public NodeEvent(EventType type, NodeGUI node, Vector2 localMousePos, ConnectionPointData point) { this.eventType = type; this.eventSourceNode = node; this.point = point; this.globalMousePosition = new Vector2(localMousePos.x + node.GetX(), localMousePos.y + node.GetY()); }
private void AddNodeFromGUI(NodeKind kind, float x, float y) { string nodeName = AssetBundleGraphSettings.DEFAULT_NODE_NAME[kind] + nodes.Where(node => node.Kind == kind).ToList().Count; NodeGUI newNode = new NodeGUI(new NodeData(nodeName, kind, x, y)); Undo.RecordObject(this, "Add " + AssetBundleGraphSettings.DEFAULT_NODE_NAME[kind] + " Node"); AddNodeGUI(newNode); }
public void OnGUI() { DrawGUIToolBar(); using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { DrawGUINodeGraph(); if(showErrors) { DrawGUINodeErrors(); } } /* Event Handling: - Supporting dragging script into window to create node. - Context Menu - NodeGUI connection. - Command(Delete, Copy, etc...) */ switch (Event.current.type) { // detect dragging script then change interface to "(+)" icon. case EventType.DragUpdated: { var refs = DragAndDrop.objectReferences; foreach (var refe in refs) { if (refe.GetType() == typeof(UnityEditor.MonoScript)) { Type scriptTypeInfo = ((MonoScript)refe).GetClass(); Type inheritedTypeInfo = GetDragAndDropAcceptableScriptType(scriptTypeInfo); if (inheritedTypeInfo != null) { // at least one asset is script. change interface. DragAndDrop.visualMode = DragAndDropVisualMode.Copy; break; } } } break; } // script drop on editor. case EventType.DragPerform: { var pathAndRefs = new Dictionary<string, object>(); for (var i = 0; i < DragAndDrop.paths.Length; i++) { var path = DragAndDrop.paths[i]; var refe = DragAndDrop.objectReferences[i]; pathAndRefs[path] = refe; } var shouldSave = false; foreach (var item in pathAndRefs) { var refe = (MonoScript)item.Value; if (refe.GetType() == typeof(UnityEditor.MonoScript)) { Type scriptTypeInfo = refe.GetClass(); Type inheritedTypeInfo = GetDragAndDropAcceptableScriptType(scriptTypeInfo); if (inheritedTypeInfo != null) { var dropPos = Event.current.mousePosition; var scriptName =; var scriptClassName = scriptName; AddNodeFromCode(scriptName, scriptClassName, inheritedTypeInfo, dropPos.x, dropPos.y); shouldSave = true; } } } if (shouldSave) { SaveGraphWithReload(); } break; } // show context menu case EventType.ContextClick: { var rightClickPos = Event.current.mousePosition; var menu = new GenericMenu(); foreach (var menuItemStr in AssetBundleGraphSettings.GUI_Menu_Item_TargetGUINodeDict.Keys) { var kind = AssetBundleGraphSettings.GUI_Menu_Item_TargetGUINodeDict[menuItemStr]; menu.AddItem( new GUIContent(menuItemStr), false, () => { AddNodeFromGUI(kind, rightClickPos.x, rightClickPos.y); SaveGraphWithReload(); Repaint(); } ); } menu.ShowAsContext(); break; } /* Handling mouseUp at empty space. */ case EventType.MouseUp: { modifyMode = ModifyMode.NONE; HandleUtility.Repaint(); if (activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Any()) { Undo.RecordObject(this, "Unselect"); foreach (var activeObjectId in activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Keys) { // unselect all. foreach (var node in nodes) { if (activeObjectId == node.Id) { node.SetInactive(); } } foreach (var connection in connections) { if (activeObjectId == connection.Id) { connection.SetInactive(); } } } activeObject = RenewActiveObject(new List<string>()); } // clear inspector if( Selection.activeObject is NodeGUIInspectorHelper || Selection.activeObject is ConnectionGUIInspectorHelper) { Selection.activeObject = null; } break; } /* scale up or down by command & + or command & -. */ case EventType.KeyDown: { if (Event.current.command) { if (Event.current.shift && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Semicolon) { NodeGUI.scaleFactor = NodeGUI.scaleFactor + 0.1f; if (NodeGUI.scaleFactor < NodeGUI.SCALE_MIN) NodeGUI.scaleFactor = NodeGUI.SCALE_MIN; if (NodeGUI.SCALE_MAX < NodeGUI.scaleFactor) NodeGUI.scaleFactor = NodeGUI.SCALE_MAX; Event.current.Use(); break; } if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Minus) { NodeGUI.scaleFactor = NodeGUI.scaleFactor - 0.1f; if (NodeGUI.scaleFactor < NodeGUI.SCALE_MIN) NodeGUI.scaleFactor = NodeGUI.SCALE_MIN; if (NodeGUI.SCALE_MAX < NodeGUI.scaleFactor) NodeGUI.scaleFactor = NodeGUI.SCALE_MAX; Event.current.Use(); break; } } break; } case EventType.ValidateCommand: { switch (Event.current.commandName) { // Delete active node or connection. case "Delete": { if (activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Any()) { Event.current.Use(); } break; } case "Copy": { if (activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Any()) { Event.current.Use(); } break; } case "Cut": { if (activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Any()) { Event.current.Use(); } break; } case "Paste": { if(copyField.datas == null) { break; } if (copyField.datas.Any()) { Event.current.Use(); } break; } case "SelectAll": { Event.current.Use(); break; } } break; } case EventType.ExecuteCommand: { switch (Event.current.commandName) { // Delete active node or connection. case "Delete": { if (!activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Any()) break; Undo.RecordObject(this, "Delete Selection"); foreach (var targetId in activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Keys) { DeleteNode(targetId); DeleteConnectionById(targetId); } SaveGraphWithReload(); activeObject = RenewActiveObject(new List<string>()); UpdateActivationOfObjects(activeObject); Event.current.Use(); break; } case "Copy": { if (!activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Any()) { break; } Undo.RecordObject(this, "Copy Selection"); var targetNodeIds = activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Keys.ToList(); var targetNodeJsonRepresentations = JsonRepresentations(targetNodeIds); copyField = new CopyField(targetNodeJsonRepresentations, CopyType.COPYTYPE_COPY); Event.current.Use(); break; } case "Cut": { if (!activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Any()) { break; } Undo.RecordObject(this, "Cut Selection"); var targetNodeIds = activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Keys.ToList(); var targetNodeJsonRepresentations = JsonRepresentations(targetNodeIds); copyField = new CopyField(targetNodeJsonRepresentations, CopyType.COPYTYPE_CUT); foreach (var targetId in activeObject.idPosDict.ReadonlyDict().Keys) { DeleteNode(targetId); DeleteConnectionById(targetId); } SaveGraphWithReload(); InitializeGraph(); activeObject = RenewActiveObject(new List<string>()); UpdateActivationOfObjects(activeObject); Event.current.Use(); break; } case "Paste": { if(copyField.datas == null) { break; } var nodeNames = nodes.Select(node => node.Name).ToList(); var duplicatingData = new List<NodeGUI>(); if (copyField.datas.Any()) { var pasteType = copyField.type; foreach (var copyFieldData in copyField.datas) { var nodeJsonDict = AssetBundleGraph.Json.Deserialize(copyFieldData) as Dictionary<string, object>; var pastingNode = new NodeGUI(new NodeData(nodeJsonDict)); var pastingNodeName = pastingNode.Name; var nameOverlapping = nodeNames.Where(name => name == pastingNodeName).ToList(); switch (pasteType) { case CopyType.COPYTYPE_COPY: { if (2 <= nameOverlapping.Count) { continue; } break; } case CopyType.COPYTYPE_CUT: { if (1 <= nameOverlapping.Count) { continue; } break; } } duplicatingData.Add(pastingNode); } } // consume copyField copyField.datas = null; if (!duplicatingData.Any()) { break; } Undo.RecordObject(this, "Paste"); foreach (var newNode in duplicatingData) { DuplicateNode(newNode); } SaveGraphWithReload(); InitializeGraph(); Event.current.Use(); break; } case "SelectAll": { Undo.RecordObject(this, "Select All Objects"); var nodeIds = nodes.Select(node => node.Id).ToList(); activeObject = RenewActiveObject(nodeIds); // select all. foreach (var node in nodes) { node.SetActive(); } foreach (var connection in connections) { connection.SetActive(); } Event.current.Use(); break; } default: { break; } } break; } } }
/** create new connection if same relationship is not exist yet. */ private void AddConnection(string label, NodeGUI startNode, ConnectionPointData startPoint, NodeGUI endNode, ConnectionPointData endPoint) { Undo.RecordObject(this, "Add Connection"); var connectionsFromThisNode = connections .Where(con => con.OutputNodeId == startNode.Id) .Where(con => con.OutputPoint == startPoint) .ToList(); if (connectionsFromThisNode.Any()) { var alreadyExistConnection = connectionsFromThisNode[0]; DeleteConnectionById(alreadyExistConnection.Id); } if (!connections.ContainsConnection(startPoint, endPoint)) { connections.Add(ConnectionGUI.CreateConnection(label, startPoint, endPoint)); } }
private void UpdateNodeName(NodeGUI node) { var newName = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Node Name", node.Name); if( NodeGUIUtility.allNodeNames != null ) { var overlapping = NodeGUIUtility.allNodeNames.GroupBy(x => x) .Where(group => group.Count() > 1) .Select(group => group.Key); if (overlapping.Any() && overlapping.Contains(newName)) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("This node name already exist. Please put other name:" + newName, MessageType.Error); AssetBundleGraphEditorWindow.AddNodeException(new NodeException("Node name " + newName + " already exist.", node.Id )); } } if (newName != node.Name) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change Node Name", node, true)){ node.Name = newName; } } }
