Пример #1
        public static bool CanBeInList(this NamedObjectSave instance, NamedObjectSave listNos)
            if (listNos.SourceClassGenericType == instance.SourceClassType ||
                listNos.SourceClassGenericType == instance.InstanceType ||
                listNos.SourceClassGenericType == instance.GetAssetTypeInfo()?.QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType)

            if (instance.SourceType == SourceType.Entity)
                EntitySave instanceElement = instance.GetReferencedElement() as EntitySave;

                IElement listElementType = ObjectFinder.Self.GetIElement(listNos.SourceClassGenericType);

                if (instanceElement == null || listElementType == null)

                if (instanceElement.InheritsFrom(listNos.SourceClassGenericType))

        public static void UpdateShownVariables(DataUiGrid grid, NamedObjectSave instance, IElement container)

            List<MemberCategory> categories = new List<MemberCategory>();
            var defaultCategory = new MemberCategory("Variables");
            defaultCategory.FontSize = 14;

            AssetTypeInfo ati = instance.GetAssetTypeInfo();

            // not sure if this is needed:
            if (instance.TypedMembers.Count == 0)

            CreateCategoriesAndVariables(instance, container, categories, ati);

            if (ati != null)
                SortCategoriesAndMembers(ref categories, ati);

            if (defaultCategory.Members.Count == 0)
            else if (categories.Count != 1)
                defaultCategory.Name = "Other Variables";

            if (categories.Count != 0)
                // "Name" should be the very first property:
                var nameCategory = CreateNameInstanceMember(instance);
                categories.Insert(0, nameCategory);

            SetAlternatingColors(grid, categories);

            foreach(var category in categories)

Пример #3
        private static void UpdateTypedMembers(this NamedObjectSave instance)
            if (instance.SourceType == SourceType.Entity)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance.SourceClassType) || instance.SourceClassType == "<NONE>")
                    EntitySave entitySave = ObjectFinder.Self.GetEntitySave(
                    if (entitySave != null)
                        // This is null if a property that calls
                        // UpdateProperties is called before the project
                        // is loaded - as is the case when the GLUX is
                        // deserialized.
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance.ClassType) || instance.ClassType.Contains("PositionedObjectList<"))
            else if (instance.IsList)
                // do nothing.
                // We used to only include members in the
                // ATI.  Now we want to include every possible
                // variable so that they all show up in the PropertyGrid.
                //AssetTypeInfo ati = instance.GetAssetTypeInfo();

                //if (ati == null)
                //    throw new NullReferenceException("Could not find an AssetType for the type " +
                //        instance.SourceClassType + ".  This either means that your ContenTypes CSV is corrupt, out of date, missing, or that you have not loaded a content types CSV if you are using teh GluxViewManager in a custom app.");
                //    instance.TypedMembers.Clear();
                //    instance.TypedMembers.Clear();
                //    instance.TypedMembers.AddRange(ati.GetTypedMembers());

                List <MemberWithType> variables = ExposedVariableManager.GetExposableMembersFor(instance);

                foreach (var member in variables)
                    int errorCode = 0;
                        errorCode = 0;
                        string memberType = member.Type;
                        errorCode  = 1;
                        memberType = TypeManager.ConvertToCommonType(memberType);
                        errorCode  = 2;

                        Type type = TypeManager.GetTypeFromString(memberType);
                        errorCode = 3;
                        // Glue can't do anything with generic properties (yet)
                        // Update: I'm adding support for it now
                        //if (type != null && type.IsGenericType == false)
                        TypedMemberBase typedMember = null;

                        if (type != null)
                            typedMember = TypedMemberBase.GetTypedMemberUnequatable(member.Member, type);
                            typedMember = TypedMemberBase.GetTypedMemberUnequatable(member.Member, typeof(object));
                            typedMember.CustomTypeName = memberType;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new Exception("Error trying to fix member " + member + " in object " + instance + ". Error code: " + errorCode + "Additional info:\n\n\n" + e.ToString(), e);

                var ati = instance.GetAssetTypeInfo();

                if (ati != null)
                    foreach (var member in ati.VariableDefinitions)
                        // Only consider this if it's not already handled:
                        bool isAlreadyHandled = instance.TypedMembers.Any(item => item.MemberName == member.Name);

                        if (!isAlreadyHandled)
                            string memberType = member.Type;
                            memberType = TypeManager.ConvertToCommonType(memberType);

                            Type type = TypeManager.GetTypeFromString(memberType);
                            // Glue can't do anything with generic properties (yet)
                            // Update: I'm adding support for it now
                            //if (type != null && type.IsGenericType == false)
                            TypedMemberBase typedMember = null;

                            if (type != null)
                                typedMember = TypedMemberBase.GetTypedMemberUnequatable(member.Name, type);
                                typedMember = TypedMemberBase.GetTypedMemberUnequatable(member.Name, typeof(object));
                                typedMember.CustomTypeName = memberType;
Пример #4
        private static void AddCodeForIsOn(ICodeBlock codeBlock, NamedObjectSave nos)
            string condition = null;

