public ActionType(ActionType _actionType) { fileName = _actionType.fileName; category = _actionType.category; title = _actionType.title; description = _actionType.description; isEnabled = _actionType.isEnabled; color = _actionType.color; }
public bool IsMatch(ActionType _actionType) { if (description == _actionType.description && title == _actionType.title && category == _actionType.category) { return true; } return false; }
private void SearchSceneForType(string sceneFile, ActionType actionType) { string sceneLabel = ""; if (sceneFile != "") { sceneLabel = "(Scene: " + sceneFile + ") "; if (EditorApplication.currentScene != sceneFile) { EditorApplication.OpenScene (sceneFile); } } // Speech lines and journal entries ActionList[] actionLists = GameObject.FindObjectsOfType (typeof (ActionList)) as ActionList[]; foreach (ActionList list in actionLists) { int numFinds = SearchActionsForType (list.GetActions (), actionType); if (numFinds > 0) { ACDebug.Log (sceneLabel + " Found " + numFinds + " instances in '" + + "'"); } } }
public void ShowGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button"); GUILayout.Label ("Actionlist editing settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); displayActionsInInspector = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("List Actions in Inspector window?", displayActionsInInspector); displayActionsInEditor = (DisplayActionsInEditor) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Actions in Editor are:", displayActionsInEditor); actionListEditorScrollWheel = (ActionListEditorScrollWheel) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Using scroll-wheel:", actionListEditorScrollWheel); invertPanning = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("Invert panning in ActionList Editor?", invertPanning); allowMultipleActionListWindows = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("Allow multiple ActionList Editor windows?", allowMultipleActionListWindows); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical (); EditorGUILayout.Space (); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button"); GUILayout.Label ("Custom Action scripts", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUILayout.Label ("Folder to search:", GUILayout.Width (110f)); GUILayout.Label (customFolderPath, EditorStyles.textField); GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); if (GUILayout.Button ("Set directory")) { string path = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Set custom Actions directory", "Assets", ""); string dataPath = Application.dataPath; if (path.Contains (dataPath)) { if (path == dataPath) { customFolderPath = ""; } else { customFolderPath = path.Replace (dataPath + "/", ""); } } else { ACDebug.LogError ("Cannot set new directory - be sure to select within the Assets directory."); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical (); if (AllActions.Count > 0) { GUILayout.Space (10); foreach (ActionType subclass in AllActions) { int enabledIndex = -1; if (EnabledActions.Contains (subclass)) { enabledIndex = EnabledActions.IndexOf (subclass); } if (selectedClass != null && subclass.category == selectedClass.category && subclass.title == selectedClass.title) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button"); SpeechLine.ShowField ("Name:", subclass.GetFullTitle (), false); SpeechLine.ShowField ("Filename:", subclass.fileName, false); SpeechLine.ShowField ("Description:", subclass.description, true); subclass.isEnabled = true; // This is being set OnEnable anyway, because Action Types are now refreshed/generated automatically, so can't disable //subclass.isEnabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle ("Is enabled?", subclass.isEnabled); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); if (enabledIndex >= 0) { if (enabledIndex == defaultClass) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("DEFAULT", EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width (140f)); } else if (subclass.isEnabled) { if (GUILayout.Button ("Make default?", GUILayout.Width (140f))) { if (EnabledActions.Contains (subclass)) { defaultClass = EnabledActions.IndexOf (subclass); } } } } subclass.color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField ("Node colour:", subclass.color); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); if (GUILayout.Button ("Search local instances")) { SearchForInstances (true, subclass); } if (GUILayout.Button ("Search all instances")) { SearchForInstances (false, subclass); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical (); } else { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); if (GUILayout.Button (subclass.GetFullTitle (), EditorStyles.label, GUILayout.Width (200f))) { selectedClass = subclass; } if (enabledIndex >= 0 && enabledIndex == defaultClass) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("DEFAULT", EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width (60f)); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); GUILayout.Box ("", GUILayout.ExpandWidth (true), GUILayout.Height(1)); } } if (defaultClass > EnabledActions.Count - 1) { defaultClass = EnabledActions.Count - 1; } } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("No Action subclass files found.", MessageType.Warning); } if (GUI.changed) { SetEnabled (); EditorUtility.SetDirty (this); } }
private void SearchAssetForType(ActionListAsset actionListAsset, ActionType actionType) { if (searchedAssets.Contains (actionListAsset)) { return; } searchedAssets.Add (actionListAsset); if (actionListAsset != null) { int numFinds = SearchActionsForType (actionListAsset.actions, actionType); if (numFinds > 0) { ACDebug.Log ("(Asset: " + + ") Found " + numFinds + " instances of '" + actionType.GetFullTitle () + "'"); } } }
private void SearchForInstances(bool justLocal, ActionType actionType) { if (searchedAssets != null) { searchedAssets.Clear (); } if (justLocal) { SearchSceneForType ("", actionType); return; } string[] sceneFiles = AdvGame.GetSceneFiles (); // First look for lines that already have an assigned lineID foreach (string sceneFile in sceneFiles) { SearchSceneForType (sceneFile, actionType); } // Settings if (KickStarter.settingsManager) { SearchAssetForType (KickStarter.settingsManager.actionListOnStart, actionType); if (KickStarter.settingsManager.activeInputs != null) { foreach (ActiveInput activeInput in KickStarter.settingsManager.activeInputs) { SearchAssetForType (activeInput.actionListAsset, actionType); } } } // Inventory if (KickStarter.inventoryManager) { SearchAssetForType (KickStarter.inventoryManager.unhandledCombine, actionType); SearchAssetForType (KickStarter.inventoryManager.unhandledHotspot, actionType); SearchAssetForType (KickStarter.inventoryManager.unhandledGive, actionType); // Item-specific events if (KickStarter.inventoryManager.items.Count > 0) { foreach (InvItem item in (KickStarter.inventoryManager.items)) { SearchAssetForType (item.useActionList, actionType); SearchAssetForType (item.lookActionList, actionType); SearchAssetForType (item.unhandledActionList, actionType); SearchAssetForType (item.unhandledCombineActionList, actionType); foreach (ActionListAsset actionList in item.combineActionList) { SearchAssetForType (actionList, actionType); } } } foreach (Recipe recipe in { SearchAssetForType (recipe.invActionList, actionType); } } // Cursor if (KickStarter.cursorManager) { // Prefixes foreach (ActionListAsset actionListAsset in KickStarter.cursorManager.unhandledCursorInteractions) { SearchAssetForType (actionListAsset, actionType); } } // Menus if (KickStarter.menuManager) { // Gather elements if (KickStarter.menuManager.menus.Count > 0) { foreach (AC.Menu menu in KickStarter.menuManager.menus) { SearchAssetForType (menu.actionListOnTurnOff, actionType); SearchAssetForType (menu.actionListOnTurnOn, actionType); foreach (MenuElement element in menu.elements) { if (element is MenuButton) { MenuButton button = (MenuButton) element; if (button.buttonClickType == AC_ButtonClickType.RunActionList) { SearchAssetForType (button.actionList, actionType); } } else if (element is MenuSavesList) { MenuSavesList button = (MenuSavesList) element; SearchAssetForType (button.actionListOnSave, actionType); } } } } } searchedAssets.Clear (); }
private int SearchActionsForType(List<Action> actionList, ActionType actionType) { if (actionList == null) { return 0; } int numFinds = 0; foreach (Action action in actionList) { if ((action.category == actionType.category && action.title == actionType.title) || (action.category == actionType.category && action.title.Contains (actionType.title))) { numFinds ++; } } return numFinds; }
