// protected constructor to force Singleton instantiation BuildTable() { CSAI = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = CSAI.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); modname = aicallback.GetModName(); int numunitdefs = aicallback.GetNumUnitDefs(); logfile.WriteLine( "calling GetUnitDefList, for " + numunitdefs + " units ... " ); //availableunittypes = aicallback.GetUnitDefList(); availableunittypes = new IUnitDef[numunitdefs + 1]; for (int i = 1; i <= numunitdefs; i++) { availableunittypes[i] = aicallback.GetUnitDefByTypeId(i); logfile.WriteLine( i + " " + availableunittypes[i].name + " " + availableunittypes[i].humanName ); } logfile.WriteLine( "... done" ); if( !LoadCache( modname ) ) { aicallback.SendTextMsg( "Creating new cachefile for mod " + modname, 0 ); GenerateBuildTable( modname ); SaveCache( modname ); } }
// int BuildOffsetDistance = 25; // protected constructor to enforce Singleton pattern CommanderController() { random = new Random(); csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); buildtable = BuildTable.GetInstance(); metal = Metal.GetInstance(); // factorycontroller = PlayStyleManager.GetInstance().GetCurrentPlayStyle().GetFirstControllerOfType( typeof( IFactoryController ) ) as FactoryController; //csai.UnitFinishedEvent += new CSAI.UnitFinishedHandler( UnitFinished ); //csai.UnitDestroyedEvent += new CSAI.UnitDestroyedHandler( UnitDestroyed ); csai.UnitIdleEvent += new CSAI.UnitIdleHandler( UnitIdle ); //csai.UnitDamagedEvent += new CSAI.UnitDamagedHandler( UnitDamaged ); csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler( Tick ); unitcontroller.UnitAddedEvent += new UnitController.UnitAddedHandler( UnitAdded ); unitcontroller.UnitRemovedEvent += new UnitController.UnitRemovedHandler( UnitRemoved ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "commandermove", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( VoiceCommandMoveCommander ) ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "commandergetpos", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( VoiceCommandCommanderGetPos ) ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "commanderbuildat", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( VoiceCommandCommanderBuildAt ) ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "commanderbuild", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( VoiceCommandCommanderBuild ) ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "commanderbuildpower", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( VoiceCommandCommanderBuildPower ) ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "commanderbuildextractor", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( VoiceCommandCommanderBuildExtractor ) ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "commanderisactive", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( VoiceCommandCommanderIsActive ) ); }
// protected constructor to force Singleton instantiation BuildTable() { CSAI = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = CSAI.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); modname = aicallback.GetModName(); logfile.WriteLine( "calling GetUnitDefList... " ); List<IUnitDef> unittypeslist = new List<IUnitDef>(); int numunittypes = aicallback.GetNumUnitDefs(); for (int i = 1; i <= numunittypes; i++) { unittypeslist.Add( aicallback.GetUnitDefByTypeId( i ) ); } availableunittypes = unittypeslist.ToArray(); logfile.WriteLine( "... done" ); if( !LoadCache( modname ) ) { aicallback.SendTextMsg( "Creating new cachefile for mod " + modname, 0 ); GenerateBuildTable( modname ); SaveCache( modname ); } }
