Пример #1
        public static string getActiveEditor(CoreController core, string ContentName, int RecordID, string FieldName, string FormElements = "")
            int    ContentID      = 0;
            string Copy           = null;
            string Stream         = "";
            string ButtonPanel    = null;
            string EditorPanel    = null;
            string PanelCopy      = null;
            string intContentName = null;
            int    intRecordId    = 0;
            string strFieldName   = null;

            intContentName = GenericController.encodeText(ContentName);
            intRecordId    = GenericController.encodeInteger(RecordID);
            strFieldName   = GenericController.encodeText(FieldName);
            EditorPanel = "";
            ContentID   = Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, intContentName);
            if ((ContentID < 1) || (intRecordId < 1) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strFieldName)))
                PanelCopy   = SpanClassAdminNormal + "The information you have selected can not be accessed.</span>";
                EditorPanel = EditorPanel + core.html.getPanel(PanelCopy);
                intContentName = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ContentID);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(intContentName))
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        csData.open(intContentName, "ID=" + intRecordId);
                        if (!csData.ok())
                            PanelCopy   = SpanClassAdminNormal + "The information you have selected can not be accessed.</span>";
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + core.html.getPanel(PanelCopy);
                            Copy        = csData.getText(strFieldName);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + HtmlController.inputHidden("Type", FormTypeActiveEditor);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + HtmlController.inputHidden("cid", ContentID);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + HtmlController.inputHidden("ID", intRecordId);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + HtmlController.inputHidden("fn", strFieldName);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + GenericController.encodeText(FormElements);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + core.html.getFormInputHTML("ContentCopy", Copy, "3", "45", false, true);
                            ButtonPanel = core.html.getPanelButtons(ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSave);
                            EditorPanel = EditorPanel + ButtonPanel;
            Stream = Stream + core.html.getPanelHeader("Contensive Active Content Editor");
            Stream = Stream + core.html.getPanel(EditorPanel);
            Stream = HtmlController.form(core, Stream);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Process the active editor form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        public static void processActiveEditor(CoreController core)
            string Button      = null;
            int    ContentID   = 0;
            string ContentName = null;
            int    RecordID    = 0;
            string FieldName   = null;
            string ContentCopy = null;

            Button = core.docProperties.getText("Button");
            switch (Button)
            case ButtonCancel:
                // ----- Do nothing, the form will reload with the previous contents

            case ButtonSave:
                // ----- read the form fields
                ContentID   = core.docProperties.getInteger("cid");
                RecordID    = core.docProperties.getInteger("id");
                FieldName   = core.docProperties.getText("fn");
                ContentCopy = core.docProperties.getText("ContentCopy");
                // ----- convert editor active edit icons
                ContentCopy = ActiveContentController.processWysiwygResponseForSave(core, ContentCopy);
                // ----- save the content
                ContentName = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ContentID);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentName))
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        csData.open(ContentName, "ID=" + DbController.encodeSQLNumber(RecordID), "", false);
                        if (csData.ok())
                            csData.set(FieldName, ContentCopy);