Пример #1
        public static CCPoint3 Transform(CCPoint3 point, ref CCAffineTransform t)
            Vector3 vec = point.XnaVector;

            Vector3.Transform(ref vec, ref t.xnaMatrix, out vec);
            return(new CCPoint3(vec));
Пример #2
        public CCCamera(CCCameraProjection projection, CCSize targetVisibleDimensionsWorldspace, CCPoint3 targetInWorldspaceIn)
            : this(targetInWorldspaceIn)
            cameraProjection = projection;

            if (cameraProjection == CCCameraProjection.Projection2D)
                centerInWorldspace = new CCPoint3(targetInWorldspaceIn.X,
                                                  targetInWorldspaceIn.Z + defaultNearAndFarOrthoClipping.Near);

                orthographicViewSizeWorldspace = targetVisibleDimensionsWorldspace;
                aspectRatio = targetVisibleDimensionsWorldspace.Width / targetVisibleDimensionsWorldspace.Height;

                    = CalculatePerspectiveCameraCenter(targetVisibleDimensionsWorldspace, targetInWorldspace);

                /* Make sure the far clipping distance is longer than distance frame camera to target
                 *  Give ourselves a little extra distance buffer so that there's no clipping when rotating etc
                 *  If users want to customise the near and far clipping bounds, they can do that and then call
                 *  UpdatePerspectiveCameraTargetBounds
                    = Math.Max(Math.Abs((centerInWorldspace.Z - targetInWorldspaceIn.Z) * 3.0f), defaultNearAndFarPerspClipping.Far);

Пример #3
        public CCCamera(CCSize orthographicViewSizeWorldspaceIn, CCPoint3 cameraCenterPositionWorldspaceIn, CCPoint3 targetInWorldspaceIn)
            : this(cameraCenterPositionWorldspaceIn, targetInWorldspaceIn)
            cameraProjection = CCCameraProjection.Projection2D;

            orthographicViewSizeWorldspace = orthographicViewSizeWorldspaceIn;

Пример #4
        // Defaults for both 2d and 3d projections
        CCCamera(CCPoint3 targetInWorldspaceIn)
            targetInWorldspace = targetInWorldspaceIn;

            nearAndFarOrthographicZClipping = defaultNearAndFarOrthoClipping;
            nearAndFarPerspectiveClipping   = defaultNearAndFarPerspClipping;
            fieldOfView = defaultFieldOfView;
            aspectRatio = defaultAspectRatio;
            upDirection = new CCPoint3(Vector3.Up.X, Vector3.Up.Y, Vector3.Up.Z);
Пример #5
        public CCCamera(float perspectiveFieldOfViewIn, float perspectiveAspectRatioIn, CCPoint3 cameraCenterPositionWorldspaceIn, CCPoint3 targetInWorldspaceIn)
            : this(targetInWorldspaceIn)
            cameraProjection = CCCameraProjection.Projection3D;

            centerInWorldspace = cameraCenterPositionWorldspaceIn;

            fieldOfView = perspectiveFieldOfViewIn;
            aspectRatio = perspectiveAspectRatioIn;

Пример #6
        public void UpdatePerspectiveCameraTargetBounds(CCSize targetVisibleDimensionsWorldspaceIn, CCPoint3 targetWorldspaceIn)
            cameraProjection = CCCameraProjection.Projection3D;

            aspectRatio = targetVisibleDimensionsWorldspaceIn.Width / targetVisibleDimensionsWorldspaceIn.Height;

            targetInWorldspace = targetWorldspaceIn;

                = CalculatePerspectiveCameraCenter(targetVisibleDimensionsWorldspaceIn, targetWorldspaceIn);

Пример #7
        public CCOrbitCameraState(CCOrbitCamera action, CCNode target)
            : base(action, target)
            AngleX      = action.AngleX;
            AngleZ      = action.AngleZ;
            DeltaAngleX = action.DeltaAngleX;
            DeltaAngleZ = action.DeltaAngleZ;
            DeltaRadius = action.DeltaRadius;
            Radius      = action.Radius;