public TankController( IPlayStyle playstyle ) { this.playstyle = playstyle; csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp( aicallback ); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); enemycontroller = EnemyController.GetInstance(); buildtable = BuildTable.GetInstance(); enemyselector = new EnemySelector( 110, false, false ); attackpackcoordinator = new AttackPackCoordinator( TankDefsById ); spreadsearchpackcoordinator = new SpreadSearchPackCoordinator( TankDefsById ); movetopackcoordinator = new MoveToPackCoordinator( TankDefsById ); guardpackcoordinator = new GuardPackCoordinator( TankDefsById ); packcoordinatorselector = new PackCoordinatorSelector(); packcoordinatorselector.LoadCoordinator( attackpackcoordinator ); packcoordinatorselector.LoadCoordinator( spreadsearchpackcoordinator ); packcoordinatorselector.LoadCoordinator( movetopackcoordinator ); packcoordinatorselector.LoadCoordinator( guardpackcoordinator ); logfile.WriteLine( "*TankController Initialized*" ); }
LosMap() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); unitcontroller.UnitAddedEvent += new UnitController.UnitAddedHandler( UnitAdded ); unitcontroller.UnitRemovedEvent += new UnitController.UnitRemovedHandler( UnitRemoved ); friendlyunitpositionobserver = FriendlyUnitPositionObserver.GetInstance(); csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler( Tick ); mapwidth = aicallback.GetMapWidth(); mapheight = aicallback.GetMapHeight(); logfile.WriteLine( "LosMap, create losarray" ); LastSeenFrameCount = new int[ mapwidth / 2, mapheight / 2 ]; logfile.WriteLine( "losarray created, initializing..." ); for( int y = 0; y < mapheight / 2; y++ ) { for( int x = 0; x < mapwidth / 2; x++ ) { LastSeenFrameCount[ x, y ] = -1000000; } } logfile.WriteLine( "losarray initialized" ); if (csai.DebugOn) { csai.RegisterVoiceCommand("dumplosmap", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler(DumpLosMap)); } }
public TankController( Dictionary< int,IUnitDef>UnitDefsById, IUnitDef typicalunitdef) { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); this.DefsById = UnitDefsById; this.typicalunitdef = typicalunitdef; unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); enemycontroller = EnemyController.GetInstance(); buildtable = BuildTable.GetInstance(); enemyselector = new EnemySelector2( typicalunitdef.speed * 2, typicalunitdef ); // speed here is experimental attackpackcoordinator = new AttackPackCoordinator(DefsById); spreadsearchpackcoordinator = new SpreadSearchPackCoordinator(DefsById); movetopackcoordinator = new MoveToPackCoordinator(DefsById); guardpackcoordinator = new GuardPackCoordinator(DefsById); packcoordinatorselector = new PackCoordinatorSelector(); packcoordinatorselector.LoadCoordinator( attackpackcoordinator ); packcoordinatorselector.LoadCoordinator( spreadsearchpackcoordinator ); packcoordinatorselector.LoadCoordinator( movetopackcoordinator ); packcoordinatorselector.LoadCoordinator( guardpackcoordinator ); logfile.WriteLine( "*TankController Initialized*" ); }
public PlayStyle() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); PlayStyleManager.GetInstance().RegisterPlayStyle( this ); }
Ownership() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = logfile.GetInstance(); csai.UnitCreatedEvent += new CSAI.UnitCreatedHandler(csai_UnitCreatedEvent); }
public MovementMaps() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); GenerateMaps(); }
public void Go() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "dumppoints", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( this.DumpPoints ) ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "drawradii", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( this.DrawRadii ) ); }
// string defaultplaystylename = "tankrush"; PlayStyleManager() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "showplaystyles", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( this.VoiceCommandListPlayStyles ) ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "chooseplaystyle", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( this.VoiceCommandChoosePlayStyle ) ); }
public MobileFusionController() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); UnitController.GetInstance().UnitAddedEvent += new UnitController.UnitAddedHandler(MobileFusionController_UnitAddedEvent); UnitController.GetInstance().AllUnitsLoaded += new UnitController.AllUnitsLoadedHandler(MobileFusionController_AllUnitsLoaded); }
public RadarController( IPlayStyle playstyle ) { this.playstyle = playstyle; csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); buildtable = BuildTable.GetInstance(); }
