radiusLocal) + (halfHeightLocal * halfHeightLocal));

            mass = volume * itemOptions.Sensor_Density;

            actualScale = new Vector3D(dna.Scale.X * SensorVisionDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_XY, dna.Scale.Y * SensorVisionDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_XY, dna.Scale.Z * SensorVisionDesign.SIZEPERCENTOFSCALE_Z);
        private void btnTwoCubes3_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                //PartDNA dnaGrav = new PartDNA() { PartType = SensorGravity.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(-1.01, 0, 0), Orientation = Quaternion.Identity, Scale = new Vector3D(10, 10, 10) };
                //PartDNA dnaSpin = new PartDNA() { PartType = SensorSpin.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(1.01, 0, 0), Orientation = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), 30), Scale = new Vector3D(10, 10, 10) };
                ShipPartDNA dnaGrav = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = SensorGravity.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(-1.01, 0, 0), Orientation = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(0, 0, -1), 15), Scale = new Vector3D(10, 10, 10) };
                ShipPartDNA dnaSpin = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = SensorSpin.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(1.01, 0, 0), Orientation = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), 45), Scale = new Vector3D(10, 10, 10) };

                SensorGravity grav = new SensorGravity(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaGrav, null, null);
                SensorSpin spin = new SensorSpin(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaSpin, null);

                StartScene(new PartBase[] { grav, spin }, 7);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Пример #5
        public SensorVision(EditorOptions options, ItemOptionsArco itemOptions, ShipPartDNA dna, Map map, double searchRadius, Type filterType = null)
            : base(options, dna, itemOptions.VisionSensor_Damage.HitpointMin, itemOptions.VisionSensor_Damage.HitpointSlope, itemOptions.VisionSensor_Damage.Damage)
            _itemOptions = itemOptions;
            _map = map;
            _filterType = filterType;

            this.Design = new SensorVisionDesign(options, true);

            double radius, volume;
            GetMass(out _mass, out volume, out radius, out _scaleActual, dna, itemOptions);

            this.Radius = radius;

            _neurons = CreateNeurons(dna, itemOptions, itemOptions.VisionSensor_NeuronDensity, true, true);

            #region Store stats about neurons

            if (_neurons.Length == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("CreateNeurons should have guaranteed at least one neuron");
            else if (_neurons.Length == 1)
                // Since the neuron was forced to not be at the origin, just take the offset from origin (a single neuron vision
                // field is pretty useless anyway)
                _neuronDistBetween = _neurons[0].Position.ToVector().Length;
                // Get the distance between each neuron
                List<Tuple<int, int, double>> distances = new List<Tuple<int, int, double>>();

                for (int outer = 0; outer < _neurons.Length - 1; outer++)
                    for (int inner = outer + 1; inner < _neurons.Length; inner++)
                        double distance = (_neurons[outer].Position - _neurons[inner].Position).LengthSquared;

                        distances.Add(Tuple.Create(outer, inner, distance));

                // Get the average of the minimum distance of each index
                _neuronDistBetween = Enumerable.Range(0, _neurons.Length).
                    Select(o => distances.
                        Where(p => p.Item1 == o || p.Item2 == o).       // get the disances that mention this index
                        Min(p => p.Item3)).     // only keep the smallest of those distances
                    Average();      // get the average of all the mins

            // Find the one that's farthest away from the origin (since they form a circle, there will be an outer ring of them that
            // are about the same distance from the center)
            _neuronMaxRadius = _neurons.Max(o => o.PositionLength);


            this.SearchRadius = searchRadius;       // need to set this last, because it populates _distProps
Пример #6
        private void CreateBrains(ShipPartDNA[] dna)
            if (_brains != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Existing brains should have been wiped out before calling CreateBrains");

            _brains = new BrainStuff[dna.Length];

            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < dna.Length; cntr++)
                _brains[cntr] = new BrainStuff();
                BrainStuff brain = _brains[cntr];
                brain.Brain = new Brain(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dna[cntr], _containers == null ? null : _containers.Energy);
                brain.DNAInternalLinks = dna[cntr].InternalLinks;
                brain.DNAExternalLinks = dna[cntr].ExternalLinks;