            AssetTypeInfo ati = nos.GetAssetTypeInfo();
            if (ati != null && ati.HasCursorIsOn)
                bool shouldConsiderVisible =
                    ati.QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType == "FlatRedBall.Sprite" ||
                    ati.QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType == "FlatRedBall.ManagedSpriteGroups.SpriteFrame" ||
                    ati.QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType == "FlatRedBall.Graphics.Text";

                bool shouldConsiderAlpha = 
                    ati.QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType == "FlatRedBall.Sprite" ||
                    ati.QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType == "FlatRedBall.ManagedSpriteGroups.SpriteFrame" ||
                    ati.QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType == "FlatRedBall.Graphics.Text";

                string whatToFormat;

                if (shouldConsiderVisible)
                    whatToFormat = "{0}.AbsoluteVisible && cursor.IsOn3D({0}, LayerProvidedByContainer)";

                else if (ati.QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType == "FlatRedBall.Scene")
                    whatToFormat = "cursor.IsOn3D({0}, LayerProvidedByContainer, false)";
                    whatToFormat = "cursor.IsOn3D({0}, LayerProvidedByContainer)";

                if (shouldConsiderAlpha)
                    whatToFormat = "{0}.Alpha != 0 && " + whatToFormat;

                condition = string.Format(whatToFormat, nos.InstanceName);
            else if (nos.SourceType == SourceType.Entity)
                EntitySave entitySave = ObjectFinder.Self.GetEntitySave(nos.SourceClassType);
                if (entitySave != null)
                    // This happens if:
                    // The user has an Entity which is IWindow
                    // The user adds a new object
                    // The user sets the object to Entity - this will cause a code regeneration and this will be null;
                    if (entitySave.ImplementsIWindow || entitySave.ImplementsIClickable)
                        condition = string.Format("{0}.HasCursorOver(cursor)", nos.InstanceName);
            if (condition != null)
                         .Line("return true;");
Пример #5
        public static List<ExposableEvent> GetExposableEventsFor(NamedObjectSave namedObjectSave, IElement parent)
            List<ExposableEvent> returnValues = new List<ExposableEvent>();
            if (namedObjectSave != null)
                switch (namedObjectSave.SourceType)
                    case SourceType.Entity:
                        EntitySave entitySave = ObjectFinder.Self.GetEntitySave(namedObjectSave.SourceClassType);
                        if (entitySave == null)
                            // do nothing
                            //return returnValues;
                            returnValues = GetExposableEventsFor(entitySave, false);
                    case SourceType.FlatRedBallType:
                        if (namedObjectSave.SourceClassType == "PositionedObjectList<T>")
                            returnValues.Add(new ExposableEvent("CollectionChanged"));

                    case SourceType.File:

                        var ati = namedObjectSave.GetAssetTypeInfo();

                        if (ati != null && ati.ImplementsIWindow)

#if GLUE
                PluginManager.AddEventsForObject(namedObjectSave, returnValues);

            if (parent != null)
                for (int i = returnValues.Count - 1; i > -1; i--)
                    bool found = false;
                    foreach (EventResponseSave ers in parent.Events)
                        if (ers.SourceObject == namedObjectSave.InstanceName &&
                            ers.SourceObjectEvent == returnValues[i].Name)
                            found = true;

                    if (found)

            return returnValues;
        private static bool GenerateInstantiationOrAssignment(NamedObjectSave namedObject, IElement saveObject, 
            ICodeBlock codeBlock, string overridingName, List<string[]> referencedFilesAlreadyUsingFullFile)
            AssetTypeInfo nosAti = AvailableAssetTypes.Self.GetAssetTypeFromRuntimeType(namedObject.InstanceType);

            string objectName = namedObject.FieldName;

            bool succeeded = true;

            #region If SourceType is File
            if (namedObject.SourceType == SourceType.File)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObject.SourceFile))
                    succeeded = false;
                    EntitySave entitySave = null;
                    ReferencedFileSave rfs = GetReferencedFileSaveReferencedByNamedObject(namedObject, saveObject, ref entitySave);

                    #region //////////////////////EARLY OUT!!!!  Exit out if the RFS is null or the name is bad

                    if (rfs == null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(overridingName))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObject.SourceFile))
                            // July 11, 2011
                            // I used to think
                            // that it was best
                            // to "should loudly"
                            // whenever encountering
                            // a bug, however, breaking
                            // the build for everyone is
                            // not the way to do it.  Intead
                            // I'm going to make this not generate
                            // any code if there is no SourceFile, and
                            // we should have some way in Glue to search
                            // for and find incomplete definitions.
                            //string exceptionString = "This object references the file " +
                            //    namedObject.SourceFile + " which is not part of this object.";

                            //stringBuilder.AppendLine("\t\t\tthrow new InvalidOperationException(\"" + exceptionString + "\");");
                            succeeded = false;
                            succeeded = false;

                    if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObject.SourceName) || namedObject.SourceName == "<NONE>") &&
                        FileManager.GetExtension(namedObject.SourceFile) != "srgx")
                        succeeded = false;

                    if (succeeded)
                        string containerName = overridingName;
                        if (rfs != null)
                            containerName = rfs.GetInstanceName();// FileManager.RemovePath(FileManager.RemoveExtension(namedObject.SourceFile));

                        List<StateSave> statesUsingThisNamedObject = saveObject.GetAllStatesReferencingObject(objectName);