            // We are assuming the local camera will be centered directly at the target
            // => Add radius to the z position of local camera
            CCPoint3 fauxLocalCameraCenter = target.FauxLocalCameraCenter;

            fauxLocalCameraCenter.Z     += Radius;
            target.FauxLocalCameraCenter = fauxLocalCameraCenter;

            //CameraCenter = fauxLocalCameraCenter;

            RadDeltaZ = CCMacros.CCDegreesToRadians(DeltaAngleZ);
            RadDeltaX = CCMacros.CCDegreesToRadians(DeltaAngleX);

            // Only calculate the SpericalRadius when needed.
            if (float.IsNaN(Radius) || float.IsNaN(AngleZ) || float.IsNaN(AngleX))
                float r, zenith, azimuth;
                SphericalRadius(out r, out zenith, out azimuth);

                if (float.IsNaN(Radius))
                    Radius = r;

                if (float.IsNaN(AngleZ))
                    AngleZ = CCMacros.CCRadiansToDegrees(zenith);

                if (float.IsNaN(AngleX))
                    AngleX = CCMacros.CCRadiansToDegrees(azimuth);

            RadZ = CCMacros.CCDegreesToRadians(AngleZ);
            RadX = CCMacros.CCDegreesToRadians(AngleX);
Пример #8
        void SphericalRadius(out float newRadius, out float zenith, out float azimuth)
            float ex, ey, ez, cx, cy, cz, x, y, z;
            float r; // radius
            float s;

            CCPoint3 cameraCenter = CameraCenter;
            CCPoint3 cameraTarget = CameraTarget;

            ex = cameraTarget.X;
            ey = cameraTarget.Y;
            ez = cameraTarget.Z;

            cx = cameraCenter.X;
            cy = cameraCenter.Y;
            cz = cameraCenter.Z;

            x = ex - cx;
            y = ey - cy;
            z = ez - cz;

            r = (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
            s = (float)Math.Sqrt(x * x + y * y);
            if (s == 0.0f)
                s = float.Epsilon;
            if (r == 0.0f)
                r = float.Epsilon;

            zenith = (float)Math.Acos(z / r);
            if (x < 0)
                azimuth = (float)Math.PI - (float)Math.Sin(y / s);
                azimuth = (float)Math.Sin(y / s);

            newRadius = r;
Пример #9
        CCPoint3 CalculatePerspectiveCameraCenter(CCSize targetVisibleBounds, CCPoint3 target)
            CCPoint3 newCenter = target;

             * Given our field of view and near and far clipping, need to find z position of camera center
             * The top coord of near bounding frustrum is y_p = - (near * y_eye) / z_eye = near * Tan(fov / 2)
             * Here, we want y_eye = 1/2 * bounds height
             * Solve for above for target z_eye
             * Finally, the center we're setting is in world coords (i.e. z_center = z_target - z_eye.
             * Note z_eye will generally have a negative value, so - z_eye > 0.

            float zEye = -(targetVisibleBounds.Height / 2.0f) * (1 / (float)Math.Tan(fieldOfView / 2.0f));

            newCenter.Z -= zEye;

Пример #10
        internal void UpdateVisibleBoundsRect()
            if (Viewport == null || Camera == null || Viewport.ViewportInPixels == CCRect.Zero)

            if (Camera.Projection == CCCameraProjection.Projection2D && Camera.OrthographicViewSizeWorldspace == CCSize.Zero)

            var viewportRectInPixels = Viewport.ViewportInPixels;

            // Want to determine worldspace bounds relative to camera target
            // Need to first find z screenspace coord of target
            CCPoint3 target    = Camera.TargetInWorldspace;
            Vector3  targetVec = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, target.Z);

            targetVec = Viewport.XnaViewport.Project(targetVec, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);

