Пример #1
    ai_state current_state = ai_state.idle;                      //instantiates the ai with an idle state.

    public IEnumerator Dodge()                         //this is the dodge of the AI, it will randomly choose left or right dodges.
        alerted = false;                               //set alert to false to make the AI stop chasing the player to allow dodging.
        dodge   = (dodge_direction)Random.Range(0, 2); //randomly picks a direction to dodge. 0 is left, 1 is right.
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(dodge_time));

        alerted = true; //set alert back to true to make the AI chase the player again.
        dodge   = dodge_direction.not_dodging;
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(cooldown_action));

        performing_action = false;          //the AI is done with the action
Пример #2
    protected IEnumerator Dodge()                      //this is the dodge of the AI, it will randomly choose left or right dodges.
        alerted = false;                               //set alert to false to make the AI stop chasing the player to allow dodging.
        dodge   = (dodge_direction)Random.Range(0, 2); //randomly picks a direction to dodge. 0 is left, 1 is right.
        if (dodge == dodge_direction.left)
        else if (dodge == dodge_direction.right)
        cooldown_action = Random.Range(cooldown_action_min, cooldown_action_max);
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(dodge_time));

        alerted = true;                        //set alert back to true to make the AI chase the player again.
        dodge   = dodge_direction.not_dodging; //reset the dodge's direction to no direction otherwise known as not_dodging.
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(cooldown_action));

        performing_action = false;          //the AI is done with the action