                #region Ship Visual

                // WPF
                ModelVisual3D model = new ModelVisual3D();
                model.Content = brain.Brain.Model;

                brain.Visual = model;

                // Physics
                using (CollisionHull hull = brain.Brain.CreateCollisionHull(_world))
                    brain.Body = new Body(hull, Matrix3D.Identity, brain.Brain.TotalMass, new Visual3D[] { model });
                    brain.Body.MaterialGroupID = _material_Ship;
                    brain.Body.LinearDamping = .01f;
                    brain.Body.AngularDamping = new Vector3D(.01f, .01f, .01f);

                #region Neuron Visuals

                BuildNeuronVisuals(out brain.Neurons, out model, brain.Brain.Neruons_All, brain.Brain, _colors);

                brain.NeuronVisual = model;


Пример #7
        private void CreateContainers(ShipPartDNA energyDNA, ShipPartDNA fuelDNA)
            if (_containers != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Existing containers should have been wiped out before calling CreateContainers");

            _containers = new ContainerStuff();

            // Energy
            _containers.Energy = new EnergyTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, energyDNA);
            _containers.Energy.QuantityCurrent = _containers.Energy.QuantityMax;

            // Fuel
            _containers.Fuel = new FuelTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, fuelDNA);
            _containers.Fuel.QuantityCurrent = _containers.Fuel.QuantityMax;

            #region Ship Visuals (energy)

            // WPF
            ModelVisual3D model = new ModelVisual3D();
            model.Content = _containers.Energy.Model;

            _containers.EnergyVisual = model;

            // Physics
            CollisionHull hull = _containers.Energy.CreateCollisionHull(_world);
            _containers.EnergyBody = new Body(hull, Matrix3D.Identity, _containers.Energy.TotalMass, new Visual3D[] { model });
            _containers.EnergyBody.MaterialGroupID = _material_Ship;
            _containers.EnergyBody.LinearDamping = .01f;
            _containers.EnergyBody.AngularDamping = new Vector3D(.01f, .01f, .01f);

            #region Ship Visuals (fuel)

            // WPF
            model = new ModelVisual3D();
            model.Content = _containers.Fuel.Model;

            _containers.FuelVisual = model;

            // Physics
            hull = _containers.Fuel.CreateCollisionHull(_world);
            _containers.FuelBody = new Body(hull, Matrix3D.Identity, _containers.Fuel.TotalMass, new Visual3D[] { model });
            _containers.FuelBody.MaterialGroupID = _material_Ship;
            _containers.FuelBody.LinearDamping = .01f;
            _containers.FuelBody.AngularDamping = new Vector3D(.01f, .01f, .01f);

Пример #8
        private void btnGravitySensor_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                double size;
                if (!double.TryParse(txtGravitySensorSize.Text, out size))
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't parse sensor size", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                int numSensors;
                if (!int.TryParse(txtGravitySensorCount.Text, out numSensors))
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't parse number of sensors", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                if (numSensors < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("The number of sensors must be greater than zero", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                // Wipe Existing

                if (_containers == null)

                // Build DNA
                ShipPartDNA dna = new ShipPartDNA();
                dna.PartType = SensorGravity.PARTTYPE;
                dna.Position = new Point3D(-1.5, 0, 0);
                dna.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
                dna.Scale = new Vector3D(size, size, size);

                ShipPartDNA[] gravDNA = new ShipPartDNA[numSensors];

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < numSensors; cntr++)
                    if (numSensors == 1)
                        gravDNA[cntr] = dna;
                        ShipPartDNA dnaCopy = ShipPartDNA.Clone(dna);
                        double angle = 360d / Convert.ToDouble(numSensors);
                        dnaCopy.Position += new Vector3D(0, .75, 0).GetRotatedVector(new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), angle * cntr);

                        gravDNA[cntr] = dnaCopy;

