Пример #1
        public static string main_GetRemoteQueryKey(CoreController core, string SQL, string dataSourceName = "default", int maxRows = 1000)
            string remoteKey = "";

            if (maxRows == 0)
                maxRows = 1000;
            using (var cs = new CsModel(core)) {
                cs.insert("Remote Queries");
                if (cs.ok())
                    remoteKey = getGUIDNaked();
                    cs.set("remotekey", remoteKey);
                    cs.set("datasourceid", MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, "Data Sources", dataSourceName));
                    cs.set("sqlquery", SQL);
                    cs.set("maxRows", maxRows);
                    cs.set("dateexpires", DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.doc.profileStartTime.AddDays(1)));
                    cs.set("QueryTypeID", QueryTypeSQL);
                    cs.set("VisitId", core.session.visit.id);
Пример #2
        public static void installNode(CoreController core, XmlNode AddonNode, string AddonGuidFieldName, int CollectionID, ref bool return_UpgradeOK, ref string return_ErrorMessage, ref bool collectionIncludesDiagnosticAddons)
            // todo - return bool
            return_ErrorMessage = "";
            return_UpgradeOK    = true;
            try {
                string Basename = GenericController.toLCase(AddonNode.Name);
                if ((Basename == "page") || (Basename == "process") || (Basename == "addon") || (Basename == "add-on"))
                    bool   IsFound   = false;
                    string addonName = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, AddonNode, "name", "No Name");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addonName))
                        addonName = "No Name";
                    string addonGuid = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, AddonNode, "guid", addonName);
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addonGuid))
                        addonGuid = addonName;
                    string navTypeName = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, AddonNode, "type", "");
                    int    navTypeId   = getListIndex(navTypeName, navTypeIDList);
                    if (navTypeId == 0)
                        navTypeId = NavTypeIDAddon;
                    using (var cs = new CsModel(core)) {
                        string Criteria = "(" + AddonGuidFieldName + "=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(addonGuid) + ")";
                        cs.open(AddonModel.tableMetadata.contentName, Criteria, "", false);
                        if (cs.ok())
                            // Update the Addon
                            LogController.logInfo(core, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ", UpgradeAppFromLocalCollection, GUID match with existing Add-on, Updating Add-on [" + addonName + "], Guid [" + addonGuid + "]");
                            // not found by GUID - search name against name to update legacy Add-ons
                            Criteria = "(name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(addonName) + ")and(" + AddonGuidFieldName + " is null)";
                            cs.open(AddonModel.tableMetadata.contentName, Criteria, "", false);
                            if (cs.ok())
                                LogController.logInfo(core, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ", UpgradeAppFromLocalCollection, Add-on name matched an existing Add-on that has no GUID, Updating legacy Aggregate Function to Add-on [" + addonName + "], Guid [" + addonGuid + "]");
                        if (!cs.ok())
                            // not found by GUID or by name, Insert a new addon
                            if (cs.ok())
                                LogController.logInfo(core, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ", UpgradeAppFromLocalCollection, Creating new Add-on [" + addonName + "], Guid [" + addonGuid + "]");
                        if (!cs.ok())
                            // Could not create new Add-on
                            LogController.logInfo(core, MethodInfo.GetCurrentMethod().Name + ", UpgradeAppFromLocalCollection, Add-on could not be created, skipping Add-on [" + addonName + "], Guid [" + addonGuid + "]");
                            int addonId = cs.getInteger("ID");
                            MetadataController.deleteContentRecords(core, "Add-on Include Rules", "addonid=" + addonId);
                            MetadataController.deleteContentRecords(core, "Add-on Content Trigger Rules", "addonid=" + addonId);
                            cs.set("collectionid", CollectionID);
                            cs.set(AddonGuidFieldName, addonGuid);
                            cs.set("name", addonName);
                            cs.set("navTypeId", navTypeId);
                            var ArgumentList = new StringBuilder();
                            var StyleSheet   = new StringBuilder();
                            if (AddonNode.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                                foreach (XmlNode Addonfield in AddonNode.ChildNodes)
                                    if (!(Addonfield is XmlComment))
                                        XmlNode PageInterface = Addonfield;
                                        string  fieldName     = null;
                                        string  FieldValue    = "";
                                        switch (GenericController.toLCase(Addonfield.Name))
                                        case "activexdll": {
                                            // This is handled in BuildLocalCollectionFolder

                                        case "editors": {
                                            // list of editors
                                            foreach (XmlNode TriggerNode in Addonfield.ChildNodes)
                                                int    fieldTypeId = 0;
                                                string fieldType   = null;
                                                switch (GenericController.toLCase(TriggerNode.Name))
                                                case "type": {
                                                    fieldType   = TriggerNode.InnerText;
                                                    fieldTypeId = MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, "Content Field Types", fieldType);
                                                    if (fieldTypeId > 0)
                                                        using (var CS2 = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                            Criteria = "(addonid=" + addonId + ")and(contentfieldTypeID=" + fieldTypeId + ")";
                                                            CS2.open("Add-on Content Field Type Rules", Criteria);
                                                            if (!CS2.ok())
                                                                CS2.insert("Add-on Content Field Type Rules");
                                                            if (CS2.ok())
                                                                CS2.set("addonid", addonId);
                                                                CS2.set("contentfieldTypeID", fieldTypeId);

