Пример #1
        public WelderController(GridProgramRef gridProgramRef, WelderConfig welderConfig)
            // Safe guard: Throw an exception if GridTerminalSystem is null
            if (gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed GTS reference was null.");
            if (gridProgramRef.Echo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed Echo reference was null.");
            // Initialize initial variables
            WelderList         = new List <IMyShipWelder>();
            GridTerminalSystem = gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem;
            Echo         = gridProgramRef.Echo;
            WelderConfig = welderConfig;
            // Safe guard: Throw an exception if group is non existent
            var blocks = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(WelderConfig.WelderGroupName);

            if (blocks == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Welder block group was not found.");
Пример #2
 public ProjectionController(GridProgramRef gridProgramRef, string projectorName, ProjectorState projectorState)
     if (gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed GTS reference was null.");
     if (gridProgramRef.Echo == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed Echo reference was null.");
     if (gridProgramRef.Utils == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed UtilsClass reference was null.");
     if (projectorName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("projectorName was null.");
     if (!gridProgramRef.Utils.BlockWithNameExists(projectorName))
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Projector was not found.");
     Projector          = gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(projectorName) as IMyProjector;
     GridProgram        = gridProgramRef;
     ProjectorName      = projectorName;
     ProjectorState     = projectorState;
     GridTerminalSystem = GridProgram.GridTerminalSystem;
Пример #3
        public TrackerConfig(GridProgramRef gridref, string trackerTopLeft_Name, string trackerTopRight_Name, string trackerBottomLeft_Name, string trackerBottomRight_Name, int shipyard_Length) : this()
            if (shipyard_Length <= 0)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Shipyard_Length must be a positive value.");
            Shipyard_Length = shipyard_Length;
            if (trackerTopLeft_Name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("trackerTopLeft_Name was null.");
            if (trackerTopRight_Name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("trackerTopRight_Name was null.");
            if (trackerBottomLeft_Name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("trackerBottomLeft_Name was null.");
            if (trackerBottomRight_Name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("trackerBottomRight_Name was null.");
            TrackerTopLeft_Name     = trackerTopLeft_Name;
            TrackerTopRight_Name    = trackerTopRight_Name;
            TrackerBottomLeft_Name  = trackerBottomLeft_Name;
            TrackerBottomRight_Name = trackerBottomRight_Name;

            if (gridref.GridTerminalSystem == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed GTS reference was null.");
            if (!gridref.Utils.BlockWithNameExists(trackerTopLeft_Name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("TrackerTopLeft was not found.");
            if (!gridref.Utils.BlockWithNameExists(trackerTopRight_Name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("TrackerTopRight was not found.");
            if (!gridref.Utils.BlockWithNameExists(trackerBottomLeft_Name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("TrackerBottomLeft was not found.");
            if (!gridref.Utils.BlockWithNameExists(trackerBottomRight_Name))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("TrackerBottomRight was not found.");
            TrackerTopLeft     = gridref.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(trackerTopLeft_Name) as IMyCameraBlock;
            TrackerTopRight    = gridref.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(trackerTopRight_Name) as IMyCameraBlock;
            TrackerBottomLeft  = gridref.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(trackerBottomLeft_Name) as IMyCameraBlock;
            TrackerBottomRight = gridref.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName(trackerBottomRight_Name) as IMyCameraBlock;
Пример #4
 public CargoController(GridProgramRef gridProgramRef, bool sameGridOnly)
     if (gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed GTS reference was null.");
     if (gridProgramRef.Echo == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed Echo reference was null.");
     GridProgramRef  = gridProgramRef;
     CargoContainers = new List <IMyCargoContainer>();
     GridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem.GetBlocksOfType(CargoContainers, b => b.CubeGrid == GridProgramRef.Me.CubeGrid || !sameGridOnly);
     if (CargoContainers.Count == 0)
         throw new Exception("No cargo containers were found.");
Пример #5
        public PlatformMotor(GridProgramRef gridProgramRef, string pistonGroupName, MotorConfig motorConfig)
            // Safe guard: Throw an exception if GridTerminalSystem is null
            if (gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed GTS reference was null.");
            if (gridProgramRef.Echo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed Echo reference was null.");
            // Initialize initial variables
            PistonGroupName    = pistonGroupName;
            PistonList         = new List <IMyPistonBase>();
            MotorState         = MotorState.Idle;
            GridTerminalSystem = gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem;
            Echo        = gridProgramRef.Echo;
            MotorConfig = motorConfig;
            // Validate motor config
            if (MotorConfig.MotorSpeed < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("MotorConfig: Velocity must be a signed number.");
            if (MotorConfig.MotorMaxElevation < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("MotorConfig: Max elevation must be a signed number.");
            if (MotorConfig.MotorMinElevation < 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("MotorConfig: Min elevation must be a signed number.");
            // Validate motor config end
            // Safe guard: Throw an exception if group is non existent
            var blocks = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockGroupWithName(PistonGroupName);