            Vector3 topLeft     = new Vector3(viewportRectInPixels.Origin.X, viewportRectInPixels.Origin.Y, targetVec.Z);
            Vector3 topRight    = new Vector3(viewportRectInPixels.Origin.X + viewportRectInPixels.Size.Width, viewportRectInPixels.Origin.Y, targetVec.Z);
            Vector3 bottomLeft  = new Vector3(viewportRectInPixels.Origin.X, viewportRectInPixels.Origin.Y + viewportRectInPixels.Size.Height, targetVec.Z);
            Vector3 bottomRight = new Vector3(viewportRectInPixels.Origin.X + viewportRectInPixels.Size.Width, viewportRectInPixels.Origin.Y + viewportRectInPixels.Size.Height, targetVec.Z);

            // Convert screen space to worldspace. Note screenspace origin is in topleft part of viewport
            topLeft     = Viewport.XnaViewport.Unproject(topLeft, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);
            topRight    = Viewport.XnaViewport.Unproject(topRight, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);
            bottomLeft  = Viewport.XnaViewport.Unproject(bottomLeft, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);
            bottomRight = Viewport.XnaViewport.Unproject(bottomRight, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);

            CCPoint topLeftPoint     = new CCPoint(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y);
            CCPoint bottomLeftPoint  = new CCPoint(bottomLeft.X, bottomLeft.Y);
            CCPoint bottomRightPoint = new CCPoint(bottomRight.X, bottomRight.Y);

            visibleBoundsWorldspace = new CCRect(
                bottomLeftPoint.X, bottomLeftPoint.Y,
                (int)((bottomRightPoint.X - bottomLeftPoint.X)),
                (int)((topLeftPoint.Y - bottomLeftPoint.Y)));

            anchorPointInPoints = new CCPoint(visibleBoundsWorldspace.Size.Width * AnchorPoint.X, visibleBoundsWorldspace.Size.Height * AnchorPoint.Y);
Пример #11
        void UpdateVisibleBoundsRect()
            if (Camera == null)

            if (Camera.Projection == CCCameraProjection.Projection2D && Camera.OrthographicViewSizeWorldspace == CCSize.Zero)

            // Want to determine worldspace bounds relative to camera target
            // Need to first find z screenspace coord of target
            CCPoint3 target    = Camera.TargetInWorldspace;
            Vector3  targetVec = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, target.Z);

            targetVec = Viewport.Project(targetVec, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);

            Vector3 topLeft     = new Vector3(Viewport.X, Viewport.Y, targetVec.Z);
            Vector3 topRight    = new Vector3(Viewport.X + Viewport.Width, Viewport.Y, targetVec.Z);
            Vector3 bottomLeft  = new Vector3(Viewport.X, Viewport.Y + Viewport.Height, targetVec.Z);
            Vector3 bottomRight = new Vector3(Viewport.X + Viewport.Width, Viewport.Y + Viewport.Height, targetVec.Z);

            // Convert screen space to worldspace. Note screenspace origin is in topleft part of viewport
            topLeft     = Viewport.Unproject(topLeft, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);
            topRight    = Viewport.Unproject(topRight, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);
            bottomLeft  = Viewport.Unproject(bottomLeft, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);
            bottomRight = Viewport.Unproject(bottomRight, Camera.ProjectionMatrix, Camera.ViewMatrix, Matrix.Identity);

            CCPoint topLeftPoint     = new CCPoint(topLeft.X, topLeft.Y);
            CCPoint bottomLeftPoint  = new CCPoint(bottomLeft.X, bottomLeft.Y);
            CCPoint bottomRightPoint = new CCPoint(bottomRight.X, bottomRight.Y);

            visibleBoundsWorldspace = new CCRect(
                (float)Math.Round(bottomLeftPoint.X), (float)Math.Round(bottomLeftPoint.Y),
                (float)Math.Round(bottomRightPoint.X - bottomLeftPoint.X),
                (float)Math.Round(topLeftPoint.Y - bottomLeftPoint.Y));

            visibleBoundsDirty = false;
Пример #12
 public void Transform(ref CCPoint3 point)
     Transform(ref point.X, ref point.Y, ref point.Z);
Пример #13
 public CCPoint3 Transform(CCPoint3 point)
     Transform(ref point.X, ref point.Y, ref point.Z);