Пример #1
        // Method Name: Particle
        // Description:
        //  TODO: Add description.
        // Arguments:
        //  theCoordinateX - The X-Coordinate to start the bullet at.
        //  theCoordinateY - The Y-Coordinate to start the bullet at.
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public Particle(float theCoordinateX, float theCoordinateY, int theWidthAndLength, int theMinimumAngle, int theMaximumAngle,
                        int theMilliseconds, Color theColor, BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
            // Set the particle starting location based on the passed in parameters.
            mLocation = new PointF(theCoordinateX,

            // Set the how long the particle will live before being destroyed.
            mLiveTime = new TimeSpan(0,

            // Create a velocity vector within the cone (between min and max angle).
            int angleDegrees = theBreakoutGame.RandomNumberGenerator.Next(theMinimumAngle, theMaximumAngle);

            mVelocity = new Vector2D((float)Math.Cos(angleDegrees),

            // TODO: Add particle size as parameter.
            mParticleSize = theWidthAndLength;

            // Hold the color information
            mColor        = theColor;
            mCurrentAlpha = mColor.A;

            // The fade step is set by determining how many times an update will be called before the particle is destroyed and then dividing that
            // number by the starting alpha (transparency) to get the amount of fade to add per update.
            mFadeStride = mColor.A / (theMilliseconds / BreakoutConstants.TIMER_INTERVAL);
Пример #2
 // Method Name: ExecutePowerUp
 // Description:
 //  Adds a additional ammunition for the paddle attachment, but does not exceed the maximum amount of ammunition.
 // Arguments:
 //  theBreakoutGame - Reference to the breakout game.
 // Return:
 //  N/A
 public override void ExecutePowerUp(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
     if (theBreakoutGame.GunAmmunition < 35)
         theBreakoutGame.GunAmmunition += 1;
Пример #3
 // Method Name: ExecutePowerUp
 // Description:
 //  Adds an additional life to the players pool of remaining lives, but does not exceed the maximum number of lives.
 // Arguments:
 //  theBreakoutGame - Reference to the breakout game.
 // Return:
 //  N/A
 public override void ExecutePowerUp(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
     if (theBreakoutGame.NumberOfLives < 7)
         theBreakoutGame.NumberOfLives += 1;
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// The main entry point for the application.
 /// </summary>
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (BreakoutGame game = new BreakoutGame())
Пример #5
 // Method Name: ExecutePowerUp
 // Description:
 //  Adds a new mini ball to the game centered to the paddle (directly above the paddle).
 // Arguments:
 //  theBreakoutGame - Reference to the breakout game.
 // Return:
 //  N/A
 public override void ExecutePowerUp(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
     theBreakoutGame.MiniBalls.Add(new MiniBall(Image.FromFile("../../../Images/MiniBall.png"),
                                                theBreakoutGame.Paddle.HitBox.X + (theBreakoutGame.Paddle.HitBox.X / BreakoutConstants.HALF) -
                                                theBreakoutGame.Paddle.HitBox.Y - BreakoutConstants.MINI_BALL_WIDTH_AND_HEIGHT));
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// The main entry point for the application.
 /// </summary>
 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (BreakoutGame game = new BreakoutGame())
Пример #7
        // Method Name: Destroyed
        // Description:
        //  When called on destruction of the brick, this method adds the hidden power up to the game power up list if the hidden power up exists.
        // Arguments:
        //  theBreakoutGame - The game object that tracks various game elements.
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public void Destroyed(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
            // Check to see if a power up was hidden in this brick, and add it to the power up list if so.
            if (mPowerUp != null)

            for (int count = 0; count < 30; count++)
                // Determine a random location within the bricks.
                int theRandomXPosition = theBreakoutGame.RandomNumberGenerator.Next((int)HitBox.X,
                                                                                    (int)(HitBox.X + HitBox.Width));
                int theRandomYPosition = theBreakoutGame.RandomNumberGenerator.Next((int)HitBox.Y,
                                                                                    (int)(HitBox.Y + HitBox.Height));

                // Add a new particle for the brick explosion at the new random location that travels at a random velocity in any direction.
                theBreakoutGame.Particles.Add(new Particle(theRandomXPosition,
                                                           Color.FromArgb(255, 34, 177, 76),
Пример #8
        // Method Name: CheckBallCollisionOnBricks
        // Description:
        //  Determines if the ball has collided with any bricks. If there is a case the ball will reverse velocity dependent on the edge of the brick
        //  the ball hit. The brick will lose a level and be destroyed when the level drops below the destruction level.
        // Arguments:
        //  theBreakoutGame - The game object that tracks various game elements.
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public void CheckBallCollisionOnBricks(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
            // Check if the ball hits a brick
            for (var index = 0; index < theBreakoutGame.Bricks.Count; index++)
                if (mHitBox.IntersectsWith(theBreakoutGame.Bricks[index].HitBox))
                    // Since the ball hit the brick, lower that bricks level.
                    theBreakoutGame.Bricks[index].BrickLevel = theBreakoutGame.Bricks[index].BrickLevel - mDamage;

                    // Check which side of the brick the ball collided and update the balls velocity.

