static extern int sendto( uint s, [InAttribute()] [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string buf, int len, int flags, ref sockaddr to, int tolen);
public static extern unsafe size_t sendto(int sockfd, void* buf, size_t len, int flags, sockaddr* dest_addr, socklen_t addrlen);
public int ip6_addr(string ip, int port, out sockaddr addr, out Exception error) { return Check(_uv_ip6_addr(ip, port, out addr), out error); }
static extern int recvfrom(uint s, IntPtr buf, int len, int flags, ref sockaddr from, ref int fromlen);
public static extern unsafe int bind(int sockfd, sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addrlen);
public static extern int uv_ip6_addr(string ip, int port, out sockaddr addr);
public static extern unsafe size_t recvfrom(int sockfd, void* buf, size_t len, int flags, sockaddr* dest_addr, socklen_t* addrlen);
//int setsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, const void* optval, int optlen); public unsafe static int bind(this SOCKET s, sockaddr* name, int namelen) { return default(int); }
public static extern int sendto([In] IntPtr socketHandle, [In] byte[] pinnedBuffer, [In] int len, [In] SocketFlags socketFlags, ref sockaddr SockAdd, [In] int Size);
public void AdressResolved(object sender, EventArgs info) { NSNetService ns = (NSNetService)sender; servicesFound.Remove(ns); ServiceLocation sl = new ServiceLocation(IPAddress.None, 0, ""); foreach (var addr in ns.Addresses) { sockaddr socket_address = (sockaddr)Marshal.PtrToStructure(addr.Bytes, typeof(sockaddr)); if (socket_address.sa_family != AF_INET) { Logger.Info("Ignoring service since it's socket type is not AF_INET but {0:d}", socket_address.sa_family); continue; } sockaddr_in IP4 = (sockaddr_in)Marshal.PtrToStructure(addr.Bytes, typeof(sockaddr_in)); IPAddress address = new IPAddress(IP4.sin_addr); Logger.Info("Checking out service at {0}:{1}", address, ns.Port); sl = new ServiceLocation(address, (int)ns.Port, ns.Name); Logger.Debug("Got IP " + address.ToString()); if (createdInterfaces.Keys.Contains(sl)) { Logger.Info("Skipping registration of service at {0}:{1} since already registerd", address, ns.Port); return; } } Logger.Info("A new ethernet interface was found at {0}:{1}", sl.ip, sl.port); Logger.Info("Starting new thread to instantiate Ethernet scope"); Thread EtherScopeInstantiationThread = new Thread(delegate() { SmartScopeInterfaceEthernet ethif = null; try { ethif = new SmartScopeInterfaceEthernet( sl.ip, sl.port, OnInterfaceDisconnect); if (ethif.Connected) { createdInterfaces.Add(sl, ethif); if (onConnect != null) { onConnect(ethif, true); } } else { LabNation.Common.Logger.Info("... but could not connect to ethernet interface"); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Error("Failed to connect to ethernet scope {0}:{1}", e.GetType(), e.Message); if (ethif != null) { if (createdInterfaces.ContainsKey(sl)) { createdInterfaces.Remove(sl); if (onConnect != null) { onConnect(ethif, false); } } } } }); EtherScopeInstantiationThread.Name = "Ethernet Scope instantiation"; EtherScopeInstantiationThread.Start(); }
private static extern int bind(IntPtr socket, ref sockaddr addr, int namelen);
private static extern int connect(IntPtr Sock, ref sockaddr SockAdd, int Size);
public static extern int getpeername([In] IntPtr socketHandle, ref sockaddr SockAdd, ref int Size);
public static extern unsafe int connect(int sockfd, sockaddr* addr, socklen_t addrlen);
public static extern int connect(IntPtr socketHandle, ref sockaddr Address, ref int Addresslen);
private static (ptr <netFD>, error) unixSocket(context.Context ctx, @string net, sockaddr laddr, sockaddr raddr, @string mode, Func <@string, @string, syscall.RawConn, error> ctrlFn) { ptr <netFD> _p0 = default !;
public static extern int getpeername(IntPtr s, ref sockaddr Address, ref int namelen);
//__socketcall int bind(int, const struct sockaddr *, int); //__socketcall ssize_t recvfrom(int, void*, size_t, unsigned int, const struct sockaddr *, socklen_t*); public unsafe static int recvfrom( this SOCKET s, byte* buf, int len, uint flags, sockaddr* from, int* fromlen ) { return default(int); }
// socket returns a network file descriptor that is ready for // asynchronous I/O using the network poller. private static (ptr <netFD>, error) socket(context.Context ctx, @string net, long family, long sotype, long proto, bool ipv6only, sockaddr laddr, sockaddr raddr, Func <@string, @string, syscall.RawConn, error> ctrlFn) { ptr <netFD> fd = default !;
public static extern int uv_tcp_bind(UvTcpHandle handle, ref sockaddr addr, int flags);
public int sceNetInetBind(int SocketId, sockaddr *Address, socklen_t AddressLength) { throw(new NotImplementedException()); }
public void tcp_bind(UvTcpHandle handle, ref sockaddr addr, int flags) { handle.Validate(); Check(_uv_tcp_bind(handle, ref addr, flags)); }