                // Build/show sensors
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Пример #9
        private static void ModifyDNA(ShipPartDNA dna, bool randSize, bool randOrientation)
            if (randSize)
                dna.Scale = Math3D.GetRandomVector(new Vector3D(.25, .25, .25), new Vector3D(2.5, 2.5, 2.5));

            if (randOrientation)
                dna.Orientation = Math3D.GetRandomRotation();
Пример #10
        public virtual bool IsEqual(ShipPartDNA dna, bool comparePositionOrientation = false, bool compareNeural = false)
            if (dna == null)
                return false;

            if (this.PartType != dna.PartType)
                return false;

            if (!Math3D.IsNearValue(this.Scale, dna.Scale))
                return false;

            if (comparePositionOrientation)
                if (!Math3D.IsNearValue(this.Position, dna.Position))
                    return false;

                if (!Math3D.IsNearValue(this.Orientation, dna.Orientation))
                    return false;

            if (compareNeural)
                throw new ApplicationException("finish this");

            return true;
Пример #11
 public static ShipPartDNA Clone(ShipPartDNA dna)
     // PartDNA could be a derived type, but since these are designed to be serializable, serialize it to do a deep clone
     using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream())
         XamlServices.Save(stream, dna);
         stream.Position = 0;
         return XamlServices.Load(stream) as ShipPartDNA;
        private void btnThreeCubesRand_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                ShipPartDNA dnaGrav = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = SensorGravity.PARTTYPE, Position = Math3D.GetRandomVector(2d).ToPoint(), Orientation = Math3D.GetRandomRotation(), Scale = new Vector3D(10, 10, 10) };
                ShipPartDNA dnaSpin = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = SensorSpin.PARTTYPE, Position = Math3D.GetRandomVector(2d).ToPoint(), Orientation = Math3D.GetRandomRotation(), Scale = new Vector3D(10, 10, 10) };
                ShipPartDNA dnaVel = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = SensorVelocity.PARTTYPE, Position = Math3D.GetRandomVector(2d).ToPoint(), Orientation = Math3D.GetRandomRotation(), Scale = new Vector3D(10, 10, 10) };

                SensorGravity grav = new SensorGravity(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaGrav, null, null);
                SensorSpin spin = new SensorSpin(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaSpin, null);
                SensorVelocity vel = new SensorVelocity(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaVel, null);

                StartScene(new PartBase[] { grav, spin, vel }, 7);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        private PartBase GetRandomPart()
            Point3D position = Math3D.GetRandomVector(2d).ToPoint();
            Quaternion orientation = Math3D.GetRandomRotation();
            double radius = 1d + StaticRandom.NextDouble() * 4d;
            double height = 1d + StaticRandom.NextDouble() * 4d;

            switch (StaticRandom.Next(8))
                case 0:
                    #region Spin

                    double spinSize = 5d + (StaticRandom.NextDouble() * 8d);
                    ShipPartDNA dnaSpin = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = SensorSpin.PARTTYPE, Position = position, Orientation = orientation, Scale = new Vector3D(spinSize, spinSize, spinSize) };
                    return new SensorSpin(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaSpin, null);


                case 1:
                    #region Fuel

                    ShipPartDNA dnaFuel = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = FuelTank.PARTTYPE, Position = position, Orientation = orientation, Scale = new Vector3D(radius, radius, height) };
                    FuelTank fuel = new FuelTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaFuel);
                    fuel.QuantityCurrent = fuel.QuantityMax;		// without this, the fuel tank gets tossed around because it's so light
                    return fuel;


                case 2:
                    #region Energy

                    ShipPartDNA dnaEnergy = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = EnergyTank.PARTTYPE, Position = position, Orientation = orientation, Scale = new Vector3D(radius, radius, height) };
                    return new EnergyTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaEnergy);


                case 3:
                    #region Brain

                    ShipPartDNA dnaBrain = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = Brain.PARTTYPE, Position = position, Orientation = orientation, Scale = new Vector3D(radius, radius, radius) };
                    return new Brain(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaBrain, null);


                case 4:
                    #region Thruster

                    ThrusterDNA dnaThruster1 = new ThrusterDNA() { PartType = Thruster.PARTTYPE, Position = position, Orientation = orientation, Scale = new Vector3D(height, height, height), ThrusterType = UtilityCore.GetRandomEnum(ThrusterType.Custom) };
                    return new Thruster(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaThruster1, null);


