  * This function resizeds the array to a certain size. It takes the new size of the array
  * as its argument.
 void ResizeDefenseTower(int newSize)
     //create a copy for the current list
     DefenseTower[] copy = new DefenseTower[newSize];
     if (newSize > defenseTowers.Length)
         for (int i = HEAD, n = defenseTowers.Length; i < n; i++)
             copy[i] = defenseTowers[i];
         for (int i = HEAD; i < newSize; i++)
             copy[i] = defenseTowers[i];
     //resize the original array
     defenseTowers = new DefenseTower[newSize];
     //transfer what's on the copy to the original array
     for (int i = HEAD; i < newSize; i++)
         defenseTowers[i] = copy[i];
  * This function does the responds when the user clicks on the from after moving the mouse. It takes
  * the mouse evnet argument from main as its argument.
 public void MouseClickMoving(MouseEventArgs e)
     //here, the user must been moving the defense tower
     if (movingDefenseTower == true)
         //if the user clicks on the place that cannot place items, terminte the function
         if (defenseTowerList.CheckPlacingItems(initialRectangle.Location) == false)
         if (UI.background.CheckPlacingItem(e.Location) == false)
         //if the user places item on an approprate position, set the tower, so the tower won't be
         //moving anymore
         Background.placingDefenseTower = false;
         //set the projectile information of the temporary tower
         //set the temporary tower to placed
         tempTower.towerPlaced = true;
         //copy the temporary tower to an element of the defense tower list
         //clear the temporary tower
         tempTower = null;
         //now, the user must not be moving the defense tower
         movingDefenseTower = false;
  * This function adds one projectile to the list. It takes the new projectile that user
  * wants to add as its argument
 public void AddDefenseTower(DefenseTower toPlace)
     //resize the list to one more of its length
     ResizeDefenseTower(defenseTowers.Length + 1);
     //initialize the lastest elemnt
     defenseTowers[defenseTowers.Length - 1] = toPlace;
     //update the money the user has
  * This function allows user to click for a new defense tower
 public void MouseClickNew(MouseEventArgs e, Widget button)
     //if the defense tower is not moving
     if (movingDefenseTower == false)
         //let the defense tower to move
         movingDefenseTower = true;
         //initialize the temperory tower depending on the type user clicks
         if ((button as BosenQuFelixLiuFinalCulminatingProject.GUI.Button).ButtonFunction == UIButtonFunctions.Tower1)
             tempTower = new DefenseTower(new RectangleF(e.Location, tileSize), DefenseTowerType.Normal);
         else if ((button as BosenQuFelixLiuFinalCulminatingProject.GUI.Button).ButtonFunction == UIButtonFunctions.Tower2)
             tempTower = new DefenseTower(new RectangleF(e.Location, tileSize), DefenseTowerType.LongRange);
         else if ((button as BosenQuFelixLiuFinalCulminatingProject.GUI.Button).ButtonFunction == UIButtonFunctions.Tower3)
             tempTower = new DefenseTower(new RectangleF(e.Location, tileSize), DefenseTowerType.Missile);
         //tell the background class the user is placing tower
         Background.placingDefenseTower = true;