private void btnAddCommand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = txtName.Text.Trim(); string execute = txtExecute.Text.Trim(); if (OC != null) { = name; OC.command = execute; OC.emitshortcut = txtShortcutKeys.Text.Trim(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); return; } if (MainForm.RemoteCommands.SingleOrDefault(p => == name) != null) { MessageBox.Show(LocRm.GetString("UniqueNameCommand")); return; } var oc = new objectsCommand { name = name, command = execute, id = MainForm.NextCommandId, emitshortcut = txtShortcutKeys.Text.Trim() }; MainForm.RemoteCommands.Add(oc); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
private void btnAddCommand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = txtName.Text.Trim(); string execute = txtExecute.Text.Trim(); if (OC != null) { = name; OC.command = execute; OC.emitshortcut = txtShortcutKeys.Text.Trim(); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); return; } if (MainForm.RemoteCommands.SingleOrDefault(p => == name) != null) { MessageBox.Show(LocRm.GetString("UniqueNameCommand")); return; } var oc = new objectsCommand { name = name, command = execute, id = MainForm.NextCommandId, emitshortcut = txtShortcutKeys.Text.Trim()}; MainForm.RemoteCommands.Add(oc); DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); }
private void Constrain(objectsCommand cmd) { var loc = cmd.location.Split(','); var sz = cmd.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); w = Math.Min(Width, w); h = Math.Min(Height, h); var nx = Math.Max(x, 0); var ny = Math.Max(y, 0); nx = Math.Min(nx, Width - w); ny = Math.Min(ny, Height - h); //snap w/h to nearest grid w = Convert.ToInt32(((int)Math.Round(w / SnapGrid)) * SnapGrid); h = Convert.ToInt32(((int)Math.Round(h / SnapGrid)) * SnapGrid); nx = Convert.ToInt32(((int)Math.Round(nx / SnapGrid)) * SnapGrid); ny = Convert.ToInt32(((int)Math.Round(ny / SnapGrid)) * SnapGrid); cmd.location = nx + "," + ny; cmd.size = w + "x" + h; }
public void Reposition() { if (CurButton != null) { _editing = CurButton; Invalidate(); } }
private void TmrRefreshTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_flashButton != null && (DateTime.UtcNow - _flashTime).TotalMilliseconds > 500) { _flashButton = null; Invalidate(); } }
private void RunCommand(int commandIndex) { objectsCommand oc = RemoteCommands.FirstOrDefault(p => == commandIndex); if (oc != null) { RunCommand(oc.command); } }
void CommandButtonsMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) { bool over = false; foreach (var btn in MainForm.RemoteCommands) { if (btn.inwindow) { var loc = btn.location.Split(','); var sz = btn.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); if (e.X > x && e.Y > y && e.X < x + w && e.Y < y + h) { CurButton = btn; over = true; } } } if (!over) CurButton = null; } else { if (_resizing!=null) { var loc = _resizing.location.Split(','); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); _resizing.size = Math.Max(Math.Min(e.Location.X,Width) - x,10) + "x" + Math.Max((Math.Min(e.Location.Y,Height) - y),10); Constrain(_resizing); } else { if (_editing!=null) { var nx = (e.Location.X - _dx); var ny = (e.Location.Y - _dy); _editing.location = nx + "," + ny; Constrain(_editing); } } Invalidate(); } }
void TmrRefreshTick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_flashButton != null) { if ((DateTime.UtcNow - _flashTime).TotalMilliseconds > 500) { _flashButton = null; Invalidate(); } } }
public void Add(Point p) { using (var ecb = new AddCommandButton { location = p }) { if (ecb.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { _editing = ecb.CMD; Constrain(_editing); } } Invalidate(); }
private void CommandButtonsMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) { bool over = false; foreach (var btn in MainForm.RemoteCommands) { if (btn.inwindow) { var loc = btn.location.Split(','); var sz = btn.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); if (e.X > x && e.Y > y && e.X < x + w && e.Y < y + h) { CurButton = btn; over = true; } } } if (!over) { CurButton = null; } } else { if (_resizing != null) { var loc = _resizing.location.Split(','); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); _resizing.size = Math.Max(Math.Min(e.Location.X, Width) - x, 10) + "x" + Math.Max((Math.Min(e.Location.Y, Height) - y), 10); Constrain(_resizing); } else { if (_editing != null) { var nx = (e.Location.X - _dx); var ny = (e.Location.Y - _dy); _editing.location = nx + "," + ny; Constrain(_editing); } } Invalidate(); } }