public SaveScope(NodeGUI node) { this.node = node; }
public void UpdateRegion(NodeGUI node, int index, int max) { var parentRegion = node.Region; if(IsInput){ var initialY = (AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.NODE_BASE_HEIGHT - AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.INPUT_POINT_HEIGHT) / 2f; var marginY = initialY + AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.FILTER_OUTPUT_SPAN * (index); buttonRect = new Rect( 0, marginY, AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.INPUT_POINT_WIDTH, AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.INPUT_POINT_HEIGHT); } else { var initialY = (AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.NODE_BASE_HEIGHT - AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.OUTPUT_POINT_HEIGHT) / 2f; var marginY = initialY + AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.FILTER_OUTPUT_SPAN * (index); buttonRect = new Rect( parentRegion.width - AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.OUTPUT_POINT_WIDTH + 1f, marginY, AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.OUTPUT_POINT_WIDTH, AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.OUTPUT_POINT_HEIGHT); } }
private EditorGUI.DisabledScope DrawOverrideTargetToggle(NodeGUI node, bool status, Action<bool> onStatusChange) { if( currentEditingGroup == BuildTargetUtility.DefaultTarget ) { return new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(false); } bool newStatus = GUILayout.Toggle(status, "Override for " + NodeGUIUtility.GetPlatformButtonFor(currentEditingGroup).ui.tooltip); if(newStatus != status && onStatusChange != null) { onStatusChange(newStatus); } return new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(!newStatus); }
public Vector2 GetGlobalPosition(NodeGUI node) { var x = 0f; var y = 0f; var baseRect = node.Region; if (IsInput) { x = baseRect.x; y = baseRect.y + buttonRect.y + (buttonRect.height / 2f) - 1f; } if (IsOutput) { x = baseRect.x + baseRect.width; y = baseRect.y + buttonRect.y + (buttonRect.height / 2f) - 1f; } return new Vector2(x, y); }
// public int OrderPriority { // get { // return orderPriority; // } // } // public bool ShowLabel { // get { // return showLabel; // } // } // returns rect for outside marker public Rect GetGlobalRegion(NodeGUI node) { var baseRect = node.Region; return new Rect( baseRect.x + buttonRect.x, baseRect.y + buttonRect.y, buttonRect.width, buttonRect.height ); }
// returns rect for connection dot public Rect GetGlobalPointRegion(NodeGUI node) { if(IsInput) { return GetInputPointRect(node); } else { return GetOutputPointRect(node); } }
public RecordUndoScope(string message, NodeGUI node, bool saveOnScopeEnd) { this.node = node; this.saveOnScopeEnd = saveOnScopeEnd; NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_RECORDUNDO, message)); }
public RecordUndoScope(string message, NodeGUI node) { this.node = node; NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_RECORDUNDO, message)); }
private void DoInspectorModifierGUI(NodeGUI node) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Modifier: Modify asset settings.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); GUILayout.Space(10f); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { Type incomingType = FindIncomingAssetType(node.Data.InputPoints[0]); if(incomingType == null) { // if there is no asset input to determine incomingType, // retrieve from assigned Modifier. incomingType = ModifierUtility.GetModifierTargetType(node.Data.ScriptClassName); if(incomingType == null) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Modifier needs a single type of incoming assets.", MessageType.Info); return; } } var map = ModifierUtility.GetAttributeClassNameMap(incomingType); if(map.Count > 0) { using(new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.Label("Modifier"); var guiName = ModifierUtility.GetModifierGUIName(node.Data.ScriptClassName); if (GUILayout.Button(guiName, "Popup", GUILayout.MinWidth(150f))) { var builders = map.Keys.ToList(); if(builders.Count > 0) { NodeGUI.ShowTypeNamesMenu(guiName, builders, (string selectedGUIName) => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change Modifier class", node, true)) { m_modifier = ModifierUtility.CreateModifier(selectedGUIName, incomingType); if(m_modifier != null) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = ModifierUtility.GUINameToClassName(selectedGUIName, incomingType); node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_modifier.Serialize(); } } } ); } } } } else { string[] menuNames = AssetBundleGraphSettings.GUI_TEXT_MENU_GENERATE_MODIFIER.Split('/'); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( string.Format( "No CustomModifier found for {3} type. \n" + "You need to create at least one Modifier script to select script for Modifier. " + "To start, select {0}>{1}>{2} menu and create a new script.", menuNames[1],menuNames[2], menuNames[3], incomingType.FullName ), MessageType.Info); } GUILayout.Space(10f); if(DrawPlatformSelector(node)) { // if platform tab is changed, renew modifierModifierInstance for that tab. m_modifier = null; } using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { var disabledScope = DrawOverrideTargetToggle(node, node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup), (bool enabled) => { if(enabled) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = node.Data.InstanceData.DefaultValue; } else { node.Data.InstanceData.Remove(currentEditingGroup); } m_modifier = null; }); using (disabledScope) { //reload modifierModifier instance from saved modifierModifier data. if (m_modifier == null) { m_modifier = ModifierUtility.CreateModifier(node.Data, currentEditingGroup); if(m_modifier != null) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = m_modifier.GetType().FullName; if(node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup)) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_modifier.Serialize(); } } } if (m_modifier != null) { Action onChangedAction = () => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change Modifier Setting", node)) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = m_modifier.GetType().FullName; if(node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup)) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_modifier.Serialize(); } } }; m_modifier.OnInspectorGUI(onChangedAction); } } } } }
private Rect GetOutputPointRect(NodeGUI node) { var baseRect = node.Region; return new Rect( baseRect.x + baseRect.width - 8f, baseRect.y + buttonRect.y + 1f, AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.CONNECTION_POINT_MARK_SIZE, AssetBundleGraphGUISettings.CONNECTION_POINT_MARK_SIZE ); }
private void DoInspectorPrefabBuilderGUI(NodeGUI node) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("PrefabBuilder: Create prefab with given assets and script.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { var map = PrefabBuilderUtility.GetAttributeClassNameMap(); if(map.Count > 0) { using(new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.Label("PrefabBuilder"); var guiName = PrefabBuilderUtility.GetPrefabBuilderGUIName(node.Data.ScriptClassName); if (GUILayout.Button(guiName, "Popup", GUILayout.MinWidth(150f))) { var builders = map.Keys.ToList(); if(builders.Count > 0) { NodeGUI.ShowTypeNamesMenu(guiName, builders, (string selectedGUIName) => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change PrefabBuilder class", node, true)) { m_prefabBuilder = PrefabBuilderUtility.CreatePrefabBuilder(selectedGUIName); if(m_prefabBuilder != null) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = PrefabBuilderUtility.GUINameToClassName(selectedGUIName); node.Data.InstanceData.DefaultValue = m_prefabBuilder.Serialize(); } } } ); } } } } else { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Data.ScriptClassName)) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( string.Format( "Your PrefabBuilder script {0} is missing from assembly. Did you delete script?", node.Data.ScriptClassName), MessageType.Info); } else { string[] menuNames = AssetBundleGraphSettings.GUI_TEXT_MENU_GENERATE_PREFABBUILDER.Split('/'); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( string.Format( "You need to create at least one PrefabBuilder script to use PrefabBuilder node. To start, select {0}>{1}>{2} menu and create new script from template.", menuNames[1],menuNames[2], menuNames[3] ), MessageType.Info); } } GUILayout.Space(10f); if(DrawPlatformSelector(node)) { // if platform tab is changed, renew prefabBuilder for that tab. m_prefabBuilder = null; } using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope()) { var disabledScope = DrawOverrideTargetToggle(node, node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup), (bool enabled) => { if(enabled) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = node.Data.InstanceData.DefaultValue; } else { node.Data.InstanceData.Remove(currentEditingGroup); } m_prefabBuilder = null; }); using (disabledScope) { //reload prefabBuilder instance from saved instance data. if (m_prefabBuilder == null) { m_prefabBuilder = PrefabBuilderUtility.CreatePrefabBuilder(node.Data, currentEditingGroup); if(m_prefabBuilder != null) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = m_prefabBuilder.GetType().FullName; if(node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup)) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_prefabBuilder.Serialize(); } } } if (m_prefabBuilder != null) { Action onChangedAction = () => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change PrefabBuilder Setting", node)) { node.Data.ScriptClassName = m_prefabBuilder.GetType().FullName; if(node.Data.InstanceData.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup)) { node.Data.InstanceData[currentEditingGroup] = m_prefabBuilder.Serialize(); } } }; m_prefabBuilder.OnInspectorGUI(onChangedAction); } } } } }