public void ShowGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button"); GUILayout.Label ("Actionlist editing settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel); displayActionsInInspector = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("List Actions in Inspector window?", displayActionsInInspector); displayActionsInEditor = (DisplayActionsInEditor) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Actions in Editor are:", displayActionsInEditor); actionListEditorScrollWheel = (ActionListEditorScrollWheel) EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup ("Using scroll-wheel:", actionListEditorScrollWheel); panSpeed = EditorGUILayout.FloatField ((actionListEditorScrollWheel == ActionListEditorScrollWheel.PansWindow) ? "Panning speed:" : "Zoom speed:", panSpeed); invertPanning = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("Invert panning in ActionList Editor?", invertPanning); allowMultipleActionListWindows = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft ("Allow multiple ActionList Editor windows?", allowMultipleActionListWindows); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical (); EditorGUILayout.Space (); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button"); GUILayout.Label ("Custom Action scripts", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); GUILayout.Label ("Folder to search:", GUILayout.Width (110f)); GUILayout.Label (customFolderPath, EditorStyles.textField); GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); if (GUILayout.Button ("Set directory")) { string path = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Set custom Actions directory", "Assets", ""); string dataPath = Application.dataPath; if (path.Contains (dataPath)) { if (path == dataPath) { customFolderPath = ""; } else { customFolderPath = path.Replace (dataPath + "/", ""); } } else { ACDebug.LogError ("Cannot set new directory - be sure to select within the Assets directory."); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical (); if (AllActions.Count > 0) { GUILayout.Space (10); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button"); EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("Action categories", EditorStyles.boldLabel); ActionCategory[] categories = (ActionCategory[]) System.Enum.GetValues (typeof(ActionCategory)); for (int i=0; i<categories.Length; i++) { toggles[i] = GUILayout.Toggle (toggles[i], categories[i].ToString (), "Button"); if (toggles[i]) { int j=-1; foreach (ActionType subclass in AllActions) { if (subclass.category == categories[i]) { j++; int enabledIndex = -1; if (EnabledActions.Contains (subclass)) { enabledIndex = EnabledActions.IndexOf (subclass); } if (selectedClass != null && subclass.category == selectedClass.category && subclass.title == selectedClass.title) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical ("Button"); SpeechLine.ShowField ("Name:", subclass.GetFullTitle (), false); SpeechLine.ShowField ("Filename:", subclass.fileName, false); SpeechLine.ShowField ("Description:", subclass.description, true); subclass.isEnabled = true; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); if (enabledIndex >= 0) { if (enabledIndex == defaultClass) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("DEFAULT", EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width (140f)); } else if (subclass.isEnabled) { if (GUILayout.Button ("Make default?", GUILayout.Width (140f))) { if (EnabledActions.Contains (subclass)) { defaultClass = EnabledActions.IndexOf (subclass); } } } } subclass.color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField ("Node colour:", subclass.color); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); if (GUILayout.Button ("Search local instances")) { SearchForInstances (true, subclass); } if (GUILayout.Button ("Search all instances")) { if (UnityVersionHandler.SaveSceneIfUserWants ()) { SearchForInstances (false, subclass); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical (); } else { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal (); if (GUILayout.Button (j.ToString () + ": " + subclass.GetFullTitle (), EditorStyles.label, GUILayout.Width (200f))) { selectedClass = subclass; } if (enabledIndex >= 0 && enabledIndex == defaultClass) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField ("DEFAULT", EditorStyles.boldLabel, GUILayout.Width (60f)); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal (); GUILayout.Box ("", GUILayout.ExpandWidth (true), GUILayout.Height(1)); } } } if (j < 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("There are no Actions of this category type present!", MessageType.Info); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical (); if (defaultClass > EnabledActions.Count - 1) { defaultClass = EnabledActions.Count - 1; } } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox ("No Action subclass files found.", MessageType.Warning); } if (GUI.changed) { SetEnabled (); EditorUtility.SetDirty (this); } }