private void lbManualAlerts_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbManualAlerts.SelectedIndex > -1) { string al = lbManualAlerts.SelectedItem.ToString(); al = al.Substring(0, al.IndexOf(":")).Trim(); objectsCommand oc = MainForm.RemoteCommands.Where(p => == Convert.ToInt32(al)).FirstOrDefault(); if (oc != null) { lblCommand.Text = oc.command; } } }
private void BtnDeleteClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbManualAlerts.SelectedIndex > -1) { var c = (MainForm.ListItem2)lbManualAlerts.SelectedItem; objectsCommand oc = MainForm.RemoteCommands.FirstOrDefault(p => == c.Value); if (oc != null) { MainForm.RemoteCommands.Remove(oc); RenderCommands(); } } }
private void BtnDeleteClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbManualAlerts.SelectedIndex > -1) { string al = lbManualAlerts.SelectedItem.ToString(); al = al.Substring(0, al.IndexOf(":")).Trim(); objectsCommand oc = MainForm.RemoteCommands.Where(p => == Convert.ToInt32(al)).FirstOrDefault(); if (oc != null) { MainForm.RemoteCommands.Remove(oc); RenderCommands(); } } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CMD = MainForm.RemoteCommands.FirstOrDefault(p => == ((MainForm.ListItem2)ddlCommand.SelectedItem).Value); if (CMD != null) { CMD.font = CustomFont.SerializeFontAttribute; CMD.color = color.ToRGBString(); CMD.backcolor = backColor.ToRGBString(); CMD.size = numW.Value + "x" + numH.Value; CMD.location = locX.Value + "," + locY.Value; CMD.inwindow = true; DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; } Close(); }
private void BtnAddCommandClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = txtName.Text.Trim(); string execute = txtExecute.Text.Trim(); if (MainForm.RemoteCommands.SingleOrDefault(p => == name) != null) { MessageBox.Show(LocRm.GetString("UniqueNameCommand")); return; } var oc = new objectsCommand { name = name, command = execute, id = MainForm.NextCommandId }; MainForm.RemoteCommands.Add(oc); RenderCommands(); }
private void lbManualAlerts_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbManualAlerts.SelectedIndex > -1) { var c = (MainForm.ListItem)lbManualAlerts.SelectedItem; objectsCommand oc = MainForm.RemoteCommands.FirstOrDefault(p => == (int)c.Value); if (oc != null) { string s = oc.command; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oc.emitshortcut) && oc.emitshortcut != "") { s = oc.emitshortcut + " & " + oc.command; } lblCommand.Text = s; } } btnDelete.Enabled = btnEditCommand.Enabled = lbManualAlerts.SelectedIndex > -1; }
private void btnEditCommand_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbManualAlerts.SelectedIndex > -1) { var c = (MainForm.ListItem2)lbManualAlerts.SelectedItem; objectsCommand oc = MainForm.RemoteCommands.FirstOrDefault(p => == c.Value); if (oc != null) { using (var arc = new AddRemoteCommand { OC = oc }) { if (arc.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { RenderCommands(); } } } } }
private void lbManualAlerts_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lbManualAlerts.SelectedIndex>-1) { string al = lbManualAlerts.SelectedItem.ToString(); al = al.Substring(0, al.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal)).Trim(); objectsCommand oc = MainForm.RemoteCommands.FirstOrDefault(p => == Convert.ToInt32(al)); if (oc != null) { string s = oc.command; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(oc.emitshortcut)) { if (oc.emitshortcut != "") s = oc.emitshortcut + " & " + oc.command; } lblCommand.Text = s; } } }