                        if (statesUsingThisNamedObject.Count != 0)
                            InstantiateObjectInSwitchStatement(namedObject, codeBlock, referencedFilesAlreadyUsingFullFile,
                                nosAti, objectName, rfs, statesUsingThisNamedObject, saveObject, containerName, null);
                            InstantiateObjectUsingFile(namedObject, codeBlock, referencedFilesAlreadyUsingFullFile, nosAti, objectName, rfs, saveObject, containerName, overridingName);


            else if (namedObject.SourceType == SourceType.FlatRedBallType)
                // We treat Cameras in a special way:
                if (namedObject.ClassType == "Camera")
                    if (namedObject.IsNewCamera)
                        string contentManagerNameString = "ContentManagerName";
                        codeBlock.Line(objectName + " = new FlatRedBall.Camera(" + contentManagerNameString + ");");
                        codeBlock.Line("FlatRedBall.SpriteManager.Cameras.Add(" + objectName + ");");
                        codeBlock.Line(objectName + " = FlatRedBall.SpriteManager.Camera;");

                else if (namedObject.IsContainer)
                    codeBlock.Line(objectName + " = this;");
                    string qualifiedName = namedObject.GetQualifiedClassType();

                    if (namedObject.GetAssetTypeInfo() != null)
                        qualifiedName = namedObject.GetAssetTypeInfo().QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType;

                    codeBlock.Line(string.Format("{0} = new {1}();", objectName, qualifiedName));

                    if (namedObject.IsLayer || 
                        namedObject.SourceType == SourceType.FlatRedBallType)
                        codeBlock.Line(string.Format("{0}.Name = \"{1}\";", objectName, objectName));


            #region else if SourceType is Entity

            else // SourceType == SourceType.Entity
                codeBlock.Line(string.Format("{0} = new {1}(ContentManagerName, false);", objectName,
                codeBlock.Line(string.Format("{0}.Name = \"{1}\";", objectName, objectName));
                // If it's an Entity List that references a List that can be created by Entities, then the Screen should register this list with the factory


            return succeeded;
        private static void UpdateTypedMembers(NamedObjectSave instance)
            if (instance.SourceType == SourceType.Entity)
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance.SourceClassType) || instance.SourceClassType == "<NONE>")
                    EntitySave entitySave = ObjectFinder.Self.GetEntitySave(
                    if (entitySave != null)
                        // This is null if a property that calls
                        // UpdateProperties is called before the project
                        // is loaded - as is the case when the GLUX is 
                        // deserialized.
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(instance.ClassType) || instance.ClassType.Contains("PositionedObjectList<"))
            else if (instance.IsList)
                // do nothing.
                // We used to only include members in the
                // ATI.  Now we want to include every possible
                // variable so that they all show up in the PropertyGrid.
                //AssetTypeInfo ati = instance.GetAssetTypeInfo();

                //if (ati == null)
                //    throw new NullReferenceException("Could not find an AssetType for the type " +
                //        instance.SourceClassType + ".  This either means that your ContenTypes CSV is corrupt, out of date, missing, or that you have not loaded a content types CSV if you are using teh GluxViewManager in a custom app.");
                //    instance.TypedMembers.Clear();
                //    instance.TypedMembers.Clear();
                //    instance.TypedMembers.AddRange(ati.GetTypedMembers());

                List<MemberWithType> variables = ExposedVariableManager.GetExposableMembersFor(instance);

                foreach (var member in variables)
                    int errorCode = 0;
                        errorCode = 0;
                        string memberType = member.Type;
                        errorCode = 1;
                        memberType = TypeManager.ConvertToCommonType(memberType);
                        errorCode = 2;

                        Type type = TypeManager.GetTypeFromString(memberType);
                        errorCode = 3;
                        // Glue can't do anything with generic properties (yet)
                        // Update: I'm adding support for it now
                        //if (type != null && type.IsGenericType == false)
                        TypedMemberBase typedMember = null;

                        if (type != null )
                            typedMember = TypedMemberBase.GetTypedMemberUnequatable(member.Member, type);
                            typedMember = TypedMemberBase.GetTypedMemberUnequatable(member.Member, typeof(object));
                            typedMember.CustomTypeName = memberType;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        throw new Exception("Error trying to fix member " + member + " in object " + instance + ". Error code: " + errorCode + "Additional info:\n\n\n" + e.ToString(), e);


                var ati = instance.GetAssetTypeInfo();

                if(ati != null)
                    foreach(var member in ati.VariableDefinitions)
                        // Only consider this if it's not already handled:
                        bool isAlreadyHandled = instance.TypedMembers.Any(item => item.MemberName == member.Name);

                            string memberType = member.Type;
                            memberType = TypeManager.ConvertToCommonType(memberType);

                            Type type = TypeManager.GetTypeFromString(memberType);
                            // Glue can't do anything with generic properties (yet)
                            // Update: I'm adding support for it now
                            //if (type != null && type.IsGenericType == false)
                            TypedMemberBase typedMember = null;