public static void RefreshActions() { if (AdvGame.GetReferences() == null || AdvGame.GetReferences().actionsManager == null) { return; } ActionsManager actionsManager = AdvGame.GetReferences().actionsManager; // Collect data to transfer List <ActionType> oldActionTypes = new List <ActionType>(); foreach (ActionType actionType in actionsManager.AllActions) { oldActionTypes.Add(actionType); } actionsManager.AllActions.Clear(); // Load default Actions string targetDir = "Assets/" + actionsManager.FolderPath; DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(targetDir); FileInfo[] info = dir.GetFiles("*.cs"); foreach (FileInfo f in info) { try { int extentionPosition = f.Name.IndexOf(".cs"); string className = f.Name.Substring(0, extentionPosition); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(f.FullName); string fileContents = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); fileContents = fileContents.Replace(" ", ""); if (fileContents.Contains("class" + className + ":Action") || fileContents.Contains("class" + className + ":AC.Action")) { MonoScript script = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <MonoScript> (targetDir + "/" + f.Name); if (script == null) { continue; } Action tempAction = (Action)CreateInstance(script.GetClass()); if (tempAction != null && tempAction is Action) { ActionType newActionType = new ActionType(className, tempAction); // Transfer back data foreach (ActionType oldActionType in oldActionTypes) { if (newActionType.IsMatch(oldActionType)) { newActionType.color = oldActionType.color; newActionType.isEnabled = oldActionType.isEnabled; if (newActionType.color == new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)) { newActionType.color = Color.white; } if (newActionType.color.a < 1f) { newActionType.color = new Color(newActionType.color.r, newActionType.color.g, newActionType.color.b, 1f); } } } actionsManager.AllActions.Add(newActionType); } } else { ACDebug.LogError("The script '" + f.FullName + "' must derive from AC's Action class in order to be available as an Action."); } } catch {} } // Load custom Actions if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(actionsManager.customFolderPath) && actionsManager.UsingCustomActionsFolder) { targetDir = "Assets/" + actionsManager.customFolderPath; dir = new DirectoryInfo(targetDir); try { info = dir.GetFiles("*.cs"); foreach (FileInfo f in info) { try { int extentionPosition = f.Name.IndexOf(".cs"); string className = f.Name.Substring(0, extentionPosition); StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(f.FullName); string fileContents = streamReader.ReadToEnd(); streamReader.Close(); fileContents = fileContents.Replace(" ", ""); if (fileContents.Contains("class" + className + ":Action") || fileContents.Contains("class" + className + ":AC.Action")) { MonoScript script = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <MonoScript> (targetDir + "/" + f.Name); if (script == null) { continue; } Action tempAction = (Action)CreateInstance(script.GetClass()); if (tempAction != null && tempAction is Action) { ActionType newActionType = new ActionType(className, tempAction); // Transfer back data foreach (ActionType oldActionType in oldActionTypes) { if (newActionType.IsMatch(oldActionType)) { newActionType.color = oldActionType.color; newActionType.isEnabled = oldActionType.isEnabled; if (newActionType.color == new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f)) { newActionType.color = Color.white; } if (newActionType.color.a < 1f) { newActionType.color = new Color(newActionType.color.r, newActionType.color.g, newActionType.color.b, 1f); } } } actionsManager.AllActions.Add(newActionType); } } else { ACDebug.LogError("The script '" + f.FullName + "' must derive from AC's Action class in order to be available as an Action."); } } catch {} } } catch (System.Exception e) { ACDebug.LogWarning("Can't access directory " + "Assets/" + actionsManager.customFolderPath + " - does it exist?\n\nException: " + e); } } actionsManager.AllActions.Sort(delegate(ActionType i1, ActionType i2) { return(i1.GetFullTitle(true).CompareTo(i2.GetFullTitle(true))); }); }