private void CommandButtonControl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (_editing != null) { return; } if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { bool over = false; foreach (var btn in MainForm.RemoteCommands) { if (btn.inwindow) { var loc = btn.location.Split(','); var sz = btn.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); if (e.X > x && e.Y > y && e.X < x + w && e.Y < y + h) { CurButton = btn; over = true; } } } if (!over) { CurButton = null; } if (CurButton == _cmdDown && CurButton != null) { _flashButton = CurButton; _flashTime = DateTime.UtcNow; Invalidate(); MainForm.InstanceReference.RunCommand(; } } }
private void CommandButtonsMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (_editing != null) { var loc = _editing.location.Split(','); var sz = _editing.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((x + w) - e.Location.X, 2) + Math.Pow((y + h) - e.Location.Y, 2)) < 20) { _resizing = _editing; return; } _resizing = null; } if (CurButton != _editing) { _cmdDown = CurButton; _editing = null; _resizing = null; Invalidate(); } else { if (_editing != null && CurButton == _editing) { var loc = _editing.location.Split(','); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); _dx = e.Location.X - x; _dy = e.Location.Y - y; } } } }
private void DrawButton(objectsCommand btn, Graphics g) { var loc = btn.location.Split(','); var sz = btn.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); using (var b = new SolidBrush(btn.backcolor.ToColor())) { g.FillRectangle(b, x, y, w, h); } var p = btn == _flashButton ? new Pen(Color.Red, 2) : new Pen(Color.DarkGray); g.DrawRectangle(p, x, y, w, h); p.Dispose(); var f = FontXmlConverter.ConvertToFont(btn.font); var n =; if (n.StartsWith("cmd_")) { n = LocRm.GetString(n); } var ts = g.MeasureString(n, f); var fx = Convert.ToInt32(w / 2d - ts.Width / 2); var fy = Convert.ToInt32(h / 2d - ts.Height / 2); using (var b = new SolidBrush(btn.color.ToColor())) { g.DrawString(n, f, b, x + fx, y + fy); } if (_editing == btn) { g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, x + w - 10, y + h - 10, 20, 20); } }
public void RunCommand(int commandIndex) { objectsCommand oc = RemoteCommands.FirstOrDefault(p => == commandIndex); if (oc != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oc.command)) { RunCommand(oc.command); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oc.emitshortcut)) { var converter = new KeysConverter(); var keys = converter.ConvertFromString(oc.emitshortcut); if (keys != null) { var shortcutKeys = (Keys)keys; MainForm_KeyDown(this, new KeyEventArgs(shortcutKeys)); } } } }
public static objectsCommand[] GenerateRemoteCommands() { //copy over var lcom = new List <objectsCommand>(); var cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALLON", id = 0, name = "cmd_SwitchAllOn", }; lcom.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALLOFF", id = 1, name = "cmd_SwitchAllOff", }; lcom.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy APPLYSCHEDULE", id = 2, name = "cmd_ApplySchedule", }; lcom.Add(cmd); if (Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Recording)) { cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDONDETECTON", id = 3, name = "cmd_RecordOnDetectAll", }; lcom.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDONALERTON", id = 4, name = "cmd_RecordOnAlertAll", }; lcom.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDINGOFF", id = 5, name = "cmd_RecordOffAll", }; lcom.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORD", id = 8, name = "cmd_RecordAll", }; lcom.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDSTOP", id = 9, name = "cmd_RecordAllStop", }; lcom.Add(cmd); } cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALERTON", id = 6, name = "cmd_AlertsOnAll", }; lcom.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALERTOFF", id = 7, name = "cmd_AlertsOffAll", }; lcom.Add(cmd); if (Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Save_Frames)) { cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy SNAPSHOT", id = 10, name = "cmd_SnapshotAll", }; lcom.Add(cmd); } return(lcom.ToArray()); }
