public static RecurringEvent CreateEvent(RecurringEvent revent)
            var args = new RecurringEventCreatingEventArgs { RecurringEvent = revent };

            if (args.Cancel)
                return revent;


            //Create the new descriptions for the new event
            revent.descriptions = DescriptionService.GetDescriptionsForEvent(revent.calendarId, revent.Id, EventType.Normal).ToList();

            var ls = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.LocalizationService;
            foreach (var lang in ls.GetAllLanguages())
                if (revent.descriptions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.CultureCode == lang.CultureInfo.ToString()) == null)
                    revent.descriptions.Add(new EventDescription() { CalendarId = revent.calendarId, EventId = revent.Id, CultureCode = lang.CultureInfo.ToString(), Id = 0, Type = (int)EventType.Recurring });

            var args2 = new RecurringEventCreatedEventArgs { RecurringEvent = revent };

            return revent;
 public static void OnCreated(RecurringEventCreatedEventArgs e)
     EventHandler<RecurringEventCreatedEventArgs> handler = Created;
     if (handler != null)
         handler(null, e);