                            if (type != null)
                                typedMember = TypedMemberBase.GetTypedMemberUnequatable(member.Name, type);
                                typedMember = TypedMemberBase.GetTypedMemberUnequatable(member.Name, typeof(object));
                                typedMember.CustomTypeName = memberType;
        private static Type FillWithExposableMembersForFlatRedBallType(NamedObjectSave namedObjectSave, List<MemberWithType> returnValue, Type type)
            AssetTypeInfo assetTypeInfo = namedObjectSave.GetAssetTypeInfo();
            if (assetTypeInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetTypeInfo.Extension))
                returnValue.Add(new MemberWithType { Member = "SourceFile", Type = "string" });
            if (assetTypeInfo != null &&

                // if the type is null, that means this
                // may be a type that comes from plugins.
                // Therefore we won't show any variables (for
                // now).  Maybe at some point in the future we'll
                // figure out a way to get the variables out - perhaps
                // by loading an assembly or by supporting CSV variable
                // definition.  I think assembly-based may not be the way
                // to go because we'll have to start working with appdomains.
                // Update January 24, 2014
                // We now do support variables
                // from CSVs.  We should handle
                // adding variables here...or below
                // the if check.
                // Update October 28, 2015
                // CSV is the way to go, or at least AssetTypeInfo. This allows
                // ultimate customization, including excluding variables. If we have
                // variables defined in the VariableDefinitions, then let's just use that
                // and not use any reflection:
                // Update October 28, 2015
                // If we do this, we lose things like enumerations, Texture2D, and other types
                // that Glue does know how to work with automatically. So instead, we want to rely
                // on the variable definitions to give us our variables, and then qualify their types
                // if we can through reflection, and only if their type name agrees with the VariableDefinition

                type =

                // We'll fall back to reflection, but eventually I'd like to see this go away
                if (type != null)
                    FillListWithAvailableVariablesInType(type, returnValue);

                    AddSpecialCasePropertiesFor(type, returnValue);

                foreach (var variable in assetTypeInfo.VariableDefinitions)
                    bool isAlreadyHandled = returnValue.Any(item => item.Member == variable.Name);

                        returnValue.Add(new MemberWithType
                            Member = variable.Name,
                            Type = variable.Type


                    bool needsCustomType = isAlreadyHandled && 
                        !string.IsNullOrEmpty(variable.Type) && 
                        returnValue.Any(item => item.Member == variable.Name && AreTypesEquivalent(item.Type,  variable.Type) == false);

                        var existing = returnValue.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Member == variable.Name);

                        existing.Type = variable.Type;

            else if (namedObjectSave.IsList && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObjectSave.SourceClassGenericType))
                // special case - if the list is of IVisibles, then
                // let's allow the user to set visibility on the whole
                // list.
                EntitySave entityTypeInList = ObjectFinder.Self.GetEntitySave(namedObjectSave.SourceClassGenericType);

                if (entityTypeInList != null && entityTypeInList.ImplementsIVisible)
                    returnValue.Add(new MemberWithType { Member = "Visible", Type = "bool" });

            // June 23, 2013
            // I don't think we
            // want to sort here 
            // because the properties
            // will already be sorted in
            // a particular way from the function
            // FillListWithAvailableVariablesInType.
            // I'm going to comment this out to see if
            // it causes any problems.
            return type;
        public static void WriteAddToManagersForNamedObject(IElement element, NamedObjectSave namedObject, 
            ICodeBlock codeBlock, bool isInVariableSetterProperty = false, bool considerRemoveIfInvisible = true)

            bool shouldEarlyOut = 
                namedObject.IsFullyDefined == false
                (namedObject.SetByDerived || namedObject.IsDisabled || !namedObject.Instantiate || namedObject.IsContainer)
                (namedObject.SetByContainer && element is EntitySave) // Screens can't be contained, so we don't want to early out on Screens
                (namedObject.SourceType == SourceType.File &&
                (string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObject.SourceName) || namedObject.SourceName == "<NONE>"))             

            if (!shouldEarlyOut)
                AddIfConditionalSymbolIfNecesssary(codeBlock, namedObject);

                bool isInsideVisibleProperty = considerRemoveIfInvisible == false;
                string objectName = namedObject.FieldName;
                AssetTypeInfo ati = namedObject.GetAssetTypeInfo();

                if ((considerRemoveIfInvisible && namedObject.RemoveFromManagersWhenInvisible && IsInvisible(namedObject, element)))
                    if (namedObject.SourceType == SourceType.Entity)
                        // since we want to have all contained elements in namedObject also call AssignCustomVariables, we'll pass 'true'
                        codeBlock.Line(objectName + ".AssignCustomVariables(true);");
                    // else, we don't do anything here, but we do want the outer if statement to evaluate to true to prevent the addition from occurring below.