public static void InitRemoteCommands() { //copy over _remotecommands.Clear(); var cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALLON", id = 0, name = "cmd_SwitchAllOn", smscommand = "ALL ON" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALLOFF", id = 1, name = "cmd_SwitchAllOff", smscommand = "ALL OFF" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy APPLYSCHEDULE", id = 2, name = "cmd_ApplySchedule", smscommand = "APPLY SCHEDULE" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDONDETECTON", id = 3, name = "cmd_RecordOnDetectAll", smscommand = "RECORDONDETECTON" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDONALERTON", id = 4, name = "cmd_RecordOnAlertAll", smscommand = "RECORDONALERTON" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDINGOFF", id = 5, name = "cmd_RecordOffAll", smscommand = "RECORDINGOFF" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALERTON", id = 6, name = "cmd_AlertsOnAll", smscommand = "ALERTSON" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALERTOFF", id = 7, name = "cmd_AlertsOffAll", smscommand = "ALERTSOFF" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORD", id = 8, name = "cmd_RecordAll", smscommand = "RECORD" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDSTOP", id = 9, name = "cmd_RecordAllStop", smscommand = "RECORDSTOP" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy SNAPSHOT", id = 10, name = "cmd_SnapshotAll", smscommand = "SNAPSHOT" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); }
public static void InitRemoteCommands() { //copy over _remotecommands.Clear(); var cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALLON", id = 0, name = "cmd_SwitchAllOn", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALLOFF", id = 1, name = "cmd_SwitchAllOff", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy APPLYSCHEDULE", id = 2, name = "cmd_ApplySchedule", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); if (Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Recording)) { cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDONDETECTON", id = 3, name = "cmd_RecordOnDetectAll", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDONALERTON", id = 4, name = "cmd_RecordOnAlertAll", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDINGOFF", id = 5, name = "cmd_RecordOffAll", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORD", id = 8, name = "cmd_RecordAll", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy RECORDSTOP", id = 9, name = "cmd_RecordAllStop", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); } cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALERTON", id = 6, name = "cmd_AlertsOnAll", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALERTOFF", id = 7, name = "cmd_AlertsOffAll", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); if (Helper.HasFeature(Enums.Features.Save_Frames)) { cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy SNAPSHOT", id = 10, name = "cmd_SnapshotAll", }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); } }
private void DrawButton(objectsCommand btn, Graphics g) { var loc = btn.location.Split(','); var sz = btn.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); using (var b = new SolidBrush(btn.backcolor.ToColor())) { g.FillRectangle(b, x, y, w, h); } var p = btn == _flashButton ? new Pen(Color.Red, 2) : new Pen(Color.DarkGray); g.DrawRectangle(p, x, y, w, h); p.Dispose(); var f = FontXmlConverter.ConvertToFont(btn.font); var n =; if (n.StartsWith("cmd_")) n = LocRm.GetString(n); var ts = g.MeasureString(n, f); var fx = Convert.ToInt32(w/2d - ts.Width/2); var fy = Convert.ToInt32(h/2d - ts.Height/2); using (var b = new SolidBrush(btn.color.ToColor())) { g.DrawString(n, f, b, x + fx, y + fy); } if (_editing == btn) { g.FillEllipse(Brushes.Blue, x + w - 10, y + h - 10, 20, 20); } }
private void CommandButtonControl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (_editing != null) return; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { bool over = false; foreach (var btn in MainForm.RemoteCommands) { if (btn.inwindow) { var loc = btn.location.Split(','); var sz = btn.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); if (e.X > x && e.Y > y && e.X < x + w && e.Y < y + h) { CurButton = btn; over = true; } } } if (!over) CurButton = null; if (CurButton == _cmdDown && CurButton!=null) { _flashButton = CurButton; _flashTime = DateTime.UtcNow; Invalidate(); MainForm.InstanceReference.RunCommand(; } } }