public Workflow() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); if (csai.DebugOn) { csai.RegisterVoiceCommand("dumpworkflow", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler(DumpWorkFlow)); } }
BuildPlanner() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp( aicallback ); mapwidth = aicallback.GetMapWidth(); mapheight = aicallback.GetMapHeight(); }
//public delegate void AttackPackDeadHandler(); //public event AttackPackDeadHandler AttackPackDeadEvent; // can pass in pointer to a hashtable in another class if we want // ie other class can directly modify our hashtable public AttackPackCoordinatorUseGroup( Hashtable UnitDefListByDeployedId ) { this.UnitDefListByDeployedId = UnitDefListByDeployedId; csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); debugon = csai.DebugOn; csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler( this.Tick ); }
//public delegate void AttackPackDeadHandler(); //public event AttackPackDeadHandler AttackPackDeadEvent; // can pass in pointer to a hashtable in another class if we want // ie other class can directly modify our hashtable public AttackPackCoordinator(Dictionary<int, IUnitDef> UnitDefListByDeployedId) { this.UnitDefListByDeployedId = UnitDefListByDeployedId; csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); debugon = csai.DebugOn; csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler( this.Tick ); }
List<CommandInfo> recentcommands = new List<CommandInfo>(); // for debugging, logging #endregion Fields #region Constructors GiveOrderWrapper() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler(csai_TickEvent); if (csai.DebugOn) { csai.RegisterVoiceCommand("dumporders", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler(DumpOrders)); } }
// can pass in pointer to a hashtable in another class if we want // ie other class can directly modify our hashtable public SpreadSearchPackCoordinator( Hashtable UnitDefListByDeployedId ) { this.UnitDefListByDeployedId = UnitDefListByDeployedId; csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); debugon = csai.DebugOn; csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler( this.Tick ); csai.UnitIdleEvent += new CSAI.UnitIdleHandler( UnitIdle ); }
public FactoryController( IPlayStyle playstyle ) { this.playstyle = playstyle; csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); buildtable = BuildTable.GetInstance(); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp( aicallback ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "dumpfactories", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( DumpFactories ) ); }
public EnemySelector( double maxenemyspeed, bool WaterOk, bool BadTerrainOk ) { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); // csai.EnemyEntersLOSEvent += new CSAI.EnemyEntersLOSHandler( EnemyEntersLOS ); enemycontroller = EnemyController.GetInstance(); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp( aicallback ); this.maxenemyspeed = maxenemyspeed; this.WaterOk = WaterOk; this.BadTerrainOk = BadTerrainOk; }
// do we need this??? handled by specific controllers??? //IntArrayList commanders = new IntArrayList(); //IntArrayList constructors = new IntArrayList(); //IntArrayList metalcollectors = new IntArrayList(); //IntArrayList energycollectors = new IntArrayList(); //IntArrayList groundattack = new IntArrayList(); UnitController() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp( aicallback ); csai.UnitFinishedEvent += new CSAI.UnitFinishedHandler( this.NewUnitFinished ); csai.UnitDestroyedEvent += new CSAI.UnitDestroyedHandler( this.UnitDestroyed ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "killallfriendly", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( this.VoiceCommandKillAllFriendly ) ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "countunits", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( this.VoiceCommandCountUnits ) ); logfile.WriteLine ("*UnitController initialized*"); }