                    // If we're setting this
                    // in a variable setter, that
                    // means that this code is going
                    // to be used to dynamically set the
                    // source of an object.  In that case, 
                    // the object will not have yet been added
                    // to the managers.  Also, files that are assigned
                    // here are assumed to also not have been added to managers
                    // because they should have their LoadedOnlyWhenReferenced property
                    // set to true.
                    bool isAddedToManagerByFile = !isInVariableSetterProperty && IsAddedToManagerByFile(element, namedObject);
                    bool addedRegularly = namedObject.AddToManagers && !namedObject.InstantiatedByBase && !isAddedToManagerByFile;
                    if (addedRegularly)
                        string layerName = "null";

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObject.LayerOn))
                            if (namedObject.LayerOn == AvailableLayersTypeConverter.UnderEverythingLayerName)
                                layerName = AvailableLayersTypeConverter.UnderEverythingLayerCode;
                                layerName = namedObject.LayerOn;
                        else if (element is EntitySave)
                            layerName = "LayerProvidedByContainer";
                        else if (element is ScreenSave)
                            layerName = "mLayer";

                        #region There is an ATI - it's a type defined in the ContentTypes.csv file in Glue
                        if (ati != null)
                            if ((BaseElementTreeNode.IsOnOwnLayer(element)
                                || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObject.LayerOn))
                                && ati.LayeredAddToManagersMethod.Count != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ati.LayeredAddToManagersMethod[0]))
                                string layerAddToManagersMethod = DecideOnLineToAdd(namedObject, ati, true);

                                // This used to be inside the if(element is EntitySave) but
                                // I think we want it even if the ElementSave is a Screen.

                                layerAddToManagersMethod = layerAddToManagersMethod.Replace("mLayer", layerName);

                                codeBlock.Line(layerAddToManagersMethod.Replace("this", objectName) + ";");


                                if (ati.AddToManagersMethod.Count != 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ati.AddToManagersMethod[0]))
                                    string addLine = DecideOnLineToAdd(namedObject, ati, false);

                                    codeBlock.Line(addLine.Replace("this", objectName) + ";");

                                    if (namedObject.IsLayer && element is EntitySave)
                                        string layerToAddAbove = layerName;

                                        int indexOfThis = element.NamedObjects.IndexOf(namedObject);

                                        for (int i = 0; i < indexOfThis; i++)
                                            if (element.NamedObjects[i].IsLayer && !element.NamedObjects[i].IsDisabled)
                                                layerToAddAbove = element.NamedObjects[i].InstanceName;

                                        //If the EntitySave contains a Layer, the Layer should be inserted after whatever Layer the Entity is on.
                                        codeBlock.Line("FlatRedBall.SpriteManager.MoveLayerAboveLayer(" + objectName + ", " + layerToAddAbove + ");");

                            AddLayerSpecificAddToManagersCode(namedObject, codeBlock, objectName);

                            AddTextSpecificAddToManagersCode(namedObject, codeBlock, objectName, layerName);
                        #region No ATI - is it an Entity?
                        else if (namedObject.SourceType == SourceType.Entity)
                            if (isInsideVisibleProperty)
                                codeBlock.Line(objectName + ".ReAddToManagers(" + layerName + ");");
                                codeBlock.Line(objectName + ".AddToManagers(" + layerName + ");");

                        #region If this object is ignored in pausing, add it to the InstructionManager's ignored list

                        PauseCodeGenerator.AddToPauseIgnoreIfNecessary(codeBlock, element, namedObject);


                    #region Special Case:  Add any aliased ReferencedFileSaves that are on layers to the layer
                    // Special Case:  If a NamedObject is an EntireFile, 
                    // and the source ReferencedFileSave is not shared static,
                    // then that means that the NamedObject is essentially just
                    // used to access the ReferencedFileSave in Glue.  The user may
                    // be using the NamedObject to place the ReferencedfileSave on a
                    // layer, so we should check for that

                    // This bool construction
                    // used to also say:
                    // namedObject.SourceName.Contains("Entire ")
                    // but I think we want this
                    // added to a Layer even if it
                    // an entire file.
                    bool shouldAddToLayer = (!namedObject.AddToManagers || isAddedToManagerByFile) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObject.LayerOn) &&
                        namedObject.SourceType == SourceType.File &&
                        namedObject.SourceName != null &&
                        //namedObject.SourceName.Contains("Entire ") && 
                        ati != null &&
                        ati.LayeredAddToManagersMethod.Count != 0 &&

                    if (shouldAddToLayer)
                        string layerAddToManagersMethod = ati.LayeredAddToManagersMethod[0];

                        string layerName;
                        if (namedObject.LayerOn == AvailableLayersTypeConverter.UnderEverythingLayerName)
                            layerName = AvailableLayersTypeConverter.UnderEverythingLayerCode;
                            layerName = namedObject.LayerOn;

                        layerAddToManagersMethod = layerAddToManagersMethod.Replace("mLayer", layerName);

                        codeBlock.Line(layerAddToManagersMethod.Replace("this", objectName) + ";");


                AddEndIfIfNecessary(codeBlock, namedObject);
        public static void GenerateVariableAssignment(NamedObjectSave namedObject, ICodeBlock codeBlock)

            IEnumerable<CustomVariableInNamedObject> enumerable = namedObject.InstructionSaves;
            var ati = namedObject.GetAssetTypeInfo();

            string extraVariablePattern = null;

            if (ati != null)
                extraVariablePattern = ati.ExtraVariablesPattern;
            string[] extraVariables;

            if (extraVariablePattern != null)

                extraVariables = extraVariablePattern.Split(';');

                for (int i = 0; i < extraVariables.Length; i++)
                    extraVariables[i] = extraVariables[i].Trim().Substring(extraVariables[i].Trim().IndexOf(' ') + 1);

                enumerable = enumerable.OrderBy(item =>
                        if (extraVariables.Contains(item.Member))
                            return namedObject.InstructionSaves.IndexOf(item) - namedObject.InstructionSaves.Count;
                            return namedObject.InstructionSaves.IndexOf(item);