private void Constrain(objectsCommand cmd) { var loc = cmd.location.Split(','); var sz = cmd.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); w = Math.Min(Width, w); h = Math.Min(Height, h); var nx = Math.Max(x, 0); var ny = Math.Max(y, 0); nx = Math.Min(nx, Width - w); ny = Math.Min(ny, Height - h); //snap w/h to nearest grid w = Convert.ToInt32(((int)Math.Round(w/SnapGrid)) * SnapGrid); h = Convert.ToInt32(((int)Math.Round(h / SnapGrid)) * SnapGrid); nx = Convert.ToInt32(((int)Math.Round(nx / SnapGrid)) * SnapGrid); ny = Convert.ToInt32(((int)Math.Round(ny / SnapGrid)) * SnapGrid); cmd.location = nx + "," + ny; cmd.size = w + "x" + h; }
private static void LoadObjects(string path) { objects c; var s = new XmlSerializer(typeof (objects)); var fs = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open); TextReader reader = new StreamReader(fs); try { fs.Position = 0; c = (objects) s.Deserialize(reader); fs.Close(); _cameras = c.cameras != null ? c.cameras.ToList() : new List<objectsCamera>(); foreach (objectsCamera oc in _cameras) { //will trigger error for old ispy configs int rw = oc.settings.desktopresizewidth; if (rw == 0) throw new Exception("err_old_config"); } _microphones = c.microphones != null ? c.microphones.ToList() : new List<objectsMicrophone>(); _floorplans = c.floorplans != null ? c.floorplans.ToList() : new List<objectsFloorplan>(); _remotecommands = c.remotecommands != null ? c.remotecommands.ToList() : new List<objectsCommand>(); if (_remotecommands.Count == 0) { //add default remote commands var cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALLON", id = 0, name = "Switch all on", smscommand = "ALL ON" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); cmd = new objectsCommand { command = "ispy ALLOFF", id = 1, name = "Switch all off", smscommand = "ALL OFF" }; _remotecommands.Add(cmd); } int camid = 0; foreach (objectsCamera cam in _cameras) { if ( >= camid) camid = + 1; if ( == null) { = new objectsCameraSettingsYoutube { autoupload = false, category = iSpyServer.Default.YouTubeDefaultCategory, tags = "iSpy, Motion Detection, Surveillance", @public = true }; } cam.newrecordingcount = 0; if ( == null) throw new Exception("err_old_config"); } int micid = 0; foreach (objectsMicrophone mic in _microphones) { if ( >= micid) micid = + 1; if ( == null) throw new Exception("err_old_config"); mic.newrecordingcount = 0; } int fpid = 0; foreach (objectsFloorplan ofp in _floorplans) { if ( >= fpid) fpid = + 1; } int rcid = 0; foreach (objectsCommand ocmd in _remotecommands) { if ( >= rcid) rcid = + 1; } iSpyServer.Default.NextCameraID = camid; iSpyServer.Default.NextMicrophoneID = micid; iSpyServer.Default.NextFloorPlanID = fpid; iSpyServer.Default.NextCommandID = rcid; NeedsSync = true; } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show(LocRM.GetString("ConfigurationChanged"), LocRM.GetString("Error")); _cameras = new List<objectsCamera>(); _microphones = new List<objectsMicrophone>(); _remotecommands = new List<objectsCommand>(); _floorplans = new List<objectsFloorplan>(); } reader.Dispose(); if (fs != null) fs.Dispose(); }
private void CommandButtonsMouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (_editing != null) { var loc = _editing.location.Split(','); var sz = _editing.size.Split('x'); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); var w = Convert.ToInt32(sz[0]); var h = Convert.ToInt32(sz[1]); if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow((x + w) - e.Location.X, 2) + Math.Pow((y + h) - e.Location.Y, 2)) < 20) { _resizing = _editing; return; } _resizing = null; } if (CurButton != _editing) { _cmdDown = CurButton; _editing = null; _resizing = null; Invalidate(); } else { if (_editing!=null && CurButton == _editing) { var loc = _editing.location.Split(','); var x = Convert.ToInt32(loc[0]); var y = Convert.ToInt32(loc[1]); _dx = e.Location.X - x; _dy = e.Location.Y - y; } } } }