Пример #1
        bool blOpenForm; // this tracks all the way through initialisation whether the form should open.

        public frmDataBuffer()
            blOpenForm = true;

            myFileFuncs   = new FileFunctions();
            myStringFuncs = new StringFunctions();

            myLaunchConfig = new BufferToolLaunchConfig();
            if (!myLaunchConfig.XMLFound)
                MessageBox.Show("XML file 'DataBuffer.xml' not found; form cannot load.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                blOpenForm = false;
            if (!myLaunchConfig.XMLLoaded)
                MessageBox.Show("Error loading XML File 'DataBuffer.xml'; form cannot load.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                blOpenForm = false;

            if (blOpenForm)
                string strXMLFolder  = myFileFuncs.GetDirectoryName(Settings.Default.XMLFile);
                bool   blOnlyDefault = true;
                int    intCount      = 0;
                if (myLaunchConfig.ChooseConfig) // If we are allowed to choose, check if there are multiple profiles.
                // If there is only the default XML file in the directory, launch the form. Otherwise the user has to choose.
                    foreach (string strFileName in myFileFuncs.GetAllFilesInDirectory(strXMLFolder))
                        if (myFileFuncs.GetFileName(strFileName).ToLower() != "databuffer.xml" && myFileFuncs.GetExtension(strFileName).ToLower() == "xml")
                            // is it the default?
                            if (myFileFuncs.GetFileName(strFileName) != myLaunchConfig.DefaultXML)
                                blOnlyDefault = false;
                    if (intCount > 1)
                        blOnlyDefault = false;
                if (myLaunchConfig.ChooseConfig && !blOnlyDefault)
                    // User has to choose the configuration file first.

                    using (var myConfigForm = new frmChooseConfig(strXMLFolder, myLaunchConfig.DefaultXML))
                        var result = myConfigForm.ShowDialog();
                        if (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                            strConfigFile = strXMLFolder + "\\" + myConfigForm.ChosenXMLFile;
                            MessageBox.Show("No XML file was chosen; form cannot load.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                            blOpenForm = false;
                    strConfigFile = strXMLFolder + "\\" + myLaunchConfig.DefaultXML; // don't allow the user to choose, just use the default.
                    // Just check it exists, though.
                    if (!myFileFuncs.FileExists(strConfigFile))
                        MessageBox.Show("The default XML file '" + myLaunchConfig.DefaultXML + "' was not found in the XML directory; form cannot load.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                        blOpenForm = false;

            if (blOpenForm)
                // Firstly let's read the XML.
                myConfig = new BufferToolConfig(strConfigFile); // Must now pass the correct XML name.

                // Did we find the XML?
                if (!myConfig.FoundXML)
                    MessageBox.Show("XML file not found; form cannot load.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    blOpenForm = false;

                // Did it load OK?
                else if (!myConfig.LoadedXML)
                    MessageBox.Show("Error loading XML File; form cannot load.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                    blOpenForm = false;

            // Close the form if there are any errors at this point.
            if (!blOpenForm)
                Load += (s, e) => Close();

            // Fix any illegal characters in the user name string
            strUserID = myStringFuncs.StripIllegals(Environment.UserName, "_", false);

            // We're all set to show the form. Set it up.
            // Initialise all the helper classes.
            theApplication    = ArcMap.Application;
            myArcMapFuncs     = new ArcMapFunctions(theApplication);
            myDataBufferFuncs = new DataBufferRoutine(theApplication, strConfigFile);
            myFileFuncs       = new FileFunctions();

            // Now fill up the menu with the required layers.
            // Firstly check for missing layers.
            MapLayers theInputLayers = myConfig.InputLayers;

            List <string> MissingLayerList = new List <string>();

            foreach (MapLayer aLayer in theInputLayers)
                if (!myArcMapFuncs.LayerExists(aLayer.LayerName)) // We do not accept group layers.