                extraVariables = new string[0];

            foreach (var instructionSave in enumerable)
                IElement element = null;

                if (namedObject.SourceType == SourceType.Entity)
                    element = ObjectFinder.Self.GetIElement(namedObject.SourceClassType);

                if (ExposedVariableManager.IsExposedVariable(instructionSave.Member, namedObject) ||
                    (element != null && element.GetCustomVariableRecursively(instructionSave.Member) != null) ||
                    // Could be something set by container:
                    (element != null && element.GetNamedObjectRecursively(instructionSave.Member) != null)
                    CustomVariableCodeGenerator.AppendAssignmentForCustomVariableInInstance(namedObject, codeBlock, instructionSave);
        public static string GetQualifiedTypeName(NamedObjectSave namedObjectSave)
            if (namedObjectSave.SourceType == SaveClasses.SourceType.Entity &&

                return ProjectManager.ProjectNamespace + '.' + namedObjectSave.SourceClassType.Replace('\\', '.');
            else if (namedObjectSave.GetAssetTypeInfo() != null)
                return namedObjectSave.GetAssetTypeInfo().QualifiedRuntimeTypeName.QualifiedType;
                return namedObjectSave.GetQualifiedClassType();
        private static bool IsUncloneableEntireFile(NamedObjectSave namedObject)
            if (namedObject.IsEntireFile)
                AssetTypeInfo ati = namedObject.GetAssetTypeInfo();

                if (ati != null && ati.CanBeCloned == false)
                    return true;
            return false;
Пример #13
        private static void FillWithExposableMembersForFlatRedBallType(NamedObjectSave namedObjectSave, List<MemberWithType> returnValue)
            AssetTypeInfo assetTypeInfo = namedObjectSave.GetAssetTypeInfo();
            if (assetTypeInfo != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(assetTypeInfo.Extension))
                returnValue.Add(new MemberWithType { Member = "SourceFile", Type = "string" });

            // slowly move away from reflection:
            // To do this, the CSV has to include 
            // types for variables. Until it does, we
            // are going to continue to rely on reflection.
            if (assetTypeInfo != null && 
                    (assetTypeInfo.FriendlyName == "Sprite" || 
                    assetTypeInfo.FriendlyName == "AxisAlignedRectangle" ||
                    assetTypeInfo.FriendlyName == "Circle" ||
                    assetTypeInfo.FriendlyName == "Polygon" || 
                    assetTypeInfo.FriendlyName == "Layer"

                if(assetTypeInfo.VariableDefinitions.Any(definition=> string.IsNullOrEmpty( definition.Type)))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The type " + assetTypeInfo.FriendlyName + " has variables without a type");

                var toAdd = assetTypeInfo.VariableDefinitions
                    .Select(definition => new MemberWithType { Member = definition.Name, Type = definition.Type });
            } else 
            if (assetTypeInfo != null &&
                var type =

                // We'll fall back to reflection, but eventually I'd like to see this go away
                if (type != null)
                    FillListWithAvailableVariablesInType(type, returnValue);

                    AddSpecialCasePropertiesFor(type, returnValue);

                FillFromVariableDefinitions(returnValue, assetTypeInfo);

            else if (namedObjectSave.IsList && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObjectSave.SourceClassGenericType))
                // special case - if the list is of IVisibles, then
                // let's allow the user to set visibility on the whole
                // list.
                EntitySave entityTypeInList = ObjectFinder.Self.GetEntitySave(namedObjectSave.SourceClassGenericType);

                if (entityTypeInList != null && entityTypeInList.ImplementsIVisible)
                    returnValue.Add(new MemberWithType { Member = "Visible", Type = "bool" });

            // June 23, 2013
            // I don't think we
            // want to sort here 
            // because the properties
            // will already be sorted in
            // a particular way from the function
            // FillListWithAvailableVariablesInType.
            // I'm going to comment this out to see if
            // it causes any problems.
        public static void UpdateShownVariables(DataUiGrid grid, NamedObjectSave instance, IElement container)

            List<MemberCategory> categories = new List<MemberCategory>();
            var defaultCategory = new MemberCategory("Variables");
            defaultCategory.FontSize = 14;

            AssetTypeInfo ati = instance.GetAssetTypeInfo();

            // not sure if this is needed:
            if (instance.TypedMembers.Count == 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < instance.TypedMembers.Count; i++)

                TypedMemberBase typedMember = instance.TypedMembers[i];
                InstanceMember instanceMember = CreateInstanceMember(instance, container, typedMember, ati);

                var categoryToAddTo = GetOrCreateCategoryToAddTo(categories, ati, typedMember);

                if (instanceMember != null)

            if (ati != null)
                SortCategoriesAndMembers(ref categories, ati);

            if (defaultCategory.Members.Count == 0)
            else if(categories.Count != 1)
                defaultCategory.Name = "Other Variables";

            if (categories.Count != 0)
                // "Name" shoul be the very first property:
                var nameCategory = CreateNameInstanceMember(instance);
                categories.Insert(0, nameCategory);
                //categories.First().Members.Insert(0, nameInstanceMember);