private void DoInspectorBundleConfiguratorGUI(NodeGUI node) { if (node.Data.BundleNameTemplate == null) return; EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("BundleConfigurator: Create asset bundle settings with given group of assets.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); GUILayout.Space(10f); //Show target configuration tab DrawPlatformSelector(node); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { var disabledScope = DrawOverrideTargetToggle(node, node.Data.BundleNameTemplate.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup), (bool enabled) => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Remove Target Bundle Name Template Setting", node, true)){ if(enabled) { node.Data.BundleNameTemplate[currentEditingGroup] = node.Data.BundleNameTemplate.DefaultValue; } else { node.Data.BundleNameTemplate.Remove(currentEditingGroup); } } }); using (disabledScope) { var bundleNameTemplate = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Bundle Name Template", node.Data.BundleNameTemplate[currentEditingGroup]).ToLower(); if (bundleNameTemplate != node.Data.BundleNameTemplate[currentEditingGroup]) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change Bundle Name Template", node, true)){ node.Data.BundleNameTemplate[currentEditingGroup] = bundleNameTemplate; } } } } using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { GUILayout.Label("Variants:"); var variantNames = node.Data.Variants.Select(v => v.Name).ToList(); Variant removing = null; foreach (var v in node.Data.Variants) { using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.Width(30))) { removing = v; } else { GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle((GUIStyle)"TextFieldDropDownText"); Action makeStyleBold = () => { s.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold; s.fontSize = 12; }; IntegratedGUIBundleConfigurator.ValidateVariantName(v.Name, variantNames, makeStyleBold, makeStyleBold, makeStyleBold); var variantName = EditorGUILayout.TextField(v.Name, s); if (variantName != v.Name) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change Variant Name", node, true)){ v.Name = variantName; } } } } } if (GUILayout.Button("+")) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Add Variant", node, true)){ node.Data.AddVariant(AssetBundleGraphSettings.BUNDLECONFIG_VARIANTNAME_DEFAULT); } } if(removing != null) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Remove Variant", node, true)){ // event must raise to remove connection associated with point NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_CONNECTIONPOINT_DELETED, node,, removing.ConnectionPoint)); node.Data.RemoveVariant(removing); } } } }
/* * Return true if Platform is changed */ private bool DrawPlatformSelector(NodeGUI node) { BuildTargetGroup g = currentEditingGroup; bool editGroupChanged = false; EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { var choosenIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < NodeGUIUtility.platformButtons.Length; i++) { var onOffBefore = NodeGUIUtility.platformButtons[i].targetGroup == currentEditingGroup; var onOffAfter = onOffBefore; GUIStyle toolbarbutton = new GUIStyle("toolbarbutton"); if(NodeGUIUtility.platformButtons[i].targetGroup == BuildTargetUtility.DefaultTarget) { onOffAfter = GUILayout.Toggle(onOffBefore, NodeGUIUtility.platformButtons[i].ui, toolbarbutton); } else { var width = Mathf.Max(32f, toolbarbutton.CalcSize(NodeGUIUtility.platformButtons[i].ui).x); onOffAfter = GUILayout.Toggle(onOffBefore, NodeGUIUtility.platformButtons[i].ui, toolbarbutton, GUILayout.Width( width )); } if (onOffBefore != onOffAfter) { choosenIndex = i; break; } } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { g = NodeGUIUtility.platformButtons[choosenIndex].targetGroup; } } if (g != currentEditingGroup) { currentEditingGroup = g; editGroupChanged = true; GUI.FocusControl(string.Empty); } return editGroupChanged; }