// Implemented functions from IDevice public DevicePool Inquire() { DevicePool pool = new DevicePool(); IntPtr lpwsaqueryset = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WSAQUERYSET))); WSAQUERYSET wsaqueryset = new WSAQUERYSET(); wsaqueryset.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(WSAQUERYSET)); wsaqueryset.dwNameSpace = 16; WSAData data = new WSAData(); data.wHighVersion = 2; data.wVersion = 2; Marshal.StructureToPtr(wsaqueryset,lpwsaqueryset,false); int flags = (int)0x0002; flags |= (int)(0x1000|0x0010|0x0100); Int32 handle = 0; int result = 0; result = WSAStartup(36,data); if(result != 0) { throw new Exception("WSA Error, make sure you have the newest version (at least 2.2) of Winsock2!"); } result = WSALookupServiceBegin(wsaqueryset,flags,ref handle); if (result == -1) { int error = WSAGetLastError(); if (error == 10108) // No device attached { throw new Exception("You do not have a bluetooth device on your system."); } } while (0 == result) { Int32 dwBuffer = 0x10000; IntPtr pBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(dwBuffer); WSAQUERYSET qsResult = new WSAQUERYSET() ; result = WSALookupServiceNext(handle, flags, ref dwBuffer, pBuffer); if (0==result) { Marshal.PtrToStructure(pBuffer, qsResult); CS_ADDR_INFO addr = new CS_ADDR_INFO(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(qsResult.lpcsaBuffer, addr); sockaddr sa = new sockaddr(); Marshal.PtrToStructure(addr.RemoteAddr.lpSockaddr,sa); monotooth.BluetoothAddress ba = new BluetoothAddress(); for (int i = 5; i >= 0; i--) { ba.Array[i] = sa.sa_data[i]; } WindowsRemoteDevice dev = new WindowsRemoteDevice(ba, qsResult.szServiceInstanceName); pool.Add(dev); } else { WSALookupServiceEnd(handle); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(pBuffer); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(lpwsaqueryset); WSACleanup(); return pool; }
static int recvfrom_Hooked(uint s, IntPtr buf, int len, int flags, ref sockaddr from, ref int fromlen) { int res = 0; try { MalMonInject This = (MalMonInject)HookRuntimeInfo.Callback; res = This.NetApis.recvfromFunc(s, buf, len, flags, ref from, ref fromlen); lock (This.Queue) { //Time + Pid + Tid + Api + Content This.Queue.Push(ActivityMonitor.FormatMessage(DateTime.Now, "recvfrom", Marshal.PtrToStringUni(buf))); } } catch { } return res; }
static int sendto_Hooked( uint s, [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] string buf, int len, int flags, ref sockaddr to, int tolen) { try { MalMonInject This = (MalMonInject)HookRuntimeInfo.Callback; lock (This.Queue) { //Time + Pid + Tid + Api + Content This.Queue.Push(ActivityMonitor.FormatMessage(DateTime.Now, "send", buf)); } } catch { } return send(s, buf, len, flags); }
public int ip4_addr(string ip, int port, out sockaddr addr, out Exception error) { return(Check(_uv_ip4_addr(ip, port, out addr), out error)); }
public static extern unsafe int getsockname(int sockfd, sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen);
public static extern unsafe int accept(int sockfd, sockaddr* addr, socklen_t* addrlen);
public static extern unsafe int getnameinfo(sockaddr* sa, socklen_t salen, StringBuilder host, socklen_t hostlen, StringBuilder serv, socklen_t servlen, int flags);
public TcpConnection accept() { Debug.Assert(dispatcher != null); Debug.Assert(context == null); if (dispatcher.interrupted()) { throw InterruptedException(); } ContextPair contextPair = new ContextPair(); OperationContext listenerContext = new OperationContext(); listenerContext.interrupted = false; listenerContext.context = dispatcher.getCurrentContext(); contextPair.writeContext = null; contextPair.readContext = listenerContext; epoll_event listenEvent = new epoll_event(); = EPOLLIN | EPOLLONESHOT; = contextPair; string message; if (epoll_ctl(dispatcher.getEpoll(), EPOLL_CTL_MOD, listener, listenEvent) == -1) { message = "epoll_ctl failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { context = listenerContext; dispatcher.getCurrentContext().interruptProcedure = () => { Debug.Assert(dispatcher != null); Debug.Assert(context != null); OperationContext listenerContext = (OperationContext)context; if (!listenerContext.interrupted) { epoll_event listenEvent = new epoll_event(); = EPOLLONESHOT; = null; if (epoll_ctl(dispatcher.getEpoll(), EPOLL_CTL_MOD, listener, listenEvent) == -1) { throw new System.Exception("TcpListener::accept, interrupt procedure, epoll_ctl failed, " + lastErrorMessage()); } listenerContext.interrupted = true; dispatcher.pushContext(listenerContext.context); } }; dispatcher.dispatch(); dispatcher.getCurrentContext().interruptProcedure = null; Debug.Assert(dispatcher != null); Debug.Assert(listenerContext.context == dispatcher.getCurrentContext()); Debug.Assert(contextPair.writeContext == null); Debug.Assert(context == &listenerContext); context = null; listenerContext.context = null; if (listenerContext.interrupted) { throw InterruptedException(); } if (( & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP)) != 0) { throw new System.Exception("TcpListener::accept, accepting failed"); } sockaddr inAddr = new sockaddr(); socklen_t inLen = sizeof(sockaddr); int connection = global::accept(listener, inAddr, inLen); if (connection == -1) { message = "accept failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { int flags = fcntl(connection, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1 || fcntl(connection, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { message = "fcntl failed, " + lastErrorMessage(); } else { return(new TcpConnection(dispatcher, connection)); } int result = close(connection); if (result != 0) { } Debug.Assert(result != -1); } } throw new System.Exception("TcpListener::accept, " + message); }