                case 5:
                    #region Solar

                    ConverterRadiationToEnergyDNA dnaSolar = new ConverterRadiationToEnergyDNA() { PartType = ConverterRadiationToEnergy.PARTTYPE, Position = position, Orientation = orientation, Scale = new Vector3D(height, 1d + StaticRandom.NextDouble() * 4d, 1d), Shape = UtilityCore.GetRandomEnum<SolarPanelShape>() };
                    return new ConverterRadiationToEnergy(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaSolar, null, _radiation);


                case 6:
                    #region Fuel->Energy

                    ShipPartDNA dnaBurner = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = ConverterFuelToEnergy.PARTTYPE, Position = position, Orientation = orientation, Scale = new Vector3D(radius, radius, height) };
                    return new ConverterFuelToEnergy(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaBurner, null, null);


                case 7:
                    #region Energy->Ammo

                    ShipPartDNA dnaReplicator = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = ConverterEnergyToAmmo.PARTTYPE, Position = position, Orientation = orientation, Scale = new Vector3D(radius, radius, height) };
                    return new ConverterEnergyToAmmo(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaReplicator, null, null);


                    throw new ApplicationException("Unexpected integer");
        private void btnTwoOdd1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                //PartDNA dnaFuel = new PartDNA() { PartType = FuelTank.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(-1d, 0, 0), Orientation = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(1, 1, 0), 90d), Scale = new Vector3D(.25d, .25d, 4d) };
                //FuelTank fuel = new FuelTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaFuel);
                //fuel.QuantityCurrent = fuel.QuantityMax;

                ShipPartDNA dnaEnergy = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = EnergyTank.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(-1d, 0, 0), Orientation = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(1, 1, 0), 90d), Scale = new Vector3D(.25d, .25d, 4d) };
                //PartDNA dnaEnergy = new PartDNA() { PartType = EnergyTank.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(-1d, 0, 0), Orientation = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(1, 1, 0), 10d), Scale = new Vector3D(4d, 4d, .25d) };
                EnergyTank energy = new EnergyTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaEnergy);
                //energy.QuantityCurrent = fuel.QuantityMax;

                ShipPartDNA dnaBrain = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = Brain.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(0, 0, 0), Orientation = Quaternion.Identity, Scale = new Vector3D(2d, 2d, 2d) };
                Brain brain = new Brain(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaBrain, null);

                //StartScene(new PartBase[] { fuel, brain });
                StartScene(new PartBase[] { energy, brain }, 7);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        private void btnTwoCylinderCylinder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                bool isEnergy1 = StaticRandom.Next(2) == 0;
                bool isEnergy2 = StaticRandom.Next(2) == 0;

                ShipPartDNA dna1 = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = isEnergy1 ? EnergyTank.PARTTYPE : FuelTank.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(-.5, -.1, 0), Orientation = Math3D.GetRandomRotation(), Scale = new Vector3D(4, 4, 3) };
                ShipPartDNA dna2 = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = isEnergy2 ? EnergyTank.PARTTYPE : FuelTank.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(.5, .1, 0), Orientation = Math3D.GetRandomRotation(), Scale = new Vector3D(4, 4, 3) };

                PartBase cylinder1 = null;
                if (isEnergy1)
                    cylinder1 = new EnergyTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dna1);
                    cylinder1 = new FuelTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dna1);

                PartBase cylinder2 = null;
                if (isEnergy2)
                    cylinder2 = new EnergyTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dna2);
                    cylinder2 = new FuelTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dna2);

                StartScene(new PartBase[] { cylinder1, cylinder2 }, 7);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
        private void btnTwoCubeCylinder_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                bool isEnergy = StaticRandom.Next(2) == 0;

                ShipPartDNA dna1 = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = isEnergy ? EnergyTank.PARTTYPE : FuelTank.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(-.5, 0, 0), Orientation = Quaternion.Identity, Scale = new Vector3D(4, 4, 3) };
                ShipPartDNA dnaSpin = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = SensorSpin.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(.5, 0, 0), Orientation = Quaternion.Identity, Scale = new Vector3D(10, 10, 10) };