                    // Check if the brick level has hit the destroy level and remove the brick form the array list since it is destroyed.
                    if (theBreakoutGame.Bricks[index].BrickLevel <= BreakoutConstants.BRICK_DESTRUCTION_LEVEL)
                        // Remove the brick from the brick list since it is now destroyed.
                    // Since the brick is not destroyed, update the brick image.
                        theBreakoutGame.Bricks[index].UpdateBrickImage("../../../Images/BrickLevel" +
                                                                       theBreakoutGame.Bricks[index].BrickLevel.ToString() +

Пример #9
        // Method Name: StartScreenState
        // Description:
        //  TODO: Add description.
        // Arguments:
        //  N/A
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public StartScreenState(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
            // Holds reference to the state machine.
            mBreakoutGame = theBreakoutGame;

            // Start the selection as the top enumeration (same as the top of list of selections on the screen).
            mSelection = Selection.NEW_GAME;
Пример #10
 // Method Name: CheckBallCollisionOnBottomBorder
 // Description:
 //  Check if the ball has collided past the bottom border and remove this mini ball from the game if so.
 // Arguments:
 //  theBreakoutGame - TODO: Add description.
 // Return:
 //  N/A
 protected override void CheckBallCollisionOnBottomBorder(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
     // Check if the ball hits the bottom border and remove the mini ball from the list of active mini balls.
     if (mHitBox.Y > BreakoutConstants.SCREEN_PLAY_AREA_HEIGHT)
Пример #11
        // Method Name: Paddle
        // Description:
        //  Constructor for the paddle object. The paddle is created at the center of the screen with a slight padding away from the bottom border.
        //  The paddle starts with no horizontal movement.
        // Arguments:
        //  theBreakoutGame - Reference to the game object.
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public Paddle(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame) :
                 (BreakoutConstants.SCREEN_PLAY_AREA_WIDTH / BreakoutConstants.HALF) - (BreakoutConstants.PADDLE_WIDTH / BreakoutConstants.HALF),
                 BreakoutConstants.SCREEN_PLAY_AREA_HEIGHT - BreakoutConstants.PADDLE_BOUNDARY_PADDING,
                 new Vector2D(0.0F, 0.0F))
            mBreakoutGame = theBreakoutGame;

            // The paddle starts with no movement.
            mMovePaddleLeft  = false;
            mMovePaddleRight = false;
Пример #12
        public void Run()

            game = new BreakoutGame(128, 160);


            while (true)
Пример #13
        // Method Name: CheckBallCollisionOnPaddle
        // Description:
        //  Determines if the ball has collided with the paddle. If the center of the ball is within the width of the paddle then ball will reverse
        //  in its Y velocity. Otherwise the ball hit the side or corner of the paddle and the X and Y velocity are reversed.
        // Arguments:
        //  theBreakoutGame - The game object that tracks various game elements.
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public void CheckBallCollisionOnPaddle(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
            // Check if the ball hits the paddle.
            if (mHitBox.IntersectsWith(theBreakoutGame.Paddle.HitBox))
                // Keep the ball above the paddle to avoid the ball getting stuck inside the paddle.
                mHitBox.Y            = theBreakoutGame.Paddle.HitBox.Y - mHitBox.Height;
                mInnerHitDetection.Y = mHitBox.Y + mInnerHitPadding;

                // The Y (vertical) component is always reversed on a paddle hit.

                // Transfer a percentage of the paddles velocity to the ball. This helps the player to change to angle of the ball with the paddle.
                Vector.SetComponentX(Vector.ComponentX +
                                     (theBreakoutGame.Paddle.Vector.ComponentX * BreakoutConstants.PADDLE_VECTOR_TRANSFER_PERCENTAGE));
Пример #14
        // Method Name: DetermineHiddenPowerUp
        // Description:
        //  This method determines if a power up is to be hidden where the brick is until the bricks destruction. If a power up is to be created the
        //  brick generates a random power up.
        // Arguments:
        //  theBreakoutGame - The game object that tracks various game elements.
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public void DetermineHiddenPowerUp(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
            // Use random number generator to potentially create a new power up.
            Random randomNumberGenerator = new Random();