private void SearchForInstances(bool justLocal, ActionType actionType) { if (searchedAssets != null) { searchedAssets.Clear(); } if (justLocal) { SearchSceneForType("", actionType); return; } string[] sceneFiles = AdvGame.GetSceneFiles(); // First look for lines that already have an assigned lineID foreach (string sceneFile in sceneFiles) { SearchSceneForType(sceneFile, actionType); } // Settings if (KickStarter.settingsManager) { SearchAssetForType(KickStarter.settingsManager.actionListOnStart, actionType); if (KickStarter.settingsManager.activeInputs != null) { foreach (ActiveInput activeInput in KickStarter.settingsManager.activeInputs) { SearchAssetForType(activeInput.actionListAsset, actionType); } } } // Inventory if (KickStarter.inventoryManager) { SearchAssetForType(KickStarter.inventoryManager.unhandledCombine, actionType); SearchAssetForType(KickStarter.inventoryManager.unhandledHotspot, actionType); SearchAssetForType(KickStarter.inventoryManager.unhandledGive, actionType); // Item-specific events if (KickStarter.inventoryManager.items.Count > 0) { foreach (InvItem item in (KickStarter.inventoryManager.items)) { SearchAssetForType(item.useActionList, actionType); SearchAssetForType(item.lookActionList, actionType); SearchAssetForType(item.unhandledActionList, actionType); SearchAssetForType(item.unhandledCombineActionList, actionType); foreach (ActionListAsset actionList in item.combineActionList) { SearchAssetForType(actionList, actionType); } foreach (InvInteraction interaction in item.interactions) { if (interaction.actionList != null) { SearchAssetForType(interaction.actionList, actionType); } } } } foreach (Recipe recipe in { SearchAssetForType(recipe.invActionList, actionType); SearchAssetForType(recipe.actionListOnCreate, actionType); } } // Cursor if (KickStarter.cursorManager) { // Prefixes foreach (ActionListAsset actionListAsset in KickStarter.cursorManager.unhandledCursorInteractions) { SearchAssetForType(actionListAsset, actionType); } } // Menus if (KickStarter.menuManager) { // Gather elements if (KickStarter.menuManager.menus.Count > 0) { foreach (AC.Menu menu in KickStarter.menuManager.menus) { SearchAssetForType(menu.actionListOnTurnOff, actionType); SearchAssetForType(menu.actionListOnTurnOn, actionType); foreach (MenuElement element in menu.elements) { if (element is MenuButton) { MenuButton button = (MenuButton)element; if (button.buttonClickType == AC_ButtonClickType.RunActionList) { SearchAssetForType(button.actionList, actionType); } } else if (element is MenuSavesList) { MenuSavesList button = (MenuSavesList)element; SearchAssetForType(button.actionListOnSave, actionType); } else if (element is MenuCycle) { MenuCycle cycle = (MenuCycle)element; SearchAssetForType(cycle.actionListOnClick, actionType); } else if (element is MenuJournal) { MenuJournal journal = (MenuJournal)element; SearchAssetForType(journal.actionListOnAddPage, actionType); } else if (element is MenuSlider) { MenuSlider slider = (MenuSlider)element; SearchAssetForType(slider.actionListOnChange, actionType); } else if (element is MenuToggle) { MenuToggle toggle = (MenuToggle)element; SearchAssetForType(toggle.actionListOnClick, actionType); } else if (element is MenuProfilesList) { MenuProfilesList profilesList = (MenuProfilesList)element; SearchAssetForType(profilesList.actionListOnClick, actionType); } } } } } searchedAssets.Clear(); }
public void ShowGUI() { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(CustomStyles.thinBox); showEditing = CustomGUILayout.ToggleHeader(showEditing, "ActionList editing settings"); if (showEditing) { displayActionsInInspector = CustomGUILayout.ToggleLeft("List Actions in Inspector window?", displayActionsInInspector, "AC.KickStarter.actionsManager.displayActionsInInspector"); displayActionsInEditor = (DisplayActionsInEditor)CustomGUILayout.EnumPopup("Actions in Editor are:", displayActionsInEditor, "AC.KickStarter.actionsManager.displayActionsInEditor"); actionListEditorScrollWheel = (ActionListEditorScrollWheel)CustomGUILayout.EnumPopup("Using scroll-wheel:", actionListEditorScrollWheel, "AC.KickStarter.actionsManager.actionListEditorScrollWheel"); panSpeed = CustomGUILayout.FloatField((actionListEditorScrollWheel == ActionListEditorScrollWheel.PansWindow) ? "Panning speed:" : "Zoom