                PartBase cylinder = null;
                if (isEnergy)
                    cylinder = new EnergyTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dna1);
                    cylinder = new FuelTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dna1);
                SensorSpin spin = new SensorSpin(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dnaSpin, null);

                StartScene(new PartBase[] { cylinder, spin }, 7);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Пример #17
        internal static Neuron_SensorPosition[] CreateNeurons(ShipPartDNA dna, ItemOptions itemOptions, double neuronDensity, bool hasHoleInMiddle, bool ignoreSetValue)
            #region Calculate Counts

            // Figure out how many to make
            //NOTE: This radius isn't taking SCALE into account.  The other neural parts do this as well, so the neural density properties can be more consistent
            double radius = (dna.Scale.X + dna.Scale.Y) / (2d * 2d);		// XY should always be the same anyway (not looking at Z for this.  Z is just to keep the sensors from getting too close to each other)
            double area = Math.Pow(radius, itemOptions.Sensor_NeuronGrowthExponent);

            int neuronCount = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling(neuronDensity * area));
            if (neuronCount == 0)
                neuronCount = 1;


            Point3D[] staticPositions = null;
            if (hasHoleInMiddle)
                staticPositions = new Point3D[] { new Point3D(0, 0, 0) };

            // Place them evenly within a circle.
            // I don't want a neuron in the center, so placing a static point there to force the neurons away from the center
            Vector3D[] positions = Brain.GetNeuronPositions_Even2D(dna.Neurons, staticPositions, 1d, neuronCount, radius);

            // Exit Function
            return positions.Select(o => new Neuron_SensorPosition(o.ToPoint(), true, ignoreSetValue)).ToArray();
Пример #18
 /// <summary>
 /// NOTE: A final consumer should call PartBase.GetNewDNA() if you want a fully filled out dna.  PartDesignBase.GetDNA() is
 /// for things like editors.  It won't have things like neural positions, or memory of activity --- only structural
 /// NOTE: If a derived class has custom props, then you must override this method and return your own derived dna.  Don't call
 /// base.GetDNA, but instead call base.FillDNA, which will fill out the properties that this class knows about
 /// </summary>
 public virtual ShipPartDNA GetDNA()
     ShipPartDNA retVal = new ShipPartDNA();
     return retVal;
        private DesignPart CreateDesignPart(ShipPartDNA dna)
            #region Find ToolItem

            // Find the corresponding tool item
            List<PartToolItemBase> toolItems = _partToolItems.Where(o => o.PartType == dna.PartType).ToList();
            if (toolItems.Count == 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find the tool item for \"" + dna.PartType + "\"");

            // Narrow down to one
            PartToolItemBase toolItem = null;
            if (toolItems.Count == 1)		// if there's more than one, then it needs to be further filtered
                toolItem = toolItems[0];
            else if (dna.PartType == ConverterRadiationToEnergy.PARTTYPE)
                #region ConverterRadiationToEnergy

                ConverterRadiationToEnergyDNA dnaCast = (ConverterRadiationToEnergyDNA)dna;

                List<PartToolItemBase> additionalFilter = toolItems.Where(o => ((ConverterRadiationToEnergyToolItem)o).Shape == dnaCast.Shape).ToList();
                if (additionalFilter.Count == 1)
                    toolItem = additionalFilter[0];

            else if (dna.PartType == Thruster.PARTTYPE)
                #region Thruster

                ThrusterDNA dnaCast = (ThrusterDNA)dna;
                if (dnaCast.ThrusterType == ThrusterType.Custom)
                    // Make a new one with the dna's directions
                    toolItem = new ThrusterToolItem(editor1.Options, dnaCast.ThrusterDirections, "Custom");
                    List<PartToolItemBase> additionalFilter = toolItems.Where(o => ((ThrusterToolItem)o).ThrusterType == dnaCast.ThrusterType).ToList();
                    if (additionalFilter.Count == 1)
                        toolItem = additionalFilter[0];

                throw new ApplicationException("Should have only found one tool item for this part type: " + dna.PartType);

            if (toolItem == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("Couldn't find the tool item for this part type: " + dna.PartType);