Dictionary<int, OwnershipOrder> ordersbyconstructorid = new Dictionary<int, OwnershipOrder>(); // index of orders by constructorid, to allow removal later #endregion Fields #region Constructors Ownership() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); csai.UnitCreatedEvent += new CSAI.UnitCreatedHandler(csai_UnitCreatedEvent); csai.UnitDestroyedEvent += new CSAI.UnitDestroyedHandler(csai_UnitDestroyedEvent); csai.UnitFinishedEvent += new CSAI.UnitFinishedHandler(csai_UnitFinishedEvent); if (csai.DebugOn) { csai.RegisterVoiceCommand("dumpownership", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler(DumpOwnership)); } }
// protected constructor to force Singleton instantiation Metal() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp( aicallback ); ExtractorRadius = aicallback.GetExtractorRadius(); unitcontroller.UnitAddedEvent += new UnitController.UnitAddedHandler( UnitAdded ); unitcontroller.UnitRemovedEvent += new UnitController.UnitRemovedHandler( UnitRemoved ); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand( "showmetalspots", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler( this.DrawMetalSpotsCommand ) ); }
BuildMap() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp( aicallback ); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); csai.UnitCreatedEvent += new CSAI.UnitCreatedHandler( UnitCreated ); csai.UnitDestroyedEvent += new CSAI.UnitDestroyedHandler( UnitDestroyed ); unitcontroller.UnitAddedEvent += new UnitController.UnitAddedHandler( UnitCreated ); Init(); }
// can pass in pointer to a hashtable in another class if we want // ie other class can directly modify our hashtable public SpreadSearchPackCoordinatorWithSearchGrid(Dictionary<int, IUnitDef> UnitDefListByDeployedId) { this.UnitDefListByDeployedId = UnitDefListByDeployedId; csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); mapwidth = aicallback.GetMapWidth(); mapheight = aicallback.GetMapHeight(); debugon = csai.DebugOn; csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler( this.Tick ); csai.UnitIdleEvent += new CSAI.UnitIdleHandler( UnitIdle ); }
// int terrainwidth; // int terrainheight; public ScoutControllerRaider() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); random = new Random(); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); // buildtable = BuildTable.GetInstance(); enemycontroller = EnemyController.GetInstance(); searchcoordinator = new SpreadSearchPackCoordinatorWithSearchGrid( ScoutUnitDefsById ); logfile.WriteLine( "*ScoutControllerRaider initialized*" ); }
public ScoutControllerRandomSearch( IPlayStyle playstyle ) { random = new Random(); this.playstyle = playstyle; csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); buildtable = BuildTable.GetInstance(); searchcoordinator = new SpreadSearchPackCoordinatorWithSearchGrid( ScoutUnitDefsById ); logfile.WriteLine( "*ScoutController initialized*" ); }
FriendlyUnitPositionObserver() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); //csai.UnitFinishedEvent += new CSAI.UnitFinishedHandler( this.NewUnitFinished ); //csai.UnitDestroyedEvent += new CSAI.UnitDestroyedHandler( this.UnitDestroyed ); csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler( Tick ); unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); unitcontroller.UnitAddedEvent += new UnitController.UnitAddedHandler( UnitAdded ); unitcontroller.UnitRemovedEvent += new UnitController.UnitRemovedHandler( UnitRemoved ); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp( aicallback ); }
public EnemySelector2(double maxenemyspeed, IUnitDef typicalunitdef) { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); // csai.EnemyEntersLOSEvent += new CSAI.EnemyEntersLOSHandler( EnemyEntersLOS ); enemycontroller = EnemyController.GetInstance(); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp(aicallback); this.maxenemyspeed = maxenemyspeed; this.WaterOk = WaterOk; this.BadTerrainOk = BadTerrainOk; this.typicalunitdef = typicalunitdef; // startarea = MovementMaps.GetInstance().GetArea(typicalunitdef, startpos); }