speed:", panSpeed, "AC.KickStarter.actionsManager.panSpeed"); invertPanning = CustomGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Invert panning in ActionList Editor?", invertPanning, "AC.KickStarter.actionsManager.invertPanning"); allowMultipleActionListWindows = CustomGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Allow multiple ActionList Editor windows?", allowMultipleActionListWindows, "AC.KickStarter.actionsManager.allowMultipleActionListWindows"); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); EditorGUILayout.Space(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(CustomStyles.thinBox); showCustom = CustomGUILayout.ToggleHeader(showCustom, "Custom Action scripts"); if (showCustom) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Folder to search:", GUILayout.Width(110f)); GUILayout.Label(customFolderPath, EditorStyles.textField); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Set directory")) { string path = EditorUtility.OpenFolderPanel("Set custom Actions directory", "Assets", ""); string dataPath = Application.dataPath; if (path.Contains(dataPath)) { if (path == dataPath) { customFolderPath = ""; } else { customFolderPath = path.Replace(dataPath + "/", ""); } } else { ACDebug.LogError("Cannot set new directory - be sure to select within the Assets directory."); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); if (AllActions.Count > 0) { GUILayout.Space(10); Upgrade(); EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(CustomStyles.thinBox); showCategories = CustomGUILayout.ToggleHeader(showCategories, "Action categories"); if (showCategories) { ActionCategory[] categories = (ActionCategory[])System.Enum.GetValues(typeof(ActionCategory)); for (int i = 0; i < categories.Length; i++) { toggles[i] = GUILayout.Toggle(toggles[i], categories[i].ToString(), "Button"); if (toggles[i]) { int j = -1; foreach (ActionType subclass in AllActions) { if (subclass.category == categories[i]) { j++; int enabledIndex = -1; if (EnabledActions.Contains(subclass)) { enabledIndex = EnabledActions.IndexOf(subclass); } if (selectedClass != null && subclass.category == selectedClass.category && subclass.title == selectedClass.title) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical("Button"); SpeechLine.ShowField("Name:", subclass.GetFullTitle(), false); SpeechLine.ShowField("Filename:", subclass.fileName + ".cs", false); SpeechLine.ShowField("Description:", subclass.description, true); subclass.isEnabled = true; EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (enabledIndex >= 0) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultClassName) && subclass.fileName == defaultClassName) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("DEFAULT", CustomStyles.subHeader, GUILayout.Width(140f)); } else if (subclass.isEnabled) { if (GUILayout.Button("Make default?", GUILayout.Width(140f))) { if (EnabledActions.Contains(subclass)) { defaultClassName = subclass.fileName; } } } } subclass.color = EditorGUILayout.ColorField("Node colour:", subclass.color); EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button("Search local instances")) { SearchForInstances(true, subclass); } if (GUILayout.Button("Search all instances")) { if (UnityVersionHandler.SaveSceneIfUserWants()) { SearchForInstances(false, subclass); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } else { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); if (GUILayout.Button(j.ToString() + ": " + subclass.GetFullTitle(), EditorStyles.label, GUILayout.Width(200f))) { selectedClass = subclass; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultClassName) && subclass.fileName == defaultClassName) { EditorGUILayout.LabelField("DEFAULT", CustomStyles.subHeader, GUILayout.Width(60f)); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Box("", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true), GUILayout.Height(1)); } } } if (j < 0) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("There are no Actions of this category type present!", MessageType.Info); } } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); if (defaultClass > EnabledActions.Count - 1) { defaultClass = EnabledActions.Count - 1; } } else { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("No Action subclass files found.", MessageType.Warning); } if (GUI.changed) { SetEnabled(); Upgrade(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(this); } }