            // Tell the user that there's a problem if there is one.
            if (MissingLayerList.Count > 0)
                string strMessage = "Warning: ";
                if (MissingLayerList.Count == 1)
                    strMessage = "the layer " + MissingLayerList[0] + " is not loaded in the Table of Contents.";
                else if (MissingLayerList.Count > 1)
                    strMessage = "the following layers are not loaded in the Table of Contents: ";
                    foreach (string aLayer in MissingLayerList)
                        strMessage = strMessage + aLayer + ", ";
                    strMessage = strMessage.Substring(0, strMessage.Length - 2) + "."; // Trim the last comma and space; add a full stop.
                MessageBox.Show(strMessage, "Warning", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);

            // Set the default for clear log file.
            chkClearLog.Checked = myConfig.DefaultClearLog;
Пример #2
        private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            // Do we have a selection? If not, remind the user and exit.
            if (lstInput.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select at least one layer.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                this.Cursor = Cursors.Default;

            // Define the log file
            string strLogFile = myConfig.LogFilePath + "\\DataBuffer_" + strUserID + ".log";

            // Delete if requested
            if (chkClearLog.Checked)
                bool blDeleted = myFileFuncs.DeleteFile(strLogFile);
                if (!blDeleted)
                    MessageBox.Show("Cannot delete log file. Please make sure it is not open in another window");

            //this.btnOK.Enabled = false;
            this.Enabled = false;

            // Request the output file from the user.
            string strOutputFile = "None";
            bool   blDone        = false;

            while (!blDone)
                strOutputFile = myArcMapFuncs.GetOutputFileName(myConfig.OutputLayer.Format, myConfig.DefaultPath);
                if (strOutputFile != "None")
                    // Does this output file already exist?
                    if (myArcMapFuncs.FeatureclassExists(strOutputFile))
                        DialogResult confirmOverwrite = MessageBox.Show("The output file already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?", "Data Buffer", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                        if (confirmOverwrite == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                            // Delete the existing file
                            blDone = true;
                        blDone = true; // It's a new file
                    // User pressed Cancel - return to main menu.
                    this.Cursor  = Cursors.Default;
                    this.Enabled = true;

            // Find the selected map layers.
            MapLayers Selectedlayers = new MapLayers();
            MapLayers AllMapLayers   = myConfig.InputLayers;

            foreach (string strSelectedItem in lstInput.SelectedItems)
                // Find the relevant map layer and add it to the collection.
                foreach (MapLayer aLayer in AllMapLayers)
                    if (aLayer.DisplayName == strSelectedItem)

            // Set up the data buffer functions class.
            myDataBufferFuncs             = new DataBufferRoutine(theApplication, strConfigFile);
            myDataBufferFuncs.InputLayers = Selectedlayers;
            myDataBufferFuncs.OutputLayer = myConfig.OutputLayer;

            // *** RUN THE FUNCTION ***
            long intResult = myDataBufferFuncs.RunDataBuffer(strOutputFile, strLogFile, this);

            // Report the result
            if (intResult != -999)
                myFileFuncs.WriteLine(strLogFile, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
                myFileFuncs.WriteLine(strLogFile, "Process complete. The new buffer layer has " + intResult.ToString() + " records.");
                myFileFuncs.WriteLine(strLogFile, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
                myFileFuncs.WriteLine(strLogFile, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------");
                myFileFuncs.WriteLine(strLogFile, "Process could not complete successfully due to errors.");
                myFileFuncs.WriteLine(strLogFile, "---------------------------------------------------------------------------");

            // Finish off.
            this.Cursor  = Cursors.Default;
            this.Enabled = true;
            if (intResult != -999)
                DialogResult dlResult = MessageBox.Show("Process complete. Do you wish to close the form?", "Data Buffer", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                if (dlResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
            Process.Start("notepad.exe", strLogFile);

            // Any required tidying up.
            Selectedlayers = null;
            AllMapLayers   = null;