                                                default: {
                                                    // do nothing

                                        case "processtriggers": {
                                            // list of events that trigger a process run for this addon
                                            foreach (XmlNode TriggerNode in Addonfield.ChildNodes)
                                                switch (GenericController.toLCase(TriggerNode.Name))
                                                case "contentchange": {
                                                    int    TriggerContentId  = 0;
                                                    string ContentNameorGuid = TriggerNode.InnerText;
                                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentNameorGuid))
                                                        ContentNameorGuid = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, TriggerNode, "guid", "");
                                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentNameorGuid))
                                                            ContentNameorGuid = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, TriggerNode, "name", "");
                                                    using (var CS2 = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                        Criteria = "(ccguid=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(ContentNameorGuid) + ")";
                                                        CS2.open("Content", Criteria);
                                                        if (!CS2.ok())
                                                            Criteria = "(ccguid is null)and(name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(ContentNameorGuid) + ")";
                                                            CS2.open("content", Criteria);
                                                        if (CS2.ok())
                                                            TriggerContentId = CS2.getInteger("ID");
                                                    if (TriggerContentId != 0)
                                                        using (var CS2 = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                            Criteria = "(addonid=" + addonId + ")and(contentid=" + TriggerContentId + ")";
                                                            CS2.open("Add-on Content Trigger Rules", Criteria);
                                                            if (!CS2.ok())
                                                                CS2.insert("Add-on Content Trigger Rules");
                                                                if (CS2.ok())
                                                                    CS2.set("addonid", addonId);
                                                                    CS2.set("contentid", TriggerContentId);

                                                default: {
                                                    // do nothing

                                        case "scripting": {
                                            // include add-ons - NOTE - import collections must be run before interfaces
                                            // when importing a collectin that will be used for an include
                                            int    scriptinglanguageid = (int)AddonController.ScriptLanguages.VBScript;
                                            string ScriptingLanguage   = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "language", "").ToLowerInvariant();
                                            if (ScriptingLanguage.Equals("javascript") || ScriptingLanguage.Equals("jscript"))
                                                scriptinglanguageid = (int)AddonController.ScriptLanguages.Javascript;
                                            cs.set("scriptinglanguageid", scriptinglanguageid);
                                            string ScriptingEntryPoint = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "entrypoint", "");
                                            cs.set("ScriptingEntryPoint", ScriptingEntryPoint);
                                            int ScriptingTimeout = GenericController.encodeInteger(XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "timeout", "5000"));
                                            cs.set("ScriptingTimeout", ScriptingTimeout);
                                            string ScriptingCode = "";
                                            foreach (XmlNode ScriptingNode in Addonfield.ChildNodes)
                                                switch (GenericController.toLCase(ScriptingNode.Name))
                                                case "code": {
                                                    ScriptingCode += ScriptingNode.InnerText;

                                                default: {
                                                    // do nothing
                                            cs.set("ScriptingCode", ScriptingCode);

                                        case "activexprogramid": {
                                            // save program id
                                            FieldValue = Addonfield.InnerText;
                                            cs.set("ObjectProgramID", FieldValue);

                                        case "navigator": {
                                            // create a navigator entry with a parent set to this
                                            string menuNameSpace = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "NameSpace", "");
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(menuNameSpace))
                                                string NavIconTypeString = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "type", "");
                                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(NavIconTypeString))
                                                    NavIconTypeString = "Addon";
                                                BuildController.verifyNavigatorEntry(core, new MetadataMiniCollectionModel.MiniCollectionMenuModel {
                                                        menuNameSpace = menuNameSpace,
                                                        name          = addonName,
                                                        adminOnly     = false,
                                                        developerOnly = false,
                                                        newWindow     = false,
                                                        active        = true,
                                                        addonName     = addonName,
                                                        navIconType   = NavIconTypeString,
                                                        navIconTitle  = addonName
                                                    }, CollectionID);

                                        case "argument":
                                        case "argumentlist": {
                                            // multiple argumentlist elements are concatinated with crlf
                                            ArgumentList.Append(Addonfield.InnerText.Trim(' ') + Environment.NewLine);

                                        case "style": {
                                            // import exclusive style
                                            string NodeName = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "name", "");
                                            string NewValue = encodeText(Addonfield.InnerText).Trim(' ');
                                            if (NewValue.left(1) != "{")
                                                NewValue = "{" + NewValue;
                                            if (NewValue.Substring(NewValue.Length - 1) != "}")
                                                NewValue += "}";
                                            StyleSheet.Append(NodeName + " " + NewValue + Environment.NewLine);