private void DoInspectorExporterGUI(NodeGUI node) { if (node.Data.ExporterExportPath == null) { return; } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Exporter: Export given files to output directory.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); GUILayout.Space(10f); //Show target configuration tab DrawPlatformSelector(node); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { var disabledScope = DrawOverrideTargetToggle(node, node.Data.ExporterExportPath.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup), (bool enabled) => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Remove Target Export Settings", node, true)){ if(enabled) { node.Data.ExporterExportPath[currentEditingGroup] = node.Data.ExporterExportPath.DefaultValue; } else { node.Data.ExporterExportPath.Remove(currentEditingGroup); } } } ); using (disabledScope) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Export Path:"); var newExportPath = EditorGUILayout.TextField( SystemDataUtility.GetProjectName(), node.Data.ExporterExportPath[currentEditingGroup] ); var exporterrNodePath = FileUtility.GetPathWithProjectPath(newExportPath); if(IntegratedGUIExporter.ValidateExportPath( newExportPath, exporterrNodePath, () => { // TODO Make text field bold }, () => { using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(exporterrNodePath + " does not exist."); if(GUILayout.Button("Create directory")) { using(new SaveScope(node)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(exporterrNodePath); } } } EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Available Directories:"); string[] dirs = Directory.GetDirectories(Path.GetDirectoryName(exporterrNodePath)); foreach(string s in dirs) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField(s); } } )) { using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); #if UNITY_EDITOR_OSX string buttonName = "Reveal in Finder"; #else string buttonName = "Show in Explorer"; #endif if(GUILayout.Button(buttonName)) { EditorUtility.RevealInFinder(exporterrNodePath); } } } if (newExportPath != node.Data.ExporterExportPath[currentEditingGroup]) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change Export Path", node, true)){ node.Data.ExporterExportPath[currentEditingGroup] = newExportPath; } } } } }
private void DoInspectorBundleBuilderGUI(NodeGUI node) { if (node.Data.BundleBuilderBundleOptions == null) { return; } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("BundleBuilder: Build asset bundles with given asset bundle settings.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); GUILayout.Space(10f); //Show target configuration tab DrawPlatformSelector(node); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { var disabledScope = DrawOverrideTargetToggle(node, node.Data.BundleBuilderBundleOptions.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup), (bool enabled) => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Remove Target Bundle Options", node, true)){ if(enabled) { node.Data.BundleBuilderBundleOptions[currentEditingGroup] = node.Data.BundleBuilderBundleOptions.DefaultValue; } else { node.Data.BundleBuilderBundleOptions.Remove(currentEditingGroup); } } } ); using (disabledScope) { int bundleOptions = node.Data.BundleBuilderBundleOptions[currentEditingGroup]; bool isDisableWriteTypeTreeEnabled = 0 < (bundleOptions & (int)BuildAssetBundleOptions.DisableWriteTypeTree); bool isIgnoreTypeTreeChangesEnabled = 0 < (bundleOptions & (int)BuildAssetBundleOptions.IgnoreTypeTreeChanges); // buildOptions are validated during loading. Two flags should not be true at the same time. UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsFalse(isDisableWriteTypeTreeEnabled && isIgnoreTypeTreeChangesEnabled); bool isSomethingDisabled = isDisableWriteTypeTreeEnabled || isIgnoreTypeTreeChangesEnabled; foreach (var option in AssetBundleGraphSettings.BundleOptionSettings) { // contains keyword == enabled. if not, disabled. bool isEnabled = (bundleOptions & (int)option.option) != 0; bool isToggleDisabled = (option.option == BuildAssetBundleOptions.DisableWriteTypeTree && isIgnoreTypeTreeChangesEnabled) || (option.option == BuildAssetBundleOptions.IgnoreTypeTreeChanges && isDisableWriteTypeTreeEnabled); using(new EditorGUI.DisabledScope(isToggleDisabled)) { var result = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(option.description, isEnabled); if (result != isEnabled) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change Bundle Options", node, true)){ bundleOptions = (result) ? ((int)option.option | bundleOptions) : (((~(int)option.option)) & bundleOptions); node.Data.BundleBuilderBundleOptions[currentEditingGroup] = bundleOptions; } } } } if(isSomethingDisabled) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("'Disable Write Type Tree' and 'Ignore Type Tree Changes' can not be used together.", MessageType.Info); } } } }