            DesignPart retVal = new DesignPart(editor1.Options);
            retVal.Part2D = toolItem;

            retVal.Part3D = toolItem.GetNewDesignPart();

            ModelVisual3D visual = new ModelVisual3D();
            visual.Content = retVal.Part3D.Model;
            retVal.Model = visual;

            return retVal;
Пример #20
        /// <summary>
        /// This loads this class up with the properties in the dna
        /// NOTE: This will fix errors in DNA.  It changes the object passed in
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// NOTE: If a derived class has custom props, then you must override this method and store your own derived dna.  Don't call
        /// base.SetDNA, but instead call base.StoreDNA, which will store the properties that this class knows about
        /// At first, I wasn't modifying dna, but then noticed PartBase constructor stores this.DNA
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual void SetDNA(ShipPartDNA dna)
            if (this.PartType != dna.PartType)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The dna passed in is not for this class.  DNA={0}, this={1}", dna.PartType, this.PartType));

Пример #21
        private void btnBrain_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                double size;
                if (!double.TryParse(txtBrainSize.Text, out size))
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't parse brain size", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                int numBrains;
                if (!int.TryParse(txtBrainCount.Text, out numBrains))
                    MessageBox.Show("Couldn't parse number of brains", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                if (numBrains < 1)
                    MessageBox.Show("The number of brains must be greater than zero", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                // Wipe Existing

                if (_containers == null)

                // Build DNA
                ShipPartDNA dna = new ShipPartDNA();
                dna.PartType = Brain.PARTTYPE;
                dna.Position = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                dna.Orientation = Quaternion.Identity;
                dna.Scale = new Vector3D(size, size, size);
                dna.Neurons = null;
                dna.AltNeurons = null;
                dna.InternalLinks = null;
                dna.ExternalLinks = null;

                ShipPartDNA[] brainDNA = new ShipPartDNA[numBrains];
                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < numBrains; cntr++)
                    if (numBrains == 1)
                        brainDNA[cntr] = dna;
                        ShipPartDNA dnaCopy = ShipPartDNA.Clone(dna);
                        double angle = 360d / Convert.ToDouble(numBrains);
                        dnaCopy.Position += new Vector3D(0, 1, 0).GetRotatedVector(new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), angle * cntr);

                        brainDNA[cntr] = dnaCopy;

                // Build/Show brains
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// This will populate the dna class with the values from this base class.  You should only bother to override this method if your 
        /// inheritance will go 3+ deep, and each shell can fill up what it knows about
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void FillDNA(ShipPartDNA dna)
            dna.PartType = this.PartType;
            dna.Scale = this.Scale;		//NOTE: Scale, Position, Orientation used to store their values in transforms, but GetDNA could come from any thread, so I had to store a threadsafe vector as well as a transform.  ugly
            dna.Position = this.Position;
            dna.Orientation = this.Orientation;

            //NOTE: This is done in NeuralUtility.PopulateDNALinks
            //if(this is INeuronContainer)
            //    dna.Neurons = 
            //    dna.AltNeurons = 
            //    dna.InternalLinks = 
            //    dna.ExternalLinks = 
Пример #23
        private void CreateGravSensors(ShipPartDNA[] dna)
            if (_gravSensors != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Existing gravity sensors should have been wiped out before calling CreateGravSensors");

            _gravSensors = new GravSensorStuff[dna.Length];
            for (int cntr = 0; cntr < dna.Length; cntr++)
                _gravSensors[cntr] = new GravSensorStuff();
                _gravSensors[cntr].Sensor = new SensorGravity(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dna[cntr], _containers == null ? null : _containers.Energy, _gravityField);
                _gravSensors[cntr].Sensor.RequestWorldLocation += new EventHandler<PartRequestWorldLocationArgs>(Sensor_RequestWorldLocation);

                #region Ship Visual

                // WPF
                ModelVisual3D model = new ModelVisual3D();
                model.Content = _gravSensors[cntr].Sensor.Model;
                //TODO: Offset this if there are multiple parts

                _gravSensors[cntr].Visual = model;