EnemyController() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); autoshowenemies = csai.DebugOn; unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler(Tick); csai.EnemyEnterRadarEvent += new CSAI.EnemyEnterRadarHandler(this.EnemyEnterRadar); csai.EnemyEnterLOSEvent += new CSAI.EnemyEnterLOSHandler(this.EnemyEnterLOS); csai.EnemyLeaveRadarEvent += new CSAI.EnemyLeaveRadarHandler(this.EnemyLeaveRadar); csai.EnemyDestroyedEvent += new CSAI.EnemyDestroyedHandler(this.EnemyDestroyed); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand("enemiescount", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler(VoiceCommandCountEnemies)); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand("showenemies", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler(VoiceCommandShowEnemies)); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand("autoshowenemieson", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler(VoiceCommandAutoShowEnemiesOn)); csai.RegisterVoiceCommand("autoshowenemiesoff", new CSAI.VoiceCommandHandler(VoiceCommandAutoShowEnemiesOff)); unitdefhelp = new UnitDefHelp(aicallback); }
// int terrainwidth; // int terrainheight; public ScoutControllerRaider(IPlayStyle playstyle) { this.playstyle = playstyle; csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); random = new Random(); //terrainwidth = aicallback.GetMapWidth() * MovementMaps.SQUARE_SIZE; // terrainheight = aicallback.GetMapHeight() * MovementMaps.SQUARE_SIZE; //int[,] sectorlastcheckedtickcount = new int[ terrainwidth, terrainheight ]; // bool[,] sectorispriority = new bool[ terrainwidth, terrainheight ];; unitcontroller = UnitController.GetInstance(); buildtable = BuildTable.GetInstance(); enemycontroller = EnemyController.GetInstance(); searchcoordinator = new SpreadSearchPackCoordinatorWithSearchGrid(ScoutUnitDefsById); logfile.WriteLine("*ScoutControllerRaider initialized*"); }
public static Float3 GetNearestReclaim(Float3 mypos, int constructorid) { if (CSAI.GetInstance().aicallback.GetCurrentFrame() == 0) // check ticks first, beacuse metal shows as zero at start { return(null); } LogFile logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); IAICallback aicallback = CSAI.GetInstance().aicallback; IUnitDef unitdef = UnitController.GetInstance().UnitDefByDeployedId[constructorid]; if (!new UnitDefHelp(aicallback).IsMobile(unitdef)) { return(null); } //Float3 mypos = aicallback.GetUnitPos( constructorid ); MovementMaps movementmaps = MovementMaps.GetInstance(); int currentarea = movementmaps.GetArea(unitdef, mypos); //double nearestreclaimdistancesquared = 1000000; //Float3 nearestreclaimpos = null; double bestmetaldistanceratio = 0; int bestreclaimid = 0; int metalspace = (int)(aicallback.GetMetalStorage() - aicallback.GetMetal()); logfile.WriteLine("available space in metal storage: " + metalspace); int[] nearbyfeatures = aicallback.GetFeatures(mypos, maxreclaimradius); bool reclaimfound = false; foreach (int feature in nearbyfeatures) { IFeatureDef featuredef = aicallback.GetFeatureDef(feature); if (featuredef.metal > 0 && featuredef.metal <= metalspace) { Float3 thisfeaturepos = aicallback.GetFeaturePos(feature); double thisdistance = Math.Sqrt(Float3Helper.GetSquaredDistance(thisfeaturepos, mypos)); double thismetaldistanceratio = featuredef.metal / thisdistance; if (thismetaldistanceratio > bestmetaldistanceratio && movementmaps.GetArea(unitdef, thisfeaturepos) == currentarea) { logfile.WriteLine("Potential reclaim, distance = " + thisdistance + " metal = " + featuredef.metal + " ratio = " + thismetaldistanceratio); bestmetaldistanceratio = thismetaldistanceratio; bestreclaimid = feature; // nearestreclaimpo reclaimfound = true; } } } if (reclaimfound && (bestmetaldistanceratio > (1.0 / (100 * reclaimradiusperonehundredmetal)))) { Float3 reclaimpos = aicallback.GetFeaturePos(bestreclaimid); logfile.WriteLine("Reclaim found, pos " + reclaimpos.ToString()); if (CSAI.GetInstance().DebugOn) { aicallback.DrawUnit("ARMMEX", reclaimpos, 0.0f, 200, aicallback.GetMyAllyTeam(), true, true); } return(reclaimpos); //aicallback.GiveOrder( constructorid, new Command( Command.CMD_RECLAIM, // new double[]{ reclaimpos.x, reclaimpos.y, reclaimpos.z, 10 } ) ); } else { //logfile.WriteLine( "No reclaim within parameters" ); return(null); } }