private void DoInspectorFilterGUI(NodeGUI node) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Filter: Filter incoming assets by keywords and types. You can use regular expressions for keyword field.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { GUILayout.Label("Filter Settings:"); FilterEntry removing = null; for (int i= 0; i < node.Data.FilterConditions.Count; ++i) { var cond = node.Data.FilterConditions[i]; Action messageAction = null; using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { if (GUILayout.Button("-", GUILayout.Width(30))) { removing = cond; } else { var newContainsKeyword = cond.FilterKeyword; GUIStyle s = new GUIStyle((GUIStyle)"TextFieldDropDownText"); using (new EditorGUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { newContainsKeyword = EditorGUILayout.TextField(cond.FilterKeyword, s, GUILayout.Width(120)); if (GUILayout.Button(cond.FilterKeytype , "Popup")) { var ind = i;// need this because of closure locality bug in unity C# NodeGUI.ShowFilterKeyTypeMenu( cond.FilterKeytype, (string selectedTypeStr) => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Modify Filter Type", node, true)){ node.Data.FilterConditions[ind].FilterKeytype = selectedTypeStr; } } ); } } if (newContainsKeyword != cond.FilterKeyword) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Modify Filter Keyword", node, true)){ cond.FilterKeyword = newContainsKeyword; // event must raise to propagate change to connection associated with point NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_CONNECTIONPOINT_LABELCHANGED, node,, cond.ConnectionPoint)); } } } } if(messageAction != null) { using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { messageAction.Invoke(); } } } // add contains keyword interface. if (GUILayout.Button("+")) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Add Filter Condition", node)){ node.Data.AddFilterCondition( AssetBundleGraphSettings.DEFAULT_FILTER_KEYWORD, AssetBundleGraphSettings.DEFAULT_FILTER_KEYTYPE); } } if(removing != null) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Remove Filter Condition", node, true)){ // event must raise to remove connection associated with point NodeGUIUtility.NodeEventHandler(new NodeEvent(NodeEvent.EventType.EVENT_CONNECTIONPOINT_DELETED, node,, removing.ConnectionPoint)); node.Data.RemoveFilterCondition(removing); } } } }
public void DuplicateNode(NodeGUI node) { var newNode = node.Duplicate( node.GetX() + 10f, node.GetY() + 10f ); AddNodeGUI(newNode); }
private void DoInspectorGroupingGUI(NodeGUI node) { if (node.Data.GroupingKeywords == null) { return; } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Grouping: Create group of assets.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); GUILayout.Space(10f); //Show target configuration tab DrawPlatformSelector(node); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { var disabledScope = DrawOverrideTargetToggle(node, node.Data.GroupingKeywords.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup), (bool enabled) => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Remove Target Grouping Keyword Settings", node, true)){ if(enabled) { node.Data.GroupingKeywords[currentEditingGroup] = node.Data.GroupingKeywords.DefaultValue; } else { node.Data.GroupingKeywords.Remove(currentEditingGroup); } } }); using (disabledScope) { var newGroupingKeyword = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Grouping Keyword",node.Data.GroupingKeywords[currentEditingGroup]); EditorGUILayout.HelpBox( "Grouping Keyword requires \"*\" in itself. It assumes there is a pattern such as \"ID_0\" in incoming paths when configured as \"ID_*\" ", MessageType.Info); if (newGroupingKeyword != node.Data.GroupingKeywords[currentEditingGroup]) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Change Grouping Keywords", node, true)){ node.Data.GroupingKeywords[currentEditingGroup] = newGroupingKeyword; } } } } }
/** * Creates Graph structure with NodeGUI and ConnectionGUI from SaveData */ private static void ConstructGraphFromSaveData(SaveData saveData, out List<NodeGUI> nodes, out List<ConnectionGUI> connections) { var currentNodes = new List<NodeGUI>(); var currentConnections = new List<ConnectionGUI>(); foreach (var node in saveData.Nodes) { var newNodeGUI = new NodeGUI(node); newNodeGUI.WindowId = GetSafeWindowId(currentNodes); currentNodes.Add(newNodeGUI); } // load connections foreach (var c in saveData.Connections) { var startNode = currentNodes.Find(node => node.Id == c.FromNodeId); if (startNode == null) { continue; } var endNode = currentNodes.Find(node => node.Id == c.ToNodeId); if (endNode == null) { continue; } var startPoint = startNode.Data.FindConnectionPoint (c.FromNodeConnectionPointId); var endPoint = endNode.Data.FindConnectionPoint (c.ToNodeConnectionPointId); currentConnections.Add(ConnectionGUI.LoadConnection(c.Label, c.Id, startPoint, endPoint)); } nodes = currentNodes; connections = currentConnections; }