            // Give a specified chance a power up will drop.
            int nextRandomNumber = theBreakoutGame.RandomNumberGenerator.Next(BreakoutConstants.ZERO_PERCENT,
                                                                              BreakoutConstants.ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT +

            if (nextRandomNumber <= BreakoutConstants.POWER_UP_DROP_PERCENT)
                // Create a random power up.
                mPowerUp = theBreakoutGame.GetPowerUpFactory().GetPowerUp(HitBox,
                                                                                                     BreakoutConstants.ONE_HUNDRED_PERCENT +
Пример #15
        // Method Name: CheckBallCollisionOnBottomBorder
        // Description:
        //  Check if the ball hits the bottom border and decrement the number of lives the player has left. If lives goes below the threshold for game
        //  over, the game reverts back to the start screen. Otherwise a new match begins.
        // Arguments:
        //  theBreakoutGame - The game object that tracks various game elements.
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        protected override void CheckBallCollisionOnBottomBorder(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
            if (mHitBox.Y > BreakoutConstants.SCREEN_PLAY_AREA_HEIGHT)
                theBreakoutGame.NumberOfLives = theBreakoutGame.NumberOfLives - BreakoutConstants.LIFE_LOST;

                // Check if the number of lives have been used up and end the game if so.
                if (theBreakoutGame.NumberOfLives < 0)
                    theBreakoutGame.NumberOfLives = BreakoutConstants.INITIAL_LIVES_REMAINING;
                // The player still have spare lives to play so a new match is started.
Пример #16
        // Method Name: PlayState
        // Description:
        //  TODO: Add description.
        // Arguments:
        //  N/A
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public PlayState(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
            // Holds reference to the state machine.
            mBreakoutGame = theBreakoutGame;

            // Start the paddle and ball in position for a new match to start.

            // Start the game at the level of a new game.
            mCurrentLevel = BreakoutConstants.NEW_GAME_LEVEL;

            // Remove any possible leftover bricks.

            // Remove any possible leftover power ups.

            // Load the starting level of the game.
Пример #17
        // Method Name: Breakout
        // Description:
        //  Constructor to create the form components, kick off the game, indicate key input callbacks, and start timer call back for updating the
        //  game.
        // Arguments:
        //  N/A
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public BreakoutForm()

            // Start the breakout game.
            mBreakoutGame = new BreakoutGame(this);

            // Indicate the painting callback method to use when a repaint is called.
            this.Paint += Draw;

            // Indicate that key events will be used in this window.
            this.KeyPreview = true;
            // Indicate the callback method to use when a key is pressed down.
            this.KeyDown += BreakoutKeyDown;
            // Indicate the callback method to use when a key is released.
            this.KeyUp += BreakoutKeyUp;

            // Start up the periodic timer.
            mTimer          = new Timer();
            mTimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(TimerTick);
            mTimer.Interval = BreakoutConstants.TIMER_INTERVAL;
            mTimer.Enabled  = true;
Пример #18
 // Method Name: CheckBallCollisionOnBottomBorder
 // Description:
 //  Abstract class all ball objects must implement for when they reach collision with the bottom border.
 // Arguments:
 //  N/A
 // Return:
 //  N/A
 protected abstract void CheckBallCollisionOnBottomBorder(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame);
Пример #19
 // Method Name: CheckBallCollisionOnBorders
 // Description:
 //  Call to determine any collision from the ball against other game objects or play area borders.
 // Arguments:
 //  theBreakoutGame - The game object that tracks various game elements.
 // Return:
 //  N/A
 public void CheckBallCollisionOnBorders(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
Пример #20
 static void Main()
     using (var game = new BreakoutGame())
Пример #21
 // Method Name: PlayState
 // Description:
 //  TODO: Add description.
 // Arguments:
 //  N/A
 // Return:
 //  N/A
 public PauseState(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame)
     // Holds reference to the state machine.
     mBreakoutGame = theBreakoutGame;
Пример #22
 static void Main()
     using (var game = new BreakoutGame())
Пример #23
 // Method Name: ExecutePowerUp
 // Description:
 //  Abstract method that all concrete classes must implement to handle what the power up does upon the player collecting the power up.
 // Arguments:
 //  theBreakoutGame - Reference to the breakout game.
 // Return:
 //  N/A
 public abstract void ExecutePowerUp(BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame);
Пример #24
        // Method Name: Brick
        // Description:
        //  Constructor that creates the brick object. The brick is placed at the specified location with the image being saved. The brick level is
        //  set here.
        // Arguments:
        //  theImage - The image to retain for the object.
        //  theCoordianteX - The initial X-Coordinate the object is at.
        //  theCoordinateY - The initial Y-Coordinate the object is at.
        //  theBrickLevel - The level the brick is at upon creation.
        // Return:
        //  N/A
        public Brick(Image theImage, float theCoordinateX, float theCoordinateY, int theBrickLevel, BreakoutGame theBreakoutGame) :
                 new Vector2D(0.0F, 0.0F))
            mBrickLevel = theBrickLevel;

            // Start the power up as null in case a power up is not hidden in this brick.
            mPowerUp = null;

            // Determine if this brick has a hidden power up and store the power up if so.