            // skip the first category in putting the alternating colors:
            for (int i = 0; i < categories.Count; i++)
                var category = categories[i];
                if (i != 0)
                    const byte brightness = 227;
                    category.SetAlternatingColors(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(brightness, brightness, brightness)), Brushes.Transparent);
        public static string GetMemberTypeForNamedObject(NamedObjectSave namedObject, string variableName)
            Type typeOfNamedObject = null;

            string foundType = null;

            var ati = namedObject.GetAssetTypeInfo();

            switch (namedObject.SourceType)
                case SourceType.Entity:

                    EntitySave entitySave = ObjectFinder.Self.GetEntitySave(namedObject.SourceClassType);
                    typeOfNamedObject = typeof(PositionedObject);
                    if (entitySave != null)
                        CustomVariable customVariable = entitySave.GetCustomVariable(variableName);

                        if (customVariable == null)
                            if (variableName.StartsWith("Current") && variableName.EndsWith("State"))
                                if (variableName == "CurrentState")
                                    foundType = "VariableState";
                                    foundType = variableName.Substring("Current".Length, variableName.Length - ("Current".Length + "State".Length));
                            else if (variableName == "Visible" && 
                                // Should this check recursively?
                                (entitySave.ImplementsIVisible || entitySave.InheritsFromFrbType()))
                                foundType = "bool";
                            else if (variableName == "Enabled" &&
                                foundType = "bool";

                        else if (entitySave.ContainsCustomVariable(variableName))
                            CustomVariable foundVariable = entitySave.GetCustomVariable(variableName);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(foundVariable.OverridingPropertyType))
                                foundType = foundVariable.OverridingPropertyType;
                                foundType = foundVariable.Type;


                case SourceType.File:
                        if (ati != null && ati.CachedExtraVariables.Any(item => item.Member == variableName))
                            foundType = ati.CachedExtraVariables.First(item => item.Member == variableName).Type;
                            string typeAsString = namedObject.InstanceType;

                            typeOfNamedObject = TypeManager.GetTypeFromString(
                case SourceType.FlatRedBallType:

                    if (variableName == "SourceFile")
                        return namedObject.ClassType;
                    else if (ati != null && ati.CachedExtraVariables.Any(item => item.Member == variableName))
                        foundType = ati.CachedExtraVariables.First(item => item.Member == variableName).Type;
                    else if (ati != null &&
                        typeOfNamedObject =
                    else if (namedObject.IsList && variableName == "Visible")
                        foundType = "bool";


            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(foundType))
                return foundType;
                Type type = GetTypeForMemberInType(typeOfNamedObject, variableName);
                if(type == null)
                    type = typeof(string);

                string toReturn = type.Name;

                if (type.IsGenericType)
                    var split = type.Name.Split('`');

                    string firstPart = split[0];

                    int numberOfParams = int.Parse(split[1]);

                    if (numberOfParams > 1)
                        // need to add support
                        //throw new Exception();
                        var result = type.GetGenericArguments();

                        toReturn = firstPart + "<" + result[0].Name + ">";

                return toReturn;
        private static void WriteAttachTo(NamedObjectSave namedObject, ICodeBlock codeBlock, List<string[]> referencedFilesAlreadyUsingFullFile, ReferencedFileSave rfs)

            string objectName = namedObject.FieldName;
            AssetTypeInfo ati = namedObject.GetAssetTypeInfo();

            if ((namedObject.GetContainerType() == ContainerType.Entity && namedObject.AttachToContainer) || namedObject.AttachToCamera)
                bool shouldAttach = true;

                if (ati != null)
                    shouldAttach = ati.ShouldAttach;
                if (namedObject.IsList)
                    shouldAttach = false;

                if (shouldAttach)
                    string whatToAttachTo = "this";

                    if (namedObject.AttachToCamera)
                        whatToAttachTo = "FlatRedBall.Camera.Main";

                    // Files (like .scnx) can
                    // contain objects which can
                    // be attached to other objects
                    // in the file.  In some cases this
                    // hierarchy is important.  Therefore,
                    // the generated code will 
                    string attachMethodCall = "AttachTo";
                    bool wrapInIf = true;
                    if (ati != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ati.AttachToNullOnlyMethod))
                        attachMethodCall = ati.AttachToNullOnlyMethod;
                        wrapInIf = false;

                    string tabs = "\t\t\t";

                    if (namedObject.ClassType == "SpriteRig")
                        codeBlock.Line(objectName + ".Root.AttachTo(" + whatToAttachTo + ", true);");

                        var currentBlock = codeBlock;

                        if (wrapInIf)
                            currentBlock = currentBlock
                                .If(objectName + ".Parent == null");

                        // March 26, 2012
                        // We used to attach
                        // objects to their parents
                        // by using absolute positions.
                        // The problem is that this means
                        // that if a script ran before the
                        // attachment happened (when a variable
                        // was set) then the script may run before
                        // attachment happened and sometimes after.
                        // That means users would have to handle both
                        // relative and absoltue cases.  We're going to
                        // make attachments happen first so that attachment
                        // happens right away - then the user can always write
                        // scripts using relative values.
                        WriteCopyToAbsoluteInInitializeCode(namedObject, currentBlock, referencedFilesAlreadyUsingFullFile, ati, objectName, rfs);

