         * Summary: Draws the player's grid and ships.
         * Parameter: grid - the grid to show
         * Parameter: thePlayer - the player to show the ships of
         * Parameter: small - true if the small grid is shown
         * Parameter: showShips - true if ships are to be shown
         * Parameter: left - the left side of the grid
         * Parameter: top - the top of the grid
         * Parameter: width - the width of the grid
         * Parameter: height - the height of the grid
         * Parameter: cellWidth - the width of each cell
         * Parameter: cellHeight - the height of each cell
         * Parameter: cellGap - the gap between the cells

        private static void DrawCustomField(ISeaGrid grid, Player thePlayer, bool small, bool showShips, int left, int top, int width, int height, int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int cellGap, bool showonlydestroyed)
            //SwinGame.FillRectangle(Color.Blue, left, top, width, height)

            int rowTop  = 0;
            int colLeft = 0;

            //Draw the grid
            for (int row = 0; row <= 9; row++)
                rowTop = top + (cellGap + cellHeight) * row;

                for (int col = 0; col <= 9; col++)
                    colLeft = left + (cellGap + cellWidth) * col;

                    Color fillColor = default(Color);
                    bool  draw      = false;

                    draw = true;

                    switch (grid[row, col])
                    //case TileView.Ship:
                    //draw = false;

                    //If small Then fillColor = _SMALL_SHIP Else fillColor = _LARGE_SHIP
                    case TileView.Miss:
                        if (small)
                            fillColor = SMALL_MISS;
                            fillColor = LARGE_MISS;

                    case TileView.Hit:
                        if (small)
                            fillColor = SMALL_HIT;
                            fillColor = LARGE_HIT;

                    case TileView.Sea:
                    case TileView.Ship:
                        if (small)
                            fillColor = SMALL_SEA;
                            draw = false;

                    if (draw)
                        SwinGame.FillRectangle(fillColor, colLeft, rowTop, cellWidth, cellHeight);
                        if (!small)
                            SwinGame.DrawRectangle(OUTLINE_COLOR, colLeft, rowTop, cellWidth, cellHeight);

            if (!showShips)
            UtilityFunctions.DrawShips(grid, thePlayer, small, showShips, rowTop, colLeft, left, top, width, height, cellWidth, cellHeight, cellGap, showonlydestroyed);