Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Query distance between boundary and point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">point</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Distance > 0.0, Inside the Boundary
        /// Distance = 0.0, On the Boundary
        /// Distance < 0.0, Outside the Boundary
        /// -1 : Error
        /// </returns>
        public double QueryDistanceOfPoint(Vector3 point, bool isPlayArea, ref Vector3 closestPoint, ref Vector3 normalDir)
            //point.Set(point.x * 1000, point.y * 1000, point.z * 1000); // m -> mm
            //IntPtr pointPtr = Pvr_BoundaryAPI.StructToIntPtr<Vector3>(point);
            //double distance = Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.Pvr_GSABoundaryDetector(pointPtr);

            Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i point3i = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i();
            point3i.x = (int)(point.x * 1000);
            point3i.y = (int)(point.y * 1000);
            point3i.z = (int)(point.z * 1000);

            Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i closestPoint3i = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i();
            Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i normalDir3i    = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i();

            double distance = Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.Pvr_GSABoundaryDetector2(ref point3i, isPlayArea, ref closestPoint3i, ref normalDir3i);

            closestPoint.x = closestPoint3i.x / 1000.0f;
            closestPoint.y = closestPoint3i.y / 1000.0f;
            closestPoint.z = closestPoint3i.z / 1000.0f;

            normalDir.x = normalDir3i.x / 1000.0f;
            normalDir.y = normalDir3i.y / 1000.0f;
            normalDir.z = normalDir3i.z / 1000.0f;

            return(distance / 1000.0f); // mm -> m
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Commit new line
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="isFistLine">init or reset</param>
        /// <param name="points">point set</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool CommitNewLineData(bool isFistLine, Vector3[] points)
            Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALineCollection lineCollection = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALineCollection();
            lineCollection.lineCount = 2;

            Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine[] lineArray = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine[2];
            if (isFistLine)
                lineArray[0].pointArray = IntPtr.Zero;
                lineArray[0].pointCount = 0;
                Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i[] tPoint = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i[1];
                tPoint[0] = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i()
                    x = 0, y = 0, z = 0
                lineArray[0].pointArray = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(tPoint, 0); // unsafe
                lineArray[0].pointCount = 1;

            Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i[] pointArray = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i[points.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i newPoint = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i();
                newPoint.x = (int)(points[i].x * 1000);
                newPoint.y = (int)(points[i].y * 1000);
                newPoint.z = (int)(points[i].z * 1000);

                pointArray[i] = newPoint;

            lineArray[1].pointArray = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(pointArray, 0); // unsafe
            lineArray[1].pointCount = pointArray.Length;

            lineCollection.lineArray = Marshal.UnsafeAddrOfPinnedArrayElement(lineArray, 0);

            IntPtr collectionPtr = Pvr_BoundaryAPI.StructToIntPtr <Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALineCollection>(lineCollection);

            int ret = Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.Pvr_GSAUpDateData(collectionPtr);


            if (ret != 0)
                Debug.LogError("BoundarySystem commit new line data failed!");

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Query distance between boundary and point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="point">point</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Distance > 0.0, Inside the Boundary
        /// Distance = 0.0, On the Boundary
        /// Distance < 0.0, Outside the Boundary
        /// -1 : Error
        /// </returns>
        public double QueryDistanceOfPoint(Vector3 point)
            //point.Set(point.x * 1000, point.y * 1000, point.z * 1000); // m -> mm
            //IntPtr pointPtr = Pvr_BoundaryAPI.StructToIntPtr<Vector3>(point);
            //double distance = Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.Pvr_GSABoundaryDetector(pointPtr);

            Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i point3i = new Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i();
            point3i.x = (int)(point.x * 1000);
            point3i.y = (int)(point.y * 1000);
            point3i.z = (int)(point.z * 1000);

            double distance = Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.Pvr_GSABoundaryDetector(ref point3i);

            return(distance / 1000.0f); // mm -> m
Пример #4
        private static void _SafeAreaCallbackShrink(IntPtr lineCollectionPtr, IntPtr safeAreaDetailRectPtr)
            if (lineCollectionPtr == IntPtr.Zero || safeAreaDetailRectPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.LogError("BoundarySystem callback is inValid!");

            if (instance.boundarySystemCallbackShrink != null)
                List <Vector3>         boundaryPoints = new List <Vector3>();
                List <List <Vector3> > unusedLines    = new List <List <Vector3> >();

                int byteNum  = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine));
                int byteNum2 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i));
                // boundary
                Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALineCollection collection = Pvr_BoundaryAPI.IntPtrToStruct <Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALineCollection>(lineCollectionPtr);
                IntPtr ptr;

                for (int i = 0; i < collection.lineCount; i++)
                    ptr = new IntPtr(collection.lineArray.ToInt64() + (byteNum * i));
                    Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine line = (Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine));