                        // March 27, 2012
                        // We used to attach
                        // by passing 'true' as
                        // the 2nd argument meaning
                        // that the relative values were
                        // set from absolute.  Now we use
                        // the relative values so that the
                        // script can simply set Relative values
                        // always whether it's before or after attachment
                        // and it'll just work.
                        if (namedObject.AttachToCamera)
                            string adjustRelativeZLine = null;

                            if (ati != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ati.AdjustRelativeZ))
                                adjustRelativeZLine = ati.AdjustRelativeZ;
                                adjustRelativeZLine = "this.RelativeZ += value";

                            adjustRelativeZLine = adjustRelativeZLine.Replace("this", "{0}").Replace("value", "{1}");

                            currentBlock.Line(string.Format(adjustRelativeZLine, objectName, "-40") + ";");
                        currentBlock.Line(objectName + "." + attachMethodCall + "(" + whatToAttachTo + ", false);");

        public static List<MemberWithType> GetExposableMembersFor(NamedObjectSave namedObjectSave)
            List<MemberWithType> returnValue = new List<MemberWithType>();

            Type type = null;

            if (namedObjectSave != null)
                switch (namedObjectSave.SourceType)
                    case SourceType.Entity:
                        EntitySave entitySave = ObjectFinder.Self.GetEntitySave(namedObjectSave.SourceClassType);
                        if (entitySave == null)
                            return returnValue;
                            return GetTunnelableMembersFor(entitySave, false);
                    case SourceType.File:

                        string typeAsString = namedObjectSave.InstanceType;

                        type = TypeManager.GetTypeFromString(
                        if (type != null)
                            FillListWithAvailableVariablesInType(type, returnValue);

                    case SourceType.FlatRedBallType:
                        type = FillWithExposableMembersForFlatRedBallType(namedObjectSave, returnValue, type);


            AssetTypeInfo ati = namedObjectSave.GetAssetTypeInfo();
            if (ati != null)

                // we convert from a string member to a typed member, only to go back to a string member.
                // That means we lose type info on any member that is of type not understood by Glue.
                // Not sure why the code does this, but we could just directly add the member from CachedExtraVariables
                //List<TypedMemberBase> typedMembers = null;
                //typedMembers = ati.GetTypedMembers();
                foreach (var member in ati.CachedExtraVariables)
                    if (!returnValue.Any(item=>item.Member == member.Member))


            return returnValue;
        public static void GetPostCustomActivityForNamedObjectSave(IElement container, NamedObjectSave namedObjectSave, ICodeBlock codeBlock)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObjectSave.ClassType))
                AssetTypeInfo ati = namedObjectSave.GetAssetTypeInfo();// AvailableAssetTypes.Self.GetAssetTypeFromRuntimeType(namedObjectSave.ClassType);

                if (ati != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ati.AfterCustomActivityMethod))
                    bool shouldGenerate = true;

                    if (namedObjectSave.SourceType == SourceType.File && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(namedObjectSave.SourceFile))
                        ReferencedFileSave rfs = container.GetReferencedFileSaveRecursively(namedObjectSave.SourceFile);

                        if (rfs != null && !rfs.IsSharedStatic)
                            shouldGenerate = false;

                    if (shouldGenerate)
                        bool wrappInNullCheck = namedObjectSave.Instantiate == false;

                        if (wrappInNullCheck)
                            codeBlock = codeBlock.If(namedObjectSave.InstanceName + " != null");
                        codeBlock.Line(ati.AfterCustomActivityMethod.Replace("this", namedObjectSave.InstanceName) + ";");
                        if (wrappInNullCheck)
                            codeBlock = codeBlock.End();
Пример #19
        public static CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock AddToPauseIgnoreIfNecessary(CodeBuilder.ICodeBlock codeBlock, IElement element, NamedObjectSave nos)
            if (nos.IgnoresPausing)
                if (nos.SourceType == SourceType.Entity && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(nos.SourceClassType))
                    // it's an Entity
                    codeBlock.Line(nos.InstanceName + ".SetToIgnorePausing();");
                else if (nos.GetAssetTypeInfo() != null && nos.GetAssetTypeInfo().CanIgnorePausing)
                    codeBlock.Line("FlatRedBall.Instructions.InstructionManager.IgnorePausingFor(" + nos.InstanceName + ");");

            return codeBlock;
        public static ICodeBlock AppendAssignmentForCustomVariableInInstance(NamedObjectSave namedObject, ICodeBlock codeBlock, 
            InstructionSave instructionSave)
            // We don't support assigning lists yet, and lists are generic, so we're going to test for generic assignments
            // Eventually I may need to make this a little more accurate.
            if (instructionSave.Value != null && instructionSave.Value.GetType().IsGenericType == false)
                bool usesStandardCodeGen = true;

                var ati = namedObject.GetAssetTypeInfo();
                if(ati != null)
                    var foundVariableDefinition = ati.VariableDefinitions.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == instructionSave.Member);

                    if(foundVariableDefinition != null && foundVariableDefinition.UsesCustomCodeGeneration)
                        usesStandardCodeGen = false;

                if (usesStandardCodeGen)
                    AppendCustomVariableInInstanceStandard(namedObject, codeBlock, instructionSave, ati);
                    PluginManager.WriteInstanceVariableAssignment(namedObject, codeBlock, instructionSave);

            return codeBlock;