public TaxResultForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.count = TaxpayerList.MainTaxpayerData.Count; TaxpayerData data = TaxpayerList.MainTaxpayerData[index]; this.tfFullName.Text = (data.GetFirstName() + " " + data.GetLastName()); this.tfSSN2.Text = data.GetSSN(); this.tfAdjustedGross.Text = data.GetAdjustedGross().ToString("c2"); this.tfAmountCalc.Text = data.GetTaxCalc().ToString("c2"); this.tfAmountWithheld.Text = data.GetFedTaxWithheld().ToString("c2"); this.tfPenalty.Text = data.GetPenalty().ToString("c2"); this.tfTaxOwed.Text = data.GetTaxOwed().ToString("c2"); this.tfRefund.Text = data.GetRefund().ToString("c2"); index++; }
private void btNextData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (index < count) { TaxpayerData data = TaxpayerList.MainTaxpayerData[index]; this.tfFullName.Text = (data.GetFirstName() + " " + data.GetLastName()); this.tfSSN2.Text = data.GetSSN(); this.tfAdjustedGross.Text = data.GetAdjustedGross().ToString("c2"); this.tfAmountCalc.Text = data.GetTaxCalc().ToString("c2"); this.tfAmountWithheld.Text = data.GetFedTaxWithheld().ToString("c2"); this.tfPenalty.Text = data.GetPenalty().ToString("c2"); this.tfTaxOwed.Text = data.GetTaxOwed().ToString("c2"); this.tfRefund.Text = data.GetRefund().ToString("c2"); index++; } else { //show summary of all taxpayer in third form Form summaryForm = new SummaryForm(); summaryForm.ShowDialog(); } }
private void btSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //get user input //add user data to linked list //open second form if (TaxpayerList.MainIndex < SIZE) { if (IsValidDataEmpty()) { //define local variables string firstName = "", lastName = "", address = "", city = "", state = "", zipCode = "", ssn = ""; int numExem = 0; decimal gross = 0m, fedTax = 0m, capital = 0m, realEstate = 0m, excise = 0m, medTax = 0m; firstName = this.tfFirstName.Text; lastName = this.tfLastName.Text; address = this.tfAddress.Text; city = this.tfCity.Text; state = this.cbState.SelectedItem.ToString(); zipCode = this.tfZipCode.Text; ssn = this.tfSSN.Text; numExem = Convert.ToInt32(this.tfExemption.Text); gross = Convert.ToDecimal(this.tfGrossEarnings.Text); fedTax = Convert.ToDecimal(this.tfFedTax.Text); capital = Convert.ToDecimal(this.tfCapital.Text); realEstate = Convert.ToDecimal(this.tfRealEstate.Text); excise = Convert.ToDecimal(this.tfExciseTax.Text); medTax = Convert.ToDecimal(this.tfMedExpenses.Text); //add data to object TaxpayerData data = new TaxpayerData(firstName, lastName, address, city, state, zipCode, ssn, numExem, gross, fedTax, capital, realEstate, excise, medTax); //add object to array list TaxpayerList.setUserData(data); clearFields(); //MessageBox.Show(this, data.GetDisplayText("\n"), "Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None); //increment index TaxpayerList.MainIndex++; if (TaxpayerList.MainIndex == SIZE) { //open form #2 Form taxResultForm = new TaxResultForm(); taxResultForm.ShowDialog(); } } else { //dispaly error msg MessageBox.Show(this, "Your data is incorrect!\nPlease, correct ALL text fields with RED error-labels", "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }else { //open form #2 Form taxResultForm = new TaxResultForm(); taxResultForm.ShowDialog(); } }
public static void setUserData(TaxpayerData data) { MainTaxpayerData.Add(data); }