                                        case "stylesheet":
                                        case "styles": {
                                            // import exclusive stylesheet if more then whitespace
                                            string test = Addonfield.InnerText;
                                            test = strReplace(test, " ", "");
                                            test = strReplace(test, "\r", "");
                                            test = strReplace(test, "\n", "");
                                            test = strReplace(test, "\t", "");
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(test))
                                                StyleSheet.Append(Addonfield.InnerText + Environment.NewLine);

                                        case "template":
                                        case "content":
                                        case "admin": {
                                            // these add-ons will be "non-developer only" in navigation
                                            fieldName  = Addonfield.Name;
                                            FieldValue = Addonfield.InnerText;
                                            if (!cs.isFieldSupported(fieldName))
                                                // Bad field name - need to report it somehow
                                                cs.set(fieldName, FieldValue);
                                                if (GenericController.encodeBoolean(Addonfield.InnerText))
                                                    // if template, admin or content - let non-developers have navigator entry

                                        case "icon": {
                                            // icon
                                            FieldValue = XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "link", "");
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FieldValue))
                                                // Icons can be either in the root of the website or in content files
                                                FieldValue = GenericController.strReplace(FieldValue, "\\", "/");         // make it a link, not a file
                                                if (GenericController.strInstr(1, FieldValue, "://") != 0)
                                                    // the link is an absolute URL, leave it link this
                                                    if (FieldValue.left(1) != "/")
                                                        // make sure it starts with a slash to be consistance
                                                        FieldValue = "/" + FieldValue;
                                                    if (FieldValue.left(17) == "/contensivefiles/")
                                                        // in content files, start link without the slash
                                                        FieldValue = FieldValue.Substring(17);
                                                cs.set("IconFilename", FieldValue);
                                                    cs.set("IconWidth", GenericController.encodeInteger(XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "width", "0")));
                                                    cs.set("IconHeight", GenericController.encodeInteger(XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "height", "0")));
                                                    cs.set("IconSprites", GenericController.encodeInteger(XmlController.getXMLAttribute(core, ref IsFound, Addonfield, "sprites", "0")));

                                        case "includeaddon":
                                        case "includeadd-on":
                                        case "include addon":
                                        case "include add-on": {
                                            // processed in phase2 of this routine, after all the add-ons are installed

                                        case "form": {
                                            // The value of this node is the xml instructions to create a form. Take then
                                            //   entire node, children and all, and save them in the formxml field.
                                            //   this replaces the settings add-on type, and soo to be report add-on types as well.
                                            //   this removes the ccsettingpages and settingcollectionrules, etc.
                                                cs.set("formxml", Addonfield.InnerXml);

                                        case "javascript":
                                        case "javascriptinhead": {
                                            // these all translate to JSFilename
                                            fieldName = "jsfilename";
                                            cs.set(fieldName, Addonfield.InnerText);


                                        case "iniframe": {
                                            // typo - field is inframe
                                            fieldName = "inframe";
                                            cs.set(fieldName, Addonfield.InnerText);

                                        case "diagnostic": {
                                            bool fieldValue = encodeBoolean(Addonfield.InnerText);
                                            cs.set("diagnostic", fieldValue);
                                            collectionIncludesDiagnosticAddons = collectionIncludesDiagnosticAddons || fieldValue;

                                        case "category": {
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Addonfield.InnerText))
                                                AddonCategoryModel category = DbBaseModel.createByUniqueName <AddonCategoryModel>(core.cpParent, Addonfield.InnerText);
                                                if (category == null)
                                                    category      = DbBaseModel.addDefault <AddonCategoryModel>(core.cpParent);
                                                    category.name = Addonfield.InnerText;
                                                cs.set("addonCategoryId", category.id);

                                        case "instancesettingprimarycontentid": {
                                            int lookupContentId = 0;
                                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Addonfield.InnerText))
                                                ContentModel lookupContent = DbBaseModel.createByUniqueName <ContentModel>(core.cpParent, Addonfield.InnerText);
                                                if (lookupContent != null)
                                                    lookupContentId = lookupContent.id;
                                            cs.set("instancesettingprimarycontentid", lookupContentId);

                                        default: {
                                            // All the other fields should match the Db fields
                                            fieldName  = Addonfield.Name;
                                            FieldValue = Addonfield.InnerText;
                                            if (!cs.isFieldSupported(fieldName))
                                                // Bad field name - need to report it somehow
                                                LogController.logError(core, new ApplicationException("bad field found [" + fieldName + "], in addon node [" + addonName + "], of collection [" + MetadataController.getRecordName(core, "add-on collections", CollectionID) + "]"));
                                                cs.set(fieldName, FieldValue);
                            cs.set("ArgumentList", ArgumentList.ToString());
                            cs.set("StylesFilename", StyleSheet.ToString());
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);