                // Physics
                using (CollisionHull hull = _gravSensors[cntr].Sensor.CreateCollisionHull(_world))
                    _gravSensors[cntr].Body = new Body(hull, Matrix3D.Identity, _gravSensors[cntr].Sensor.TotalMass, new Visual3D[] { model });
                    _gravSensors[cntr].Body.MaterialGroupID = _material_Ship;
                    _gravSensors[cntr].Body.LinearDamping = .01f;
                    _gravSensors[cntr].Body.AngularDamping = new Vector3D(.01f, .01f, .01f);

                #region Gravity Visual

                //NOTE: Since the neurons are semitransparent, they need to be added last

                _gravSensors[cntr].Gravity = new ScreenSpaceLines3D();
                _gravSensors[cntr].Gravity.Thickness = 2d;
                _gravSensors[cntr].Gravity.Color = _colors.TrackballAxisMajorColor;


                #region Neuron Visuals

                BuildNeuronVisuals(out _gravSensors[cntr].Neurons, out model, _gravSensors[cntr].Sensor.Neruons_All, _gravSensors[cntr].Sensor, _colors);

                _gravSensors[cntr].NeuronVisual = model;


            UpdateGravity();		// this shows the gravity line
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// This is used when saving to DNA.
        /// Individual parts don't hold links, so when you call PartBase.GetNewDNA, the links will always be null.
        /// This populates dna.InternalLinks and dna.ExternalLinks based on the links stored in outputs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dna">This is the dna to populate</param>
        /// <param name="dnaSource">This is the container that the dna came from</param>
        /// <param name="outputs">This is all of the containers, and their links</param>
        public static void PopulateDNALinks(ShipPartDNA dna, INeuronContainer dnaSource, IEnumerable<ContainerOutput> outputs)
            // Find the output for the source passed in
            ContainerOutput output = outputs.Where(o => o.Container == dnaSource).FirstOrDefault();
            if (output == null)

            // Internal
            dna.InternalLinks = null;
            if (output.InternalLinks != null)
                dna.InternalLinks = output.InternalLinks.Select(o => new NeuralLinkDNA()
                        From = o.From.Position,
                        To = o.To.Position,
                        Weight = o.Weight,
                        BrainChemicalModifiers = o.BrainChemicalModifiers == null ? null : o.BrainChemicalModifiers.ToArray()		// using ToArray to make a copy

            // External
            dna.ExternalLinks = null;
            if (output.ExternalLinks != null)
                dna.ExternalLinks = output.ExternalLinks.Select(o => new NeuralLinkExternalDNA()
                        FromContainerPosition = o.FromContainer.Position,
                        FromContainerOrientation = o.FromContainer.Orientation,
                        From = o.From.Position,
                        To = o.To.Position,
                        Weight = o.Weight,
                        BrainChemicalModifiers = o.BrainChemicalModifiers == null ? null : o.BrainChemicalModifiers.ToArray()		// using ToArray to make a copy
Пример #25
        private void CreateContainers()
            const double HEIGHT = .07d;
            const double OFFSET = 1.5d;

            double offset2 = ((.1d - HEIGHT) / 2d) + (HEIGHT / 2d);

            ShipPartDNA dnaEnergy = new ShipPartDNA();
            dnaEnergy.PartType = EnergyTank.PARTTYPE;
            dnaEnergy.Position = new Point3D(OFFSET - offset2, 0, 0);
            dnaEnergy.Orientation = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), 90);
            dnaEnergy.Scale = new Vector3D(1.3, 1.3, HEIGHT);		// the energy tank is slightly wider than the fuel tank

            ShipPartDNA dnaFuel = new ShipPartDNA();
            dnaFuel.PartType = FuelTank.PARTTYPE;
            dnaFuel.Position = new Point3D(OFFSET + offset2, 0, 0);
            dnaFuel.Orientation = new Quaternion(new Vector3D(0, 1, 0), 90);
            dnaFuel.Scale = new Vector3D(1.5, 1.5, HEIGHT);