MetalController() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); }
UnitCommandCache() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); }
StrategyController() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); csai.TickEvent += new CSAI.TickHandler(Tick); }
public static TimeSpan GetGameTime() { IAICallback aicallback = CSAI.GetInstance().aicallback; int frames = aicallback.GetCurrentFrame(); return TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)frames / 30); }
// note: need to check compatible area public Float3 GetNearestUnseen(Float3 currentpos, IUnitDef unitdef, int unseensmeansthismanyframes) { LosMap losmap = LosMap.GetInstance(); IAICallback aicallback = CSAI.GetInstance().aicallback; int mapwidth = aicallback.GetMapWidth(); int mapheight = aicallback.GetMapHeight(); int currentunitarea = MovementMaps.GetInstance().GetArea(unitdef, currentpos); int losmapwidth = losmap.LastSeenFrameCount.GetUpperBound(0) + 1; int losmapheight = losmap.LastSeenFrameCount.GetUpperBound(0) + 1; int maxradius = (int)Math.Sqrt(losmapheight * losmapheight + losmapwidth * losmapwidth); int unitlosradius = (int)unitdef.losRadius; // this is in map / 2 units, so it's ok Int2[] circlepoints = CreateCirclePoints(unitlosradius); int bestradius = 10000000; int bestarea = 0; Float3 bestpos = null; int unitmapx = (int)(currentpos.x / 16); int unitmapy = (int)(currentpos.y / 16); int thisframecount = aicallback.GetCurrentFrame(); // step around in unitlosradius steps for (int radiuslosunits = unitlosradius * 2; radiuslosunits <= maxradius; radiuslosunits += unitlosradius) { // calculate angle for a unitlosradius / 2 step at this radius. // DrawingUtils.DrawCircle(currentpos, radiuslosunits * 16); double anglestepradians = 2 * Math.Asin((double)unitlosradius / 2 / (double)radiuslosunits); //csai.DebugSay("anglestepradians: " + anglestepradians); //return null; for (double angleradians = 0; angleradians <= Math.PI * 2; angleradians += anglestepradians) { int unseenarea = 0; int searchmapx = unitmapx + (int)((double)radiuslosunits * Math.Cos(angleradians)); int searchmapy = unitmapy + (int)((double)radiuslosunits * Math.Sin(angleradians)); if (searchmapx >= 0 && searchmapy >= 0 && searchmapx < (mapwidth / 2) && searchmapy < (mapheight / 2)) { // if (csai.DebugOn) // { // int groupnumber = DrawingUtils.DrawCircle(new Float3(searchmapx * 16, 50 + aicallback.GetElevation( searchmapx * 16, searchmapy * 16 ), searchmapy * 16), unitlosradius * 16); // aicallback.SetFigureColor(groupnumber, 1, 1, 0, 0.5); // } int thisareanumber = MovementMaps.GetInstance().GetArea(unitdef, new Float3(searchmapx * 16, 0, searchmapy * 16)); if (thisareanumber == currentunitarea) {// //if (csai.DebugOn) // { // int groupnumber = DrawingUtils.DrawCircle(new Float3(searchmapx * 16, 100, searchmapy * 16), unitlosradius * 16); // aicallback.SetFigureColor(groupnumber, 1, 1, 0, 0.5); // } foreach (Int2 point in circlepoints) { int thismapx = searchmapx + point.x; int thismapy = searchmapy + point.y; if (thismapx >= 0 && thismapy >= 0 && thismapx < mapwidth / 2 && thismapy < mapheight / 2) { if (thisframecount - losmap.LastSeenFrameCount[thismapx, thismapy] > unseensmeansthismanyframes) { unseenarea++; } } } if (unseenarea >= (circlepoints.GetUpperBound(0) + 1) * 8 / 10) { int groupnumber = DrawingUtils.DrawCircle(new Float3(searchmapx * 16, 100 * aicallback.GetElevation(searchmapx * 16, searchmapy * 16), searchmapy * 16), unitlosradius * 16); aicallback.SetFigureColor(groupnumber, 1, 0, 1, 0.5); return(new Float3(searchmapx * 16, 0, searchmapy * 16)); } // return new Float3(searchmapx * 16, 0, searchmapy * 16); // for debugging, remove later } } } } return(null); }
BuildTree() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); }
public SlopeMap() { csai = CSAI.GetInstance(); aicallback = csai.aicallback; logfile = LogFile.GetInstance(); }
StartPosition() { CSAI.GetInstance().UnitCreatedEvent += new CSAI.UnitCreatedHandler(UnitCreatedEvent); }