Пример #1
        public List <GraphNode> GetNearestNeighbours(List <float[]> input)
            // Assign each point in the input data to the nearest node in
            // the graph. Return the list of the nearest node instances, and
            // the list of distances.

            List <GraphNode> nodes     = new List <GraphNode>();
            List <double>    distances = new List <double>();

            foreach (float[] pos in input)
                NNResult nnresult = this.g.GetNearestNodes(pos);
Пример #2
        public NNResult GetNearestNodes(float[] sample)
            DataTable dt = GetDataTable();

            double[,] results = NearestNeighbour.GetTwoNearestNeighbours(metric, numThreads, this.insertNodeCount, dt.NumDimensions, sample, dt.GetData());

            int first_index  = (int)results[0, 1];
            int second_index = (int)results[1, 1];

            NNResult nnresult = new NNResult();

            nnresult.nearestNeighbour0 = (GraphNode)dt.GetDataObject(first_index);
            nnresult.distance0         = results[0, 0];
            nnresult.index0            = first_index;

            nnresult.nearestNeightbour1 = (GraphNode)dt.GetDataObject(second_index);
            nnresult.distance1          = results[1, 0];
            nnresult.index1             = second_index;

Пример #3
        public void train(List <float[]> input)

            if (this.graph.GetNodeCount() == 0)
                // if missing, generate two initial nodes at random
                // assuming that the input data has zero mean and unit variance,
                // choose the random position according to a gaussian distribution
                // with zero mean and unit variance
                GraphNode g1 = graph.AddNode(input[0], tlen);
                GraphNode g2 = graph.AddNode(input[1], tlen);
                //graph.addEdge(g1, g2);

            foreach (float[] sample in input)

                // step 2 - find the nearest nodes
                //  dists are the squared distances of sample from the 2 nn
                NNResult  nnresult = this.graph.GetNearestNodes(sample);
                GraphNode n0       = nnresult.nearestNeighbour0;
                GraphNode n1       = nnresult.nearestNeightbour1;

                // step 3 increase age of the emanating edges
                foreach (GraphEdge e in n0.getEdges())

                double n0CumError = getCumError(n0);
                if (this.metric == 1)
                    n0CumError += Math.Sqrt(nnresult.distance0); // do the sqrt here instead of the nn call
                //n0CumError += nnresult.distance0; // Fritzke says add the SQUARED distance ......do the sqrt here instead of the nn call
                    n0CumError += Math.Abs(nnresult.distance0); // cosine
                setCumError(n0, n0CumError);

                // step 5 - move nearest node and neighbours
                this.moveNode(n0, sample, this.eps_b);
                List <GraphNode> neighbours = n0.getNeighbours();
                foreach (GraphNode n in neighbours)
                    moveNode(n, sample, this.eps_n);

                // step 6 update n0<->n1 edge
                if (neighbours.Contains(n1))
                    // should only be one edge
                    List <GraphEdge> edges = n0.getEdges(n1);
                    edges[0].Age = 0;
                    "Adding edge {0} id0: {1} id1: {2} ".Cout(this.tlen, nnresult.index0, nnresult.index1);
                    this.graph.addEdge(n0, n1);

                // step 7

                // step 8 - add a new node each lambda steps
                if (this.tlen % this.lambda == 0 && graph.GetNodeCount() < this.max_nodes)
                    foreach (GraphNode zn in this.graph.getNodes())
                        float[] pos = this.graph.GetNodePosition(zn);

                        double cumError = zn.getCumError(tlen, this.d);

                        //Console.WriteLine("{4} [{0},{1},{2}]  {3}", pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], cumError, tlen);

                    //if (tlen > 2000)
                    //    Console.WriteLine("stop");


                if (this.tlen % 10000 == 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("Number of Nodes: {0}, Number of edges: {1}", this.graph.GetNodeCount(), this.graph.GetEdgeCount());

                // step 9 - no step 9

            "tlen:{0} insert_node_count: {1} removed_node_count: {2}".Cout(this.tlen, this.graph.InsertNodeCount, this.graph.RemovedNodeCount);
            Console.WriteLine("Number of Nodes: {0}, Number of edges: {1}", this.graph.GetNodeCount(), this.graph.GetEdgeCount());