            CreateContainers(dnaEnergy, dnaFuel);
Пример #26
        private static bool IsInList(List<ShipPartDNA> parts, ShipPartDNA part, bool removeIfFound)
            int index = 0;
            while (index < parts.Count)
                if (parts[index].IsEqual(part))
                    if (removeIfFound)

                    return true;


            return false;
Пример #27
        /// <summary>
        /// NOTE: This will fix scale
        /// </summary>
        protected virtual void StoreDNA(ShipPartDNA dna)
            if (this.PartType != dna.PartType)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The dna passed in is not for this class.  DNA={0}, this={1}", dna.PartType, this.PartType));

            PartDesignAllowedScale allowedScale = this.AllowedScale;
            switch (allowedScale)
                case PartDesignAllowedScale.XYZ:
                    double scale1 = Math1D.Avg(dna.Scale.X, dna.Scale.Y, dna.Scale.Z);
                    dna.Scale = new Vector3D(scale1, scale1, scale1);

                case PartDesignAllowedScale.XY_Z:
                    double scale2 = Math1D.Avg(dna.Scale.X, dna.Scale.Y);
                    dna.Scale = new Vector3D(scale2, scale2, dna.Scale.Z);

                case PartDesignAllowedScale.None:
                case PartDesignAllowedScale.X_Y_Z:

                    throw new ApplicationException("Unknown PartDesignAllowedScale: " + allowedScale);

            this.Scale = dna.Scale;
            this.Position = dna.Position;
            this.Orientation = dna.Orientation;
        private void btnRGB_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                if (_offline1 == null)
                    MessageBox.Show("Start a scene first", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                ShipPartDNA energyDNA = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = EnergyTank.PARTTYPE, Orientation = Quaternion.Identity, Position = new Point3D(), Scale = new Vector3D(10, 10, 10) };
                EnergyTank energy = new EnergyTank(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, energyDNA);
                energy.QuantityCurrent = energy.QuantityMax;

                ShipPartDNA dna = new ShipPartDNA() { PartType = CameraColorRGB.PARTTYPE, Orientation = Quaternion.Identity, Position = new Point3D(0, 0, 0), Scale = new Vector3D(1, 1, 1) };

                CameraColorRGB camera = new CameraColorRGB(_editorOptions, _itemOptions, dna, energy, _cameraPool);

                camera.RequestWorldLocation += new EventHandler<PartRequestWorldLocationArgs>(TestCamera_RequestWorldLocation);

                //var location = camera.GetWorldLocation_Camera();

                //IBitmapCustom bitmap = UtilityWPF.RenderControl(_offline1.Control, camera.PixelWidthHeight, camera.PixelWidthHeight, true, Colors.Black, false);


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
Пример #29
        /// <summary>
        /// WARNING: This will modify the dna's scale (if the scale is invalid)
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// How these classes get instantiated and shared is a bit odd.  Not sure if this is the best way or not.  There are two+ different
        /// paths these parts are used:
        /// 	Editor:
        /// 		PartToolItemBase -> PartDesignBase -> PartDNA
        /// 	World:
        /// 		PartDNA -> PartBase -> (which internally creates PartDesignBase)
        /// </remarks>
        public PartBase(EditorOptions options, ShipPartDNA dna, double hitpointMin, double hitpointSlope, TakesDamageWorker damageWorker)
            if (dna.PartType != this.PartType)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("The dna passed in is not meant for this class.  DNA: \"{0}\", this: \"{1}\"", dna.PartType, this.PartType));

            this.Options = options;
            this.DNA = dna;
            this.Token = TokenGenerator.NextToken();

            // Can't use this.ScaleActual yet
            double size = Math1D.Avg(dna.Scale.X, dna.Scale.Y, dna.Scale.Z);
            this.HitPoints_Max = hitpointMin + (size * hitpointSlope);

            if (dna.PercentDamaged <= 0)
                this.HitPoints_Current = this.HitPoints_Max;
            else if (dna.PercentDamaged >= 1)
                this.HitPoints_Current = 0;
                this.HitPoints_Current = UtilityCore.GetScaledValue(0, this.HitPoints_Max, 0, 1, 1 - dna.PercentDamaged);

            _damageWorker = damageWorker;

            _initialized = true;
Пример #30
 private void StoreInStation(ShipPartDNA dna)
     Inventory inventory = new Inventory(dna);
     _spaceDock.AddInventory(inventory, true);