                    List <Vector3> newLine = new List <Vector3>();

                    for (int j = 0; j < line.pointCount; j++)
                        IntPtr tptr = new IntPtr(line.pointArray.ToInt64() + (byteNum2 * j));
                        Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i point = (Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tptr, typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i));
                        newLine.Add(new Vector3(point.x / 1000f, point.y / 1000f, point.z / 1000f));

                    if (i == 0) // first line for colsed boundary
                        boundaryPoints = newLine;

                // Rect Detail Points
                List <Vector3> rectPoints = new List <Vector3>();
                Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALineCollection safeAreaRectLineCollection = Pvr_BoundaryAPI.IntPtrToStruct <Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALineCollection>(safeAreaDetailRectPtr);
                IntPtr safeAreaRectLinePtr;

                for (int i = 0; i < safeAreaRectLineCollection.lineCount; i++)
                    safeAreaRectLinePtr = new IntPtr(safeAreaRectLineCollection.lineArray.ToInt64() + (byteNum * i));
                    Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine line = (Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine)Marshal.PtrToStructure(safeAreaRectLinePtr, typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine));

                    for (int j = 0; j < line.pointCount; j++)
                        IntPtr tptr = new IntPtr(line.pointArray.ToInt64() + (byteNum2 * j));
                        Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i point = (Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tptr, typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i));
                        rectPoints.Add(new Vector3(point.x / 1000f, point.y / 1000f, point.z / 1000f));

                instance.boundarySystemCallbackShrink(rectPoints, boundaryPoints, unusedLines);
Пример #5
        private static void _SafeAreaCallback(IntPtr lineCollectionPtr, IntPtr safeAreaRectPtr)
            if (lineCollectionPtr == IntPtr.Zero || safeAreaRectPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.LogError("BoundarySystem callback is inValid!");

            if (instance.boundarySystemCallback != null)
                List <Vector3>         boundaryPoints = new List <Vector3>();
                List <List <Vector3> > unusedLines    = new List <List <Vector3> >();

                int byteNum  = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine));
                int byteNum2 = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i));
                // boundary
                Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALineCollection collection = Pvr_BoundaryAPI.IntPtrToStruct <Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALineCollection>(lineCollectionPtr);
                IntPtr ptr;

                for (int i = 0; i < collection.lineCount; i++)
                    ptr = new IntPtr(collection.lineArray.ToInt64() + (byteNum * i));
                    Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine line = (Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSALine));

                    List <Vector3> newLine = new List <Vector3>();

                    for (int j = 0; j < line.pointCount; j++)
                        IntPtr tptr = new IntPtr(line.pointArray.ToInt64() + (byteNum2 * j));
                        Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i point = (Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i)Marshal.PtrToStructure(tptr, typeof(Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSAPoint3i));
                        newLine.Add(new Vector3(point.x / 1000f, point.y / 1000f, point.z / 1000f));

                    if (i == 0) // first line for colsed boundary
                        boundaryPoints = newLine;

                // rect
                Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSARect algoResult   = Pvr_BoundaryAPI.IntPtrToStruct <Pvr_SafeAreaAlgoAPI.GSARect>(safeAreaRectPtr);
                BoundaryPlayerArea          playAreaInfo = new BoundaryPlayerArea();
                playAreaInfo.lowerleft  = new Vector3(algoResult.leftup.x / 1000f, algoResult.leftup.y / 1000f, algoResult.leftup.z / 1000f);
                playAreaInfo.upperleft  = new Vector3(algoResult.leftdown.x / 1000f, algoResult.leftdown.y / 1000f, algoResult.leftdown.z / 1000f);
                playAreaInfo.upperRight = new Vector3(algoResult.rightdown.x / 1000f, algoResult.rightdown.y / 1000f, algoResult.rightdown.z / 1000f);
                playAreaInfo.lowerRight = new Vector3(algoResult.rightup.x / 1000f, algoResult.rightup.y / 1000f, algoResult.rightup.z / 1000f);
                playAreaInfo.center     = new Vector3(algoResult.center.x / 1000f, algoResult.center.y / 1000f, algoResult.center.z / 1000f);
                playAreaInfo.width      = algoResult.width;
                playAreaInfo.height     = algoResult.height;
                playAreaInfo.isLegal    = algoResult.isLegal == 0 ? false : true;

                // extra info
                playAreaInfo.extraInfo.overMaxRange      = algoResult.legalData.overMaxRange == 0 ? false : true;
                playAreaInfo.extraInfo.includeBigGap     = algoResult.legalData.includeBigGrap == 0 ? false : true;
                playAreaInfo.extraInfo.bigGapNum         = algoResult.legalData.bigGapNum;
                playAreaInfo.extraInfo.centerOut         = algoResult.legalData.centerOut == 0 ? false : true;
                playAreaInfo.extraInfo.removeNarrow      = algoResult.legalData.removeNarrow == 0 ? false : true;
                playAreaInfo.extraInfo.overMaxRange_more = algoResult.legalData.overMaxRange_more == 0 ? false : true;
                playAreaInfo.extraInfo.validShrinkArea   = algoResult.legalData.validShrinkArea;

                instance.boundarySystemCallback(playAreaInfo, boundaryPoints, unusedLines);