private void DoInspectorImportSettingGUI(NodeGUI node) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("ImportSetting: Force apply import settings to given assets.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); GUILayout.Space(10f); /* importer node has no platform key. platform key is contained by Unity's importer inspector itself. */ using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { Type incomingType = FindIncomingAssetType(node.Data.InputPoints[0]); IntegratedGUIImportSetting.ConfigStatus status = IntegratedGUIImportSetting.GetConfigStatus(node.Data); if(incomingType == null) { // try to retrieve incoming type from configuration if(status == IntegratedGUIImportSetting.ConfigStatus.GoodSampleFound) { incomingType = IntegratedGUIImportSetting.GetReferenceAssetImporter(node.Data).GetType(); } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("ImportSetting needs a single type of incoming assets.", MessageType.Info); return; } } switch(status) { case IntegratedGUIImportSetting.ConfigStatus.NoSampleFound: // IntegratedGUIImportSetting.Setup() must run to grab another sample to configure. EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Press Refresh to configure.", MessageType.Info); break; case IntegratedGUIImportSetting.ConfigStatus.GoodSampleFound: if (GUILayout.Button("Configure Import Setting")) { Selection.activeObject = IntegratedGUIImportSetting.GetReferenceAssetImporter(node.Data); } if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Import Setting")) { IntegratedGUIImportSetting.ResetConfig(node.Data); } break; case IntegratedGUIImportSetting.ConfigStatus.TooManySamplesFound: if (GUILayout.Button("Reset Import Setting")) { IntegratedGUIImportSetting.ResetConfig(node.Data); } break; } } }
private void AddNodeFromCode(string name, string scriptClassName, Type scriptBaseType, float x, float y) { NodeGUI newNode = null; if (scriptBaseType == typeof(IModifier)) { var modifier = ModifierUtility.CreateModifier(scriptClassName); UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsNotNull(modifier); newNode = new NodeGUI(new NodeData(name, NodeKind.MODIFIER_GUI, x, y)); newNode.Data.ScriptClassName = scriptClassName; newNode.Data.InstanceData.DefaultValue = modifier.Serialize(); } if (scriptBaseType == typeof(IPrefabBuilder)) { var builder = PrefabBuilderUtility.CreatePrefabBuilderByClassName(scriptClassName); UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.IsNotNull(builder); newNode = new NodeGUI(new NodeData(name, NodeKind.PREFABBUILDER_GUI, x, y)); newNode.Data.ScriptClassName = scriptClassName; newNode.Data.InstanceData.DefaultValue = builder.Serialize(); } if (newNode == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not add node from code. " + scriptClassName + "(base:" + scriptBaseType + ") is not supported to create from code."); return; } AddNodeGUI(newNode); }
private void DoInspectorLoaderGUI(NodeGUI node) { if (node.Data.LoaderLoadPath == null) { return; } EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Loader: Load assets in given directory path.", MessageType.Info); UpdateNodeName(node); GUILayout.Space(10f); //Show target configuration tab DrawPlatformSelector(node); using (new EditorGUILayout.VerticalScope( { var disabledScope = DrawOverrideTargetToggle(node, node.Data.LoaderLoadPath.ContainsValueOf(currentEditingGroup), (bool b) => { using(new RecordUndoScope("Remove Target Load Path Settings", node, true)) { if(b) { node.Data.LoaderLoadPath[currentEditingGroup] = node.Data.LoaderLoadPath.DefaultValue; } else { node.Data.LoaderLoadPath.Remove(currentEditingGroup); } } }); using (disabledScope) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Load Path:"); var newLoadPath = EditorGUILayout.TextField( SystemDataUtility.GetProjectName() + AssetBundleGraphSettings.ASSETS_PATH, node.Data.LoaderLoadPath[currentEditingGroup] ); if (newLoadPath != node.Data.LoaderLoadPath[currentEditingGroup]) { using(new RecordUndoScope("Load Path Changed", node, true)){ node.Data.LoaderLoadPath[currentEditingGroup] = newLoadPath; } } } } }
private void AddNodeGUI(NodeGUI newNode) { int id = -1; foreach(var node in nodes) { if(node.WindowId > id) { id = node.WindowId; } } newNode.WindowId = id + 1; nodes.Add(newNode); }
public void UpdateNode(NodeGUI node) { this.node = node; }