            if (blocks == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("Piston block group was not found.");
Пример #6
 public ProjectionController(GridProgramRef gridProgramRef, IMyProjector projector, ProjectorState projectorState)
     if (gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed GTS reference was null.");
     if (gridProgramRef.Echo == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed Echo reference was null.");
     if (projector == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed projector reference was null.");
     GridProgram        = gridProgramRef;
     Projector          = projector;
     ProjectorName      = projector.Name;
     ProjectorState     = projectorState;
     GridTerminalSystem = GridProgram.GridTerminalSystem;
Пример #7
 public PlatformTracker(TrackerConfig trackerConfig, GridProgramRef gridprogramref)
     TrackerConfig  = trackerConfig;
     gridProgramRef = gridprogramref;
Пример #8
 public void SetGridProgramRef(GridProgramRef gridProgramRef)
     GridProgramRef = gridProgramRef;
Пример #9
 public UtilsClass(GridProgramRef gridProgramRef)
     GridProgramRef = gridProgramRef;
Пример #10
        public static void Initialize(GridProgramRef gridProgramRef)
            if (gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed GTS reference was null.");
            if (gridProgramRef.Echo == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed Echo reference was null.");
            if (gridProgramRef.Me == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Passed Me reference was null.");
            GridProgramRef     = gridProgramRef;
            GridTerminalSystem = gridProgramRef.GridTerminalSystem;
            Echo  = gridProgramRef.Echo;
            Me    = gridProgramRef.Me;
            Utils = gridProgramRef.Utils;
            // get data from customdata
            string[] splitted       = Me.CustomData.Split(new char[] { '$' });
            string[] componentNames = splitted[0].Split(new char[] { '*' });
            for (var i = 0; i < componentNames.Length; i++)
                componentNames[i] = "MyObjectBuilder_BlueprintDefinition/" + componentNames[i];

            char[] asterisk  = new char[] { '*' };
            char[] equalsign = new char[] { '=' };
            char[] comma     = new char[] { ',' };
            char[] colon     = new char[] { ':' };

            for (var i = 1; i < splitted.Length; i++)
                // splitted[1 to n] are type names and all associated subtypes
                // blocks[0] is the type name, blocks[1 to n] are subtypes and component amounts
                string[] blocks   = splitted[i].Split(asterisk);
                string   typeName = "MyObjectBuilder_" + blocks[0];

                for (var j = 1; j < blocks.Length; j++)
                    string[] compSplit = blocks[j].Split(equalsign);
                    string   blockName = typeName + '/' + compSplit[0];

                    // add a new dict for the block
                        blueprints.Add(blockName, new Dictionary <string, int>());
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Echo("Error adding block: " + blockName);
                    var components = compSplit[1].Split(comma);
                    foreach (var component in components)
                        string[] amounts  = component.Split(colon);
                        int      idx      = Convert.ToInt32(amounts[0]);
                        int      amount   = Convert.ToInt32(amounts[1]);
                        string   compName = componentNames[idx];
                        blueprints[blockName].Add(compName, amount);
Пример #11
        public void Main(string arguments, UpdateType updateSource)
            if (arguments == "i")
                GridProgram       = new GridProgramRef(GridTerminalSystem, null, Echo, Me);
                GridProgram.Utils = new UtilsClass(GridProgram);
                Echo("Initialized blueprint definitions.");
                Echo($"{BlueprintDefinitions.blueprints.Count} definitions loaded.");
                projectionController = new ProjectionController(GridProgram, "Projector", ProjectorState.Unpowered);
                if (!projectionController.Projector.IsProjecting)
                    Echo("Projector wasn't projecting.");
                Dictionary <string, int> components = projectionController.GetRequiredComponents();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, int> kvp in components)
                    Echo($"{kvp.Key}: {kvp.Value}");
            if (arguments == "a")
                List <IMyAssembler> assemblers = new List <IMyAssembler>();
                IMyAssembler   assembler = assemblers[0];
                IMyTextPanel   textpanel = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("TXTPNL") as IMyTextPanel;
                MyDefinitionId id        = MyDefinitionId.Parse("MyObjectBuilder_BlueprintDefinition/BulletproofGlass");
                assembler.AddQueueItem(id, 1.0);
            if (arguments == "p")
                IMyTextPanel textpanel = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("TXTPNL") as IMyTextPanel;
            if (arguments == "m")
            switch (internal_state)
            case 0:
                // config
                    GridProgram          = new GridProgramRef(GridTerminalSystem, null, Echo, Me);
                    GridProgram.Utils    = new UtilsClass(GridProgram);
                    platformMotor        = new PlatformMotor(GridProgram, "Pistons", new MotorConfig(0.05f, 10f, 0.05f, MotorExtendType.POSITIVE));
                    platformTracker      = new PlatformTracker(new TrackerConfig(GridProgram, "Camera X1", "Camera X2", "Camera Y1", "Camera Y2", 370), GridProgram);
                    welderController     = new WelderController(GridProgram, new WelderConfig("Welders", WelderState.Unpowered));
                    cargoController      = new CargoController(GridProgram, true);
                    projectionController = new ProjectionController(GridProgram, "Projector", ProjectorState.Unpowered);
                    internal_state = 1;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Echo($"Execution halted, safeguard violation raised in {ex.TargetSite}: {ex.Message}");

            case 1:
                    internal_state = 2;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Echo($"Execution halted, safeguard violation raised in {ex.TargetSite}: {ex.Message}");

            case 2:
                    TrackedPlatform tp = platformTracker.Track();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Echo($"Execution halted, safeguard violation raised in {ex.TargetSite}: {ex.Message}");